member of the canadian iweenewspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in ujsa 2s0 a vnolan son publishers the entirecurve ofmtai incidence rt through the great notes n51 gbmiiifesits six rules for life a lot of good advice is compressed into the following six rules for life contained in a letter to the london sunday express by norman lee 1 eat and drink in moderation for your healths sake 2 read only the best writing for your minds sake 3 study politics and watch the politicians for your childrens sake 4 read the bible at least once for your souls sake 6 pick the right girl for your wife for heavens sake people in canada earning less than 1000 and paying in come taxes- total tax revenue from these people was less than 20 millions in that after allowances for refundable taxes but if you start the tax tableat 1000 instead of 660 and lop off these taxpayers you cant then just leave the restof your tax structure untouched if you did you would have a man earning 990 a year paying no taxesand theone who earns 1010 paying about 90 this of course is quite impossible it means that to cut out all taxpayers under 1000 the entire tax structure must be regvaded so as to ease the tax incidence between those just under the- limit and those just above making an ancient aft the other day we heard a man asking for a bag of charcoal in a hardware store and learned that the supply was very low- with dry kindling difficult to purchase are we becoming more and more dependent on charcoal as a means of starting fires was the thought that we pondered over it is a very old fuel and may again become of necessity very popular charcoal burning isan ancient art the technique of which has been handed down from father to son different woods yield different qualities of charcoal the variety used for the manufacture of gunpowder- for example being made from willow alder and dogwood charcoal used by artists consists usually of a charred vine twig many qjebec farmers make charcoal in their spare time they use sound hardwood which they char in circular kilns built of brick and lime reinforced with iron hoops the production of charcoal in canada in 1943 amounted to 83742000 pounds including 59030000 made in the wood distillation industry and 24712000 in the charcoal burning industry the worlds rich in finance according to bernard harris writing in saturday night with the fall of -japan- the title of the richest man in the world has found a new owner it now belongs to the nizam of hyderabad with an income of 15000000 yearly but who is reputed to spend only 25 a month on himself previously the son of heaven had topped the list easily with a little matter of 125000000 a year another indian is third with 10000000 yearly while henry ford still heads the list of those who made their fortunes with their own brains with pierre du pont close behind followed by john d rockefeller the second and the mellons down to bolivia for the next in line for the title the 82yearold tin king don simon iturbi patino then back to india and egypt for a couple of industrialist multi- millionaries britains turn next with- sir john ellerman and the duke of westminister in the lead their heyday hitler and goering would have been well up in the list and it is fortunate that they will not now enjoy their loot stanley theatre box office opens daily at sixthirty pjnvshoivs begin 7 pja now playing fieo macmurray mttts humn- v moktnc ami rifnnin- with a hock of muuut ouftmuitsi mum mmjotli walker main a km htauitfpbrttf kafla gtoflcf marshall produetoo thurs is foto nite offer 205 friday and saturday october 26 and 27 returned by popular demand ms shes wonderful and sos the picture k1 why exemptions not made the financial post has outlined the difficulties in mak ing higher exemptions from 660 for single and 1200 for married people oil income tax it entails so much change in the tax table that it couldnt be done in a hurry the post contends that had an attempt now been made to raise exemptions hardly anything could have been done by way of substantial relief for small taxpayers and there wouldhave been no percentage relief for middle and big income group even to have raised the present tax exemption from 660 to 750 for single people and from 1200 to 1500 for marrieds would have gobbledup more than what had been set for all personal income tax relief or to use an extreme example it would have cost the government almost half its present total personal income tax revenue or something close to 400 millions if it had tried to raise exemptions to what seem like reasonable post war figures namely 1000 for single and 2000 for mar ried persons the reason for this is that you cant wipe out a few thousand small taxpayers at the bottom without upsetting why advance from forty ottawa city is moving to place warning signs at danger ous street corners now that the government is moving to restore the 50 mile limit on automobiles if this is the rea son the capital city is taking more precautionary action it ought to be a very good reason why the 40 mile limit should remain- it seems that everybody breaks speed limits con sequently 40 miles in our opinion should be the starting point on which to break and not 50 miles kissing the book in a recent editorial the london free press quotes