Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 2, 1945, p. 7

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auction sale r furniture electric washer appliances bags ishee utensils bedding some antlquesjgarden tools etc the undersigned hasreceived r instructionsto sell by public a auction on x saturdays aug 4 the following property belonging to missja bclilk i albert street south stooffville thor electric rasher with porce- lain trip andwringer in a very good condition fa electric floor r lamp with shade 2 antique hammered brass electric lamps with parchment shades electric iron electrictoaster several odd lamps and shades some are antiques 8piece solid oak dining room suite consisting of 6 leather seated chairs extension table sideboard with rearbeveled edge mirror electric reading lamp good axminster rug 9 x 6 good axminster rug 10 x 9 odd rug 7 x 9 healthy rubber plant healthy senceaveria plant healthy fern plant 2 pairs gold side drapes pair drapes flowered chintz pastel shades several odd pieces of dinner and tea dishes long walnut library table bronze statue 91 cut oak dresser with mirror cut high boy dresser or chest of drawers oak rocking chair with leather seat double wooden bed with springs and mattress 3 pairs of good all feather pillows long feather bolster pillow good full size mattress 5 pairs flannelette blankets good as new 3 pairof all wool blankets 5 home made quilts 2 pure wool steamer scotch blankets 2 hand made platted rugs sessions 8day mahogany mantel clock with candle stick holder to match almost new 2 antique centre tables small square top table or stand 2 walnut end tables number- of odd pictures also frames and some oil paintings willow picnic hamper with utensils willow shopping basket wicker baskets for flowers etc 4 linen table cloths some other table linen several bedspreads bamboo bookstand quantity of assorted cutlery county club tennis rackets 3 hat stands also shoe and access ories bag to match some hand painted dishes bedroom utility box with pear ivory seat mahogany french beveled- edge mirror also other small mirrors 15 or more parlor and odd cushions rable silence cloth 60 x 82- dak wall pictured paper rack several odd kail carpet runners 31ass bottoniwicker serving tray breakfast roonf table and 2 chairs in ivory m antique spooled wall shelf square top kitchen table with a white oilcloth top covering 48 x 30 auction 4 sale household i furniture jthepropertyof i wilualvi ball v ip kv 1 will be sold at main street stouffvllle fsnextsprwberlancirnrch i tuesday aug 7 organ and stool 5piece parlor suite brussels carpet sweeper rods and curtains parlor cook stove kitchen cupboard coal oil stove 2 holes 3 wooden beds springs mattresses 3 washstands bureau cupboard chairs dishes household utensils toilet sets garden tools household scales scythe kitchen table step ladder taylor forbes lawn mower numerous other articles 2 sofas mantel clock and wpltibtquestions uj akldanswersv q mylmsband hasiustreturried from overseas hejbas never had a ration book before and when he appliedfor a new one they tore out a great number of coupons- are the clerks in the ration office allowed to do this a yes -i- the clerks are instruct ed to- remove the coupons which became valid r before he applied for the book z ration books issued at- the present time contain only coupons from the date of- application it is taken- for granted the person does not require ration coupons until the application is made before your- husband arrived terms cash lloyd truner clerk a s farmer auctioneer beavektox mill sold at 10000 beaverton july 23 the beaver- ton mill second to be built on the same site in 100 years has been sold to the beaverton cooperative asso ciation fdr 10000 the mill which can produce 200 pounds of flour in one day and store 16020 bushels of grain was bought from aewhite who has operated it for 26 years science aids the farmer and the- farm home sunday school lesson awn or deck adjustable chair with foot arm and head rests several kitchen utensils- odd dishes glassware sealers stone crocks etc along with other useful kitchen house hold effects ale starts 130 pm terms cash jloyd turner clerk tciarke prentice auctioneer ranted dead horses and cattle telephone for free pick up phone stouffville 255 markham 5 ciaremontv9139 rl4 we pay phone charges gordon roung itm ph adelatdesbsb toronto continued from page two at long last he beheld the caravan making its way through the inter vening wilderness bringing the bride for whom he had waited verse 64 rebekah when she saw isaac lighted off the camel instinctively she- descended from the back of the beast that had borne her over the miles isaac had come to meet her she was through with the wilderness journey verse 65 she had said unto the servant whal mantis this that walketh in the field to meet us it was the intuition of a loving