Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 2, 1945, p. 2

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5 4 tv s v srebtawfahed 1888 v 1 a member canadianwcynewspap association tand 0oel newspaper asaxtotipn issued every thursday at stouiffvilleoutarib vl subecription ratiw peryear in advance fvln canada 200 in ujsa 2j0 vnolansost publishers i notes and gomftnts j new truck ration plan i the government will shortly introduce a hew system for rationing trucks to civilian buyers that may provide the s basis for future rationing of passenger cars r the system will follow the present pattern of tire ration ing permits will no longer be handled arid j approved through the motor vehicles controller at ottawa but will be procurable through local wptb ration officers on the certifi- cation of authorized truck dealers permits will be given to civilian users on the basis of published priority lists simi lar to the icirid now usedf or tire rationing it is expected that the new system will be ready for intro duction within a months time and will coincide with the stepup in available supply of new trucks for civilian users newspaper he gave an hour or twoofhistimeto snqwytne editor of the tribune over some of- the great plantfof the v express whenaipartyiofnewspaperifmenvisited london some years ago mr baxter toldus thathe remembered stouffville as an attractive town since he has entered poli- tics on his own- mr baxter nolonger is associated with the expresswtiere hedrewdown a salary of 60000 a year v baxter was returned as a conservative in the british gen- eral election under churchill whose government was round ly defeated jbya labor government at race thepubhc jwill say thaf they are athankless lottoturn oiit a man who had dorisso rinichfdr them in war years- however more sober thinking leads us to feel that perhaps under mr atlee leader of the labor government it will be well for britain and f cr the world in general atlee has the quality of cooperation whereas churchill was a hardthink ing determined man to have his own way atlee will pro bably be able to work along with russia better than churchill and so all is well only trucks at first for the time being the new plan will apply only to trucks eventually it is thought that the same plan will- be followed for rationing passenger automobiles but the idea is to try out the system first for trucks and then as the wrinkles are ironed out extend it to cars it is not expected that the 10000 hew passenger cars whose production is now author ized for 1945 will become available before october in any quantity to warrant a change m the present car rationing system prior to that time si- r j n fullemployment plan in ascertain town there is afactory which in the days f before the war furnished employment for a respectable number of workers turning out a useful form of gadget by orders of the steel controller the wptb etcsuch gadgets have not been manufactured for some time the factory jhoweveri has trebled its employment over prewar years be- causeit is fully engaged in making large quantities of doo- hickes for guns looking f orward to peace the owners of the factory f ore- see a large demand for gadgets but hot sufficient to justify the present payroll when the time comes to reconvert and the time is not far distant about twothirds of the pre sent working force will have to be released to seek employ- ment elsewhere- there may even be some temporary un employment of the normal working force while the plant is being retooled the owners see the problem clearly and have urged their employees to set aside agood -part- of their present high earnings in victory bonds as a preparation for the probable grainy day some of the employees are doing so v but others have a brighter idea they argue that since the manufacture of doohickies for guns provides more em- pioyment than the manufacture of gadgets for household use the factory should continue to make doohickies inde finitely they recognize that the government is the only- customer for doohickies so the union proposes to bring pressure to tiear on ottawa so that an assured market for jdoohickieswill be maintained with consequent full employ- ment labor has got to learn common sense before it is jtoo late i band box houses an editorial entitled band box houses in the port perry star is worthy of being repeated here and as we read it makes us more thankful than ever that this town of stouff ville has now legislation preventing just- such band box- houses as the star makes reference to no one can build here without a permit and if the premises are likely to be detrimental to tne neighborhood such permit may be denied here is the star editorial as you drive through the outskirts of any town or city you can see a number of fourroom band boxes with gar age being built it is too bad that such homes seem necessary for lack of money or lack of foresight speaking of such houses electrical