one of that citys coroners as saying that medical men show an extraordinary lack of enthusiasm when asked to kiss the bible in taking the oath in court the coroner stated that he knew of only one doctor who performs this ancient and traditional ceremony properly and he was an english man who seemed to have no fear of bugs on the bible the point is well taken the bible in use in the many courts we have attended areinvariablydpgearedand worn almost beyond recognition withthe cover missing in some instances arid in others held on with an elastic band we seem to recall that one crown attorney took notice of the situation and donated a new bible for one of the courts in which he officiated in this connection the timesgazette of oshawa says they are not versed in the manner in which disease are communicated but it would seem in view of the hard usage to which courtroom bibles are subjected that those being sworn might well be excused from adhering to the strict procedure has stolen the hearts of all who thrilled to this wonderful story climaxed by the spectacular gralto national steeplechase j nic w n gase vau w sb o 0ast i adore velvet brown and her adorable sussex family in the years most delightful picture monday and tuesday october 29 and our capital correspondent written expressly for the stouffville tribune by dean wilson yi fi it is not often that an observer can see in this session of parlia ment members of the liberal pro gressiveconservative ccf social credit parties and other groups votetogether in favour of a resolu tion proposed by a private member however this is something which happened in i the house of-com- imons when r proposal was made that thegovernment should make the fullest possible- use of the har bour and port facilities at churchill at the end of the hudson bay rail- way or management of the control of the port to a joint board appoint- ed bythe governments of manitoba saskatchewan and alberta mem- bers of various political parties or groups combined to support this proposal and in the minority vote against it though it was supported by many liberals and cabinet ministers as well as others were national revenue minister mccann parliamentary assistant to the finance minister ravmayhew parliamentary assistant to the de fence minister w c macdonald and other liberals transport min ister che vrier and j reconstruction howe who had constructed the grain elevator at churchill in 1935 before entering politics as a private engineer indicated how the federal govt haddone its best to pro mote the greater use of churchill and the hudson bay railway with theinformationbeing disclosed that early- in the last war sailings from this route were discontinued after a torpedo had sunk a ship and in sufficient naval y protection was available to use it frequently then again it was revealed that- in 1944 therailways deficit was no less than 623847 in general views were expressed that the necessary steps ought to- be taken to bring mpre goods from abroad through the old home town 2 i 7we wonmawi usebthat l f swell trick kick daiv nl how kickboth ball right out c the lot- bet rm surprised aiiy junior pot the salve where jtixo themostoood tsv v imm churchill in order to develop it and supporters of the plan showed that as early as 1881 there were reports that churchill can be made an all- year port as well as other reports that a bushel of wheat from churc hill could be shipped for a total cost of 2925 to liverpool as com pared with- 3525 cents via mon treal or vancouver churchill was the back door of canada it was claimed iii parliament with the majority of the members support ing every possible development of its harbour and port facilities t with the opening of offices in this nations capital by the world fam ous town planner from paris france- jacques greber in order to consider ways and means of render ing the ottawa as a fittingnationarwar memorial the minister of veterans affairs hon ian mackenzie has stated in ott awa that veterans will be consulted about this- national war memorial plan but he stressed that the final decision as to thewar memorial will be a responsibility of the govern ment so- far it is reported in ott awa- that- there is general satisfac tion with the formulation of plans in the making for this ambitious project and jacques greber is hard at work in many conferences with officials and others i there is good progress across canada in the construction of houses for veterans and their de pendents this has been made known in ottawa by reconstruction minister howe who has explained that wartime housing limited has faction in the ranks of the members for a long time at the slow progress in the creation of such an increase since the costs of living in ottawa for the average member has been rather high lately j the pensions commission is able nowto handle claims resulting from wounds or serious disability obtain ed in world war ii within about a week of receipt of the medical board report this has been reveal ed in ottawa state secretaryhon paul martin informed the house 6f that sunday nov jlwill be observed as a day of re niembrance for those who lost their lives in both world war i and ii with a two minuter silence being observed across canada at 11 am pount jean dehauteclocque the french