1 t lis t r ivt ik j- te w first civilian installation of radar in canada has been made by transcanada airlines at winni peg man helen mcguick here watches the approach of an aircraft shown on the cathode ray indica tor resembling a television screen the equipment was borrowed from the rcaf it is effective for radius of 80 miles thisissaid to be ilirohitos last picturejust before theroof fell in it was taken iri tokyo members of the us 11th air born division evidently are hav ing trouble trying tokeep operating this tiny japanese automo- bile provided for their transportation in yokohama the conquer ed japs went out ot their way at times to aid in occupation of their oquntry ah unidentified allied soldier- is shown here sharing- his cigar ettes with four members of the imperial palace guard at tokyo while the allied commanders have issued no nonfraternization order the jap government has warned the people against fra ternization the occupant of this house in tokyo had been engaged- in backyard production for his country- bpforehls home was de- stroyedbyfire bombs dropped allied piangsa milling machine rises oufof the rubble of the wrecked house evidence that many of the japcivilianshad beendoing factory work iwas found by advance the jap capital iuit embraced by his wife is maj- gen edward p king upon his arrivali in california he was one of manygenerals tortured by japs during four years imprisonment majgen william c chase will command the us first dismounted cavalry division which will occupy tokyo first prisoner of war from the canadian air force to be flown out of thailand since end of jap hostilities was fit lieut dm bruce kenora ont he was captured in 1942 -the- dhometowni 4r w4 o 1 tw of ac by stanley sycy 7w j- jlc i algoma a yh y0 nig auh sohns- oa off m 1 m m sl 81 k ii il ml i i i i j2y m m ml 1 i y 4 jsufisiaiil- jaaa feaah5sg5iaaaga issssi