h 5f 5 v business rectory skfti dental -r4- ir s barker uiik dj hsrsssgsfo college of dental surgeons and of toe oiflwriitrottttroatb office intgrublnii block i phohe 274 t markham every tuesday officelnwear block saggy medical york jersey bsatfe drssball physician and surgeon i xray office cor obrien vphone 196 j and main coroner for york county the a thirds annual jersey 2sale under the auspices rijof rthe tydrk county jersey club will be held in the richmondhm arena on satur day september6tli at 150 when 40 choice females 4 will- be sold and judging by the two previous sales will make foundations for new herds and providing jiew blood for older herds tfie sale committee carefully selected fentries from 17 of the york county herds that are accredited fortb and blood tested for bangs disease with the majority of these females being vaccinated york county famous for itsjer seys has a very active jersey club that has staged two jersey shows of cne calibre and also twcbut- standing sales at richmond hill in the past two years- recognizing this as a fine jersey centre- the ontario jersey club also held their annual saleatthehilli in- may secretary avm cockbiirnnew- market reports that enquiries ror catalogues have beenjreceived from tqmorr0s4farmini tsggssgggagaeg m 3ij c church street a c- kennedy chiropractor stoufryult monday and friday iitif n to 12am ml j -a- i fv insurance ins v-slls- i i thomasbirkett general insurance agency v stouffville ontario established 1908 insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service j phone 25902 stouffville u h qklinck phone 3307 vjf stouffville fire auto burglary sickness and accident fidelity bonds the standard life assurance co the pioneer of canadian lifeinsurance a mutuaftcompany with 117 years ij ssfexperience- ifi strength landservice unexcelled various parts of ontario and asfar east as nova scotia v almost the entire offeririgisbf direct descendents of cnekand royal winners winnersat the york county show outstanding sires and rop breeding roseview standard lady on her third rop record danforth automotive supply tom dobson 705 dariforth ave 1 toronto phoneha 0931 parts accessories and machine v shop service le oneill stouffville funeral director and embalmer contlnnous telephone service oay and night stouffville 9801 s r 7 ontofthejvwealthot our soils by g nruhnkeifclchead the departmentof chemistry and director of soil t surveys ontario agricultural i college- ul note this is the second in a of comments by well- known authorities written ex- vpressly for the weekly press of ontario t tic 1 da beer insurance of all kinds 16th year in business phone pickering 5 f22 address brougham ont barristers residence phone 3514- fliv- office phone iv 3160 zj z arthur w s greer barrister soucitor notary pnbuc 6 king street east t oshaw ar ontario resident partner l branch office sti w kc port perry juxbridge ontario phoned 25 resldencephone rmo 6231 borlns tv offlce phone elgin 7021 samueihd ss at- barri8ter8ohcitoretc 503 temple bldg 62 richmond street -west- j- itorot- v brierbush hospital government licensed under new management member of the allied private hospital assqciati6nvj imainsreeteast maternity medical and surgical j day and night service yx a s farmer m licensed auctioneer 24 years experience york county uxbridge aiid picker- ing townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty telephonestquffyille to12- addresaqormleypo l 1- j ontario f armers have done a splendid job of food production dur ing these war years in spite of the shortages of labour and equipment which had to be met they have shown a high degree of efficiency in the use of the land arid a note worthy resourcefulness in adapting their farm operations to meet the changing wartime needs for the various agricultural products for the present the demand for intensive production on our farms is still upon us food is still a weapon of war in the pacific and although the war in europe is over the great needs of the liberated countries there must be met until their own production can be made sufficient- how long this may be is not too certain but authority- has estimated that the 1944 level of can adian farm production will he re quired for at least the next two years r after the war is over the changed position with respect to world supplies- and world markets for farm products may necessitate profound adjustments in our agri cultural program as a result of the experiences fol lowing the last war farmers are looking ahead with more concern for the future among other things they recognize the greater efficiency in the use of land labor and machinery will be necessary a low costof production will be an impor tant factor in meeting postwar com petition in general the lowest cost of pro duction is obtained with high yield levels and high yield levels can be maintained only on fertile and pro ductive soils foodisfabricated soil fertility it is out of the wealth of our soils that we have produced the food to fight the war and it is out of the wealth of our soils that we must continue to produce the food to win the peace itiis timely then in our postwar planning- to ask- ourselves what measures are we taking to insure that soil fertility on our farms is be ing maintained in the interest of -f- efficient useoland-andajrj3rosper- ous andendurlbgt agriculture dur ing the total tonnage of fertilizers f used in ontariolhasapproxunatelyitrebled yet in spitejolttiis andthe intro duction pf improved varieties of crops improved drainage and the wider use a riiore efficient tillage seeding and harvesting machinery the average yields of the common farm crops have failed to show a correspondingimprovement it istrue however that on many farm crops yields have been in creased far above the j average where good soil- management is be ing practised thus we are forced to conclude that on a much larger proportion of our ontario farms the yields are considerably