and expectantheart that led to the ques tion she was inwardly certain of the identity of the man who came forth to welcome her when the servant replied it is my master she modestly covered herself with a veil she would not flaunt her comeliness before him but would await with becoming maidenly re serve for him to make himself known and to welcome her to his heart and home verse 66 the servant told isaac all things- that he had done we canunderstandhow eagerly isaac avould listen to the storyof the meeting at the well and the atti tude of rebekah and her parents all gave evidence of the definite leading of thelord verse 67 isaac took rebe kah and she became his wife and he loved her it is a tender sequel to a beautiful romance thus had god provided a wife for the heir of the promise in order that further prophecies concerning the nation and the seed which is christ gale 3 16 might be fulfilled in due time the heart of the lesson it is a great thing to learn to consult the lord about everything and jto commit ones entire way unto him knowing that he will ever guide and direct aright those who seek to do his will and commit their ways unto him we have a beautiful illustration of divine gui dance in this lesson and we may be certain thatgod is just as ready to lead and overrule in all our affairs today as he was in this mat ter to obtaining just the right bride for isaac setlolbs table scales your biggest buy i- ia t lobf of that grand bread- from stovers bakery theres alot of good- -i- v i ness baked into ipur bread because ourbakvrsjknowjust what people v yea i ly j i kef the kidswill like ityppd j o k the- grown folks serve bread regularly at your means servtevstpvers phone 189 stonffvhle ont by frederick baker the farmer like industry is con stantly on the lookout for improved methods to increase profits cut down waste and improve the health efficiency and wellbeing of his establishment few farmers and their families realize to what extent simple and inexpensive scientific instruments can assist in the routine work of the farm and make farming more profitable healthful comfortable and interest ing let us take only a few of these instruments and see how they fit into the daily life of the farm undoubtedly the foremost and most essential instrument on the farm is a weather forecaster an aneroid barometer which indicates changes in atmospheric pressure like the mariner who battens down the hatchesfurls the sails and otherwise prepares for bad wea ther when the glass is falling so the farmer takes his precautions the ordinary routine of reading a barometeris simple and even when the barometer is not set in ad vance just by tapping it with the finger it can be observed whether the tendency is for unsettled wea ther or if the barometer is raising for clearing or fair weather a lit tle practice will enable quite accur ate forecasts and the great advant age is that you get local forecasts when you want them on the hour and the minute you need the infor mation no farmer needs to be told more about the advantages of wea ther forecasts in the- day by day routine on the farm the navigator and the farmer both depend on ad vance knowledge of changing wea ther conditions another instrument of many functions is a thermometer with hot water temperature range and we suggest astandard maple syrup thermometer which is not only use ful in the syrup making season but is very useful for scalding chickens before removing the feathers dur- mg the past few years the practice of removing feathers after first scalding has increased greatly re sulting from the knowledge that by scalding at a certain temperature there is no danger of discolouring or damaging the skin of the most tender chick the common syrup thermometer is also used for jam making and can be used for soft candies boiled icings jelly making etc the principle is of course that as water boils away from the candy or jam mixture the temper ature will rise from the boiling point of 212of and when it reaches the point at which ideal results are obtained the cook is removed from the stove done just right no guessing this same thermometer is also useful in the dairy and the laundry for pasteurising and steri lizing milk and to check the tem perature of water for washing wool lens and other perishable fabrics the fever or clinical thermometer is well known and is of course an essential tool in the medicine chest especially where children are in the home- i would like to stress the veterinary thermometer for the farm animals this thermomter is similar to the fever thermometer except that it has a pear shaped bulb and an eyelet on the top to which a string can be tied- when you phone the vet and tell him your horse or cow has a tempera- turand what the temperature is it is far more intelligible to him and would indicate whether a trip is indicated or not with a possible