estabjtehedjl888 v- iij mm hohw member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association issued every thursday- at stouffville ontario wbsmptibn rates per year in advance on canada 5200 in tjsa 260 atvnblasson publishers c ndfes saiib commiaits no need for surprise v there need beno surprise for thosewho operate war plants or for those who work in them at the cancellation of contracts for war goods says the ottawa journal be- cause if operation iscontinued after the need for the goods is gone it is a species of bounty for which the people are taxedreconversion of plants to civilian uses isas impera tive how as was conversion to war five years ago and one process must be stopped before another can be started every man and woman engaged in a warplant knows j- and has known from the beginning that it was a temporary enterprise and subject to sudden termination obviously it would be worse than useless to pile up now that peace has come stocks of war material useless for any other purpose there will be an inevitable period of adjustment in which the demand for labor will be temporarily reduced likewise the profits of capital whether it will be long or short depends greatly upon our wisdom our ingenuity our understanding but as we move into this difficult transition period it seems to us fair that all concerned should not over- look certain basic facts that war profitstif not high were dependable that war wages were high and employment assured above all that all parties knew they were enjoy ing a condition wnich must change overnight with the end of the war -i- punctured jtiresihatbunrsmopthly it will not be long of the new developments evolved during the war will be passedon7 tothejgeneral v public indeed- some r are now online market including a new fly spray another war time development being brought out is a new type of tirelor oiif motorcarsonethatcan run at 50 miles per hour even when deflated and do it safe- lyanci smoothly thisis ajtype of tire wlucfiwas i specially produced to solve ayital war problem that of enabling war vehicles- to keep running under heavy enemy fire -bullet- proof typed tires have been found inadequate since owing 1 to the high degree of internal heat generated they were absolutely unusable in hot climates the new tire not only overcame this problem otinteraal heat but lit was also able to carry a full load for long distances even when pene trated by bullets or shrapnel stability and handling control wfieh the tire is at zero pressure is ensured by a special body construction consisting of a stiff rubber liner secured to the inside of the tire the inside walls are thus strengthened to stand up under a heavy load without de pending for support on inflation pressure the danger of the deflated tire slipping on the rim is eliminated by means of a spacer band or bead lock incidentally this bead lock which was also invented by the same firm was an important factijrin the success of the allied invasion of europe these tires are being made in england and may shortly be available for civilian use according to the united king dom information office in ottawa tielyo stanley theatre box office opens daily at sixthirty pm shows begin pan now- playing m- r i si a sp it h-v-v- some questionabletariffs the other eveningthe writer of this column spent the night on a parking lot just outside hamilton it was a very hot evening and we hadno inclination to enter the city in r broiling heat consequently we selectedwhat appeared j a clean attractive spot found a comfortable seat just out- side our cabin and watched the rushing traffic passing in and out of the city j presently- snotner motorist took up the next cabin and after getting settled he proceeded to jack up his car to change a tireand this is what we are coming to for a jack he had a piece of heavy steel tubing with some sort of air compression so that after placing the jack under the bum- j per with only a slight pressure downward on top of the tubing he sent the- car up the desired height to free the s wheel from the ground- what an improvement over the i best cork screw jackin canada we examinedthe jack and made enquiry as to where sucha contrivance could be x koistjjti when the answer came oh we canadians are not supposed to have these new conveniences bought that yer n the states you couldnt get such a thing in canada some of the embarassihg questions canadians are oftenasked by their american cousins are how it comes that you cant buy this and that in canada and why is it that there are as many canadians in the usa as there are incanada canada bnlyhas 11500000 in a land j about thesize i of the usa withits 130000000 a contractor told us not long ago that- he imported a post hole digger which operates the power takeoff from a struck he was told that he had to pay duty yet the article v y isnotniade here also every newspaper office operating liiiotype machines knows that they areforced to pay duty on parts yet the parts are not madcin canada at all -i- have we touched on what the- trouble is in canada why do we not grow are our young people streaming may prove premature we sugg t that the oshawa times was just about right last week speaking editorially when it said the wis dom of the removal of the wartime speed limit on canadian highways is to say the least debatable ah of us are eager to have wartime restrictions removed but one may well wonder if this particular action is not premature the chief constables of canada at their annual con vention in london recently went on record as favoring the retention of the wartime speed limit of 40 miles per hour