Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 13, 1945, p. 10

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jifiegistjibjg jj-tjjvsftg- j make these li ve z stocklprticles for sale -2tk- for saleiaberd6enangusgood tempered bull nearlyjthree years old- registered bandolier of don v ihead 520000 rawlinsori ften- tone farm 3rd concession gonn- yley only- v 16tf for sale65 head good yearling steersarid heifers all country cattle havebeenonthesame ranch all summer anyone inter ested phone 267 t h paisley i- s- d92 for sale or reklt for ssappies7orwoking farmforsale tffr ccideixbtiper bushelffsest h arhckering xowaghip crossland ph- 81 r22 markham well ovufarmrunn- jxot33 conr7 pickering tw ing water throughv stab es- five r- hrr acres v hardwood bush mile from school near no highway four thousand c- down e albert matthews brougham iawtf for sale mans bicycle in good r condition apply allen j sider phone 7306 r r for sale il pigs six weeks old jp harwood phone 3709 for sale 100 puuets sussex new hamp 4 months old mrs stan thompson phone stouff- ville 9004 y 3 its is for sale black percheron geld- ing 3 years old also a 10 lister grinder l e ewart- con 2 whit newmarket po for saleguerusey cow full flow jerseyicow fresh and one registered bull also 100 leghorn pop- pallets 4 months old sam barkey ring wood ph 285 for sale 10 pigs for sale 7 to 9 weeks old bert tait ph 288 5 acres of laurentian tur nips for sale in the field ready to oull- howard st john half mile eastof stouffville ph 1103 for sale mans bicycle in good condition jack williams clare- mont phone 1112- lostandfoundirr lostcollie dogtancolor finder ji please notify clarence cowie or phone9208 stouffvme v s for sale mccormick corn bin- der edgar ward balsamphone claremont 82 r22 car radio for sale 1943 rca victor good as new herb yake- ley ph 9908 5 acres of standing corn for sale by the row or acre also 24 rows mangolds 40 rods long douglas booth ph 8228 16 barred rock pullets for sale the tweedle strain 5 mos old mrs h elson phone 1607 for sale holstein cow 8-year- old due sept 160rr venning uph claremont 2408 for sale 200 light sussex- and k new hampshire pullets hybrids ready to lay frank wright green river for salertwo durham and one ayrshire milk cows 2 heifers calves 4 months old 2 bay mares ed howe balsam ph claremont 85r5 for sale master 6hole cook stove with reservoir warming oven and hot water front first class shape ira rusnell ph 34 for saleaa 1929 pontiac sedan good running order with four good tires donald pugh phone 1115 or 3805 stouffville cement stock troughs for sale 7 foot with ioundends geo w baker gormley ph 7304 for sale 100acre farm con- 2 markham twp near gormley some maple bush land in good condition fair buildings good water hydro available apply jack gamble richmond hill or phone stouff villa 413 18- for sale good hundred acres more or less with good buildings good flowing well and spring creek water in stables all cement floors low taxes all clear of in- cumberances ill health reason for selling this farm is close to stouffville ongood road apply tribune office 202 house for sale 6room frame house on duchess street stouff ville possession at once apply mccullough button stouffville for sale 100 white- leghorn pullets and 100 baired rock pul- lets s175 each starting to lay cl postell green river 202 12 pigs for sale six weeks jos brownsbcrgcr ph 2112 old for sale registered hereford bull 1 year old fit for service sired by aldoh gay monk 6 a 137374 lloyd s pugh claremont phone clare 3 r for sale shropshire rams all ages 1 yorkshire boar five mo ages 1 yorkshire boar 5 mos border collies all ages alex i gray claremont rr 2 phone 8 r3 markham kitchen range for sale coal or wood nearly new six holes enamel trim and nickel hot water front high closet and tank at rear apply to mrs f banks two doois west of baker ave main st 202 station heater stove for sale like new also small round findlav heater apply tribune office eclipse rangefbr sale good condition for wood large reser voir warming closet 15 apply to sam roberts ph 6213 farm for sale123 acres east lot 26 con 4 township of whitchurch 95 under cultivation balance bush and pasture spring ceek two wells 10 roomed house bank 60x40 and other build ings hydro throughout close to school good dairy farm apply to w h sproxton rr 1 gorm ley ont 19 for