Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 20, 1945, p. 10

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tarfmvnggjaj make these ctassifiedadvs your market place e jtgty i sfmst fjliye yj stock 40 hybrid pullets for sale also 70 capon roosters 5 months old earlkeith main street t 10 shropshire breedingewes tforssale elmer fockler phone vt6713-stougevule- tz for saleaberdfeeh angus good tempered bull nearlythree years old registered bandolier of don head 20000- rawlinson ten- tone farm 3rd concession gorm- leyont 16tf articles for sale for saleboys c in good condition lom- bicycle farm- for sale easthalf lot i u 4scott township ideal gas engineigood running good soil good buildings lots of orderr victor foote lot 21con 10 rs waters would consider renting with option of buying apply horace hird- sandfordont 213 markham for salemans bicycle in good condition apply allen- j sider phone 7306 x v it sr for sale registeied hereford bull 1 year old fit for service sired by alton gay monk 69137374 lloyd pugh clare 3 r3 for sale 125 hybrid pullets leghornrock across 18 weeks old murray hollinger cherry- wood for sale young durham cow and good bull calf fresh 2 days apply w c willson phone pick ering lot 20 rear of con- 4 pick- erin phohe10r3 for sale- young sows ready to breed phone 8805- 5 acres laurentian- tur nips forsaie fieldfready jto pull- howard st john mile eastofstouffville ph 1103 car radio for sale 1943 rca victor good as new herb yake- ley ph9908 for sale solid brick house 6 rooms with kitchen garage hydro and about a acre of land in vic- tdria square on highway -posses- sionoct 1st lb heisel phone stouffville 6112 y- 212 wtji forsale apples for cooking rvrt jnii wrixa ip i50perbuscrossland farms si r22 markham lost and found for sale all steel practically new icebox apoly lwj buck- land rr4 stouffville or phone 715 f 1937- desoto sedan ifor sale price 550 fair condition mc intosh sunny valley mussel- mans lake- for sale about 75 light sussex and new hampshire pullets ph 7812 for salej11 pigs six weeks old f hafwood phore 3709 leghorn pullets starting to lay for sale j b reesor phone 6005 bob calf for sale wj mccart- ney claremont ph 3607- 4 heifers- grade for sale 3 bred 1 holstein 2 ayrshire and jersey 1 guernsey- yearling ph 1104 for sale 2 purebred oyorkshire v boars- 5 months old ph 8909 harvey houck for sale 35 pigs 50 to 100 lbs c anthony wlntevale markham 30 r23 for sale case corn binder withv bundle carrier- horse or tractor hitch near new also md 13 discdrill with fertilizer attach ment near new and a 1horse light wagon- levi drudge lot 15 con 9 markham phone 74 rl2 212 for sale findlay circulator heater in excellent condition walter vague ph 2813- farm for sale 100 acres pickering township well equipped dairy farm runn- ing water through stablesfive acres hardwood bushh mile from school near no 7 highway four thousand down albert matthews brougham 19tf for saleood hundred acres more or less with good buildings good flowing well and spring creek water in stables all cement floors low taxes all clear of in- cumberances ill health reason for selling this farm is close to stouffville on good road apply tribune office 202 found 3 yearling catuecame to my -place- about aug 25th owner can have sameby proving property and pavl h sandiford ph expenses strayed from my premises at glasgow two white sows finder please notify l slack phone 1106 stouffville tvi i -ft- 5 tkr t blended or quality au v k sest heifer strayed from lot 18 con 4 whitchurch red color coming 3 years old finder please notify lome johnson phone aurora 8012 lost small yellow bobtailed collie please phone 9704 fred lewis altona personal coming auctions corns instantly relieved with lloyds corn and callous salve-i- the effective corn remedy 50c at storeys drug store stouffville for sale 1220 case tractor on steel v geo constable claremont phone 2820 plow for salemasseyharris double disc d white altona phone 6906 stouffville for sale crib mattress 25x48 in good condition phone 15312 1938 dodge coupe for sale in good shape trade for older model herbyakely ph 9908 black driving horse for sale six yeais old good double or sin- v phone 6907 thos maches- ney corn crib for sale capacity about 500 bushels w halman phone 5516 for sale 149 acres good build ings running stream 2 miles from markham 14 acres ready for wheat apply at lot 18 con 9 markham- 202 business for sale concrete block mfg business established 37 years acre of land with building 20x50 story and half