Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 13, 1945, p. 2

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raj- r and ontmiouebec neirepapjers association issued every thurayfat stouffvffletontaxior jsubscriptionratebrper year in canada 200- c v in usjl 2b0 alvrnoiansonrpablisnerb k t v h notes latid comments whyjdont we bring in industry one of thimost popular men in town would be the i individual who could wave the magic avandand- thereby bring in one or two industrial factories that would give employment to even 50 jar 75 men in stouffville indeed there- are numerous ratepayers who express wonderment that the town oncials do not do something about this situation that now stands the fact is there is little the officials can do and what might be done has been done t it might not be giving away any secret to report that several firms have been contacted by the re with a view to securing a branch factory for stouffville but this has produced no jefinite results interested firms seeking a locationhave been induced to visit the town and more will visit us shortly butso far no firm has seen fit to locate here many of them want both cprand cnr facilities still others seek to locate within a closer radius of toronto and another firm feared they could not get the skilled help in stouffville that they would require another firinput up a proposition to the effect that they would consider locating here if we could guarantee ten houses for their key menwe couldnt do that and said no 1 other town could the upshot was that the firm located in a town four times the size of stouffville where jthey were able to attract y illed mechanics who got their training in other plants in that town stouffville has some splendid building sites adjacent to the railway and with easy facilities for railway sidings going in we can offer cheap water freight haulage one hour to toronto and good trucking facilities the land available for industrial sites can be bought much more cheaply than in many other places and one only wonders why some industry does not locate here the writer is wondering the same thing too os f r- tf 4 r income tax exemptions shouldbe raised if the coming reduction in income tax fails to raise the exemption from 660 and1200 to say 800 for single and 1500 for married couples it will be disappointing indeedthefeari3 that ihsteadof totaf exemption for these smalleramounts cnly percentage reductions may be made thw would leave the income taxtofncers with exactlythe rjsariie number of forms to handle as beforehand would not icudown onthe5work infact it is possible the thousands employed to check the smaller returns would consume in salaries all that the government would take in t- ifromthis category l u lots ofmoney in banks t savings deposits inthe chartered banks of canada are at a new high level 01 27 bitlibns according to the return of the banks to he minister of finance as at july 31 1945 tnlstoial exceeds trie previous high level of april 30 by approximately lmillions and reflects a replacement in two months of almost 172 millions withdrawn in may tbbuy 1 jvictory bonds it argues weirforthenextlqan injoctober the money is in the banks the job will be to induce the holders to invest in bonds z my j i aircraft plants close the announcementbf theclosing of quite a number of- aircraft plants in canada has come as somewhat of a shock tothepersonncl employed by them and the communities in which they are located yet wliat else could b expected j- with thewar ovpr k the plants were engaged in prbducingplanes f or the britishgoyernmentand they are no longer needed hence conecannot blme the authority for stopping theexpense however w must not rest thecase there it masthave r been apparent to the canadiancgovernment that with the war atfanfentheiflow of fightingr and bomber j aircraft t tit- it sikilv ri thousands of men vand wqjjhenby making lanforjthe lcfiangeoverof the plants before it actually became necesl aarv t k sary now that thelayoff is taking place it is hoped that no timeiwiil belost in the makingfof arrangefhents for the absorbingof aircraft workers into other industries while plans should hefstartedjat once for 4 use of plant build- r peacetime goods j j yoo grocer fo dalys tecy tv vlessonjf s golden textforjhoivjjshalljtgo up to my father and the lad be not ithme gen4fcmvis fv ivthefxessonas a whole r v the title given tothis lesson does notindicatethe realwork tnathad taken place t in judahs soul vthe great thing that is brought out in these chaptersistheevldence of therepentance- of this man who had been so hard and cruel in years gonebywhen hewas a party to the effortto getrid of rachels son josepht while wevhaveno record of his actually confessing his part in that nefarious transaction it is evident that he had judged himself forit and he had reached the place where he was ready to make every reparation m his power for the wrong done to his younger brother and to his father whose grief had been so heavy throughout the years since josephs bloodstained coat had been brought to him in all josephs apparent harsh ness with his brethren and the tests to which he put them he was working out a plan whereby he might learn if their attitude had changed as benjamin washis own full brother- their behavior toward him the youngest of them all would go far toward manifesting the true state of their hearts the test provedthatthey had learned through the years to mistrust them selves and to love and honor their father whose will they had flouted in the past when this point had been reached joseph could no longer restrain himself but until it had he did not reveal his relation ship to them verse by verse s gen 44- 18 judah said oh my lord let thy servant i pray thee speak a woid in my lords cars so far as judah could see benjamins hfeand libeity were at stake he bad promised his father to be surety for the lad and he was now