sale 149 acres good build ings running stream 2 miles from markham 14 acres ready for wheat apply at lot 18 con 9 markham 202 found 3 yearling cattle came to my i place about aug 25th owner can have same by proving propertyand vpavingvexpenses v sandiford ph2804 19 lost car license plate 804 j7 between aurora and stouffville stewart burnett aurora 8112 rsji j c7 i lost on 6th con- markham a crank for aluschaimers tractor finder please phone c connor stouffville 613 40 pigs for sale about 4050 lbs each donald white brougham phone markham 16 r4 for ssale 100 white leghorn r pullets 5 mos old laying michell strain lloyd s pugh claremont ph clare 3 rl3 forsale0 pigs 40 to 50 lbs jack 0boyleph6715 -stouff- ville suivbrbiiu platinum mink m fob sale of the mink mutations j quiet to handle very prolific and eatlessthan standard mink call and see these beautiful animals and let us tell- you of the great in- crease madein two t from the original trio we purchased v r jl byer sons rmarkhamontph stouffville 6205 for salebaby carriage folding type blue in good condition mrs g smith edward st opposite planning mill for sale westinghouse electric stove 4burner side oven good condition ph holdens 18401 fancy coal heater for sale nicely nickel plated w ebriard market street stouffville for sale reconditioned ccm bicycles new tires and newly painted like newcondition can be seen at the ringwood harness shop for sale corn binder deering in good condition apply joseph mitchell claremont rr2 forsalenew 7foot tractor binder m m make also 13 disc power lift drill cockshutt no 11 sam barkey ringwood ph 28502 v business for sale concrete block mfg business established 37 years acre of land with building 20x50 story and half concrete block mixer and full line of moulds for block and culvert tile 10 to 24 also two story block building for wood work eter30x40 with large gar age this is a money maker 3000 cash handle balance on mortgage applv geo w baker gormley ph 7304 202 wanted buckwheat wanted contact us for best prices reesors mar- mill ltd markham ph 96 man wanted for cement manu facturing business geo w baker gormley ph 7304 wanted large sizeflavt6p f office desk apply tribune office field tile wanted- any amount from half a dozen up j beauvais eastend stouffville wanted furnished room for light housekeeping central loca tion preferred phone stouffville 284 personal miscellaneous ivood- hardwood and softwood v slabs also cord wood geo de- ovrushaiph claremont 4 r3 17tf for salei rows of hybrid corn also 1 hols cow fresh calf by side- w j denme lot 30 ycon4 markham 1 miles south of gormley dont suffer constipation bilious ness indigestion use kipps herb tablets for quick relief an excellent tonic laxative 25c and 75c sizes at storeys drug store slendof tablets are effective 2 weeks supply 1 12 weeks 5 at storeys drug store custom combine work done tfori limited number of customers x- apply john ferguson markham rr 2 stouffville ph 4902 fort sale threshed hay for bed- yding 300 per load- 500 gallon gasoline tank and pump anrtone buggy joseph betz-sfouff- ville r- 192 custompldying short notice henry ogden stouffville v phone 159i v ri9 t electrician i am prepared to doyour electrical and general repair work at reasonable rates call l wv jbuckland- 2tf2 phone 715 stouffville ihave youbroof fixed now roofing asphalte -shingles- or hot roofingw all work guaran- teed superior roofing com- pany apply to i i c clarke bunker 204 stouffville rr 1 n- electric wiring new work alternations and vladdiuonsa 4 poles supplied and delivered phone markham74 r4 woods milk cbolbrsai hour delivery from our torontostock dalry a accepted in v trade order now avoid disappointment toronto radlo i j241 toronto- inmemokiam v jones in loving memory of our dear mother mrs w h jones who passed away sept 12th 1932 heaven must be a- brighter place since goc took mother there but sadly do we miss her smile her tender loving care without farewell she closed her eyes her- work on earth well done and with the saints in glory her greater jife begun lovingly remembered by daughter and- family wanted a single farm hand for general farm work apply ross winterstem ph stouffville 5103 wanted to rent small place in county or near town for man and wife joseph helmkay goodwooa rr1 t position wanted practical nurse with hospital experience desires work by day or