Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 16, 1945, p. 1

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classified advsyi classified aavsyl e niwj 4k v- i i n teing weekly for wluthufd7 a vol 27 no16 j bs2vsiis ssfibsl l t x si a x u ten pages- vaxfl iesnome is j5 m charged twitti armed robbery r of tha united cigar stored 804 yonge street in toronto charlie haynes was remanded in police court last saturday in toronto haynes is believed to have stolen the revolver used iii the holdup from the home of constable rusnell at stouffville the local cop reported his shooting iron was missing oyer two weeks ago and the registration- number was communicated t to the police department immediately with the result thatwhen haynes wastaken into custody the revolver found in his room was quickly identified as the propertyof the village of stouff- ville- chief rusnell said it was asimple matter toenterhis home sincethe door was left unlocked at the time the robbery was believed to have been committed and the revolver was in jthe holster in a clothes closetfori the mainfloorof the home y cliosing conference programs the prophetic bible conference at gormley afbc church will close this friday evening with two high ly interesting subjects both onj n-k- darkness halts the second gamein the semi finals of the north yorkbantam baseball league wascauedin the first of the fifth innings onmonday evening on account of darkness there were two out at the time- the game was rescheduled for tuesday evening when the wea therman stepped in and the game was rained out garylewis started on the mound for the locals in the game with burkholder behind the plate don brown arid j black were the mark- ham battery both sides were re tired in short orderin the first innings but in the second frame markham came through with a bar rage of three hits to score three runs and drive lewfcts from the mound stouffville countered with an equal number of runs in their half to tie the score markham gathered in two more in third and three in the fourth off the arm of roy avard who replaced jlewjs on the mound stouffville wenton a batting spree intheuhalfof the fourth and the 0 countrstbod 118 whenjhedust had clearedaway darkness made piaytdifficult in the opening of thefifth innings and with markham staging a determin ed comeback umpire murphyjcall- edthe game stouffville took the jsrst game in markham 12 to 4 on fndayevening roy ward was onvthe mound for i t a fit ak v ijt williamson gift fafin vis sold s thursday and friday evenings j the locals and held the markham- there will be movmc and still pic- ites well in check the stouffville tures shown that will add interest hits werescattered and they scored to the programs runs in almost every innings ihew debenture issue subscribed in just qne hour confidence in the splendid financ ial position enjoyed by the munici pality of stouffville wasproven a tangible way last yeek when the issue of 16000 vorth debentures announced for sale in last weeks paperj was fully subscribed within cupon the highhghtof ahe week only one hourafterthe treasurers office to bethreatened with disaster if it was open on thursday morning gets intothe newspaper then the there vwa3inaim things that canftbe told x i- i 0- iilts notan easy- job this news gatheringbut when one does come in the greet struggle now ended canadas sons and daughters have played a noble p let histbr appraise it they fought for freedom for the right to live as canadians wish to live thethosr williamson farm at athaand willed to the village- of siouff vilie by its benefactor has been sold for afairfigureon excel- lent terms to mr sam barkey of toronto the sale money properly invested willreturn the municipal ity a better income than thereceipt of rent the tenant on this 125 acre farm sherman arnold has agreed to vacate next april 1st althoughhis lease extends beyond that period he will holdsan auction sale in september negates this propertyocatecl inthe north west- corner of pickering township is equipped with a good barn and hydro- i the house is brick and the place was known as the jos mowder farm 30 yeafsago instead of placing the ideal in agency hands the farm was adver tised locally and in a toronto paper but the buyers is- a reader of the local paper pillage treasurer and the reeve signed the transfer foi the municipalityjlast week 59 years theirs efforts were successful now out of the- abundance sources canada can afford wj w 1 i of to annum should make application however we do confess that there tr th trcr p t are things hranspire nhat it is not anywonderfolks beseech us to withholdfrdm printl iiwe haveiitvforgotten that back injuneikjiriother and her young son left