k- i so- c va for ball smut i f ij- fej faxlifertilizer vtr v orderfalinvheatandpasturefrtiuzerrnow western grain c iv v i buyweern oats barley andwheattomix with your present home rgrown stocks zelsxi jl worm powders in ormyour pullets with dr lsworm powder before they start laying -k- chopping it we want to draw your attentionvqour chopping days chopping c rolling and mixing- every week day but wednesday please donotask usto chop roll or mix on wednesday as we need- all day wednesday to getour chop rolling and mixing orders out j salt a stock on hand for your second hay crop stouffville phone 4501 mrandmrs arthur ferian are intown from miami floudathe guests of mr andmrsalleiicrossen f thevboai d of education r met pn monday- evening and earned on 1 considerable routine business of no public interest chan man ag thompson presided i ithe red cross workrooms in the municipal- buildingwillieopenon thursday the 13th all workers are requested to be pfesent miss helen campbell daughter of mr and mrs ken -campbell- is attending toi onto normal school ithls term to take the kindergarten primary specialist course- 1- stouff villas r colored lights were on again saturday night aftera shutdown ofsome weeksowingto jthe automatic clock which shuts the lightsjfon and off being away for reriairs repairs many stouffvilleites have enjoyed a trip to the niagara and st cath- anries district this summer andof course7all of themori nearly so bring back peaches visitors- to the fruit belt must have been impressed s with the di ought spasori experienc ed there as compared with the moisture vthat has- fallen on- the miss bei tha stouffer will commence her piano class on monday septem ber 17th for fuitber information please telephone 6704 mai kham township council will hold their next regular meeting on monday evening- sept 17 at 8 oclock 1 4ii mrs jos hoover and mrs th ratchff spent a few days among friends and felatives in the vine- land distiict- veteians notice a meeting will be held on tues- dayseptfa8 v 8 oclock in the mumcipalhall allveterans old and young are asked to attend b lickonsh sec c jvfiss ileeiweldonis teaching this year at cambraian haliburton inthe oldomedisfrict her sister marionhasjenteredvst michaels hospital toronto as a nuise an training- k fiom aviiinipcgsubscriber wilting fiom winnipeg mis t h reynolds says that herjhusband just jias to get his tribune each week so shesent along the renewal subscuption with the explanation mr reynolds has taken the tn- bune since 1902 aricuif it is a day f l s tf miiisi cr ffvs t s- iwl se3x ssssi5 1 frasersand daughter fiom belleville are visit ing here with mrsfrasers aunt miss jane burkitl- v price rpugh- wholhas been in europe with the occupation troops is novbackinengland and may arrive home here any day accord ing to latest information received by letter by his home folk garbage collection arrangements have- been com pleted for removal of garbage from the rear of the town stores bypeter bramwell if any private house holder wishes to have their rubbish removed once or tvice a week tele phone bramwell 7914 and make your arrangements of interest to friends in stouff ville and dicksons hill is the announcement of the engagement by mr and mrs aaron weber r r 2 waterloo of their only daugh ter lena to harley roy wideman son of mr and mis herbert wide- man dicksons hill the marriage will take place in st jacobs men- nomte church on sept 29th 5c tol for mai kham markhcm village is shortly to have a new store opening m the former bank of nova scotia build ing which has been- undergoing gieat changes in the southern town the place will be opened by mr j c sinclair of tweed who will conducts five to dollar store mr sinclair managed a steadman store m tweed consequently- is well skilled in the business and will no doubt bung to the district another modern jstore that will be appreci ated r land about stouffville after traveli late teaching winnipeg he sure ling 20 miles outof toi onto enroute misses it his healtn is not very good this last two years and he does not get out verv much but he does like to read about the folks back home fnerds back- home will certainly hope for anearly re turn to better health for mr reynolds- to thefruitsection there is scaice- ly a blade of gieen grass to be seen so parched is the land it is not muchavonder whev it is known fthatgint the vineland district there hasribt been agood lain since july it- s i v wonicnsiiistitute athejsouffville womens institute j will hold their first meeting of the l falliseason on thursday afternoon sept120thn at 2 30 oclock at the homeof- mrs lloyd turner4the motto will be given by mrs baxter and the roll call will be answered bygiving gaiden experience lotheritemscon theipjfogram ad- dressjby the distnctpresident mrs kennedy reading by mrsiridout musicand social half hour followed i r lunch with salad demon lstrati6n- are invited