real saving in his time and your money- the rectal thermometer for very small children is recom mended although a combination rectland oral thermometer is now obtainable known as the stubby bulbtype this article is getting too long for details of- many other instruments but i would like to mention the re spirator which is a great comfort on the threshing floor or in the dusty field and a positive must for those who are allergic to dust the dust respirator is quite inexpensive the maximum and minimum regis tering thermometer is needed in the refrigerator or locker to regis ter the highestand lowest point at which temperature is maintained other essential- thermometers are for roast meat dairy incubators brooders fat frying window oven mushroom soil etc there are pressure gauges amme ters and water temperature ther mometers required for the tractor combine and threshing machine also liquid level gauges for the oil stovttand for the gasoline tank or oilstorage tanks thermostats are required for controrof heating and cooling systems humidity indi cators areneeded for the incubator and for the house hydrometers also are needed for pickling brine cider vinegar- syrup and many other liquids yilni i have not covered alpofthe in struments useful on the farmland as competition addstothespice of life a first- price of 1000 will be offered for the best- letter- giving suggestions for new issues for in struments onrthefarmv vil- address- communications to s c frederick c- baker co 229 yonge street toronto nome fhegwaskreceivingliis irationsifrbmarmy stores la i fcandijdid not require civilian 4 rations t- s v jv qi plan on visiting the united states for two weeks do they allow canadiansutortakefood over we plan- to do our own cooking and had not intended bothering with ration cards over there v a there is board order which prohibits the taking v of any meat out of canada without an export permit regarding the other items of food which you wish to take across the border would suggest thatvoucontact the customs officer in your dis trict he would be able to give you correct information q are roadside restaurants out of the city allowed to sell hot dogs on meatless days a no meat conservation regu lations apply to all restaurants in canada whether they are in the city or outside hot dogs are meat- and restaurants are not permitted to serve them on tuesdays and fridays q are theatres showing plays allowed to change their prices whenever they like while there is a ceiling price on movies a the price of admission to such places of amusement at theatres where stage shows are presented is exempted from board regulations the price of admission to the theatre has always varied depending on the east side of musselmahs lake midnight- frolic next weekend opening of 1205midnight monday morning t ybrchesraeis the mount albert boys type of play being shown if a first rate company played at the theatre the price would be higher than if the show was being put on by a secondrate company this is still the prac tise in most places perhaps this is why you have noticed the prices higher at some times than at others q we are continually asked not to pay more than ceiling prices at the same time people con tinue to sell at black market prices why are they allowed to do this 4 s no person is allowed to sell at prices above the ceiling set for whatever article they- may be offering for sale it takes two people to make a black market both a buyer and seller if you are i aware that black market prices are being charged at any particular place you should report it at once to the nearest board office you maybe sure that every com plaint is investigated thorough- ly the man who came to dinner ft v 3 f ft i v- t r notice to- letetaia all branches of v canadas armed services it has been brought- tdthe attention of the 7 department of veterans affairs that effortsafebeing v made by unscrupulous promotersfto defraudj ex- servicemen andwoirien of their war serviceserahts l i- j w and reestablishment credits the department of veterans affairs is anxious to obtain information inregard to any- such instances so that action may be taken to recover such funds and where possible to take steps to see that legal action is instituted against those who have defrauded canadas veterans k if any returned veteran has experienced any such frauds please write immediately giving full particulars so that aninvesrjgation may be made by lawenforcement officers in the community involved t i ji in the qieantime for your own protecicioni signno documents involving your service grantsor re- 1 establishment credits until yoti have consulted the officials w of this department i fil v-6- i s i til l ml 1 ii luwd untr iff authority of hen ian a mocfcenzft mjnhftr of vtforaris affajn department of veterans affairs t wx jl v

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