Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 22, 1945, p. 2

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is 5 3 slip tiiuff mil britain- bstabushed1888 member of the canaaoweektrnewspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario subscription rates per year in advance expected- to give aninsightintotheitactivities of the past year and whatmigktbeexpected immediate future v ies should beoutlined forthe approval of the electors r- policies i in canada 200 v in usa 9260 a v nolan son publishers notestand the fatal bedroom the bedroom is the scene of moref atal accidents among adults than any other room or area in the home according to the statisticians of an american life insurance company they find that contrary to a widespread impression a relatively small proportion of the fatal injuries in the home are suffered in the bathroom two per cent among men and four per cent among women v the figures show that approximately onehalf of the bedroom fatalities resulted from asphyxiation by gas or by conflagration and quite oftenthese causes had their origin in other parts of the house also contributing to the toll of fatalities in the bedroom are falls on floors out of windows or simply out of bed of the men and women fatally injured in bedrooms as the result of burns other than from general conflagration onehalf in each sex had been smoking in bed which is one of the best ways of inviting disaster all too frequently this dangerous habit results in giving a drowsy nod to death- k iffii k iff- salvation army appeal the salvation army red cross shield drive is to be held m stouffville on nov- 30 last year the citizens through voluntary subscription donated 500 which was collected through a doortodoor canvass made by the lions club across canada the army is asking 250000 finance their home front arid its going to besubscribedm6st of it is new in hand stouffville however is yet to be heard from the salvation army conducts in canada 10 maternity hospitals three general hospitals 17 mens hostels 15 rescue homes 17 industrial stores seven homes for aged people three childrens homes three receiving homes for transient people and conducts personalized social service in prisons and police courts in 10 cities in the dominion for over sixty years this humanitarian body has been alleviating distress and bringing comfort to many unfort- unates- the appeal- now is for funds with which to maintain services for an increasing- number of persons to whom the postwar period will bring difficulties the army has opened war and rehabilitation departments in 14 centres in the city of toronto its womens auxiliaries and young peoples department carry on a variety pf activities to help and pre vent disease more than twothirds of the contributed fund will be spent on relief rehabilitation social readjustment of familiesincluding veterans arid heir families homeless children sick and infirm persons unfortunate girls first offenders prisonersand their dependants personal services aimed 1 at- building character and preventing require to be maintained j fridays nomination meeting n on friday eveningbf this week the ratepayers of stouffville will becalledjnto consultation by way of anom- xinatiori meeting to- sponsor a choice for the reeveship and councillors for 1946 usually such meetings are poorly attended- indicating that the ratepayers are not unduly worried about the choice that will be made the situation may seem a bit peculiar few take any active interest at nominationtime but later they are dis- turbedabout what their councillors are doing especially should it entail any increase intaxation it is becoming difficult to interest capable men in these public offices but if ratepayers turned out and gave more encouragement and added more honor to the position men would be more willing to offer their services to be reeve of a village like stouffville at times is more difficult than it is to be reeve of forest hill village or some other larger place in the smaller community the reeve lacks the help of plenty of paidofficials to do his bidding consequently- he has to go out and do much work that should be carried out by others friday nights meeting ought to be representative of the ratepayers the reeve i and- members of council are and endorsed prdisapprovedu jv a place for the senate f a timely arid what tous seems a wise suggestion comes from the currentissue of saturday night when that paper suggests that the ford dispute at windsorshould be invest igated by the senate of canada a body immune from the politician there is no doubt but that the workers at fords are being exploited for the benefit of the communits and others who reap big profits from the unions we are told that a large share of the thousands of dollars weekly pour- ing into the union treasury is passed over to the big body in the united states and it never comes back anyway the spectacle of a strike- and the strikers calling for the city to hand them a- dole is something to think about where arethe hundreds of thousands of dollars the union collected in peace time when it is not available for keep ing the strikers many of our readers will think that union dues are saved up for the day a strike might be called however saturday night strikes a sound note when it suggest the whole matter should be investigated by the senate and legislation enacted on those findings the sat urday night says v even if the ford dispute should come to an end before these lines are read we have not the slightest doubt that the united electrical workers and their ultraleft colleagues in other unions will be busy preparing for another attempt s todeliver a body blow to the free enterprise system in some other industry it may as well be realized that the aggres