concrete block mixer and fullline of moulds for block and culvert tile 10 to 24- also two story block building for wood work etc 30x40 with large gar- age this is a money maker 3000 cash handle balance on mortgage apply geo w baker gormley ph 7304 202 wanted for sale cider press fireplace screen fireplace fender in good condition r p mackay phone claremont 2412 for sale 12 good sucking pigs 6 weeks old len ham lot 11 con 1 uxbridge several fat cattle for sale herefords springers lome johnson 4th of whitchuich phone aurora 8012 i c team or horses and harness for sale two good milch cows x mccormickdeering hay rake vroundfumed oak dining table and six chairs with leather seats 1 cheap owner leaving farm ed v phone 85 r5claremontr li- ft teji for sale mcclary pandora stove and findlay stove both 6 holes reservoirs warming ovens water front in mcclary mrs wmhopkins main st east for sale findlay circulator stove in first class condition excellent heater apply v penna- nemmam st east stouffville ph 6502 2 advanced registry class a ayrshire bulls ready for ser- vice sired by fremor sir john t class a a his dam harnelbell netta gave 122335 lbs milk 4659 lbs fat nio lactations his sire and grand oire the preferential three star greenan golden glory have daughters with 121 re- cords between them lyssenthock golden glow born may 31st1944 dam lyssenthock dahlia 3year 4 old record 13884 lbs milk 552 lbs fat test 3 98 lyssenthock gold- r encrestborn june 14 1944 dam lyssenthock petunia2yearold record 7376 lbs milksl lbs7fat test 476 x both these are well grown and sure breeders their i damsare the 4th generation of jjh op dams of our own breeding accredited and vaccinated j h j wwallwork son v stouffville swzlj 2- farm phone 1606 fa mount albert for sale 2 sets bed springs and mattress babys highchair din- mgroom table dresser wash- stand pull cciuch front room stand small kitchen table kit chen stove findlay oval large number fruit jars apply se condst mrs lucy graham room wanted by girl in town for winter season at least phone 9204 stouffville youthful beauty and appearance of hair yours again with angeli- que grey hair restorer 100 at storeys drug store stouffville card of thanks mrs wm drewery and family wish to express through this newspaper their sincere thanks and apreciation to the neighbors and friends for their acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy i in t present berea card of thanks i sincerely thank tlie kind friends and neighbors who remembered me in the hospital by sending cards fruit and flowers paul commings girl wantedfdr light house duties no laundry work goocl home apply mrs c hbell stouffville ph 281 helpwantedman for general tractoiv work by day or week good wages w a jones mark ham rr 2jph 263 wanted to rent farm about 75 acres stouffville district- pre- ferably gordon fuller stouff ville r r 1 housekeeper wanted for farm home near stouffville ap ply auin lewisimarkham rr for sale master 6hole cook stove with resprvoir warming oven and hot water front first class shpe ira rusnell ph 342 g shiveublu platinum mink r i for sale vtv- the best of the mink mutations tis- 7 quiet to handle very prolific and f tnan standard mink call s ij and see these beautiful animals and let us teluyoiijof the great in- 5 v i- crease madeintwoseasonvfrom k i the original trio we purchased t- t j l byersons-t- markham ontkph stouffville6205 mum for sale alhschambers 40 combine with pickup attach- ments and set of selves good con- tion harold hill lot 32 con 4 markham phone stouff 1520 for salebaby carriage folding type blue in- good condition mrs g smith edward st opposite planning mill for sale 1 hp gasoline en gine- good condition m annis brougham kitchen range for sale coal or wood nearly new six holes enamel trim and nickel hot water front high closet and tank at rear apply to mrs f banks two doois west of baker ave main st 202 car wanted will pay top cash price for good used car dr john button th 904 stouffville girl wanted for housework apply to j a clarke phone 5101 wanted to rent house vicinity stouffville markham six rooms or more pieferred warm electric lights october possession mrs m overend rr 1 agmcourt card of thanks g a sutton of ballantrae ex presses his deep appreciation for all the kindnesses done during the passing of the late job jordan especially remembering the neigh bors the vivian church and ballan trae folk generally card of thanks miss belle mitchell and mrsnixon wish- to express their heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the