appjiances has this to say in relation to the various household conveniences which science has made availablel there is one fly in the ointment about which dealers ex press concern it seems that the builders of new houses springing up ail over the land are allotting kitchens of only the proportion of large cupboards space is wholly inade quate as an example a toronto dealer told of visiting a recently purchased 7500 bungalow and finding the kitchen so lacking in space that the housewife had to close the kit chen door in order to open the oven door of her range this particular kitchen actually measured 6x8 which tells its own absurd story no people can grow great and truly prosperous that are more concerned about going places than they are in making home and cenire of family life a place of comfort and beauty the conveniences that sciencehas made available for house keepers and householders are useless to folk who live in these tiny homes they simply cannot be put into such small quarters there the can opener must continue to reign supreme there can be no pride in mothers cooking no simplifying of household duties no room to really jrest and enjoy the comforts that should be the pleasure of all home lovers l necessity may require small rhouses and- apartments with out gardens but in a landlike canada where land is abund ant every family should have lawns and gardens where they could give expression to the freedom and beauty that is our natural heritage l f i- va beverley baxter holds scat- of eleven canadians runnihgin the british elections only three were elected and one of these was beverly baxter a t j f i tut v i r nephew of former resident of stouffville harvey lawson j occupied a large house on church street now a four jfamily apartment mr baxter once visited stouffville to j- see his uncle and later when he went to london and became i editorinchief of- the daily express- lord beaverbrooks a good example it was refreshing to read that president truman declined to attend a conference on sunday saying he intended to re- member the sabbath day and keep it holy his action was more than a sentimental gesture it could only spring from a deeprooted conviction that the com mandments still stand as a moral code worth keeping six- days shalt thou labor and do all thy work but the seventh is the lord thy gods is an injunction that is being brush ed aside today by many people who think they know better than their creator how to regulate this old world here in canadaand in ontario we are rapidly slipping into a spirit of disrespect for gods laws and thesad thing about it is that one seldom hears a word of protest or criti- cismeven from those who occupy a place of leadership in religion and morals v- fc is sunday school rgolden tcxt i have a goodly heritage psa j 66 x sthe wesson as awhoie- 3 k approach j to the lesson n i isaacis the heir to him itwas givento dwell in the land which v jehovah had promised to fiis father v hislifegenerally speaking was veryquietand uneventful he was a man remarkably meek andself- effacingtrue he failed byagoing among the philistines and there de- niedhiswifeasabraham had done before him when he went down into egypt but he meekly acceptedre- bukeandwhen the wells here t opened were contested he moved on elsewhere content to fallow u others to maintain their claims to what he knew rightfully belonged to him by divine gift uyet he did not display the same energy- of- faith that characterized abraham nor did he manifest the restlessness of spirit that marked his son jacobnor the militant ardor tharwas seen in esau he missed the mind of god for the momentwhen he proposed give the blessings of abraham to esauin exchange for savory meat- but whendeceived by jacob vactingon his mothers advice he v btessedhim instead he did not att- i 5empt to reverseit for he realized it r- vwasthejwiirofgod that the elder v cv should serve the younger i- f therciisiajveryijbeautiful typical lv lesson to be gathered from the man- neriinwhlcli vretiekahritwas abraham the fath- erwhoserit the servant into the far v ircouhtryr to obtain the i bride and v vbrjngiher homeitothesohwho crrv abode in the land surely one can a seernairthjsia wonderful picture sv bf3theholyspirit as sentbyjthe v father intothlsworldvtogetjthe ii bride the church eph 531 for the son while heremains in the heavens in the fathers house it was a greatthing so to present the virtues of isaac as tocause rebekah to fall in love with and be willing to- leave all for a man she had never seen even so has the holy spirit won our hearts for him whom having not seen we move 1 pet i8 the historical setting i isaac was born atgerar when his father abrahamrwasbne hundred years old 1896-bc- his halfbro ther ishmael became jealous of himandwas sent away while isaac was recognized as heir of the pro mises at the command of god his father prepared to offer him in sa crifice when a youth of joseephus says twenty years of age at