sive element in the leadership at windsor is convincedly communistic and is much more concerned with making free enterprise unworkable than with improving the lot of the ford workers which would have to be improved a great deal to make up for the loss of nearly three months earnings in these circumstances there is a magnificent oppor tunity for the senate to perform some of the functions for which it was created and endowed with very extensive powers the canadian public needs all the light it can obtain on the real significance of the demands of the various union organizations the character and internal manage ment of the unions which are preseritirigthem the different attitudes and the reasons for them of different employers and the effect onthe consuming public andthe nation of the granting- of what the unions ask for strikes are no longer test of strength between an employer and a group of employees they are an endeavour to influence the policies of government and the policies of governments should not be infuenced without the voters having some idea of what is going on we therefore suggest rather urgently that the senate should set up a special committee with power to sit when the house is adjourned to investigate the whole subject of labor relations in canada and to do so in the fullest public ity such a committee would have full power to compel attendance and production of documents by all persons concerned both labor and capital it should not be so much a matter of getting a report with recommendations either by the committee or by the senate as a whole as bringing to light the relevant facts so that the public could draw its own conclusions the evidence not the report would be the important thing the house of commonscould notsetup such a com- mittee without engaging the responsibility of the govern- merit and its members would be handicapped by having to watchtheir party interestsand their chances of re-election- the senate is a lifeterm body and no political party can be held responsible for whatits members do as a whole it is far too heavily weighed on the side of capital but it con- tains enough yeteran labor men and good friends of labor to make possible a thoroughly well balanced committee if these men did their job in the committee well there would be no ground for complaint that evidence favorable to the side of labor was not- adequately brought forwardarid explained the most revolutionary labor leaders would doubtless complain that this was just a device of the capitalists to rob the wage earner of the secrecy of his organizations workings but serious labor men are perfectly aware that secrecy is no longer possible or desirable more than irres ponsibility for organizations claiming the immense powers and privileges now sought by the unions these labor men would welcome an inquiry which would enable them to put their case intelligently and coherently before the public instead of having it always cluttered up by disputes about pickets l kj i i v i if i r v was- i hi- our capital correspondent written expressly for the stouffville tribune by dean wilson coming year including 2700000- insisting that it was not in the hion on the location of such deposits 000 to be used in war expenditures public interest to produce such i in canada said in part honcd and demobilization alone we will materials in the first case it was howe minister of reconstruction not cease to spend until we have explained that it would be lmposim telling a member about this sub- completed the task of repatriation sible to get satisfactory reports ject during the course of an explan- of our troops and have reestablished from government officials if their ation though the minister insisted them in civilian life eaid in part communications with their superior that such information might be this spokesman moreoverphe point- officers were subject to production give to the memberprivately if he edout that inflation was still a m parliament adding that official wished a hint of things to come danger facing the people- of canada reports would lose a large part of i ottawa has been drooped with the it is no secret on parliament hill and it would persist in being a dantheir value if such were the case- disclosure that rthe possible future that there has been considerable ger for some time on account of in the second case it was indicated replacement of married women in concernin various quarters at the the vast amount of money in circu- that the corporation has been re- the governments services by-re- extremely slow progress of the lation canada must continue to garded as an agency of the wiib turned service personnel may- be control prices until complete con- j and of the government so that intra- near since a questionnaire has been version from wartime economy has departmental correspondence could circulated in this cfpital seeking taken place he put forth his belief not he oroduced present session so that it has been no surprise to wellinformed obser vers that strenuous efforts have been made lately to speed up its progress with a report in ottawa -indicating- that the acting prime 1 not be produced 1 canada now has a mission to look in view of the nationwide short- information indirectlyalso v a story hasbeen circulating in ottawa that professional scientific and technical personnel in the public solon isdwhaveuscussed the w fromillfl and means to speed up the current pope o has beeivgiven the acting holding goods off the canadian i 9f fjft nmkol lieutenantgeneral an market until january i when the u known- hat many of these tion have consisted of sittings on wno has been appointed to head 40 per cent reduction in the excess mornings- and wednesday nights i th important mission- to conquer- profits tax takes place