the tribune stouffville ont- thursday march 2s 1946 spring is in the air time for housecleaning look over this list for voir cleaning needs boxami powder r cake- b cleaning paste per jar snap powder per tin iiasco cleaner per tin classic cleanser per tin bobot soap it eats dirt per jar johnsons wax hawks wax old english wax ha wes floor gloss hawes lemon oil for 15c 15c 25c 5c 5c- 20c ratcliff co town delivery phone 198 annual banquet milk producers no 6 will be held in button ville community hall on wednesday april 10th guest speaker hon fl kenned- minister of agriculture good entertainment lucky draw- tickets in hands of directors and will be sold to producers onlv until april 5th any tickets left will be available to the general public blackwell would lse peoples moxev to fight tax free issue for ontario members attorneygeneral leslie black- well suggested last week the pro posed income tax free indemnity for ontario mpps should apply right across canada to members of every legislature and municipal and county council if and when the bill becomes law the federal government should assume their responsibility and extend it to in clude others lie said the attorneygeneral said i the bill is given final approval by the legislature the government will just stop making deductions from members pay and cease making payments to the federal department of income tax if any issue is taken with this action the government will carry the fight to the highest courts in the empire he asserted that would be too bad for the people of canada what right has hon mr blackwell to dictate the income tax act for the members of the ontario legislature who have just as much right to pay income tax on their indemnity as the per sons who labors for scco per year and is forced to pay income tax or the married man keeping up a balsam home on 1200 for mr blackwell mount zion xews to say he would just keep the congratulations to mr and mrs money back and if necessary fight leslie harbron on the birth of a the matter meaning of course son at oshawa hospital on friday with the tax pavers money not liis march 22 1940 own is a brazen stand donsoon and miss betty ap- stating that members shouldnt s weekend with fc8 f rr milton ormrod of from ottawa expressing doubt that cresswell visited one day last the bill could ever become law mr week with mrs bert wilson who blackwell referred to ottawas is in poor health daltod rumney elected president president cf the york county federation of agriculture daltoh rumney victoria square farmer and former markham township councillor presided over the annual meeting a richmond hill last week the meeting discussed the farm help situation including the responsibility if farmer to em ployee the adviseability of having agriculture brought under unem ployment insurance and workmans compensation to give more secur ity to workers consideration was also given to forming a rural film circuit the organizing of more forums and organizing hog pro ducer committees in the county under the new hog marketing plan mr rumney was reelected for another year as president deaths stouffer died at beverly al berta on march 22nd 1910 arthur manuel stoufler son of the late clarence and mrs stouffer 10e30e 30i ao for sale a myers electric deep well pres sure system with 94 motor 82 gal tank automatic switch etc delivered at once mcdougall shallow well pressure system 1 42 gal tank may delivery 2 42 gal tank may delivery 2 42 gal tank june delivery 1 42 gal tank july delivery 1 spramotor 42 gal tank june dely 2 sraymotor 42 gal june july de 1 used brantford self oiling wind mill 40 ft tower in good working order with all new gears 1 used brantford self oiling wind mill working head only all over hauled in lstclass working order 1 used suction hand pump george harmax phone stouffville 3807 over 7000 people read our classified ads every week theyre your best advertising medium cedar grove quite a number of our farmers have secured their hired help for the coining summer mrs j beare has returned home after spending a week with mrs prout of zephyr mr collard of victoria square is busy decorating the interior of zion church the fireside hour will be held on wednesday night at the home of frank dimma the meeting will be addressed by mrgarnet william son of markham mr w a beare is indisposed we regret to report the annual wood bee at the zion church was held on monday with good work being done mr and mrs s reesor attended the funeral at vineland last friday of john dix who was a resident of this district at one time he was employed by levi reesor and other farmers around cedar grove when he first arrived in this country from russia some years ago recent action giving members there a s2000 a year increase on top of thtir 40000 indemnities and mak ing the increases free of income taxes if that is right in ottawa then the same principle should apply with equal force to this legis lature he declared mr blackwell stated the majority of ontario mpps pay money out of their own pockets for the privilege of coming here and work ing as representatives of the people of theri constituencies mr blackwell should remember that there was no objection raised against the pay when the members of the legislature were stumping the country for the job stouffville has gained a new resi dent in mrs albert mantle who has come to town this week to live with her daughter mrs dorian wood- burn new books easter folders plaques we have cleared some books and made room for many new ones to render a more complete service full line of permastone plaques easter cards and folders good tidings book nook at heises variety store west end stouffville war veterans memorial hall this announces the opening of the campaign to raise 10000 for a permanent memorial for the men and women who served in the navy army and air force in two great wars this hall which will pay high honour to those who have served will be available to all organ izations a real community hall in the centre of the town to serve al ages in recreation enter tainment and education watch for further information and the date of the canvass the citizens committee this space is donated by the stouffville creamery co and the stouftville machine tool works mr bert dobson of uxbridge spent sunday with mr victor jamieson mrs cragg of toronto was a weekend guest with her daughter airs c davies mr and mrs lewis jones and family mrs b jamieson and fam ily visited sunday at the robert parrott home at ashburn mr and mrs r parrottt celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary sunday march 24th annual meeting county junior farmers forty junior farmers and junior institute delegates representing six local clubs attended the annual meeting of the york county junior farmers association held in the agricultural representatives office newmarket on thursday march 21 chas haines newmarket the genial president and veteran of over ten years of junior farmer ac tivity in york county presided over the meeting and in his address to the association