ht- iii k 9 prechristmas fruit specials oranges new crop california navels dozen 20c even better value by the crate size 392s 600 tangerines peel like a glove and a wonderful flavour 2doz 29c buy them by the crate size 242s 275 dont fail to take advantage of- these exceptionally good values and give your family plenty of these delicious and healthful fruits much better for the kiddies than candy and cheaper too christmas nuts walnuts alnibnds filberts pecans ratcliffco town delivery phone 198 a great auction staggering sale totals are some times reached at public auction bales as was evidenced at the one lield last week in scarboro for john 31cnichol the live stock and other articles ran to over 5000 and then the farm of 100 acres was knocked off over the rain barrel just like any other article on the list and the buyer henry massey paid 15000 for his purchase mr massey was proprietor of the glen eagle hotel at one time and he ownes the farm immediately to the east of his new purchase ken and clarke prentice were naturally delighted with the manner in which they turned over this sale to bring a grand total of nearly 21000 in about three hours selling truly a home print newspaper all the picture illustrations in this issue of the tribune were cast on the premises prepared from illus trations from a chicago house skilled in drawing such pictures in dicating latest styles for this season and covering the goods that are available in the local stores this service is appreciated by the mer chants whom it will be seen take full advantage of it there are 2500 copies of this 14- page issue turned off the press which should give an excellent coverage of the district 1 if you wish christmas greetings extended next week contact the newspaper office at once at free help worth hundreds of dollars given merchant following big fire now and again the people of this district have an opportunity to dis- pv those sterling qualities so out standing in the pioneer folk to this district in their neighborliness in time of trouble last saturday no less than 40 willing helpers assembled at the site of the offen store fire at cedar grove in read iness to clean up the debris and render such other help as could be given this turnout of helpers followed the presence of some 60 on wednesday and 50 or thereabout on friday the site is now almost ready for a new superstructure in the form of a new store and dwell ing house to replace that which was burned the offen families are loud in their praise for the way folk turned out to help them mr offen said friends even brought clothing food money and the labor of their hands which could scarcely be measured in dollars and they are anxious that the press make known their heart felt appreciation for all that has been done help came fromas far as stouffville agincourt and mr offen estimated that their labors if reckoned in cash would be at least 600 the offen merchants are carry ing on business in a temporary manner from the cellar of the place iust across from the old store and next spring a new structure will go up to serve the needs of the dis- tict v opening of our white vale the whitevale womens institute met at the home of mrs grant van by newmarket reeve leary and members of whitchurch council termed the action of the ontario municipal board as hurried and hasty when a letter was read apprizing them that the board had confirmed the request of ratepayers on a street adjacent to newmarket and of the newmarket town council to have the said street annexed to new market- council contemplated offer ing some resistance to the move the annexation the board stated bazaar was opened by rev john would be effective as from dec 31lmclachlan and near the end of the the loof hall on friday evening december 21 come along atseven oclock and enjoy theparty the whitevale united church had blaricon on wednesday afternoon a representative from the home december 12 mrs john mclachlan mission board speaking to the con- was the guest- speaker the -insti- gregation last sunday evening tute held their meeting one week- with him he brought moving pic- earlier due to so many christmas tures and showed them which con- demands several residents of the village are suffering from an epidemic of stomach trouble and have been placed on a strict diet by their physicians on sunday evening december 16 green river baptist church at 730 oclock there will be a candlelight service the bazaar sponsored by the womens association of the white- vale united- church on saturday afternoon realized over 200 the 1945 at midnight high hat piece of business was the way reeve leary criticised the matter which now seems to be closed w s gibson son surveyors submitted a blue print of a sub division for lake simcoe ice co but no action was taken at this time the dept of highways notified council that permission was approv ed by them whereby ipro 15 1500 afternoon mr gardham of markham acted as auctioneer and things were sold at a merry pace the sympathy of the whitevale community is extended to mrs w milne and her family of green river in the recent loss of husband and father mr milne passed away quite suddenly v the annual christmas concert given by the