prepared to undertake that responsibility verse 19 have ye a father or a brother josephs question had been put to the ten brethren on then previous visit in order to probe their consciences and find out their present condition of mind and heart as compared or contrast ed with the envy and jealousy of the days when he knw them in the intimacy of the home circle verse 20 we have a father an old man and a child of his old age and his brother is dead and his father loveth him they had told the truth so far as they understood it little leahzing that they were in the presence of that supposedly dead brother but there was no avowal of their own wicked ness in the matter had they repent ed of thatsfn this was what josephdesigned to make manifest r 21 thou saidst bring him down unto me that i mayjset mine eyesuponhim jn this way joseph sought to check upon their present state and to see if any real change x been wrought m them verse 22 lwe said the lad cannot leaver his f at her his father would die their language implied real concern for that father whose affectionate heart they had wounded so terribly in the years that had gone byt how deep was that concern verse 23 thou saidst except youryoungest brother come down c ye shall see my face no more it may seem like unto thyservant my father we told hinfthewordsof iny lordone can imagmcjhbweagerlysjosephlistetf- ed now to what hadtranspired be tween his father jacob and s these brethrencwhoihad treated i bim their own flesh and blood so badly verse25 our fathersald go againlvandbuy us a little food filled with fear lest- he be bereft of benjamin if -he- yielded to the re- questofjegyptsjpremiersijacob attemptedto ignoreitandtwould have sent the nine back without his youngest sonl simeon we must re member remained in prison as a hostage all this time v t-hso- verse 26 iwe said iwe may hotsee7themans faceexceptour youngest brother be with i us realizing that jhe one known as zaphnathpaaneah meant what he said the brethren refused to go again to egypt without benjamin for they believed that in such a case they would only be jeopardizing all their lives r verse 27 my father said ye know that my wife bareme two sons how eagerly must josephhavescannedtheir counten ances as they came to this point in the recital of- the words of their father was there any evidence of repentance or even of regret be cause of their treatment of the elder of these sons verse 28 one went out from me and i said surely he is torn in pieces and i saw him not since what memories this recalled to josephs mind now too for the first time he heard how his father had been deceived and made to be lieve that joseph was torn in pieces by wild beasts verse 29 if ye take this also from me ye shall bring down my gray hairs with sorrow to the grave it was really sheol the un seen world of spirits rather than grave of which jacob spake graphically -judah- depicted his fathers deep concern and the grief awaiting him if benjamin were taken from him as joseph had been verse 30 his lifeis bound up- in the lads life it is evident that a great change had come over judah during the years that had gone he was now genuinely con cerned lest his father have to suffer utter heartbieak veise 31 when he seeth that the lad is not with us that he will die there had been no such con cern when they sold joseph to the ishmaehtes but now they felt keenly the terrible ordeal that their father would have to undergo if benjamin too were lost to him verse- 32 thy servant became suretyfor the lad the nobility of judah comes out n yv most vividly he had promised his father to bear the blame for everif benjamin did not return with them but that would not assuage his fathers grief verse33 let thv servant abide instead of the lad a bondman to my j and let the lad go up with his brethren judah was pi epared to carry out his piomise to the bitter end if only benjammmight be free to return to cheer his fathers heart he judah was ready and willing to remain in prison in his stead v veise 31 how shall i go up to myjfather andthelad benot with me this tender dlea down josephs apparentternness and in the next- few verses wesee him making himself t known to his brethren forgiving all the pastand bestowing upon them every pos- nley theatre bin s4ss i vr si j boxbffieopen8dauy at ixthjrtypin shows begin 7 pm now playing ahard and stern ultimatumon the sible- evidence of brotherly love and part of joseph but it was his way kindness r y idduo all the advantages of x m armill concentrates k j i anvthe total x make vyour own grain pay dividends nvfc xl- ve have a covnpleteiliheof concentrate minerals sand tonics forpoultrycattle and hogs v rio n- nopoultrymanhas a honieproduced supply ofalltiec- essary ingredients but thisdoesot meanthaf if hefeeds omemixedrations7his layers mustgo without those r balancedfevtheyne ifhe mil usemarmill con- t v the homemixeratiohshe wiljiiave rfolrhisbifdsr thvcbmpjetely balanced tk eedwhiehwilf notonlv stedun eeffdroductiondutjwili tihonezniv tilh jitetidir juil limktrt etttfe cletilmi thurs is foto nite offer 145 fridayand saturday september 14 and 15 11077 mmwi ooloresmoran allyn joslym reginaldgardiner giykibbee- john alexander raoul wajsw f scficn pity by sm htllnun juimt v kun bm wnlhlyubryvnur8miilctfrnzwao t saturday matineeat 2pm j i children 5 cents i monday and- tuesday september 17 and 18 j produclionof cecil bdemilles therqsi i fredricmffli- elissa land claudette coltiert vcbarjes lautw wednesday andthursday september 19 and 20 song qf jthe sviyr vv s jts going to be some timeibefore tires will- be available i to hhei general public until youare able to buy new tires j let us jtakecareof the ones you have repairing v small brakes aridbruises rotat ing tires andtakingother slmpleprecautionsadds thousands ofextramilest drivein and let us help youj kl permits y no now needed e

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