Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 25, 1945, p. 12

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p m s b i- wff- a- jr iw s y rqtlj j f tv are these classified advs your market place -k- s vji so vc t-v- j live stock articles for sale tor sale or rent for sale 11 sucking pigs 6 wks old also 4 chocks clarence cowie ph 9208 y 9 pigs for sale six weeks old w j mccartney- claremont ph 3607 1 strayed holsteincow about 5 years old black und white from lot 4 con 5 uxbridge finder please phone earl brillinger ph 6702 stouffville 263 17 pigs for sale ready to wean lud hoover townph 8008 leghorns and barred rock pullets for salermichell poul- try farm markham 81 rll seven pigs for sale weight about 50 lbs roy wilson 7th con pickering pigs for sale 11 chunks 50 to 60 lbs also a guernsey bull six months old murray nesbitt claremont ph 1610 21 sucking pigs for sale earl mcmulleh 9th con markham ph 4704 six pigs for sale 8 weeks old phone 9911 geo peck ring wood girls green cloth coat for ferrets for sale apply to com 4006 ph lack radford rallsntrao 2fi2 iaremont 4uw garage machinery for sale brake lining machine- complete with- counter sinking drill and punches also a 10 lb century carbide welding generator ap- ply stouffvile motors ph 170 for sale fordson tractor in good running condition ross middieton claremont village for sale vessot chopping machine in good condition dave pugh ph claremont 15 for sale bedstead tubular springs and good springfilled mattress apply to rev i bru- bacher main st stouffville car trailer for sale with new tires and stock rack tractor and car hitch w crossland mark- ham ph 81 r22 jacket heater for sale med ium size good as new l e oneill phone 9801 cold storage lockers are now available from s6 to 59 per year rent one now and save many times the rental cost meat rationing does not prohibit the free use of your locker- stouff ville creamery co ph 186 253 130 acre farm to rent at cherry wood lots good spring water fully equipped with build ings and stone residence lot 34 con 3 pickering also a house and lot to rent adjoining cherry wood apply to garland bros cherrywood po for sale new princess pat cook stove all steel ivory and nickle trim coal or wood oval fire box excellent oven warming oven reservoir also car heater automatic hot water ph 8202 hog for sale 2 years old regis tered papers supplied also 4 acres of cabbage tor sale in field howard nesbitt corner 7th pick- ering and atha road 12 pigs just wearied for sale mac- lean rr 4 uxbridge 150 r22 for sale number of hybrids and rocks 6 months old walter vague phone 2813 for sale3 sows 6 10 and 11 pigs also 40 chunks t h pais- ley ph 267 stouffville fresh milch guernsey cow for sale also ducks and drakes for breeding white pekins in dian runner mallards and mus covies mrs johnston phone 5220 262 for sale ladies untrimmed black boucle- winter coat satin lining like new size 12 phone 5408 stouffville z fordson tractor for sale with steel wheels and 2furrow oliver plow in good condition h bing ham ballantrae for sale 10 acres of good work able land with good bank toarn pig pen also 8 roomed brick house just east of stouffville on markhamwhitchurch townline also a number of good farm pro perties and a brick house in stouffville applv mrh moyer phone 8309 farm for sale 100 acres pickering township well equipped dairy farm runn ing water through stables five acres hardwood bush mile from school near no 7 highway four thousand down albert matthews brougham 19tf wardrobe trunk for sale in good condition phone 708 stouff ville 2 bob calves for sale wm wallace claremo ph 15 several hundred light sus sex and hampshire hybridpul- lets for sale also 35 rock pullets all five months fred lewis altona phone 9706 ladies brown cloth coat for sale fur collar satin lining size 46 good as new- phone 17102 or call on miss jessie grice mill street stouffville findlay cook for sale 6 holes reservoir teal good condition owner has electric mrs harvey houck phone 89c9 farm for sale 100 acre farm for sale 8o choice clay loam balance maple bush and spring water 9roomed solid brick house barn 55x60 and straw barn 32x40 all well roofed sta bles 25 head cattle 6 horses and 75 hogs good poultry house and implement shed 7 acres wheat 35 clover and plowing done two acres orchard in small fruit v miles from zephyr in scott twp mile rural school grocery bread and mail delivery and on bus line real opportunity only 3500 cash balance from 10 to 20 years equal payments with no interest apply to stanley miller zephyr phone mt albert 1820 252 personal dont suffer constipation bilious ness indigestion 4 usekipps herb tablets for quick relief an excellent tonic laxative 25c and 75c sizes at storeys dru store drug store stouffville slendor tablets are effective 2 weeks supply si 12 weeks 5 at storeys drug store card of thanks mrs andrew ashenhurst and fam ily wish to express their thanks to the friends relatives and neighbors for the numerous cards personal calls and remembrances received during her recent illness all of which was greatly appreciated card of xhaxks