pupils of the whitevale additional may be spent on roads i public school was splendid this general electric appliance store december 15th s as an authorized dealer for general electric ap pliances we will open our new store on december l5th a- full line of ge quality products will be carried arid although some are available now in only small quantities more and more are assur ed during the coming months in addition service fac ilities are offered for the handling of repair and maintenance work on household electrical ap pliances of all kinds this includes proper equipment as well as a range of replacement parts you are cordially- invit ed to call in to get ac quainted with the new electrical headquarters- ahd to place an order for the earliest possible de livery of new ge appli ances for your home bringing the total appropriation for 1945 to 21500 mr elmer starr weed inspector said the municipality would help his work a great deal if they cut the weeds on the roadside when i press a private owner to cut his weeds he invariably points to the neglected weeds along the roads said mr starr with more help available in the future this is expected to improve no action was taken on request from the aurora high school board which asked council to join in urg ing the county council to define the limits of the aurora high school area in accordance with the plan of the dept of education deputy reeve evans said he would like to have the facts clearly as to the townships position in the matter before he was in a position to vote the county treasurer reminded council that the county levy of 1896991 would fall due on dec 20 treasurer john crawford said the item would be attended to as usual before the due date a strip of land bordering the west shore of lake musselman was expropriated by bylaw passed at this meeting the land in question lies between the waters edge and the roadway at lot 18 and has been the subject of legal action in the past ed mcnaliy and milford rose told the council that they had been taxed 756 and- 516 respectively for road oil at lake musselman whereas they were led to believe the maximum cost would be not more than 150 per property clerk crawford explained the apportionment of cost was made on an assessment basis so that those who i benefitted biitdid riot live dlrecjly aon themgjri roadjj oiled would share the costriialf was paid by the area and half by the tovyn- ship on three or four farms affected the basis seemed unjust in the opinion of councillors and a resolu tion was passed reducing those affected to a payment of 200 each a grant of 1000 was made to the stouffville horse show on motion of councillors logan and harper- councillors harper and mc laughlin moved the following resolution which was carried that the council confirm the resolution passed at a joint meeting with the council of uxbridge township agreeing to the permanent appor tionment of the townline east beginning at lots 1819 with ux bridge maintaining the south end and whitchurch the north end and that no expenditure exceed ing- 200 be made without the con sent of both councils year and was held friday evening each child knew his or her part to perfection collection of 30 for the evening telegram fund- white gift service will be observed by the first baptist church sabbath school on sundav morning december 16 the children of the first baptist church sunday school as well as their parents and friends are eager ly looking forward to their christ mas party which is being held in tributed toward telling how home mission work is accomplished in a vast territory the bypu thoroughly enjoyed their badminton and volley ball session on saturday evening last in the ioof hall we- believe they are to take on visiting teams in- these games goobwpbp v jack baston of- houston texas is on a vacation here visiting his brothers fred and percy jack and fred made a trip to head lake another soldier has returned this time pte earl mcdonald son of mr alfred mcdonald earl made the trip across in the elizabeth and was met by his father and sisters in toronto and then he was escort- ed to the home of his uncle distin here where he noted the residence attractively decorated to mark the homecoming he was away four years a committee has been set up whose duty it will be to lay plans for a reception to our returned men more doing after the holiday season we regret the passing of william wilkinson this wednesday morn ing he was a true supporter of goodwood and did much to advance its interests further obituary else- wherein this issue the tribune makes an ideal christ mas gift the church services christ church anglica rev f herman rector sunday december 16 sunday school 200 pm evensong 230 pm christmas concert to be held at the home of mrs harold dixon main street dec 18th 8 oclock visitors always welcome second markham baptist church rev norman rowan pastor sunday december 16 955 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship if you want to be distressed look within- if you want to be defeated back if you want to be distracted look around if you want to be dismayed look before if you want to be delighted look up if you want to be delivered looltto christ v therefore