to this gathering 5 jt j v dogs were listed inthe show aoe30e aox jjcarlsaigeonofmaplewell knowrrfiorthyorkauctioneerdied in torontoisundaywhllevisiting frendshewas in his ssthyeif and was ariativeof ivauqhan township he a ofvaughan masohic maple united churchtand was for manyy ears prominent -rin- the community nterestsofthedisfnct he is sur- vivedby hisfwidow jack offer si 45 overseasihisparehfsmr and mrssc nla cyi ii is- i john saieeon and two sisters spanibij cltjb oppiciaii present lions cheque a burden midon kennels presi dent of the cocker spaniel club of central ontario and a mfitz geiald don marco kennels treasurer presented a cheque for s375 to the markhamumonville lions club to further the work of that organization the presentation took place at the lions club opening fall dinner the money was rreahzedfrom a specialty show put on by tlie cock er spaniek club last june which washeld in5njunction with the lions club in unionvilleover 80 the death is announced of eliza beth shendrehen widow of the late hector hendrehen one time barber in stouffville and whose shop was in the small place now occupied by- central feed store m the furniture store block- the late mrs hendiehen died at st cath- annes general hospital on tues day sept 4 and was buried on fri day afternoon fiom the residence of her sister mis jean gowman40 canal street port dalhousie it is many years since the hendrehens lived in stouffville but they aie nevertheless remembered by quite a number ofouriosidents mr and mrs harold moyer have left for their former destination in indiana aftei spending some months in town at thembcpar- sonage onsundaytmorning at the church service mr moyer who is a son of the pastor revlw b moyer sang t solo very effectively the garden of prayerwhich was dedi cated to rev and mis s goudie mrgoudie pi cached the sermon which marked 60 yearsin the min istly foi him the stouffville branch of yoik county veterans association will hold a victoi v danrp at rvdar beach gardens musselmtns lake wed nesday evening of next week sept 19th this is the last dance of the season and one you must attend music will be supplied by billy hole and his live wnes and will be both modem and old time mr geo davies propyetor of cedar beach has kindly donated the big hall for the event v i of i thursddy night isfotovnite mr and mrs jmilton claik peter- boiowill mark then 25th wedding anniveisary this coming saturday and a family get at their home will be attended by the fol lowing in honor of the occasion mr and mrs harry klmck mr and mrs geo dewitt gormley mr and mrs frank rowbotham mr and mrs ross klmck victoria square and bruce claik manager of the local coop and son of the honored couple r f s j flying officer and mis goidpir ormston following their mai- nagem st johns anglican church- umonville the bride is the former grace webb daughter of mr and mrs ross webb and the groomis the son of- mr and mrs t ormston of umonville rev and mrs geo muiphyand httle david of mailette michigan have ben visiting her aunt and uncle- mr and ms a s stouffer the public health nurse for mark- ham township-and-maikhamvil- lage has completed the first month which r emphasized last jweek when a bill for 135 for- office sup plies was submitted to markhani township andoideredpaid t a helping hand alnays piys- mr j k agnew will testify to this statement we believe since duung the festiv ities at his daughters wedding in toronto mi agnew lent his assist ance to a lady whose daughter needed immediate medical aid by rushing her to the hospital when neither a doctor nor a taxi could be engaged no names were exchanged at the time but he other day mr agnew was the recipient of v pound shipment of honeyfrom the party whom he had aided some weeks ago the sport of horseshoe pitching is really booming- in stouffville right now and a number of the men who are regular attendants at the courts back of the griffith black smith shop banded together recent ly andhadja setof lights installed for night games notables of the art have come from stouffville for many years and local -names- are usually in the f in any pitching events at the fall fairs that was a very good picture of murray nendick printed in last issue bf the tribune but murrayis in holland and not mitaly as stated he pulled out of the boot with the other canadians over a year ago or thereabout miss bertha bnlhnger has taken a position in markham for a time and left town tins weekvto keep things even as regards the popula tion- we also notethatmissmay kitchenerwhb has beenemployed at markham is jhisweekreturnmg ll sf gwendolynehtranmer and hajshantzjakeivows ix ux1tedxhurch- in a charming candlelight service at stouffviuevftunited4church3at 730 pjnwednesday sept 5helen gwendoline tranmordaughterof mr and mrp-r- tranmer stouff- villerwas united- in marriage to howardleroy shantz son otrev and mrs ssshantz markham rev mrshantz