week phone 284 stouffville farmwantcd to rent 100 to 150 acres in vicinity of stouffville or claremont by re liable faimerapdlybox t tri bune office u girl wanted for house work for one lady warm comfortable room liberal time off near bloor car in rosedale wages 50 a month phone mrs elgie ra 3839 reverse charge or write 16 mackenzie ave toronto 5 sale register saturday sept 15 household furniture including piano and walnut diningroom suite the property of g m richardson on main st markham sale at 130 terms cash a s farmer auc tioneer wednesday sept 19- exten sive sale of farm stock and im plements including holstein herd also threshing machine and far- mall h tractor on rubber grain house furniture at lot 35 con 5 markham on townline the pro perty of mrs w bruce sale at 12 sharp no reserve as owner is moving to toronto lloyd turner clerk a s farmer auctioneer thursday sept 20 auction sale of reg and grade holsteins horses near newthresher surge milker 1020 tractor tractor and horse drawn implements furni ture lots 14 and 15 con 4north york li- miles west ofdehavi- land airport the property of michael- sorensen sale 1 pm sharp terms cash no reserve clarke prentice auctioneer friday sept 21 farm stock implements hay grain also the 100 acre farm roots- corn at lot 4 con 3 uxbridge the pro perty of cecil latcham terms cash no reserve sale at one a s farmer- auctioneer friday sept 21 auction sale of farm stock implements ford- son tractor hay grain etc the property of w h bennett at lot 6 con d scarboro at west hill sale at 130 pm terms cash no reserve farm sold sellers- atkinson auctioneers saturday sept 22important auction sale of dairy herd farm stock and implements alhs chalmers tractor on rubber trac- tor equipment surge milker 2 units woods cooler- 6 canihay grainjetc the property of frank greenwood- lot 8 con 3egwil- x sharon sale 1230 no reserve terms cash f kavan- agh auctioneer saturday sept 22 auction sale of household furniture elec tric washer electric radio lawn mowerj garden tools etc the property of the estate of the late mrs mary doten on obrien ave stouffville terms cash no reserve property sold sale at 1 pm sellers- atkinson auc tioneers invalid daughter dead helene the 27yearold invalid daughter of mr and mrs roy coppins died on saturday at the farm home on the 5th of uxbridge besides the parents she is survived by three sisters and one brother the funeral on monday- proceeded to the uxbridge cemetery notice i am instructed by the council of the twp of wnitchurch to call together at least two representa tives of womens institutes red cross organizations womens asso ciations church boards and any other organization who have been sending parcels and who have lists and photos of the boys and girls from this township who have ser ved in the armed forces the purpose is to decide on what form of recognition will be taken and to form a committee or com mittees to carry out the wishes of the meeting youareurgently requested to re present your community at a meet ing at the township hall vandorf wednesday evening sept 26 1915 at 8 oclock pm john crawford 192 clerk twp of whitchurch goodwood alfred thurlwell and robt white enjoyed a trip that took them 65 miles north of north bay they saw some wonderful saw mills re turning they stooped at morley symes cottage where they met the master of the place who took them around the lake although they did not catch any fish mrs chas nettle is visiting her grandmother mrs hl nettle here mrs frediyjjoodland is on a trip to western canada in company of her brother fromjcoronto sympathv isextehded mrs george todd and the family in the loss of her brother whose tragic accident is reported in this issue mrs adams and daughter toron to are spending their vacation with mr and mrs d mcdonald water pressurk systems beatty mcdougall and fairbanks shallow and deep well pressure systems for the farm installed and serviced woods and gilson electric and gas oline milk refrigerators v delaval surge and woods milkers beatty and woods electric grain grinders electric fencers and fence wire x supertestoils and greases it is the farm we sell it bell son phone 281 the cockshutt dealers wanted dead horses arid cattle telephone for free pick up phone stouffville 255 markham 4326 claremont 913 9rl4 we pay phone charges f gordon yocng itd ph adelaide3636 toronto new farm