in making the recommendation the association pointed out that highways have not been as well kept up during the war as previously and that many tires are in poor condition an added factor is that many autos have not been kept in as good repair as would have been the case in peacetime one had only to stand on a downtown corner for a short time during tlte holiday weekend to see the vast increase in traffic brought about by the removal of gasoline rationing it is apparent that many who refrained from driving are now taking advantage of their freedom one had only to travel a few miles to see the toll time and wear havetaken of- tires there is hardly a mile that does not find at least one auto stopped for tire changes the removal of the gasoline restriction has produced a- tendency to drive further and faster even though the old crate may not be inthe best of shape motorists generally would do well to take stock of the condition of their vehicles and govern themselves- accordingly as a means of prevent ing possible injury and loss of life not only to themselves but to others who usethe highways thurs is foto nite offer 15 friday and saturday september 21 arid 22 r across the line where thenatioh believes in making the latestand selling it out to its people where the latest gad- -v-fgets- are available without paying -a- duty oh them where gv1iil vp c are sold hundreds of dollar below- what can- ff rjadiaw a few miles away can buythemfor if swhyl there be protective duties against post- 8iik vxholerdiggers and linotypes whenthere is nothing to protect ifitwere long enough wewould like to point outhheiniquities practised in tke coal industry too necessary commodity we haveto get across the line yet the governmentclaps a tariffon coal our american cousins placedia tariff against coal goingoutbf their country they rcouldj not be actingmore funfaiflywiththe customers thaniis the canadian govern- meiitin placing tariff on coal entering canada coal we are mighty gladtogot and just havettfhave sunday draining the barrel the main reason the ottawa government is making such a strenuous sales effort to get provincial consent to- levying most of the taxes is that ottawa will be in desperate need of monej mr ilsley is in the position of a man with a 3000 incomewho is waking upafter a spendingspree he finds himself with a 40room house spacious grounds a stabe a five car garage a yacht a wine cellar many old paintings a concert grand and maybe even an economic whatnot those areworries enough butohthe servants the butler the footmen the parlor maids chamber maids tweenies housekeepers cooks gardeners chauffeurs and stable help thevare all there with lifetime contracts and mr ilsley isthefellow who has to meet the payroll he must raise hisincomeandthe only hope of doing that isby per- suadingnincpther peopletolet him take over themanage- mentofj their financial affairs the ordinary citizen might be vastly amused at this picture ofmr ilsley he mfhsley hasthe reputation of beinga careful person he doesnt fling his own money about hes astrcotcar rider though because of his cabinet rank he gets two thousand tax-free- dollars for running a carbut yvhen it comes to spending public money which vitisnt yetcertain can beiiaisedjmrilsleyspublic actions beliehisprivate character ones amusement aftje contrast dies away when itis recalledthat the argument is merelyi whetherthe citizen is to paythie rflceiver general of can- ada of a provincial treasurer thewoman alwaysipays and so will the man claudette t fred n colbert- macmurray a mitchell leisen pboduction a paiamoun1 pictvm gil lamb kellaway robert bencwqr a frwee dmcttd by mitchell ieisen alsosaludos amigos a avalt disney feature monday and tuesday september 24 arid 25 sit- m- newert funnier george in his best hilarious- role g986 school lesson t jil isa n golden tcvt ohthit men wonld praise the lord for his goodness and for hawondcrfnl works to the jchlldrenofrmcn psal1078 vxho wesson asa whole- it is a v great thing when one learns to look beyond all second causesto g6dhimsolf davidwhen he recognized that god was dealing iwitkshim inpermlttlng7shimeiito cursetiimas hefled from absalom j2sam 16 513and joseph when hew6okedback over the unhappy experiences he had endured because ofjhfsjbrethrensenvyand hatred jareremarkable j examples of- this j truthfulness oohe declaration t given v so many yearsi afterward jlhatairthings vv work together for good to them that v movegodjtothem whojjare the v calledaccording tol hlspurpose v0rom8 2 4 tf m olco azawhateversufferingthefalthful heartof joseph had endured inthe 7jyears following hlsrejectlbnbyhls l- brothers and e the bondage into whlch atheyi had isold him- het had llved to see that in itall god had been working out a plan for the enrichment of his own soul and the blessingiof manypeople yes even of those unworthy brothers who had behaved so bajly toward him consequeritlyohe indulged in no reproaches after he had seen definite evidences of a changed attitude in them his tender heart caused him to forgive them even before they asked forit and he held no malice whatever- toward them he sought to comfort them by showing s god had overruled all for the good of egypt and the sur rounding nations in all this he manifested the spirit of christ who reiectedand spurned byhis own when he came to them in lowly grace willbe acknowledged by them as fnelrmessiah and deliver er when he appears in his glory thenthey will bow before him and mourn over their former treatment ofjhlmzechl2 10u j verso by veinw t gen 45ljosephrcould notre- fralnhlmself- moved to the depths ofhisbeingby