y yolr57no 20 the tribune stouffvii s v v tenfagbs ten pages rubli j ervicemen bid farewell to english guest of unionviue seventeen young war guests of canada gathered at the union station recently and boarded a strain that whiskpdthem off on the first leg of their long journey back to their homes in the british isles among them was lionel dawson15 who has been staying with mr and mrs howard stiver of unionviue who are here shown waving him goodbye he comes from norwickj- england iwith him on unionviue were his brothers and sister neville 17 gerald 11 and betty 13 at home is another little brother and baby sister thy have never seen i public meeting to be called soon a public meeting will be called shortly to determine what form of presentation will be made to our returning veterans of this war stated reeve nolan at the regular session of town council on wednes day evening the council has been compiling the information pertaining to the presentation for some time and there- was further discussion on wednesday evening council agreed that it would be most fitting to wait until- as many members of the armed forces as possible had returned from over- seas so that all ma v share in the public recognition of then services it is estimated that thereare pos sibly fifty or more service person nel in stouffville althoughan exact compilation of the number has not yet been completed home from overseas home from overseas after 4 years and eigmmonths harold lewis was reunited with his wife arid fam lly again on monday heis a son of mrand mrs jonas lewis is citizen dies while municipal tax returns driver charged no licenses will be issued for transient fruit peddlers v there will be no licenses issued in stouffville- to travelling fruit pedlers the municipal council de cided on wednesday evening a trucker was prohibited from selling a load of- peaches on the street here on saturday evening by uuwnm me uome oi the loca constable who brought wnen he passed away the matter before the council for fv th slightest struggle mr future direction insuch cases the sjwito- jlsl stxsi heart trouble earlier in the morn- m with tragic suddenness death claimed 5 stouffville- citizen on fri day morning aboutll oclock when ernest w drewery was overcome enroute to a store to do shopping and sat down in the home of a stocks of peaches at the time of saturdays incident and some of their trade nvould most certainly have been lost had this outside ing but after eleven oclock he said that he was feeling better and offer ed to walk from the home on tenth street south to the east end store one of the best followingvaccident the manner in which stouffville i harry wellman rr3 stouffville ratepayeis r paid their taxes this -was- charged with dangerous driv- ryear constituted one of the bestj after he drove his truck bear- showings on record- only 3000 of three cows into the rear of a the total tax loll of over 22000 yas front of a- wayside unpaid collector k r davis repor- vegetable market in i markham ted when the due date forthe firstthursday night y- of thetwoittstalrhcnts fell dueon union i the first day of septembei ijville stated that after striking the j- actually ratepayers were onlyjautb wellman lost control of his icalled upon to pay a sum approxij truck andit went into a ditch on mately 11000 but so many took the opposite side of theroad two advantage of the discount obtained cows were injured but wellman by paying the second instalment w unhurt due in dec atthe esent time that athiecj earold child in the back only 3000 is left to pay decern- of the parked uto was knock- ber- i ed into the front seat by the impact tliere were very few who failed but no injuries weie suffered to make payment of the first instal- ment and they wiliof course have 0iid vivian rksfdent passes to pay interest for being late owr 2010 at mennonite camp the death of harryshackman in toronto on saturday morning in his 78th year removes an old resident of vivian district where he lived for 25 yeais eight or nine years ago mr shackman moved to the city he is survived by two sons jnd three daughters mrs joseph a new constitution uniting allbonnsky of stouffville was a niece branches of work of mennonite churches under the ontario sun- 90 years today day school conference was drawn thomas baston of goodwood up attheannuai threeday confer- ontario is ninety years old today ence held at the mennonite g t 13th he t brethren in christ jabernacle on en abq theprestonn highway over the kne and th he d the weekend