i would like to thank all the friends who in any way helped to make my eightieth birthday cele bration such a cheerful- and pleas ant occasion please accept my sincerest thanks and appreciation miss tillie stouffer card of thanks i wish to thank the friends who sent fruit flowers candy and cards and the friends who called on me those who called by phone and those who made enquiries during the past seven weeks while i have been recovering from neck injuries due to an accident a special men tion to neighbors for help given and assistance offered at a time like this is when good friends are most appreciated d blake annis washingmachines over hauling and repairing done by experts on any make of mach ine for further particulars ph stouffville 281 bell son notice to growers we are now loading carrots for soup purposes all parties inter ested please contact r e brown son 252 v phone 17603- stouffville notice- to creditors in the matter of the estate of robert bruce late of the township of markham in the county of york retired farm items for sale 1 mccormickdeering tractor 1020 good shape fairbankmorse gas engine 2 hp used duco electric pump and tank 360 gal per hour new elec tric motors m and horsenew gilson automatic milk cooler 6 can new oil bath pump jack new a gopd stock of moffat electro pails on hand for immedi ate installation j e j sxickley ph 7513 victoria square lost and found lost key case and two keys mrs walter talbot obrien ave twopet cats estray large glossy cats pat and mike one gray jther gray fawn with four white feet and white chest tele phone stouffville 4107 miscellaneous 400 bushels- feed wheat sprinkling of rye for sale phone uxbridge 151 r3 wood softwood slabs also cord wood geo derusha ph- clare mont 4 r3 f vil7 water pressure systems beatty mcdougall and fairbanks shallow and deep well pressure systems for the farm installed and serviced woods and gilson electricand gas oline milk refrigerators delaval surge and woods milkers beatty and jwoodsjjelectric grain grinders electric fencers arid fehcewire t ys supertest oils and greases tf it is for the farm we sell it r bell a son 1 phone 281 the cockshutt- dealers new farm equipment for immediate delivery woods portable and drnp f milk coolers woods and beatty electric grinders beatty shallow well electric pressure systems 25 and 60 cycle beatty hand and rotary pumps corkshiitt nov 30 grain grinders beatty manure carrier buckets manure carrier track and equipment electric motors electric fences electric pailheaters mechanical belting of all kinds if it can be had wo can get it bell son combination auction sale xf household furniture din ing and beproom suites dishes utensils gar den tools etc all properties of consignment listings at the franklin house main st markham saturday october 27 eclipse kitchen range with warm- ing closet and copper reservoir good 5piece kitchenett set white enamel with green leather padded chairs royal crest kitchen range with reservoir good acme quebec heater 5piece cut oak diningroom suite has leather seated chairs good kitchen cabinet extension table veneer extension taole den table 3piece krochler chesterfield suite in brown plush very good condi 3piece chesterfield suite rug 9x10 feet sideboard number kitchen and dining chairs also rockers and arm chairs and small tables sideboard with rear shelf mirror modern walnut bed with sagless spring r simons spring filled mattress this bed and springs are new smokers stand end table ovaltopsmallcentretable fbldirigtableand bedroom seat modern- walnut dresser with oval tmlrrpr n j modern walnut bedroomchest of drawers roll top- office desk vanity 6 odd dressers and mirrors 2 pulloiif day bed couches- drop leaf day bed couches 3 steel beds spring full sizes 2 wooden beds single full sizes 2- toilet sets farm for sale 200 acres scott twp 150 acres choice loam balance hardwood bush and spring water pasture 17 acres wheat 65 new seeds plowing done new modern roomed house barn 50x80 and straw barn 50x60 hard and soft water on top house and barn se cond house and rural school on property mail and grocery de livery at the door v miles from mt- albert continuation school railway and bus lines on improv ed county road immediate possession part cash apply to james thompson mt albert or stanley miller zephyr 252 card of thanks on behalf of my parents and my self i wish to take this opportunity to publicly express our appreciation and thanks to the many kind friends neighbors relatives organ izations of the united church and members ofsarco plant in clare mont for their numerous acts of kindness during my stay in the hospital and at home darlene norton wanted card of thanks mr and mrs moses wilson and family wish to take this opportun ity of expressing their sincere appreciation to the revmrherman the frier js and neighbors for the sympathy expressed the kindness showed to the family and the love ly cards and flowers sent to mrs wilson during her two months in the hospital also during mrs wil sons convalescence at home first major jap war criminal to kick im ii jap gen tomoyuki yamashita