sp b 5rirj usiness raj directory dental s barker hdjsz ddls iorior graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 274 markham every tuesday office in wear block medical dr s s ball physician and snrgeon xray ffice cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county a c kennedy chiropractor hurch street stouffville monday and friday 9 to 12 am insurance thomas birkett general insurance agency stouffville ontario established 1908 isurance hi reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service lone 25902 stouftville hoklinck lone 3307 stouffville re auto burglary sickness and accident fidelity bonds ie standard life assurance co the pioneer of canadian life insurance mutual company with 117 years experience t rengtli and service unexcelled sunday school vv lesson issonor september- 30 golden text lord thou hast been our dweulngiplaceflnaugener atlonspsanwhl the lessonasa whole in psalm 105 verses 23 to 26 we read israel- also came into egypt and jacob sojourned in the land of ham and he increased his people greatly- and madethem stronger than their enemies he turned then- hearts to hate his people to deal subtilly with his servants he sent moses his servant and aaron whom he had chosen in these words god- by his holy spirit has sum marized for us israels experiences in egypt and given us to see why they were permitted he caused the family of jacob to go down to that land during the years of famine to preserve them alive and to hold them together as one people there under favorable circumstances they multiplied greatly and if there had been no change in conditions they might eventually have held the controlling power in that country but god had other plans for them he had given the land of canaan to abraham and his seed by solemn covenant gen 178 in order therefore to prepare israel to re move from egypt to- the land of promise he permitted persecution and affliction- to be visited upon them the psalmist declares that it was he who caused the egyptians to hate his people that is it was all in his permissve will the hard bondage into which they were pressed made them long for deliver ance and cry to god for help in due time he sent his servants moses and aaron to announce that the day of their redemption from slavery had drawn nigh when jacob and his household came down to goshen upon josephs invitation they found- a cordial welcome and as long as joseph lived and for some years thereafter they enjoyed the best of the land in these kindly circuitf stances they were prepared to take a place among the great nations of the world they entered egyptas a family of about seventy souls be fore they left it they had become a nation of many hundreds of thou sands virse by verse gen 47 1 my father and my l e oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer continnous telephone service day and night r stouffville 9801 d a beer insurance of all kinds 16th year in business tone pickering 5 r22 address brougham om barristers lice phone residence phone 3160 3514 arthur w s greer rristcr solicitor notary public 1 6 king street east oshawa ontario sident partner branch office c pollard kc port perry bridge ontario phone 25 ice phone elgin 7021 residence j phone mo6235 brierbush hospital government licensed under new management member of the allied private hospital association main street east stonltville maternity medical and surgical day and night service a s farmer licensed auctioneer york county uxbridge and picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty telephone stouffville 7312 address gormley po samuel d borins barrister solicitor etc 503 temple bldg 62 richmond- street west toronto g clendening funeral director tmbiilance service tarkham ontario phone 9000 sellers atkinson ph ag 201 w2 phstouff 290 licensed auctioneer 25 years experience sales conducted anywhere special izing in farm stock furniture and property sales all sales personally listed and advertised bills preparedand posted prompt service reason- able rates phone 290 stouffville clarke prentice phone agincourt52w3 milliken licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and ontario successor for corpl ken prentice of casfand of the late j h prentice former prentice prentice farm and farm stock sales a specialty at fair and reason able rates stouffville rbie granite works rders promptly executed v tarr proprietor lehmans shoe store footwear forall the family shoe repairing womens hosiery gloves shoes socks boots and mitts stouffville phone 4301 opposite the town clock ioi x0e30e sand and gravel v tv lia v choicest sand and- gravel for youry cement work delivered toyourjobv t r nortons graveopit2v bi toejocss iobo brethren jlz are come iand are in the land of goshen joseph gave this information to pharaoh hoping that he woulc grant permis sion for his family to remain in the fertile part of the- land to which they had come and where they were awaiting further developments verse 2 he took some of his brethren x and presented them unto pharaoh joseph did nothing arbitrarily in connection with sett ling his relatives but by bringing five of them into the presence of the- king he gave pharaoh the opportunity to judge for himself as to what their fate should be verse 3 pharaoh saidwnat is your occupation and they said thy servants are shepherds already joseph had instructed them to be particular as to this because every shepherd is an abomination unto the egyptians they were held in low esteem and viewed with contempt by the egyptians realiz ing this joseph wished to have his brethren settled in a part of the land which had good pasturage for their focks and where they would not be in too close contact with the native population chap 4634 verse 4 now therefore we prav thee let thy servants dwell in the land of goshen they took the place of suppliants making no peremptory demands but as be came immigrants they asked for favorable consideration while show ing all due respect for constituted authority verse 5 pharaoh spake unto joseph it was right and seemly that he should deal hot directly with the newcomers but with his faithful premier whose relatives they were verse 6 the land of- egypt is before thee with remarkable magnanimity and full understand ing of conditions pharaoh author ized joseph to accede to his breth rens request and settle them in goshen he even asked him to select from among them men of activity who might take over the care of his own flocks and herds thus everything was arranged for the comfort and ease of mind of the family of jacob verse 7 joseph brought in jacob his father and jacob bless ed pharaoh it was an affecting scene as the venerable patriarch was presented to the mighty egyp tian ruler without any show of authority or unseemly pretentious ness but in full realization that he was the heir of the abrahamic covenant jacob pronounced a bless ing upon pharaoh we are told that the- less is blessed of the better heb 77 pharaoh may not have realized it but that humble pilgrim