over 2000 attended in go 0d days gre ten gong and daughters ixty years in the ministry marked by rev samuel goudie sixty yearsintheunistij might wellhaveibsen the subject ofrev samuel goudies sermon preached in the mennonite church last sunday morning where he was invited to speak to celebrate this event nowretned in stouffville mr goudie who only recently reached his 79th birthday was in trucker beeiu allowed to peddle his short d make a purchase produce through the crowd 5 n j his mo about 200 feet from these storekeepers pay the his home he felt weak and mrs taxes they- shouldbe protected against unfair competition said offered him a chair inducing huh v councillor sniits to step inside then she wentover- such peddlers come under the to the storeand did hisstopping transient t traders bylaw unless a and at the same time summoned special license is provided to allow help however the man was in the them to sell some particular i pangs of deathjand was dead in article stated the reeve hust a few minutes sitting up in the council placed an order with the chair kerr engine co ofwalkervillefor a new hydrant the latest type in the first step to improving andre- late william drewery and hisaged placing outmoded equipment this is the first hydrant that the local water system has purchased since 1931 while some of those in use were bought as far back as 1919 the cost of the new hydrant will be approximately 86 the bylaw authunzing the bor- great dirth of apples closes cider mill v f for the first time since apple butter has been made at the altona cider mill back in 1926 the mill will not grind any appbs this year and lowing of 16000 for the addition the making of apple butter is com- pletely cancelled for the season thisis due mrnighswandersays entirely to the grekt failure of the apple cropthrough this district since there are practically no applesin the districta situation thatjexists allover the province it is not feasible to operate this sea- spnand customers who may have a fewapplesarefemiridedthat the mill will not open for this business during the present season eluding about 25 from the stouff villearea yunder the new- constitution i factivitiesofsuchgroupsassunday f schools young peoples j societies literary societies and summerbible school groupswilljbeombinediv sorrie 20 churches f rons- all parts l ofiontaribandjvestern newyork willsbe represented under the new arrangement v jl the new j executive committee appointedwhichwill oversee the work is headedyby harold grohj jtorontowitkpordon ebybreslau j j secfetary w prh v5 l kplans7to extend the -newly- launched u summer bible school camping program were also made i thebible school t in some cases took teachers on camping let there b light goodwood citizens arerotestini j j ta goudie the lack of interest on the part of hydro authonties7for not finding timetogivethesvillagean estim ated cost on street lighting recent- lyuxbridge townshipcouncil were requestedho procure such an estim ate vthe idemandson the hydro are said tobe time so far has not been found in which to submit the desired information itr i tripsas far north as- north bay were reported as vefysuccessful ipart jofahe f 1000- yhich jtwas contributed- during v the vmieeting vwilujjeuseditowards this purpose vone of the largestgatherings held atythe mbq tabernacle vin some yearsj the conferencevsessionsat times were attended by overl2000 over looofficial delegates were in cluded hn the group r cguest speakers wore rev c martinmountville pa bishop v kauffman hannibal i mo andrevmrhallman a mission twentytseven beginners s school opened last weeki the local academy reported 27 ex pectant youngxhildren on hand for their t introductionto school life missbeckvja new teacher here eems tohavewon their confidence quite readilyand when press looked over the lot in the class room after they had been in attend ance for afew days they all appear ed to be quite at home with the fright of the first few days quite gone only five in the class of 32 had attended last term consequent ly it was truly abeglnnersclasstr engage5ients v- y- h fcjwfc pteand mrs v melton j k6n the eve ofhert marriage misslburketopont wish to announce i- tyiissiburkholderwas presented the engagement of their eldest i srtthyailovely icrystaljlampsandrdaughterjean matilda- to wilmot itablecloth aglftfromthechurch streetfolkjandhergirllfriends which was vjeryjmuchappfeciated church scmrnichols is an uncle ih mr ankmrsmcmastermr and 5mrs myrtlesta- sister mrs george carnochan son of