equipment card of thanks the family ofthviate mrs james mowat wish to their- thanks and sincere appreciation to the manyneighbors and friends the staff of brierhiish hospital and the doctor for their many kindnesses messages and floral tributes during the illness and following the death of our mother i card of thanks mr ros scott and daughter dorothy wish- to express to their many friends heirheartfelt thanks for the tokens of sympathy tender ed them during their recent ber eavement card of thanks mrs geo todd wishes to public ly thank all those who extended to the family acts of kindness and ex pressions sympathy during their sudden bereavementespeciallymen- tioning the wa of goodwood un ited the loba lodg for the love ly wreath and to all the kind friends wv v s ax- v ks 2m thanks ji-ivv- j- wantjed springer cows highest prices paid f xphone orwrite to ckahn3cns7t xcj v t imr and mrs russell hunt and harryalsovmr andmrs william hunt wish to expressjtheir thanks and appreciation to relauves fnends4andiineighborsvrbethesda oiurchrisunday sohoolwms young people andschool children towhllamduring the hosp uaalspsforthebeauuful floraltributes extended during their recentsbereavement in the death of a dear son and grandson girl or woman f plain cooking must be reliable and clean references required other help retained good home and wages to right party apply 12 scarth rd toronto phone r a 2228 4 farm position n experienced man in general farm work married no family apply to geo courtney weston rr 1 work wanted married man desires work on the farm as manager ior general farm help available oct 20 separate house and hydro preferred- fred -gil- ham crossland farms rr2 claremont i 7- wanted old and crippled hor- ses andcattle we are prepared to pick up dead horses or cattle with no inconvenience to the far mer we pay phone charges- ph markham 11 r3or h elsonfux- bridge ph 95 r21 or claremont 700 194 wanted to rent modern dairy farm 100 to 200 acresall conveniences by experienced far- mer line of stock and jequipmentiwith a view- toribuy- ingbox no 17 tribune i 19tf ttv fr is your farm for sale weareianxlousto locate farms in thlsvicinityif yours is forsale we shouldstappreciate it i you n would write jus givlng jlocauon andwewillcall on you for all particuiarsjrtlancasterii real 5 7 send the tribune wabsent friends saturday sept 22 auction sale household furniturejpiano organ elec radio choice home made rugs quilts and odd anti ques also dishes garden tools etc to be held in the markham arena markham the property of mrsmary jane crosby sale 130 pm terms cash no reserve owner sold her markham home clarke prentice auctioneer saturday sept 221registered holstein rop fully accredited andlisted herd- of cattle horses implements furniture at lot 19 con 3 vaughan just south of maple enter from 4th con keele street the property of alex for rest no reserve sale 1230 pm terms cash a s farmer auc tioneer tuesday sept 25 farm stock implements hay- grain black smith and carpenter tools at lot 8 con 8 markham theproperty of harry- mrolph no reserve terms qash saleat 1230 sharp a s farmer auctioneer- wednesday sept 26 cattle horses roots hay grain and implements belonginglto rwesley matthewsat lot 25t con 6 about 1 miles south of uxbridge sale atone no reserve terms cash a s farmer auctioneer wednesday sept 26th im- portant auction sale 45 head of registered and high grade hoi steinf dair ycattle including fresh springers and young cattle these cattle have just passed a negative blood test and will be sold subject to same also a new case tractor on rubber 4 months old power implements universal milking machine good hay grain etc the property of sher man arnold lot 33 con 8 pick ering sale 1 pm terms cash no reserve farm sold see large posters lloyd turner clerk sellers and atkinson- auctioneers thursday sept 27 jafm stock and implements at lotv7 con 3 uxbridge 2smiles south of goodwoodthe property of jos vhelmkayno terms cash c sale at one a s farmer auctioneer saturday septl il auction sale v of household furniture piano and alhthe general house hold effects garden tools etc the propertysof t john mjiierrno- 7 fthighwayunionvilie viliagesale aflo pmtermsrcashno re- userye property soldvr clarke vprentlce sattiraayept-29tfr- exteii trucking business changes owners i wish to announce that i have sold my trucking