many neighbors friends and rela tives for their great kindness mes sages of sympathy and floral tri butes tendered them during their recent bereavement in the death of a beloved brother thanks gmrs james murnson and family wishto convey their sincere thanks and appreciation to the neighbors andfriends for their sympathic en quiries and acts of kindness through the long illness and subse- quent passing of a b sister wanted old andcnppled hor ses and cattle we are prepared to pick up dead horses or cattle with no inconvenience to thefar- mer we pay phone charges ph markham 11 r3or h elson ux bridge ph 95 r21 or claremont 700 v 194 for salegasohne engine 1- 7- horse aircooled suitable for milking machine oil pump stan i hall ph 8813 11 3 miscellaneous for sale10 hives of ibeeswilh ffifcc y ttop boxesandhoney igerald fe jv- clartmontt vvood- hardwood andisoftwood slabs also cord wood- geode- rusha phtclaremont4 r3 17tf ai t lu- f custom plowing done on sfiort notice henry ogdenrstouffville r phone 159 194 plumbing andl heating water softenerji ressure systems etc l- s c thompson 4 i l6cust hill 218 ph markham 49 r31 k electrician f 16m prepared to do your electrical and general repair work at v reasonable rates call v l av j buckland 202 i phone 715stouffville i immediatedelvery woddsandfrigidaire milk coolers ijtdelayalimilkers- grain grinders iv shallowjwell electric pumps electric hea- itersdairy straw ff accepted inttrade- vix r03y torontoradio a sports for sale mccormickcorn bin- trderedgarwardbalsamrphone claremont 82 r22 newpuro electric pump ijforisale deep well type also new fgilsonx6cariautomaucj milk coblerand7a used 2horse fair- banksmorse gasrengine i e j stickley victoria square phone 7513- -fo- j 212 r wanted vsrringerrcows v highest prices pald- jphone or write to l kahn sons- 202 i v iclaremont 85 r2 wanted to rent modern dairy farni 100 to 200 acres all conveniences- by experienced far- fmer with full line of stock and equipment with a view to buy- ing f box no 17 tribune 19tf card of thanks mrs james painter wishes to thank alljthe frierdswho remem bered hec during her recent illness especially the folk from peachs w m s ho were so kind in send ing a lovely box of fruit and a shower of cards caretaker wanted man to fill the position of caretaker for the stouffville united church duties to commencp immediately applications and information re garding duties and salary should obe made to c h nolan stouff- vllle secietaryjofficial board card of thanks miss lillian shannon wishes to thank her many fiiends for their kindly remembiances when she was in the hospital the united church choir and womens associ ation the womens institute and others who- sent flowers fruit and cards j- v 1n memorram nicely in lovmg memory of john nicely who passedaway sept 21 1943 time changes manythings but fond memory everchngs hattie nicely and family woman wanted with some nursing experience to care 1 for elderly couple in farm home good wages to suitable party e k jones claremontkrr2n- ix work wantedmarried man desires work on the farm as manager or general farm help available- oct 20 separate house and hydro fred gil- ham crossland farms r r2 claremont tenders wanted a fc usedoodsfprsaiie jl giv thoreleclric washer just like new llneshaftvand jbagger jfororain s grinders- v t t cornlcultivatortcir ijsj vtv y3funovmhvrractorpiow wide 5bottomnearly new- kv i jrvbeui sox vwvistktto farmequipment irtnr riw for ijimedrate delivery woodsvportablg and drop in milk coolers awoods and bcatty electric grinders beatty shallow well elcctslc f pressure systems 2stmafi0 cycle bcatty 4 hand and rptarypnmps cockshutt fno30 graln grinders beatty c manure carrier bnckete manure carrier trackl and equipment if electrfcrmotors telectf ic fences electriejpailheaters5arechanicai beulpgoiautmnds m can sweiuvget it rbetl25sone coshnftpcaier stouffville house or apartment avant- ed in stouffville by good tenant apply tribune office j water pressure systems beatty mcdougall and fairbanks shallow and deep well- pressure systems for the farm installed and serviced- j- tj rl woods and gilson electricand gas olinemilk refrigerators- j delaval surge and woodsmilkers beatty and woods electric grain grinders electric fencers and fenceiwirew i tk supertest oils and greases v- it it is for the farm we sell it belly-son- phone 281vthe cockshutt dealers electric wirings iji new work alternations and i additions j i r poles supplied and delivered 166 phonemarkham74ir4 