stated that a per iod had been reached in the deve lopment of junior activities and in terest to broaden the annual meet ing to include all the membership ths secretarytreasurer walter reesor markham reported a finan cial balance for the year equal to last year f m campbell the agricultural representative from ontario county addressed the group at the noon luncheon and spoke of some of the advantages of junior organization and of how senior farm organiza tions were now looking for execu tive material among the juniors in the afternoon the boys and girls met separately and discussed indivi dual problems an exchange of ideas proved profitable to all the following officers were elect ed for 1946 president mason fletcher wood- bridge vice pres mrs barbara hart victoria square sectreas gordon mcnern sharon voting delegates to provincial junior far mer annual meeting oac april 25 and 26 chas watson todmor- den mary laviolette pefferlaw non voting delegates gordon mc- nern and jean muirhead union- ville directors to york county federation of agriculture are perry winch keswick and arcnie flet cher york mills it was decided by the association to purchase a motion picture pro jector which would be available for all types of agricultural meetings throughout the county before adjournment the meeting moved a vote of thanks to the newspapers in the county and to the farm radio announcers for their willingness to publish and announ ce junior activities throughout re cent years private sale of household effects the properly of the late mrs vincent wagg in the village of uxioxville one block north of no 7 highway and one block west kennedy road march 28 and 29 j i n r n i n mercury and lincoln cars 1 half to tons mercury trucks 1 j i case farm mercury implements sales and service little motors hone 187 markham the church services st james presbyterian church stouffville sunday march 31st 130 pm sabbath school and bible class 230 pm divine worship all are invited to this service come to the house of god gormley and bethesda mennonite brethren in christ church rev f huson pastor gormley sunday march 31st sunday school 2 pm special missionary message will be given bv mrs huson illus trated with the sceneofelt preaching 3 pm special sunday evening 730 pm rev dr e kerr missionary to india will bring the message to the young people- plan to be present bethesda sunday march 3lst preaching 730 pm coming events coming events april 7th special program will be given by students of emmanual bible school april 10th york county holiness rally will be held in the gormley church watch for announce ments later april 21st great sunrise service will be held in the gormley church may 6th to 12th missionary con vention plan to worship with us in these services stouffville united church rev douglas davis minister sunday march 31st 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 700 pm evening worship thursday wms quilting at the church thursday 815 pm choir practice thursday 700 pm cgit friday 78 cubs and scouts character is like a fence it cannot be strengthened by whitewash corner settee platform rocker arm chair marble top walnut table brass lamp elec combina tion bookcase and writing desk 6 oak diningroom chairs day bed oak bedroom suite a pieces includ ing mattress springs antique bed and chest of drawers mattress and springs oak veneer bedroom suite mattress and springs feather mat tress 2 antique rocking chairsantl- que mirror antique cradie baby carriage toilet set kitchen chairs dozen table knives wall pictures number sealers antique crystal and silver electric radio electric iron fernery eightday clock jardinere stand 2 small tables oak rocker numerous other articles these goods will be offered for sale on the above dates between the hours of 2 pm and 530 and from 730 to 10 pm terms cash mrs h x wentherill stonff 2610 mr a l brown unionville 81 mennonite churches dickson hill and mt joy rev s s shantz minister sunday march 31st mount joy 1000 am sunday school 1100 am divine worship 730 pm evangelistic services monday 645 pm sunshine gospel band monday 8pm young peoples meeting thursday 8 pm prayer meeting at louis grove dicksons hill sunday march 31st 10 00 am divine worship 1100 am sunday school miss bessie cordell returned mis sionary to china will speak at both mt joy and dickson hill sunday schools and also at mt joy in the evening service bloomington ringwood christian churches rev g w brown pastor sunday march 31st 11 am bloomington 230 pm ringwood sunday school at 1000 am in altona church 1030 am classes for all ages ringwood c e prayer meeting monday 8 pm altona prayer meeting wednesday 800 pm bloomington ce friday 8 pm all are cordially invited to attend these meetings plan to come christ church anglican rev f herman rector sunday march 31st 230 pm evening prayer 200 sunday school stouffville baptist church rev d macgregor pastor sunday march 31st 1000 am bible school classes for al ages 1100 am morning worship 730 evening worship special soloist mr ken miller tor onto well known gospel singer will be the guest soloist at both services you are invited to share this musical treat with us wednesday 8 pm prayer meeting come and receive a blessing melville bethesda and peachs churches rev r t chapin minister sunday march 31st worship service peaches 1000 am melville 1130 am bethesda 3 pm the melville young people are sponsoring the illustrated lecture the tale of two cities this friday evening see display an nouncement the melville wa meet april 2 at the home of mrs e nigh bethesda wms wednesday after noon april 3 at the manse stouffville mennonite church rev e- moyer pastor sunday march 31st 1000 am sunday school 1100 am divine worship 700 pm evangelistic 730 pm altona thursday eve cottage prayer meetings east class parsonage west class jno barkeys next week wed eve altona prayer meeting coming special sunday morning april 7th group from emmanuel bible school may 212 evangelist jjeverest of south bend ind and the home sweet home trio mt albert gospel church sunday march 31st 730 pm capt harry worlng speaking on his internment experiences all invited stouffville christian church charles montgomery pastor miss nora stapleton organist sunday march 31st 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 730 pm gospel service this service will be conducted by the evangelistic group of the elm st church toronto see elsewhere in this paper for com plete announcement friday 7 pm childrens meeting lantern slides will be shown friday 800 pm christian endea vour church hill sunday march 31st 200 pm bible school 300 pm divine worship seek ye first the kingdom of godl everybody welcome second markham baptist church rev norman rowan pastor sunday march 31st 955 a m sunday school 1100 am morning worship tuesday 8 pm prayer meeting and bible study in the name of christ we bid you welcome to our church its work and worship its instruction and service its comfort and blessing enter to worship depart to serve faith which worketh by love galatians 56 we welcome you