in answer there have been careful surveys df e germany majorgen pope was the minister of finance hon jl the twentyodd legislation pieces on wellknowmin thiscapital through- i lsley has declared under the pro- the order paper or in preparation world war ill notmerely as a visions of orderincouncil pc so that an- examination may reveal good administrator but as the 8528 of november 1 1941 as amend- what may be postponed for the ses- military adviser to the head ofthe ed establishing the wartime prices sion in 194g some sort of ration ing of speechmaking has been hinted behind the scenes mean- awhile it is to be- noted that the government placed a motion on the order paper for the creation of a special committee of eleven mem bers including speakerfauteuxof 7the house of commons to review therulesand standing orders of sparllament inordetosimplifytto accelerate and to expeditethebusl nes 6ftiiehduse jj a spokesman for the- federal government disclosed in this capital thatfavest sum of money has been spent and sums almostas great may 1 sbestlu necessarywiththls minister drawing attention to the 5495000- 00osetoutlntherecent budget as essential for theimediate future and emphasizing that canadian government on two occasions on the same day motions were made by- members in parliament for the production in one caseof all communications be tween tldaniels chief investiga tor of the commodity prices stabili zation corporation limited and a retired investigator during a certain period and in anotherjease for the production of iau corespondence between the commodity prices stabilization corporation limited fsv and trade board regulations it is an offence against the regulations for any person to withhold from sale anv goods beyond an amount which isreasonably required forthe ordinary purposes of his business through regular investigations and enforcement procedure the war time prices and trade board takes all reasonable steps to enforce the regulations then again he stated with strong emphasis that if any specific instances of the withholding from sale of goods in cariada-be- asrthe enfovctment sjg g l5j ofthe wartime prices and trade s i sfst board ftmanini8ta presentstime however in both i arttae pr ices and trade board casesit was made clear on behalf ssms aivshstph of the government that the com- thoroughly investigated municationsaskedrfor were inter- because of the great war departmental correspondence con- potential of uranium pitchblende fidential privileged- and not pro- deposits the government- concern duceable in the house with the do not consider jt tobeinthe 000 r the amount would be spent in the- first few months of the spokesman from the- government public interest to give any informa personnel in this country are not contented with their present earn ings here wptb questions and answers q a- in rural areas do wptb rental regulations apply is the length of notice to vacate the same in the country as for the city tenants i am a tenant of the house only and do not rent the farm recently the owner sold the farm complete and wants usto vacate so the new owner can take over properties solely used for agri- cultural purposes do not come under wptb rental regulations but other housing accommoda tion doesinyour case asyou rent the house separately from the complete farm you would come under the general if recz- n ing order and therefore cannot be given notice to vacate t q i bought atwo card- board car ton of honey and the dealer took two coupons was sfa- gisggg jr rj2rt4sygafcav j theatre box offie opens iirifr if t ns dally at slx-thlrty- pm shows begin 7 pjn- now playing thurs is foto nite offer 245 friday and saturday november 23 and j24 a tiny new star jural monday and tuesday november 26 and 27 ii it i nothing could keep them apart the world said you must not love but they had to gergfirson in mgms gregory the valley v decisjonli willi i donald lionel crisp barrymore preston foster- marsha hunt wednesday and thursday november28ahd29 a medal for flenny he right a not unless what you bought was honey butter which has a coupon value of one pound cut comb honey and extracted honey each come two pounds ner coupon q wouldybu please tell me the ceiling price on spy apples and do these prices hold for the farmer selling apples on the hamilton market a retail ceiling price for no 1 trade spies- closely packed is 346 bushel 328 for loose packed top price for 6 quart basket is 82c and by the pound 9c these same retail ceilings would ap- on a farmers mar- k q recently- my husband sent me snapshot to get six prints taken off it i wds charged si 00 for making the rvfeative plus 4c for each print now i find out other photographers only charge 30c to make a new negative is there a ceiling price on such wor a yes there is a ceiling on su work the photographer shot not have charged you any oh than he charged for theaa job in 1941 as you live in p hope we have referred the formation to the nearest w b representative in pctcrtw who into the matte lehmans shoe st0r footwear for all the fanaif shoe- repacking womens hosiery gloves shoes socks bot and mitts stouffville v phone e opposite the town clock j ij vfu v uta na iv shop at stouffville meat market m- yiji west end service handling only the best choice quality meats 1 v we make- our own sausage fresh daily for prompt delivery phone 279 x f- notice of change in toronto- ml albert schedule j n i commencing saturday november 17th 1945 1 saturday only i s- bus leaves mount albert i bus leaves xoron 700 aim v 915 am 130 pm 135 pm- 530 pm 1100 pm sunday only 1000am m000am 800pm 800 pm hollinger bus lines ri485rwoodbixe av vv phone crovcr 11571158 -v- si toronto t vj ioi r l tfj ojik ikjtaiii ilimsvatsioiifc

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