mr thomas carnochanand the late mrsicarnoichanbf port perry the marriage wto take place the latter part of i september mftfand 3mrsfvlsaac foskett gobdwoodont announce f- the engagementffa their daughter ednajijaejtojmrijharry rjglenden- vjlhg sonof-mrharveyclendenn- ingjandthelatemrsclendenning stouffville thewedding will itake placeingoodwood united church davforotmiitn sunday ohsaturdayr 8t i ing the morning service for the pastor rev mr mover the veteran preacher gave an interesting review of his career but he preached his sermon from the same text that he used 60 years ago when he stood before a congregation assembled in la big tabernacle meeting near new dundee and announced the text come unto me allye that labor etc he was only 19thenandsoon theycalled him the boy- preacher born on a farm near hespelerin waterloo county mrgoudie started out as a helprjor assistant pastor filling in wherever neededover the conference later he served t in pastorates on various fields over fifteen yeprs however his outstanding contribution to the work of his church perhaps wasiiis iongand distinguished re cord as a presiding elder which posi tion he held for nearly 30 years a record never equalled among the clergy of his church his last charge was vineland and from here he returned to stouffville where he has lived retired for some years two winters ago he was unfortuate to fall and receive a fractured hip but fromthis he made a marvelous re covery after weeks in thehospital and home nursing incidentally he had a good nurse inmrs goudie who has always been a help and inspiration right nowybuvmight expect to nndthis veteran of many years in hlschoseniwork laboring in his garden and laying up in store forianotherfwintprtnwnetwnnla car runs into horse driver cut by glass flying glass from a shattered windshield caused severe cuts to the face and hands of roger hall- man markham township when the car he was driving ran into a horse on the 4th concession ohurch township friday morning constable aubroy fleury of aurora who is conducting an in vestigation said that the horse owned by stephen eadesof the 4th concession whitchurch was killed almost instantly by the force of the impactiie said that as far as could be ascertained the horse had simply wanderedout onto the road dam age to the auto is reportedto have heen extensive acthe school building was given its third reading and officially passed a petition by several of the rate payers on stouffer st was present ed to council asking jfor a stretch of sidewalk- to be laid from the corner of montreal and- stouffer sts east the reeve stated that such petitions must bepresented before the taxrateisstruckin order to be taken on as work for the currentyear while one name was missing from the petition stated that tlie names of twothirds of the ratepayers interested was all that was necessary and that the remainder who did notsigncould not block the project sidewalks stouffville cemetery the service are laid on a fiftyfifty basis with being conducted by rev d- davis the ratepayers pall bearers weie messrs j w mc- mullen oscar hutchinson- wm thorn walter davis wm slack and wm harper rr i- sold 50 acres in uxbridge joseph ilelmkay has jusffsold his 50 acre farm on the3rd conces- anative of musselmanv- lake v ernesudiewery was a son of the v l mother is still living and will be 89 in november this year was it a member of the family who stayed close to the home fireside and was a great source of comfort to his l aged mother he was in his 66th 5 year besides the mother there are four 55 sisters and two brothers surviving him they are miss annie drewery lp and mrs enoch cook both of libeity sask u vlrs burkholder toronto and mrs chas armstrong at home with the motherthe two brothers are george drewery tor onto and earl living jusveast of stouflville ernestwas a quietriike- abldman and workedall his life at f armirig he j spenti several seasons fn jwesterricahadaionly lastrweck he endeavoured to aid a farmer who wasstuckfforhelpbut found the taskjtoo reat andhad to v return home v i the funeral on -monday- afternoon i fromthelate home proceeded to v unionviue lad nearly took the prize ken maynard just isnt lucky believes that he this unionviue public meeting monday evening in compliance with numerous re quests reeve nolan is calling a pub lic meeting for next monday- even ing sept 17 mthe municipal hall to consider organizing the town for the national clothing j collection which opens on october 1st minis ters churches war branch