and trans v port business to mr- george alsop who now has possession i thank one and all customers for their patronage and be speak for my successor your continued favor- chas alsop goodwood notice i chas alsop will not be re- sponsible for any debts con tracted m my name whatso- ever tjy my wife or anyone else after this date without written order sept 12 im5 chas alsop holstein dispersal satultday september 15t 71 head fully- accredited and feder ally listed a higfru testing rop herd many heifers vaccinated 66 registered holsteins and 5 high- class grades selling in this sale are 5 sons 6 daughters 11 grand sons 5 ready for service and 9 granddaughters of the famous mon- tvic lochmva 3rd 143943 the sale includes several prize winners of port perry b w day there are 19 cows and heifers due to freshen between now and december sale at 1 pm terms cash owner nor man linton of claremont at lot 13 con 8 pickering le franklin auctioneer dagwoqd was passing byix he sniffed blondies apple pier made with bakers sweetneb- i know hadnt orter x but it makes my mouth water ill just snitch onepiece i i can do it on the sly f the pups make art awful noise for immediate delivery woods portable and drop in milk coolers woods and beatty r electric grinders beatty shallow thev rub their tummies well electkic pressure systems and say oboys 25 and f0 cycle beatty hand and cookie spysthem trying to steal rotary pumps cockshutt not 30 sweetner apple pie roi- riwio xioi p their evening meal grain- grinders beatty manure carrier buckets manure carrier track and equipment electric motors electric fences blondies carrying a big slick they beat it on the double quick youre just a bunch of leaches electric pail heaters mechanical now beat itwhile i do the- peaches r n ii no blondleuses 6 cups bakers sweetner and a half a cup sugar for a 6 quart basket of peaches -r- she uses only 1 cups bakers sweetner for a 6 quart basket cucumbers no sugar dagwood says theyregood bakers sweetner iseasy to use belting of all kinds if it can be had we can get it bell son cockshutt dealer stouffville high grade dairy cattle includ ingfreshspringers and young cattle delaval magnetic milking no coupons has thesugar taste machine gas engine horses im- bakers sweetner -is- cheaper pie ments grain hay- ensilage than sugar500 worth of bakers corn by the row etc also the 100 sweetner- is as sweet as4 acre farm 90 acres under cultivakvorth sugar you use a bakers tion with running watemn pas- sweetner chart for cooking ture good well 7 roomed frame baking canning pickling bakeps house bank barn pig pen dnv- sweetnerf5r tea- coffee cereals ing shed milk house will be lemonade applesauce tomatoes offered at 3 oclock subject to re- puddings pie cake etc v serve bid watch for bills the baicers sweetner can be used farm is situated va miles north of lwith 0 without sugar its good7 stouffville on paved highway the guaranteed as- represented or property of the estate of the late money back b su 8 con 25 028250 40 6za35c bottle 10e whitchurch sale 1 pm sharp 15c- 1gai 125 no reserve terms cash sellers 5 g s500 10 gals950ii i- and atkinson auctioneers 5 jugs orcans 25c each extra a saturdayrsept 29 entire no shipment made less than gallon jiousehold furniture including 150wepayexpsesschargesnp china and glass and antiques to 100 miles when cash accompanied the property of newton hill east end stouffville sale at 130 pm a s farmer- auctioneer tuesday oct 2nd farm stock and implements good dairy herd at- lot 345 con 8 whitby just east of- balsam the property of rodd r appleby reason for sale barn destroyed by wind sale at orderfor 6 gallons orroore- f geoebakerphmb manufacturing chemist fitonfftllle ontario one terms cash a auctioneer i s farmer old v horsesl 5- wewill payyou tsmtvy6wr old horse at your farm phone h stouffville 8308 tvchastcambelii- j aginconrttrjjrri look fame5rs iois i i now booking orders for spring delivery v witha verygoodassurancewattdcliverywnibemade on any or all the machinesordsed during the next month r itifs order early foreariydefiyeryrf tp delivery yoimbuy- wc sell the best for less you make the test vrvv vflj f internationalmotors win- haley fdmtkins0no motormechanic- rrirrmfrdeeragentl as rivrfn essir phone 290 tr r stouffvtlle i sive auction sale of 40 head of r v r r ywal

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