rseedlwhetxpiii- for late sowing u3ethenew im- perial vcamberrediking vx and smutresisung-v- ph 263vi markham rr2 toronto and york roads l commission tenders for sand sealedtenders properly marked will be received by the undersigned up to 1200 oclock noon edst y t saturday september 221045 for the supply anddehvery of treatedsandin stockpiljes in the i undermentioned districts district a eastof yonge st fin the townships of scarborp east york north yorkand-mark- ham south- of kings highway no7- f district b east of yongest in the townships of markham north of kings highway no 7 whitchurch and east gwillim- bury south of sharonmt albert road district c east of yonge st inthetownships of eastgwll- flimbury north t of sharonmt albert road north gwillimbury and georgina district d west of yonge st rt and vaughan v districtie west of yonge st in the townships of etobicoke t north yorjtand y6rkf- specif icationspsinformation tb bidders anditender forms may be obtained in room 957 ade- laide st east toronto 1 oriand after thursdayseptemberll3th -xrz- t lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted jaj t 57 adelaide st easthcrose chief engineer toronto 1 ont rbtdhbrsjstlp we will pay yw15l00 for your j- old s horse at your farm v phone stonffvuie 8308 i tchascambekc- v aglncourt rr2 friday sept 21farm stock implements hay grain also the 100 acre farm roots corn at lot 4 con 3 uxbridge the pro perty of cecil latcham terms cash no reserve sale at one a s farmer auctioneer friday sept 21 auction sale of farm stock implements ford- son tractor hay grain etc the property of w h bennett at lot 6 cond scarboro at west hill sale at 130 pjn- terms cash no reserve farm sold sellers atkinson auctioneers saturday sept- 22 important auction sale of dairy herd farm stock and implements allis chalmers tractor on rubber trac tor equipment surge milker 2 units woods cooler 6 can hay grain etc the property of frank greenwood lot 8 con 3 egwil- limbury sharon sale 1230 no reserve terms cash f kavan- agh auctioneer saturday sept 22 i- auction sale of household furniture elec tric washer electric radio lawn mower garden tools etc the property of the estate of the late mrs mary doten on obrien ave stouffville terms cash no reserve property sold sale at 1pm sellers atkinson auc tioneers saturday sept 22 auction sale household furniture piano oigan elec radiochoice home made rugs quilts and odd anti ques also dishes- garden tools etc to be held in the markham arenamarkhamthe property of mrs mary jane crosby sale 1 30 pm terms cash no reserve owner sold her markham home clarke prentice auctioneer saturday sept 22registered holstein rop fully accredited and listed herd of cattle horses implements furnitureat lot 19 con 3 vaughan just south of maple enter from 4th con keele street the property of alex for rest no reserve sale 12 30 pm teims cash a sfarmer auc tioneer monday sept 24 auction sale of household effects including 4 burner moffat electric stove lat est model westinghouse electric fngndaire electric iron toaster and heater the property of mrs i r mclaughlin main st agm court sale 130 p m terms cash no reserve owner going to eng land 7- sellers atkinson auc tioneers v tuesday sept 25 farm stock implements hay grdin black smith and carpenter tools at lot 8 convs markham the property ofharry m rolph no reserve terms cash sale at 12 30sharp a s farmer auctioneer wednesday sept 26 cattle horses roots hay grain and jmplements belonging to wesley matthawsat lot 25 con 6 about vat miles south of uxbridge- sale at one no reserve terms cash as farmer auctioneer wednesday sept 26th im portant auction- sale 45 head of iregistered and high grade hol- t stem dair ycattle including fresh springers and young cattle these cattle have just passed a negative blood test and willbe sold subject to samealso a new case tractor on rubber 4 months old power implements universal milking machine good hay grain etctthe property of sher manarnold lot 33 con 8 pick ering sale 1 pm terms leash no reserve farm sold see large posterslloydj turner clerk sellers and atkinson auctioneers thursday sept 27farm -stock- and implements at lot i con3 uxbridget2milessouth of goodwood the property of jos ihelmkay- noreserve i terms cash sale at ohey ars farmer auctioneer v saturday jsept 29- auction sale of household furniture piano- and all the general house hold effects garden tools etc the properly of john miller- no highway unionville village sale at 130 pmterms cashno re serve property sold- clarke