lower than the average and we are taking more out of the soil than is being put back there are mother striking indica tions that point to the need for a vigorous program for soil improve ment and soil conservation in ontario the increasing difficulty in growing aifalfa and clover on soils which formerly produced them in abundance is but another reflection of failing fertility in the soil the depletion of the humus or organic matter in our intensively cultivat ed heavytextured soils has made them harder to work more difficult to drain and less productive the lack of humus in our sandy soils is making tnem more subject to leach ing of plantfood in wet seasons and less retentive of moisture in dry seasons the decline in fertility the failureto balance adequately the soildepleting cleancultivated crops with soilconserving hay- pasture crops in the rotation the lack of manure ana inadequate use of commercial fertilzers under in tensive cropping i have contributed also to our soil- erosion jproblems we do not needtolookfar to see unmistakable evidences of the need for a provincewide program for soil conservation during these ttimes of higher farm incomes farsighted farmers are investing surplus earnings in victory bonds to create reserve capital for postwaradjustments and farm improvements money invest ed in victorybonds now will insure ready funds forfutiire financing of individual soilbuilding programs and will contribute greatly to the stability and security of the farm ing industry e 3 workingott ascaffoldijatbox grove last thursday two menwefe quite seriously- injured iwhen the soldiiigvewayloutdonald sufferedya broken- nipt and other riousinjuriesandieyi degeer x alsp sustained less serious r bruises bbtntnienwere removed to a tor onto hosiptalj zzr stouffville machine tool works telephone a i rearolt cjfsstaison v baectrlcrand acetylene welding is x i scifajiis farm machinery machinery repairs -j- jfjji agents forminneapolla honeywell electrie janitors why dalys is delicious dalys tea it delicious because it it a high quality tea atlc your grocer for dalys tea youll enjoy it f i rest one the orify synthetic tir letied on ttefyeeiwsy at 109 miles perhour sellers atkinson phag plistouff296 j licensed auctioneer tx sales conducted anywhere special izing in farm stock v and property sales sall personally listed and advertised bills prepared and posted promptservice reason- ft- ablerates 7- phonesssltouffvule i s j j- clendening funeral director 0 xmbiilancev service markhani phone r ontario 9000 1 stouffville j 1z fzv j2 harbk graniu woriw ci isju- orders promptly execntm ptarr proprutor -xmi- vqewlwg y rclarke prentice phoneiagincourt 52 vw3 milliken licensed auctioneer for the counties of yorkj and ontario successor for corpl v prentice of- c asfand of the late j- h prentice former prentice prentice farm and farmstock sales a specialty at fairjandreason- able rates stouffville floral v ro s e s r weddings bouquets j j funeral designs cuffiower8a s j mut smith prop telephone 7001 7002 ont county crops worth near 6 million the total value of field crops pro duced on 218638 acres in ontario county in 1944 amounted to 5975- 582 or an average of 2733 per acre according to the annual report of the statistics branch of the ontario department of agriculture in dur ham county the total of 163555 acres was 3987257 or 2438 per acre that section of the report dealing withvtha number and amount of chattel mortgages on record and discharged reflects the improved economic situation in the commun ity inj942 there were5g9 chattel mortgages in ontario county re presenting 711229 jn 1943 there were 423 representing 626903 while in there were 4l4jsuch mortgages representing 501909 in the united counties of northum- 41 si berland durham and durham there were 300 chattel mortgages in 1912 re presenting 432144 the figures for the last two subsequent years were 1943 264 405058 1944 226 342- 653 t v ontario field crops the 1944 yield and market value of the various field crops in ontario couhtyjsrefe as follows fall wheat 626257 bushels s704539- spring wheat 25338 bushels 27238 oats 1246045 bus 662986 barley 296- 408 bus 211339 peas 5527 bushels 13818 deans 1125 bushels 2756 rye 51106 bushels 43440 buck wheat 194691 bushels 143947 flax 1524 bushels 2865 mixed grains 1729314 bushels 971847 corn for husking 4271 bushels 4015 corn for silo 89320 tons 312620 potatoes 283005 cwt 407786 turnips 1250788 bushels 300189- alsljce 993 tons 9434 sweet clover 8687 tons 52122 alfalfa 58536 tons 686872 hay and clover 122526 tons 1274270 soy beans 9701 bushel- 18723 man golds 567450 bushels 124839 vwhen you obtain a permit tobuy a new tire be sure to specify firestone v the only synthetic tire made thathas been tested for 500 miles at ah average speed of over 100 miles per hour on the indianapolis speedway equal to 50000 miles of ordinary driving we have firestone tires in all sizes drive in and let us serveoou permits now needed fortubes e of ififeton yltrvmlcrubfied stouffville motors stouffville rae service station goodwood lehmaws shoe store footwearorah itho farauyvti shoe- repantlng jfc- ivwomen8 gloves shoes socks 1boots r jlvanamitts stouffville phone 4301i opposite the town clock jirtaiwionr a t i j t j every saturday night ifiij cedar beach gardens mtjsselmans lake to bill thompson and his orchestra sunday september 2nd for best resultsshipyourcreamto k 7 ville creamery v we pay two cents more per pound buiterfat for cream delivered tothe creamery lockers torentfrom6to9peryirarr- i l open tuesday and r saturday evenings tflcesttge gov l stouf fvilleront phone 18601 v ctf ii fyjt r payments abroadcan also be made by- means of our- foreign money orders- r t j drafts and mail transferseu as cable transfers where speed is necessaryj expkinyourrequkementsat anyjpf t branches f we will advise themethod which bestsuits yourcase c tyji v fenx we canadian esnk t b stouffville branch a gthompson manager