red cross and service organizations are asked to send representatives meet- mgat 7 30 sharp so thatjhose who have other engagements will be able tokeep them lad had hisyname selected at the of uxbndge at lot 3two miles stanley theatre on thuisday night south of goodwood to j stephens for the 135 foto nite offer and i who resides near toronto this is while two of his cousins and his the former rodanz property which uncle wore present he had decided mr helmkay bought two yearsagq not to make the trip as he had having disposed of his property visjted the theatre on the two preimr helmkay is holding an auction vious thursdays sale the latter part of this month m dr tho mitchell greao scholar and teacher c3ohe death claims william ball v h forianotherwinteritowh6peopie generally and hisrownchurch folk in i particular congratulate mr her home 1lri oni sauirday after spending two weeks in stouff- residentbf stouffville for 33 years williamball died at the brierbush hospitalon tuesday evening sept 11th at the great age of 81 years since the death of his halfsister catherine harper some months ago he steadily declined in health born in uxbridge township at lot 16 con 4 william ball was a son of john ball he was hut five years of age when his mother- diedand his father married again- which gave him the halfsister and life compan ion f or he remained a t bachelor all his life s v- he recalled to the newspaper man not long ago thatwhenhemoved fromthe farmto goodwood over 40 years ago thosewho helped him are alldeadnow excepting alf pugh of stouffvilleutheothers were mrmorgason david watson calvin when the news sped about town j examiner of mental and moral on thursday that dr thos mitchell science andlogic at the university- babd- ma dd had nassed of toronto- his own book the ua ud ma yd naapassea drama of lif was peacefully away in his sleep while ig2i si7 rsitu- s on a visit to thelhome of his niece in 1035 neretifed from the ed- m london ontione could sense- monton church and returnedto k the feeling of shock and remorse his native section in markham i that pervaded the community dr township atfringwood toenj6y re- mitchell was a friend tojall and his tirement but demands came on his kindly friendly dersonality was time much that he yasjal something that fixed itself on all ways busy preaching here and there who knew him he was in his 81st in the larger and smallcentresr yeat t v- r dr martinpaida grand tribute in delicate health for some time to the deceasedwhen he saidthat he had gone to london for a few one nevercame into the presence days and when ho failed to make of dr- mitchell without realizing any improvement- his sister miss they were inthe presence of a great bella mitchell was called and was at personality furthervhe 7 styled his bedside when he closed his eyes him as a greatphilosopher-scho- uvthat long sleep from- which no lar but very human sympathetic man returneth v and understandlngvc- dr martin the body was brought to stouff- said he loved his home folk and the ville for service- in the united common people- and said that from church here on satinday sept 8th yankeetown where r followed by burial at dickson hill when wintering -in- florida there- cemetery in the family plot rev came pleading letters forhisreturn d davis conducted the service and still another winter and from those guest ministers were dr victorlwho had never before beenchurch mooney and dr robtr martin- life goers r j ijt associateiofdrmitchellalsorevl vo others minister nrooont newnham ofmarkham andreyrl e9 atkinsons of uxbridge p dr mooney referred to drmltchehs graduation from knox collegetor- on to- and his post graduate course at harvard he paid testimony to hisiuo years of preaching a st james inlondon andlater howjie built theedmonton church in wes- tern canadaj he was professor at tic effort wasmade t j of treesnd stumps u1 pr3sj5sgssi2f it irfafterloatingvnstbuffvillehe m feyeellnitmetdayswhenhorseswere 3ttshft requiredbyxtheldoctors for thefr cchtrynworkfhelwas a ietrict lly l s two othersministers present at the servicewererev jas gorwell andrevhowardrannmenwko were inducedinto theimlnistrytby drlmltchell- drmartin uttered ta- real truth when hesaidlthls manvx whom wemourn was everlooking fortimberfofthe tiar x survivingfarehwo sisters miss bella mitcheluwho servedher bn 7 therduringall hismlnistryand was his greatcomfortiandinspiration als6mrssthbs london 1 pall bearers jwho bore the remains ithelfjflnalrestlng place atdicx sons hillbn saturoay messrs dbro u 1