that desert sheik as he might have thought was one of gods princes as his new name israel means it was fully in keeping with this that he should invoke the divine bless ing upon the king who had received him and all his family so gracious y- verse 8 pharaoh said unto jacob how old at thou it was no idle curiosity that prompted the question but old age was venerat ed in egypt and pharaoh recogniz ed in jacob one over whom god had manifested his care during an un usually long life verse 9 days of the years of my pilgrimage are an hundred and thirty years there was a sub limity in this answer that pharaoh may have missed but which we to day may readily comprehend in spite of many failures jacob was but a pilgrim in this scene and he maintained that pilgrim character to the end nevertheless he owned how far short he had come of all that god would have had him be as he added few and evil have the days of the years of my life been he had known a long life for self but a short life for god humbly he acknowledged this as he stood be fore the king that day verse 10 jacob blessed phar aoh and went out from before pharaoh again invoking a bless ing upon the mighty ruler of egypt the patriarch withdrew he was never more truly israel a prince with god than during this brief interview verse c 11 vjoseph placed his father and his brethren as phar aoh had commanded acting under royal authority joseph thus- made provision to sustain and nurture his father and all his brethren and their families in this way the word of god was fulfilled which he had spoken to abraham long before gen 15 13 14 verse 12 joseph wourished his father andhis brethren and all his fathers household with bread according to their families bear ing no ill will toward those brothers who had behaved so unkindly to ward him when ho was but a lad joseph now become the preserver and savior of them all in this we may see a striking type of christ himself in his love for israel who though they once rejected him shal be saved as a nation when he comes the second time the heart of the lesson god works according- to his own wondrous plan and makes even mens blunders and willfulness to serve his purpose he makes the very wrath of man to praise him and restrains ought that would seem to defeat his counsels psa 7610 this is exemplified in the story of joseph and his brethren the ill that envious brothers did was overruled by god for the pre servation of the entire family and the protection of israel while they were growing out of mere tribal order into a nation strong and mighty howgoodto be identified by grace with one whose infinite wisdom sees the end from the beginning and whose guiding hand controls all the affairs of men and nation auction f sale farmstock implements the undersigned has received instructions to sell by public auction at south half lotssi con 8 whitby just southeast of balsam tuesday oct 2 1945 the following property belonging to rood r appleby cattle holstein cow in full flow 6 yrs holstein cow due nov 2 4 yrs holstein cow in full flow 7 yrs holstein cow due dec 1 7 yrs holstein cow bred in june 6 yrs holstein cow due nov 8 4 yrs holstein cow due dec 3 yrs holstein cow in full flow 4 yrs holstein heifer calved in aug holstein heifer calved sept 7 holstein heifer due oct 9 holstein heifer bred aug1 4 holstein heifers bred in spring 5 holstein heifers yearlings implements etc delaval magnetic speedway milk ing machine used 8 mos clipmaster electric clippers near new md manure spreader used 2 seasons md corn binder md mower frost wood climax stiff tooth cultivator frost wood tiger horse rake frost wood crown gang plow maxwell turnip puiper bell turnip puiper turnip drill fanning mill and bagger single plow 2 scuftlers disc harrows inthrow hay loader needs woodwork 2 hay forks cutting box pile logs suitable for firewood set duck tooth harrows numerous other articles reason for sale barn destroyed by wind sale at 1 oclock terms cash john scott clerk a s farmer auctioneer trd3uneclassdd3d ads tfprbestresults claremont meat market a j sutherland phone 1808 claremdnt hat with string on it president truman waves the 10gallon hat he received re cently with a request for a 3000bed veterans hospital near phoenix arizona- the hat was presented to the president by an arizona delegation to the white house pine orchard too late last week mr and mrs boake mr and mrs chas brandon and he dike family attended lindsay fair last week mrs e birdsell is picking apples in the aurora orchards we are glad to see rev mcmath back after his vacation and his- ill ness j mr s gibney and miss helen reid visited the peach district re cently harry brandon our local thresh er had the misfortune to have his tractor burned on monday night having completed threshing for walter johnston mr brandon and his helper fred hood were mov ing to a neighbours when the trac tor took fire some distance out johnstons lane and was completely destroyed mr brandon was not covered by insurance mr and mrs walter hall were guests with mr and mrs mcclure mr and mrs james hope were visitors at grimsby mr randall chapman was our representative in toronto on the new bus line from mt albert to toronto a trial trip was made by the hollinger bus company there were twenty in all who took the trip and were royally entertained for the day the regular bus will be operating on oct 1st with two trips eachway a day mr chas brandon who has pur chased a service station in ux bridge has announced his new busi- builders supplies we have a good supply of asphalt roofing and cedar shingles poultry feed chop and whole grain poultry feeds molasses fencing iron fence posts surge milking machines farrs elevator claremont phone ness we wish him every success mr and mrs brandon will move to uxbridge shortly mrs milne of lindsay visited the dike home recently i thursday night foto nite offer 165 is ioe fresh and cured meats fresh fish in season have our truck call on you in goodwood and district on wednesdays wanted dead horses and cattle telephone for free pick up phone stouffville 255 markham 4326 claremont 913 9 rl4 we pay phone charges gordon young ltd adelaide 3636 toronto v stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop telephone 7001 7002 tnosskko when the boys come back to the farms theyll probably want telephone service if they didnt have it before war has taught a lot of those in uniform and their parents too to rely on telephones more than ever our plans are ready to make rural tele phone service in ontario and quebec available to a greater number of users in the postwar period much of the preliminary work already had been done when war interrupted the program extending rural telephone service we intend to resume it as soon as the necessary materials and manpower aire -available- r well just have to take a smaller slice baseball players this summer who had uniforms supplied for the local team are asked to turn them in immediately- to le oneill- uoa tf vrw i l- wj jcjj-cj- j jijsakciitih iuu