under guard enters the high com missioners residence in manila where he was arraigned on war criminal charges by a us commission wanted used ladies bicycle in good running order m beck care of mrs geo pugh stouff ville i man wanted for light grading and general work around new house 45c per hour perchew- iett phone 313 girl or woman wanted for general housework near union- ville phone 4107 housework wanted i am prepared to do partime or full time housework on thursdays and fridays mrs m hollirigs- worth 9th con whitchurch box 163 stouffville io logs wanted 10 or 15 thousand feet of basswood and birch green river basswood factory f pennock ph 64 r21 mark- ham 263 men wanted for farm work in vegetables 400 per day and noon meal ross winterstein phone 5103 stouffville- the nurses training school ontario hospital whitby can accept students now pleasant surroundings good food and quar ters salary whiletraining matri culation necessary write for particulars to above address 262 cockshutt dealer stonftvllle ironing board victrolia cabinet clothes hanger rack bird cage pair womens rubber boots med ium size rubber ground sheet large quanties of dining and kit chen dishes glasware sealers kitchen utensils and other house- bold effects 50 rubber garden hoes lawn mower garden tools forks shovelsrakes etc etc terms cash positively no reserve sale starts at 130 pm mysj be paid for on tenders for farm tenderswill be received up to nov- 17th 1945f6rthe purchase of the property known as the geo mccormackfarmat vivian situat ed- on the concession of whit church four miles south of mt al bert on oaved road hydro available this property- consists of 336 acres of- land more or less arid is made upof approximately 170 acres of hardwood bush and the re mainder open land the barn is 60x110 on stone foundation and the house of grey brick 1 highest or any tender not bassinette necessarily accepted wan tep springer co jjr ufc- ivp iv hlghestpricesjfaid a r phone or write- to lvkahns0ns claremont 83 r2 sale- day before removel come early and dont- miss these good bargains and sale will fiinish ingbodtime i clarke prentice auctioneer millikenpo ph ascincourt 52 w3 jrstoh clerk j thursday night fisofotonite joifbts205 for further particulars- write to crsmith box 98 thorriburyont executor or to f l button- kc stouffville ont solicitor i i scoutsteasi up with the home and church a very fine inspirational address was heard a the sudper hour of the lions club tuesday evening given by mr h mitchell assistant com missioner of the boy- scout move ment toronto mr mitchell out lined the ideals for a scout and gave an insideview of how to make good scouts scouts he said team up with the home arid the church i the mayfair provided a very tempting supper and a number of guests were present drop that rolling pin arguments are too frequent in the home can the trouble be your nasty tem per a snappy disposition men do hate nagging perhaps you are working too hard and worying about sugar rations cantmake things tasty try bakers sweetner youll enjoy the sweet flavor and the sugar taste real mellow taste withbakers sweetner for the tea and coffee yes and cereals or a little sugar and bakers sweetner for pies cakes cooking an baking you wear a pleased buoyant appear ance the worry wrinkles soon disappear bakcis sweetner is cheaper than sugar 5 worth baker sweetner is as sweet as 14 worth of sugar and no waste bakers sweetner has ilic sugar taste guaranteed as represented or money back no coupons easy to use no bitter ness a 25 ozs 25c 40 ozs 35c gal 65c gal 1255 gal 510 gal 950 10c gal 15c jugs or cans 25c containers extra 25 ozlc 40 oz each no shipment made less than gallon at 150 we pay express up to 100 miles when money order ac companies order for 6 gals or more no cheques please geo e baker piimb manufacturing chemist stouffville ont coming auctions additional locals the pageant crusade for christ is being given in stouffville united church sunday evening oct- 28th at 730 oclock thii is a reproduc- tibnofthelpageantas given in the maple leafigaraenslast june mr norman maclean was called to trenton early this week owing to the death of his brother col john maclean there mrs john mckinnon celebrated anpther birthday this month it is 50 years ago when with her late husband the couple moved into the present mckinnon home on mon treal street which they had built for them at that time demand for used clothing three winter clothing outfits or coats were sold through the want adv column last week with one adv disposing of a complete childs winter outfit iis v robert n6bleaged 10 won the special trophy for the youngest con testant at the north ontario county plowing match held on the farms of hon james and norman smith at sand- looked as though- classes would be ford v i very well filled im j 15 ton atthe field 15 a ton was received by farm ers for cabbage loaded in the field around goodwood last week car rots from the field leaded 75c a bag fixe weather for north york match the weather man smiled benignly on the north yorkplowing associa tion wednesday for their annual