prentice auctioneer r hsjjm saturday septl29 entire household furniture- including china andglassjand antiques mhe property of newton hilleast end stouffville sale at 130 pm a s farmer auctioneer saturday sept29th exten sive auction sale of 40 head of ihighjgrade dairy cattle includj ingfresh- springers jandsyoung cattle delavalmagneticmilking machine gas engine horses im- pie ments grainy hayt ensilage corn by the rowefc also the 100 v farm 90acres under cultiva- tion with running water inpas turegoodwell roomed frame house bank bam pig pendriv- shedmilk- house will be 1 offered at 3oclock subject to re- -serve- bid watch for bills the farm is situated1 miles north of jstouffvllleonipaved wghwaythe property of theestateof the late idavid j graygatloti8cona10 whitchurch- sale 1 pm sharp nbreserveterms7 cash sellers and atkinson auctioneers saturday sept 29 auction sale of registered and high grade holstein cattle and three horses the property of mrs l m baker lot 15 con 14 reach twp one mile- east- no 712 highway at saintfield owing- to the disas trous firethat destroyed the barn all the live stock must be sold terms cashsale at 1 pm ted jacksonauctionecr tuesday octjtind farm stock and implements good dairy herd at lot 345 con 8 whitby just east of balsam the property of rodd r appleby reason for sale barn destroyed by wind sale at one terms cash a s farmer auctioneer wednesday oct auction sale of new fordferguson trac- tor and equipment implements chicken equipment panel truck also household furniture elec tric refrigator radio washer dishes and other effects garden tools etc at pari lot 5 con 6 markham twp m mile west of hakermans corners off kennedy highway the property of r h sabin sale starts at 1 p m posi tively no reserve termsr cash property sold clarke prentice auctioneer thursday oct 4th farm stock and implements- hay straw household furniture etc at lot 19 con 8 whitchui ch just south of ballantrae the property of james greer sale at one terms cash no reserve frm sold clarke prentice auctioneer friday- october oth auction sale of horses cattle pigs imple ments and 100 acre farm the property of james cook will be sold at lot 3 con 6 scott twp sale at one terms cash ted jackson auctioneer tuesday october 9th auction sale of cattle horses hay grain corn m row implements belong ing to william j green at lot 8 con 7 pickering twp farm sold sale at one no reserve terms 1 cash a s farmer auctioneer wednesday oct 10 farm stock omplemerife household j furniture dishes cooking-uten- sils lot 1 con 10 markv hamscarboro townhne the pro perty alex milroy sale at 1 sharp term cash a s farmer auctioneer thursday oct 11 farm stock implements hay grain poultry household furniture the property of herb bracken at lot 15 con 7 markham on the mt joy side- road sale at one terms cash farm sold as farmer auctio- neer fridayoct 12100 acre farm including 30 head of cattle farm stock and implements new john deere tractor model b on rub- ber by auction at lot 3 con 6 pickering at kinsalelthe proper- ty of a g- hooker sale at one sharp terms- on chattels cash terms on property made known day of sale a s farmer auc- i tioneer saturday oct 13 entire household furnituie dishes cooking utensils etc by public auction on no 7 highway just v east of unionville the property of mrs frank stiver sale at 1 pmr terms cash a s farmer auctioneer t wednesday oct s farm stock i implements hay grain 1 etc the property of riissel sprox- ton at lot 26 con 5 whitchurch sale at one terms cash a s fanner auctioneer j thursdayoer vfarm stock and implements hay and grain including international tractor equipment atlot 12 con 5 mark- ham just north of no 7 highway jj the property of jebrown terms cashnoreservesaleat one a ssfarnierjauctibneer v fridayr octviotlvauction sale of 50 to60 head of registered leisterand fully accredited herd i of choice herefords at lot26con2 vaughan twp straight west from york mills property of the late trbuchcanon estate for cataloguesfull particulars terms time etc apply to mrv thomp- hsonjfarmmanageror to the hereford breeders association clarke prentice rassisting auc- stloneerf f saturday oct20lfarm stock v j grain fordson tractor new on rubber 50 head durham andhereford vcattlebabybeef aloohogs the wproperty-of-a- crowiethe last halfoflot 32 con i2 scott mile northof jzephyrsale atllo sharpterms cash no reserve as farm sold a s farmer auctio- neer jf vthundoynightn 5- is fvfqtotnite offer155fvr ij-

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