jfor ajvisit up north they expected tobe away three weeks to thev treasurer george storey thequick responseclearly demon- strates that the citizens have splen did confidence in the financial posi tion of the village 7 i the debentures will be sold as of valkkum wue uwily liirue w october 1st atwhich but returned in six days the lady money twill bereuired foiuseby the boardof education to for new heatingplantandextensionto the building at the school arid now under construction t s- fv is tenders are being spjught f or school jbus jkrvicefromballahtrae and churchiirdistrictto stbilffville forhighschoolstudehtsjf such f ajcbjfitractvis completed itwill be the second school busoperatingto thelocaf school siriceff or two or three terms nowja bus comes from thegprmley district and has oper- ated very satisfactorily forthe resi- rrv i w aajilv nuiiiij i alone the water was cool but sgn strict served al- tnere were hot words doubt abouthis tardiness since hejonly ran for an ice cream cone despite rr si the warning that he mightmiss peace dayme i j the boat no permission is requir- vthe minister of canada ed for publishing such storiesbut hasannouhceds-that- nextsunday will be observed as a day of nation- al prayer and thanksgiving rnnii confided inius thereason for her iinexpected return consequently wehado to back the best stoiy ofthe week now that the family has left the community perhaps we can give the story of how little johnny picked up grand mas cat and deliberately threw it into a pot of hot water or boiling soup the strenuous i objection made by the poor cat was echoed by grandma too and besides a hot cat there were hot words and a hurried parting since the lad was nine our own impression vivas that he might well be taught how it hurts when things are laid on hot for it was a cruel thin he did- but his mother said hes only a boy then we were told about the west that thosei who jfought and the erits of those that tion s gratitude her re- ensure depend- fell shall know a na- one of the most highly esteemed arid active old couples mthe neighborhood are mr- and mrs robert winterstein whom your re- porter had the pleasure to meet as they drove into town the other day in their car a shopping expedi- tion mrs nwintersein r celebrated her 79th birthday only jast week while the husband was 84 on the 2nd of july last they have been married 59 yearsand look forward to their diamond wedding annivers- a vi the wintersteins started married life on the farm near sandford in x scott township but of course have spenta long time orithejtenth just north of stouffville v z jhteirtwo sons joseph and ross are among the larger and successful farmers of the neighborhood it is riiy pleasure each-thursdaytofre- ceive i tribuner mrs winter- stein said i i i another old coin i we have another old com to re port foundby mrs edward steck- ley gormley and strangely enough was dug up in the garden this time it bore the date of 1812 issued the year of the war a kings head presumably that r george theiii who was on the throne of england arthat time was plainly visible it was a halfpenny piece last week we reported a coin found by mrs hugh beckett bearing date of 1820 lower school taxes over twp of whitchurch u though- itjs taxed to the limit of carrying powerlvl- iv rfmriandjilrsw e briardand granddaughter eunicejalsotimr cari holdenof markham spent last jveekat their cottage located at leonard beach lake simcoe wheat 50bushels to the acre at least two farmers in the gorw ley district who threshed last weelc can report 50 bushels t6theacre in fall wheat on the farm of harold donor 550 bushels were threshed end couple who fr sin- ori the farm niagarahubby missed the boat in of vuraywideman r the rich- toronto and the wife went on i area ten a fi save 500 bushels of grain ralph baker of gormley threshed for both these farmers arid can vouch for the correctness of the yieldthresiiing is just getting baker but while wheat yield is excellent alsike isnotgiving a hig returh hesaidf mr baker had hot got around to threshing alsike this year yet of his customers have threshed it because they could riptwait on the old reliablethresher in thedistrictwhois more than rushed lust now then we will not mention names soithatwecan remain friends with this highly festeemed couple of our t6wnc i mrs campbell- of edmonton is visiting in stouffville at the old home with mrs henry vanzant and mrskidd rushed just now f- n l- vi i t a- f v honeymoon- bridge west bf- stouffville j villeiattheifootofthel5thconcesi thejessi slpnofxwhltchurclri fijlamousigar- thanks lingswspringboard for is not- beenvloverlooked ghts areusedtogood wi jjf tirc j i eneci iniiiic evening onitheiwater f t5 5 jj falls