forty he married his cousin rebekah he was the father of esau and jacob and lived to be 180 years old dying at hebron verse by verse gen- 24 10 the servant took ten camels of his master and de parted abrahams eldest servant of his house v2 was sent to the oldhome in mesopotamia to obtain a wife for isaac he took the jour ney in prayerful dependence upon godtrusting to beguided to the right person and that she would of her own free will choose to become the wife of his master verse 15 before he had done speaking srebekah came out with her pitcheruponher shoulder it i the servant requested of god as verse 34he hewaited bya wellat nahor that hams servant fair to look upon a virgin and she filled her pitcher and came up rebekah- was characterized both by beauty of person and a kindly obliging manner iwhicli at once commended her to the aged servant of abraham and encour aged him to believe that she was indeed the divinely chosen one to be isaacs wife verse 17 the servant said let me i pray- thee drink a little water of thy pitcher j this was the beginning of the teston the re sponse to this request hung though the girl knew it not the destiny of a great nation ve can imagine how eagerly the servant awaited the damsel oft whom he should ask a drink might- respond insucha waythat he would know she was the person chosen iofgod be isaacs wife before his prayer was finished rebekah the daughter of bethuelapproached the well and the conversation that followed was exactlyasbutlined before the lord 32 tverse16 thcdamsel was very her answer verse 18 she said drink my lord and she hasted and gave him drink- with true oriental courtsey rebekah proffered the re freshing draught to the stranger would she belikely to offer to water the camels too which was part of the test that had been put before the lord 1 verse 19 she said i will draw water for- thy camels also un wittingly she had offered to do the very thing theunknown traveller had indicated inhis prayer verse 20 she hasted and emp tied her pitcher intojhe trough and ran andidrew for all his camels though- knowing nothing of the petition the stranger bad offered she acted in exact accordance with said i am abra- throughout uhe chapter- his personal name is not given it has been assumed that this was eliezer of whom abraham had spoken- as the steward of his house some fifty years before chap 152but we are not told definitely thathe is the- same person hd simply appears- beforeus here as an unnamed but thoroughly depend able servant who nut his masters v- iisa interest above all else verse 35 the lord hath blessed my master greatly and he is be come great not of himself or of his long journey did he speak but of the wealth and prosperity of abraham for whose son he was seeking a bride verse 36 sarah my masters wife bare a son and unto him hath- he given all that he hath he speaks ofisaac as the child of promise and the heir to all of abra hams riches to be united to him in marriage would be for her to share all his honors and his accumu lated property to- be coheiress with him just as christ shares all he has with the church his bride eph 5 2531 so did isaac through the servant of his father offer to take rebekah into union with- him self as heir of his fathers wealth verse 61 rebekah arose and her damsels and they rode upon the camels and followed the man there was no hesitation on the part of rebekah when asked wilt thou go- with this man v58 her heart had been won for a man her eyes had never seen and she replied at once 1 will go so it was not long until the returning caravan was on its way and the prospective bride and her women attendants had started for canaan where isaac awaited- eagerly we may be sure to learn the results of the ser vants quest verse 62 isaac came from the way of the- well lahairoi often his- eyes must- have searched the distanfroad as he watched forthe first sign of thereturnof the ser- vantto make known the resultsof his mission versei637he gifted up his eyes 5andbehod the camels jwere coming with whatmixed t emof tions his heart would be stirred as continued on page seven- f- v t tv r ifhmtre box office opens rdally at slxtmrty pjn4 snows begin 7 pan now playing mferfajlvfc m keai fin mos reynolds hunon arnold harding benchley hale michael cubth friday and saturday august 3 arid 4 laird linda george a hangover ggua 20 caoucrrox nautt monday and tuesday august 6 and 7 varnersvurvfviesf from the 4vfaft r staf piayf 1 1 n e ii i r with raymond massey- jack carson peter i0rre dieted bv frank capra wednesday and thursday august 8 and 9 moss harts twinged victory dftrryl f 2anuck george cukor send your letters to editors mail 0e3oe xoz30i aoxaoc robertson maume co members the toronto stock exctiange 300 bay street toronto waverley 3011 earl m robertson get the most for money caeandkugitiili raefs 4 station goodwood stouffville motors sioimie vv jj- pin jw t- vx mmfa

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