artificax light- advances eggyiixd j i 5- much has beerf written and said regarding the beneficial effects of artificial lights on animal and plant lifebutit is doubtful if its true value to- the farmerpoultry man is fully recognized says w t scott bead poultryman dominion experi mental station harrow ont svjfitwere possible in canada to keep birds on range outside in direct sunlight all the year art ificial light would not be a factor of so much importance when how ever it is necessary to confine the birds to the house for about six months of the year the use of artificial light during the short dull winter days is a sound and helpful practice he emphasizes there are several functions asso ciated with the beneficial use of lights in the hen house that are not generally recognized using lights to increase egg production has long been a sound economical practice with the progressive poultryman generally under the impression that the longer feeding period allows for a greater consumption of food and the greater yields of eggs is the natural consequence jwjthout doubt the increase in the amount of feedconsumed is a con tributing and important factor in increasing the egg yield but the true function of the light is believed to be the stimulating effect that it has on certain glands that play their part in tiie process of ovulation and more eggs are laid and a greater appetite develops as a result of this stimulus t to this all roun action there is also a better resistance to disease and a higher fertility in the eggs that are used for reproduction all important economic features that follow the application of lights in moderation during the fall winter and early spring the active feeding period ihouldbe extended by the lighting o about 14 hours each day long- r- periods are likely to offset the idvantages to some extent it has a message to the ladies whether its for dad sweetheart husband or r brother youll find tlje gift he wants here dont delay come in today here is a partial list ties dressing gowns sweaters pullovers cardigans v hatscaps gloves scarves socks parkas drivers caps belts 111 tileri iri d vov shop for her where she shops for herself a dozen ways to say merry christmas the gift she wants is here house coat gloves blouses winter bags mittens fur neck pieces kerchiefs scarves plaid shirts sheepskin ami doeskin vests suits mackinaws horsehide coats arid windbreakers handkerchiefs snoavsuits table cloths pillow slips card table covers ski mitts ski jackets skirts sweaters dresses coats phone 273 harry goldens clothing store stouffville dan forth automotive supply tom dobson 705 danforth ave toronto phone ha 0931 parts accessories and machine shop service v been found by research at the experimental station at harrow thai longer periods of light had a tendency to increase bloodiness as a general mle two 60uatt lights aie required for400 square feet of floor space and a reliable time clock wilh timing resistance should be usedto ensure legular intervals of 1 oosung and feeding sugar and preserves rationing system simplified to simphfythe present sugai and preserves rationing wartime prices and trade boardhas announced thatbeginning- january 1st 1945 one coupon will cover purchases of sugar preserves and allied lationed items the simplification with a step in the diiection of decontrol issei at a level slightly above that which existed for consumer lation during the last eight months of 1915 the single coupon will coei the pui- chase of any one of the following units 1 lb of sugar 24 ozs of jam jely marmalade fountain ftuits 01 cianberiy sauce 1 lbs of honey 30 oz corn or table syrup 18o oz molasses 40 oz canned fiuit 2 lbs honeybutter 1 48 fluid m maple syrup 4 lbs maple sugar on january 1st all valid and un used pink couppnsmaiked sugar will take the new ration values of 1 ib of sugai or the piesei ves value shown above on janiary 17 sugar coupons numbeis os and 69 will be declared valid and in kebiuaiy the last of these coupons number 70 will also be vahdatedafte this the s coupons are to be used for the sugarpreserves consolidated plan all preserves coupons numbers 33 to 57 and all p coupons numbers pi 10 p25 the last four of which be come valid december 20 and all unnumbered pieserves coupons will expire january 31 1946 up to and including that date they may be used to purchase preserves or sugar at the old coupon value the allotment of sugar for home canning will be the same as in 1915 teirpounds per person and willbe provided by declaring ten q coupons during the months that most home canning is done these coupons my be used as in 1945 for the pui chase of either sugar or preserves on the same basis as other 1 egular coupons cut this item out of the paper and place it with your coupons for futuie reference transporting horses bv air the sight of horses being trans- i poted by truck is not uncommon in ontano especially at times of horse shows fall fairs and hoi so racing events one sometimes wonders how the nags enjoy this form of transpoi tation and the answer conies 1 the expressions on the face of the horses if a horses face can be said to show- expression they seem quite contented men engagea in transporting show and lace horses by this method say it is no ticble to load horses into a truck usuallythey are eager for4hc ride just as eager as dogs are to get into the family motor cars now comes word from britain that horses are taking tothe air an airplane company there has de veloped a flying horsebox for the transport of racehorses a proto type will be shown this month and the plane will be in- production by the new year the flying horsebox opens up the prospects of the run ners for next years derby or grand prix being flown from their stables to thecourse on the day of therace this system of horse transport will probably prove very popular- since horses do not suffer from air sickness the idea is not a new one mules and pack horses were transported by air to burma to assist he british fourteenth army in jungle war during the war three jewish rabbis serving with the us and canadian forces have been killed in action others have been wounded or taken prisoners a thursday night is foto nite offer 285 ionoi lonoc ao sand and gravel choicest sand and gravel for your cement work delivered to your job nortons 19tf gravel pit t phone 700 or 9 rll xoe30e aono buckwheat wanted contact us for best prices reesors limited ltd markham phone 96 i s 1 the sigri of quality w a isiiiiyy ivv io at jl- jr agency for coop universal milkers and all makes of inflations we carry a complete line of v coop quality poultry hog and dairy feeds together with monarch dairy andcafeteria poultry feeds v codti aiimiyvee s- v 5rfi jjj stonffvlllc cooperatlvo assoilatjonarcnowjrcondnctlrig all business from the oldstand of xinicsgoodallxinilted stouffville coop ph1802 vj ztfjip i v r aral new business phone269 residence phone1802i ji