match held this year near keswick many could not go owing to farm work being so far behind due to wetvweatherl however there was a fine turnout and keen competi- just before starting time it thursday oct 25- household furniture and a few antique pieces belonging to estate of the late mrs j w heise will be sold at the farm of her son joseph heise half mile south of gormley sale at two terms cash a s farmertauctioneor thursday oct 25 milk cows horses pigs implements new de- laval milker grain gasoline en gine- the property of lloyd brown lot 15 con 10 north of gravel hill sale at one no re serve sellers atkinson auc tioneers friday oct 26th 40 head reg and grade holsteins including fresh cows jand springers at lot 9 4 scarboro the property of mrs j w miller sale at one terms cash no reserve a s farmer- auctioneer i saturday oct 27 farm stock implements new farmall h tractor hay etc at lot 16 con 2 scarboro half mile south of malvern on markham rd hid- den valley farm the property of- peter wozney sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve farm sold sellers atkinson auc tioneers saturday oct 27 dairy cattle horses poultry pigs hay grain implements household furniture the property of giles kerswill lot 33 con 2 vaughan twp opposite sumit golf course on bathurst st terms cash sale at one a s farmer auctioneer v saturday oct 27 annual fall combination sale of furniture dishes garden tools chesterfield suites dining and bedroom suites all under consignment at franklin house markham any good articles but no junk still accepted to oct 18 terms i cash- sale at 1 clarke prentice auctioneer- -c- monday oct 29 farm- stock and implements etc belonging to george sutton at ballantrae sale at 2 pm terms cash a s farmer auctioneer tuesday oct 30 farm stock implements hay grain furni ture at lot 3 con 4 whitchurch just north of gormley the proper ty of john hicks no reserve as farm is sold sale at one a s farmer auctioneer wednesday oct 31 farhl stock and implements the pro perty of cwoodbury at lot 22 con 4 whitchurch nearvandorf terms cash sale starts at one sharp l s mount clerk f n smith auctioper- wednesday oct 31 extensive sale of farnr- stock including 39 head of holstein cattle farm im plements threshing machine new john deere tractor on rub ber model br good- also 129 acre farm the nroperty of dou glas booth sale starts af 1130 sharp les harper and lloyd turner clerks a s farmer auctioneer saturday nov 3rd household furniturebeddinggood quilts dishes antiques cooking uten sils at lot 8 con 8 whitchurch at baker hill the propertybf the estate ofthe late mrs sylvanus baker sale 1- oclock sellers atkinson auctioneers r friday nov 2 household niture offered by thp public tee of ontario on the premises i maud chandler claremont at one terms cash stanle miller zephyr auctioneer saturday nov 3fann sti implements hay grain at lot 32 con 1 vaughan orii urst street mile west oft hill the property of waiter no reserve terms casha farmer auctioneer wednesday nov 7 10choij holstein cows 10 heifers and calves also 3 horses belonging f the estate of the lato john ata on west half lot 18 in the broken front pickering sale starts at 2 pm terms guarantee trust co of canad executors a s fanner au tioneer k tuesday nov6 10 headl shorthorn and hereford yearlinl and 2yearolds also sows bra the property of hoyle brethoj lot 32 con 7 uxbridge the shbats and hogs are from adv ced registered stock and pedigt can be given saleat one ter cash a s farmer auctionee friday nov 9 on the farm j len hagerman vhitevale t tario county 2 miles south east- of locust hill which i miles east of markham this complete dispersal sale of hagerman herd of 20 head of rejj tered jersey cows and heifers the 4yearold herd sire rosl dream lads prince -104126- has- two high record f ull sisti he is the son of thebutstand sire sybils dream lad a pr ental and silver medal bulls winner of many prizes this h j is fully accreditedandthecail soktsubject tobjoodtest teh cash sale at 130 pmhoh turner clerk jasbremner sal a manager as farmer auctil eerph stouffville 7312 i trrf- j i saturday noviofarm st implements pigs hay andgr at lot 9 cona8whitchurch i property of j earl tate no i serve owner giving up far sale atonepma s far auctioneer saturday nov 10 auction i of household furniture etc the property of the estati the late mrs- james- mowat st stouffvile- just east of town clock terms cash sal 2 pm sellers i atkinson tioneers monday nov 12 publicaucl of guernsey milch cows andl fers farm stock implemcj hay grain etc at lotli miles north of stouffville oil hffghway the property of jof winterstein no reserve as has been sold terms cash at 1pm sharp a sfar auctioneer thursday nov 15 farm si pigs implements- hay and gj at lot 16 con -7- whitchu on faulkner slderbad the 1 pcrly of w dakin- sale at i r ratcliff clerk as far auctioneer j saturday nov 17 22 hel holstein cattle fresh and spl ers at lot 9 rear con 6 pll ing the property of lloyd f sale at l30 terms a s farmer auctioneer hizsjulh- tv xaz gbsa ivj i i sikm

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