judahs devotioitto his aged father ana his youngest brotner joseph could no longer re- mainincognlto heordered all- his servants and refainersto leave the roomwhneherevcaled himself to the brothers who had treated so unkindly when he was but a averse 2 he wept aloud the pentup emotions of his heart now were released and hcdurst- fprth into uncontrollable weeping j so that the egyptians outside heard and wondered power and worldly glory hadnotservedto harden his nature nor to rob him of theklndly spirit that was hlsifrom his- early days v 7 s verse 3rhls brethren could not answer him for they c were troubled at his presence as he de clared ami joseph- andasked again for informatipn regarding his father hisastonished brethreryvere greatly concerned nodoubt their guilty i consclehcessuggosted sbme welldeserved punishmentibut they weretoxsee in joseph awondrful manifestation of the forgiving and reconclllnggracef gqd0v k jiverse4 ijosephhsald come rieartouneiprayyouinordnto allaytheirjfears joseph badethem drawtcloserrtoshlmiandagj they camenearilnwbrider4andan aze- menthefmade knowhltdtheir the loveof hisheartrandhisrecoghi tionof thes overruling providence ofgodinalithathadtaken place fore you to preserve i life bidding them not to chide or blame them selves now for the past of which we may be- sure they had repented lieconfidcntly declaredithat all had been permlteed to fulfill a divine purpose the lord it was who had allowed them to sell their brother into egypt and there become the deliverer of the world verse 9 go up to my father and say unto him thus saith joseph come down unto me tarry not it was a most unexpect ed turn of events and one can well understand how startled and amaz ed wcre and the rest now joseph commissioned themto re turn to palestine and bid theiraged father come down to the land where joseph rulcdnextrto pharaoh that hemight nourish the one who had mourned him as dead for so long vverse thou shalt dwell in theland ofgbshen and thoushalt be hearunto me the richest part of ihe egyptian deltawas to be set aside as a- home for jacob and his sons and their families butwhile this would mean much tojhenrail w vfeitet liaiu ntmnt far maratntyla wednesday and thursday september 26and 27 had been devoured by wild beasts sured- of his forgiveness m so many years ago verse 11 will i nouyish thee vlest thou come to poverty what joy it must have given- josephto know that he was ina position jto care for all family and provide foraheir every comfort in a day when so many were suffering from the effects of the famine- which had only begun and was to continue as god had made known for another five years verse 12 behold your eyes see that it- is my- mouth that speaketh unto you we can easily picture m our minds the fascinated eyesof the ten- older men as they searched the face of josephs for evidence that he was indeed their was now so far asihe was concenir edblottedoutj they hadno reason hericeforthtofear if theyf but tfusted dealt so graciously with them histears manifested how deeply his whole being was moved convincedbf bis sincerity lin taking them f into bis favor ithe brothers became con fident and talked fieelytwiukhim the restraint of the ipast gone be- causeoi f iovehe hadshowi them surely no special anouitini ofthespiritis needed- tosee- in ai this ourblessed lorfts welcomefa all who cometo himun faith what ever the sinsof the maybayi been ji tlic heirt of tfie lesson eviaence ubi i noo m v 1 longlost brother benjamin had v ingodstdeaiingswith josepr never seen himbefore but his gazel an hisbrethrenwe have afin too wouldiberivetedupon that of illustration ofhhesdiffereneebe the powerfulu ruler who declared himself to be his own full brother in all of this we may see alovely illustration of what itiwill meanto the future remnant of israel when their brother xesus appears- to them andthey see him face to face and realize che is irtt very- truth the one their nations once sold to the gentiles uo becondemned to death but who has- returned in power and glory for their final de liverance verse 13 tell my father of all my glory in egypt and of all that ye have seen it was not idle boast ing that made joseph t speak thus but rather hewouldhave his father know that he was in a- place and position where he could carry out successfully every promise he made and socould make cproper- provi sion for that- father and all the family he would brook no delay but bade the brothers hasten and bring jacob to him verse 14 he fell upon his brother benjamins neck and wept andbenjaminwept upon his neck it was a most tenderand affecting scene as the itwof sons ofirachel embraced each other and mingled their tears and thantcsgiving as they realltedotwhafcwonders god hadiwrought verse- fiftmoreoveslhefklssed u uu all- his brethren- andlwepttrupon it must have meant far moretotlie them and after that- his brethren father that hewas tobe near to his talked vwlur him wsseo 7h tweenihls direct andfhispermm sivewill he definitely r makejosephtpremier egypt i order to rpreserve life inthestim of famiret6 bring this about h permitted jthebrothers to deal ui justly and- cruelly with joseph h did not sanction thisr but he ove ruled it- inorder to work out ba purpose it is never thewlll ofgq that meido evil but he is able 1 bring good out of evil and so 1 control things that the evil shall m thwartshis plans- but rather ten to further them it was this prt ciple- that joseph recognized ai explained to his repentant brethre daforthf automotive supply j m r- toldobsfim- 1 705 ave4 v toronto 7j phone ha 0931- parts- accessoriesandmachii shop service