to complete themlnlature ot scores of iaaswhotakehoiieymoonbridgevwhichmotor- m total taxes 1945 sughtly down despite biggest show removal in history the overall tax picture in whit church this year is highly satisfac tory since the tax rate was struck last saturday andnoints generally downward for most tax payers every school section in the town ship showsc reduced school taxes with the single exception of bethesda where thetrateis three- tenths of a mill higher shrubmount section which caused excitement last year because of a sharp advance to 21 mills dropped back this year to 13 while the average reduction is one to two mills over the various sections i the general tax rate last year was 85 mills but with the govern ment absorbing two mills the net fate was 6 5 to the taxpayer this yearthtfgeneralrate was struck at 79mills6f which uhegoyernment will payoriemill leaviriga net rate of of amill hlgherthanlsisecbndaryeduca- tiorial costs advancpdtenths of a mill thiscould be accounted for by reason of r more high school students in trie township fire area m whitchurch township will be assessed 310th of a mill on their tax bills thisyear to raise a sum that will reimburse the aurora firedept for fighting fires in the socalled fire area which covers v all the west side of the township from yonee street to the westside the gth concession having in mind the large experid iture last winter for snow cleaning the j tax rate just struck should prove highly satisfactory services have been well maintained except ing perhaps thc weed t ctittirig which is very bad this year the council received- a report about carelesssliootingin the island lakedlstrfctronthe 10th and police are investigating r what about snow plowing next whiter querried councillor ed logan despite the heat who said trie problem should not be left- until novemberireeveleary said ten- sersjcould be ahy timer and thcclefkwas thereupon instructed tbcalf fortendersfor this workj twodepiitations appeared on be- bujkt kims mans shir lodges in scantling which he hddihhb h h missing death by an or two skip upwortti torontvcamper at island lake just north of stouff ville on the tenth demonstrates how he was holding a- scantling when a bullet sped so close tohim from the rear and side that it grazed the pocket of his shirt and lodged deep in the scantling it is believed to have been fifed from a rifle in the hands of a city chap of whom too many are roaming about the country carelessly shoot ing off firearms t mrupworth brotherinlaw of mr harry paisley of town r was assisting in the building of a cottage his son atisland lake whenhe the nearaccident it took considerable persuasion to induce himtoposefor this picture but whenconvinced that the news paper sought to impress the public with the 5 seriousness of shooting rifles carelessly in the country up- worth consented- hisottage on thevictor paisley farmmr said there was a lot of careless shooting around- the neighborhood arid ths police had been jthere to investigate he f uf thur said farmers arent even safe any more in their own fields i the situation is similar to that in the atha districf wherecattle have beenhit within tnv past jyearv and farmers have been alanriedby bullets whizzing close tothenv v stouffville received newscjspuslv when the radio flashed the news the war is over at-7oclocktues- day evening- itnyvas the signal for flags toberiurig out aldng main street and the startof a hilarious evening for the young people who surged up and down the road and sidewalks banging tins- blowing horns fcfanddolngft anything iand everything that woiildmakeanolse until real enthusiasm was worked up confettiialsbjstririgsofpaper like ticker trfpej strewed the ways and drapped the wlresjjj thejslren sounded and the old townbell clangejd havtm6useehapel scene oflocajwedding hart housechapelwas decorated with pink-gladioutand-larkspur-for- the wedding saturday aug 11th of edna anna agnew daughter of mr and mrsjk tolharold son i ham courcyraynerofflciated and mri istevenstwasvorganist given in marriage kyhervifather the bride wore ja streetlengthviightwelght coral pinkwpohdfess fitted v jacketahatbfimatching wooland carried acorsageyof gardenias and stephanotis vshejvasattended by mrshoward cunningham- who woreajgreen iivoolitwopiece dres3 andjihat ofmatching wool howara cunningham was best rhan aridflt- lieutjamccallum was usher atithe receptionatianriesleyhall thebridols mother -received- in a black crepegojvnwithihlackand beenretireddn penslbntand will bo repiaceobmrjamesmgaluvan w mrreidseryed45yeafswithithd abouttkmldnlght quiet granktrunk and cnrhc owns vs a his homerth vgoodwoodwystt f f

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