of markham and rev d davis of stouffville officiated organist was miss-thelmaatkin- son atcmf and soloist miss alta fockler h the bride was given in marriage by her father and wore a gown made with a white satin bodice and a skirt of satin under two over- skirts of net satin bows enchanced the skirt the bodice had a sweet heart neckline and three-quarter- length sleeves in her hair she jivore a crown of forgetmenots made from her mothers bridal headdress and surmounted by afmgertip veil y she carried a bouquet of red roses and- heather from scotland the latter a gift from kef brother fo bill tranmer mrs howard kee of orangeville was the matron of honor she woie ablue net gown over taffeta com- pletedwith a blue net veil caught with yellow and blue flowers and carried a colonial bouquet of yellow loses miss mane clendenen of kitchen- er was the bridesmaid she wore y floorlength blue taffeta a- head- diess of yellow and blue flowers catching ablue net veil and she carried a colonial bouquet of yellow roses v ringbeaier was master larry tianmer of toronto mrfroyi shantz of cherrywood was the best- man ushering was done by fo paul yates of aylmerjand mrj kenneth tranmer of stouffville a leception was held at the tran- mer home following the ceremony dr j malheson oatorontowasthe master of ceremonies ati supper serving were misses jean pipher reg noshawa hospital- catherine matheson fiom toronto rpjiylhs winn hamilton and margaret blown stouffville receiving the 40 guests was the bridal party- the brides mother wearing adark jersey frock pinned r with a corsage of red roses and the j bridegrooms mothernrf air force bluecrepe with a similar corsage prior to her departure on a wed- ding trip to nor therrix points tlie x bride domied ar6setbess with brownflecked fcream-coloredthree- quarterlength coat fuchsia hat and gloves and v the couple will make their home atlornepark college where mr v a s vk jlf s vr -r- a v 1 u iil to stouffville iand will keep house 2t for mr- james jarvis w the min ioe aoxaob aos high priaesf or live raultfy iox i fix i- inifi rf v j i j- i r- m shop the modern ft i li keiiogsbrajtfjakesi bz pkgs 29c readycutmacaronilb nrt 5c cks oz tins 20c qkertoaqujck jj v 19c fspurereakfastfcocoa m ibtiji- 19c 131c betterknistflour7lbs i 25c r carload groceteria aotfcqr tag mneo ss nolaatfoba vtl fit- vrtft t phone 280 l viy r isc rev len wenham of claiemont was the guest speaker at the open ing meeting of tlie stouffville lions club held at the mayfair restaurant on monday evening rev mr jven- ham said that he was much impress ed when told that the lions club was a body of men banded together to do good where -good- could be done and his remarks had the story of the good samaritan as a basis lion l e oneill new president of the club presided the speaker was introduced by lion 5 chas nolan7 and lion edw logan ex pressed the clubs appreciation for the speakers fine address a new committee that is of interest to the public was named in the of lions harojd spofford and hugh bannerman who will take charge of any future salvage collections tompkins stouffer the lawn of theirhomewas the setting for the marriage of miss luella agnes stouffer n younger daughter of mr and mrsats stouffer stouffville to mr james daniel tompkins ofuxbridgevsbn of mrs tompkins and thelate mr isaac tompkins 1 i rev e moyer officiated and miss katharine stouffer y niece of the bride played the wedding music given in marriage by her father the bride wore white sheer with fingertip veil caught withofahge blossoms and ti carried r picardy gladioli and white roses miss bertha stouffer attended her sister in rose jersey jandldrrledwhlte gladioli and pink snapdragons- mr onald jamescousin ofthe groom was groomsman mrv lambert stouffer sang the voice that breathed oer eden and ifather of love our guideandfrien after thereceptlonwtheycoupte left formuskokaandon their re turn will live on the grooms farm in uxbridge pjst ivkt i paint the fewi dollars until further notice we are paying the following prices for live poultry delivered to our plapt m whitby top grade heavy fowl v- n grade light vgbwl 4 to 5 lbs top grade light ofowl urider 4 lbs top grade broilers 2uo 3 lbs top grade roasting chickens over 4 lbs top grade roasting chickens under 4 lbs top grade heavjcapons over 5 lbs pickering jfarms ximited whitby telepfibnevwhitby336 ontario ar- 23c lb s21c l9clb 28ctlb 28clbr 26cxlb v30c iir i i frl 51 vl p r ocaoi aoi aoz ocac 1 if l 1 i 4jp fla protect your home t is wthpaints r i wis- xv il youre the owner of a wood a frame housetake heed dont i rl vi v r ft let yoiir home r run down by neglecting to protect it with you spend now the little time it takes to do the job will 3 v eliminate serious damage save you time and v jj r ft- money later or- our- extra fine quality paint wimt us tovghness- wiu prottctdblkutifv l 9 n v3ji l si hi v f- si l ci vit v