i will look unto the lord micah 77 gormley and bethesda metononite brethren it christ church rev f huson pastor bethesda sunday december 16 preaching service 730 pm gormley sunday december 16 2 pm sunday school young peoples service 730 stouffville baptist church rev d macgregor pastor sunday december 16 1000 am bible school classes for all ages 1100 am morning worship 730 pm the most thrilling rescue in human history when was it how was it accomplished monday dec 17th the annual bible school christmas supper and entertainment supper 630 pm entertainment 8 pm parents and friends invited wednesday 8 pm prayer service bloomington- ringwood christian churches rev gwbrpwn pastor sunday december 16 11 am bloomington 230 pm ringwoodi 730 pm altona s l sunday school at 10 am- in altona church at 1030 ghildrerils meeting in ringwood church monday 7 pm bloomington ce bible study fri- day 8 pm ringwood ce prayer meeting monday 8 pm speaker mrs o halstead n wbyerson a avord to the merchant stouffville is the trading centre for a population of from 8000 to 10000 people welltodo farmers for the most part are you mr merchants sharing in the trade of as many as you wish of this num ber of people possibly you are for the amount of goods you are able to procure at this time but lets look to- the futtfre keep your name prominently before your trading area so that the buyers will first think of your store when goods in your line are wanted in the home no better advertising medium is available than through the columns of the tribune with its large cir culation no paper is- more thoroughly read either all of which is to the advantage of the- adver tiser now is the time to make a new year resolve respecting better ing your advertising showing in 1946 jmennonite churches dickson hill arid mt jot rev s s shantz- minister- sunday december16 i mount joy 1 1000 am sunday school 11 am divine worship 730 pm evangelistic service monday 645 pm sunshine gospel band dicksons hill sunday december 16 1000 am divine worship 1100 am sunday school 730 pm evangelistic service monday 8 pm young peoples meeting v if btouffviijije- main street -sy- phone 367 gormley mrs e jones visited with miss stella heise for dinner last sunday mr and mrs elmer leek of head- ford had sunday dinner with mr and mrs albert leek mr joseph hunt of leacross sask is spending the winter months at the home of his brother mr e hunt congratulations to mr and mrs george kelly on the birth of their son walter john mr and mrs mansbridge of rich mondhill had supper on sunday with mr and mrs- clarence doner miss jean slder of toronto spent the weekend with her parents here we sincerely regret to report the loss to our- community of mrs helen henry who has returned to toronto to live with her father the henry home- has been sold to mr joseph slder the gormley quartette were guest- singers in special services at cdlborne last sunday melville bethesda and peachs churches rev rt chapln minister sunday december 16 worship service peaches 1000 am melville 1130 am bethesda 300 pm sunday school peaches 1115 am melville 1030 am bethesda 200 pm stouffville united church rev douglas davis minister sunday december 16 10 am sunday school white gifts 1100 amdivtne worship white gift service 730 pm the christmas crusade this christmas pageant will combine the theme of the cru sade for christ with the christ mas scene at bethlehem wednesday december 12 the gar rett evening auxilliarywill meet at the home of miss gjtodd- wa at mrskgtarrs76ntues y day evening dec 18 at 8 pm wednesday dec 19the sunday school christmas party supper served ati6 loclock program of carols and hymns at 730 pm mrs huson of gormley will present the christmasstory in scenesgraph st james presbyterian church stouffville rev t decpnrcy rayncr minister sunday december 16 130 pm sabbath school and bible class also young peoples bible class with the minister 230 pm divine worship leaving christ out op christmas would you like to be forgotten on your birthday 730 pm special evening service be ready for wiiat for death or what what may be the next world shaking event in- gods program the gormley male quartette will sing at this service stouffville mennonite church rev e moycr 1 aster sunday december 16 1000 am sunday school 11 00 am divine worship 700 pm evangelistic thursday everprayer meeting next week monday eve young peoples wednesday eve altona prayer meeting sunday eve dec 23rd a christ mas missionary program will be fiven by the sunday school- pecial offering for european relief stouffville christian church charles montgomery pastor miss nora stnpleton organist sunday december 16 1000 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 730 pm gospel service friday 7 pm childrens meeting friday 8 pm christian endeavour the christian church christmas concert willbe -heldthursday- dec 20th at 8 oclock- mrs don ratcliff willgive aspecial christ- mas message using thescene-o- felt pictures special music and singing v v churchhiijii sunday- december 16 200pmbible schoolsv- 300 mdivineworsnip- friday 430 pnrchildrens meeting at- mrs forfars house theaildrenshrisbnascon1ert wil be held ftidaydec21st at 8 oclock vs v jyrv axvtwl-smjbssri-