ambassador to canada has goneback to franceforthepur pose ofconferring with the french authorities no less than 77 people were burned to death through the misuscof inflammable jiquids and 307 lives were lost through fire as well as a property lossofabout40000000 in canada last year this was disclosed in ott awa by canadas fire commissioner wlclairmont it is no longer a secret that members of parliament are being flooded by requests of constituents to help their sons brothers husbands and others to get their release from the armed forces as soon as possible in order that they might get back into civil ian life or return home quickly with tins causing headaches to wednesday and thursday oct 31 and nov e watch on the rhine come early avoid the rush we would remind our patrons that we run two shows each night 7 oclock 9 oclock on satur days however our first show starts at 630 pm come early particularly on saturday to avoid disappaintment come early avoid the rush tlfe definite advantage of getting many members even if the peoples building supplies on a large mass basis though no monopoly exists for this organization in any other way that would interfere with other building efforts a government resolution in the house of commons indicates an in tention to pay all members an allowance of 2000 each for ex penses incidental to the discharge of their duties and this would be in addition no the present 4000 ses sional indemnity with this new pay- representatives in parliament would notadmit it in public it is still a topicof much conversation along parliament hill and this re fers to the excellent speech in french made on two occasions lately by major e d fulton pro gressiveconservative member for kamlobpswho seems to have aroused much interest among other eriglish3peakingmcmbers for his efforts to address the house of commons in both official languages whenever possible in fact it is sssiww i vvtttflwj ment becoming- effectiveas of the jintedin some quarters that other start of the present session ohl englishspeaking members may september 6 1915- indeed members endeavour to follow nis example of political groups have jbeenildifiirlisi 1 knownto favour such a change andi there has been widespread dissatls- send the tribune to absentfriends wsis- 4asjf iiialaivs vv wptb questions and answers q i left two felt hats to be cleaned and when i called to pick them up they were soing to charge me s5c each for them i have not taken the hats yet because the most i ever raid to have a hat cleaned in other stores was 50c is this price too high a as with groceries so cleaning hats each shop has its own ceiling price depending on the price it charged for the same service in 1941 this meansthat ithejceilirigpriceforhat clean ing may very wtll differ from ishopho shop ifyou had paid 50c before and were asked to pay 85c in thersame store there would appear to he an infrac tion of the price ceiling however as youhave given us the name of theshop well be gladto check to make sure 85c is their ceiling price and let you know by letterdirect q i understand that for one p coupon i can buy 40 oz of molasses but when i asked for five 1c oz bottles for two cou pons the store manager said he could give me only four 16 n oz bottles for two coupons i thought that in buying the extra bottle i would not lose part of the coupons worth am i right a yes pure molasses has a cou pon value of 40 oz so that 5 16 oz bottles could be bought for two p coupons however some molasses is put up as a blended table syrup with a value of 15 oz per p coupon in this case you could buy only two 15 oz bottles for two cou pons this may have confused the store manager in your par ticular purchase q i rented a 7room house to a family for 13 month when they were hard up- now they are making- good wages and- i should get three or four dollars a month more after i pay taxes insurance and put a new- roof on there is no interest on my investment- is this fair a what you should do is call in at the nearest rental office of the wartime prices and tirade board and discuss yourpirf- lem with the rentals qfficer if anything can be done to rectify what you feel is unfair the board is always glad to give the jnafter consideration q thefclerk took two meat cou pons for one- pound6f sausage jsntthistoomany a yesaccording to thelmeat cou- 1 ppn r mcouponis good for2tlbssausageheshpiiw havetakenorilybne couponaud given you five tokens in change be sure s t consult meat coupon chart inyourvown kitchen or in themeat shop be- foreyou make your purchase it is up to the shopper to know her coupon values when rite does its a bighelp to the re- tailerwho is still shortstaffed township of markhak clerks notlcebf 1irst posting of voters list voters lists 1915 municipality of the- township of markham county of york notice is hereby given that t have complied with section 8 of the voters list act and that i have posted up at my office at union- ville on the 15th day of october 1945 the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection- and i hereby call upon all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor rected according to law the last day for appeal being the5thday of november 1945- fv dated at unionville this 15th day of october 1945 chas hoover clerk township of markham iixtvss