ebtabh8hedl888 member of the cmadiatfweeldynewspaper assooiion and ontario quebec newrsiapers association issued rery thursday w stouffvi ontario j s around the lakesthe general approval we iopewillen courage this workto be extended another year one-nmth- v concession farmertokhbis paper he would gladly contributed a special tax for oil if the whole from town to lakv was done u subscription rates per year in advance in canada 2q0 in ua- f a- v nolan sod publishers s c notes and gpiiimnts refrigerators coming soon the wartime prices and trade board has just taken the bah off the manufactureof electric refrigerators and a few thousand units will be on the market toward the end of the year plants are now being reconverted to the manufac ture of refrigerators and after this process has been com pleted production should increase rapidly but it will take an extended period of time to stock all distributors from coast to coast 1941 basic period prices will apply for the new machines thanks to price controls refrigerator production has been resumed in the united states and canadian manufacturers will be assisted in obtaining priorities for imported materials and component parts v whitchurch council should supply the facts there is 10 denying the fact that people who have to travel the ninth concession of whitchurch from stouffviue to mussulmans lake are more than incensed about the bad condition of the road despite the fact that the municipality has spent a lot of money on gravel and do continual grad ing the road is full of ribs and is so dusty at times that it is unsafe for travel many people avoid it by going the roundabout way to reach the lake via the 8th concession- and ballantrae t it has been clearly demonstrated that a road that carries the amount of traffic cars and busses that the ninth bears cannot be kept good unless the gravel is oiled at least even oiling- will not make a good road because thf traffic will rib the gravel top but the road would be- safe and the farmers fields and homes would not be called upon to take the terrific dust that now burdens them be- sides the gravel would last twice as long instead- of blow- ing away i councils are slow to face the expense of oiling roads but the day is not far away when gravel will be so hard to get that it will be a prime necessity to oil in order to save what gravel can be got at high prices in view of the emergency and the general dissatisfaction about the 9th whitchurch council could liave rendered a good service by supplying the cost of oil from stouffviue to the lake- and by giving the matter some consideration they were given general credit for oiling the lake area not only by the residents there but actually py the farmers vwhom some councilors feared wpuldbe hostile to oiling is right here when atf owners should see to it that weeds are cut especiallynbxious weeds under the weed control act all noxious weeds inust be destroyed avoften asnecessarytb prevent them seeding ifproperty- owners do not destroy the weeds municipalities have the right to send men- in to cut them and charge the cost against the property appeals arebeing made in our advertising columns by both uxbridge andmarkham townships calling upon pro perty owners to observe the lawthereis another jangle be sides the law of course think how muchbetter roadsides and properties look when weeds and long grass are mowed down indeed it is worth all the work and trouble of cutting just for appearance alone so far as stouffviue is concerned the cutting of main street boulevards pays dividends for as the slogan of the former horticultural society ran beauty brings busi ness is very true how many people have been induced to locate in this place largely because they were attractdby the general appearance of our main street which is quite a model from one end of the town to the other all other streets may be kept in a similar manner as many of them are judge gently pray dont find fault with the man that limps or otumbles along the road unless you have worn the shoe he wears or struggled beneath his- load there may be tacks in his shoes that hurt 1 tho hidden away from view or the burden he bears placed on your back might cause you to stumble too- dont sneer at the man whos down today unless you have felt the blow that caused his fall or felt the shame l that only the fallen know you may be strong but still the blows that were his if dealt to you in the selfsame way at the selfsame time jmight cause you to stagger too j be too harsh with the man that sins or pelt him with word or stone unless you are sure yea double sure that you have no sins of your own for you know perhaps if the tempters voice should whisper as soft to you as it did to him when hewent astray it might cause you tof alter- too- a fc 3 -is- if sfir i sunday school lesson tesson for july 29 golden tevtrl will establish my covenant between mc and thee and thyseed after thee in their genera- tioiis for an everlasting covenant tobca god unto thee and to thy i seedaftcr thee- gen 177 k i the lesson as awhole god had two outstanding reasons 5 for bringing the nation of israel in- to existence and preserving it in the earth in spite of all the vicissitudes through which it was to pass throughout the centuries the first wasthat- through- this nation his own son israels messiah- and the saviour of the world might be born 1 in the line of promise rom 04 5 the- other was that they might be vhis witnesses in the earth isams 10- through whom his holy law was to be preserved and his test- mony given to all nations isa 43 21 in order that these purposes might be carried out god chose abraham and his seed through isaac and jacob and separated them to himself giving them an honored place which no other people tiave ever jcnown amos 3 2 they are his peculiar treasure exod 19 5 psa 135 4 destined somedayto be the display of his 1 grace and power- to all mankind isa 53 13 54 18 now they are like olive branches torn out of the olive- tree- of promise of which abraham isthe root and wild j branches of the gentiles have been grafted in contrary to nature rom 111722 butwhen the fullness of the gentiles shallhave come in these natural branches- will be grafted again into their own olive tree and so all israel shall be saved rom 112426 god has never abrogated his covenant with abraham both as to this nation and the land which he fgaveithem he will- fulfill every promise in spiteof albthesad fall- ureonthe part of israel for the abrahamic covenant is one of pure grace- 1 a v verse by verse gen 17liram the almighty r walk before me and be thou perfect it was when abrams i bodywas nowdead rom 419 i andsarahwas pastage hebml 11 that god again appeared and made himself known asrthe sufficient one whose power is not liniited bymans weakness or falth- lessriessv thev almighty god- is in theroriginaleuishaddai mighty breasted koiiersithegod whogfisableitomeet every emer af god what j jway beforetmspmnlpotentf god jietwas calleijtomtoupflghtneisiib t fectlbnhere does not mean absolute sinlessness but jntegriftror heart and ufethere nomore turnings aside v or reliance uppn fleshly expedients verse 2 i will make my cove nant between me and thee it was a covenant of pure grace god gave the promise that he wouldmultiply abram exceedingly his gifts and callings are without- repentance rom 1129 this covenant still stands and will have its greatest fulfillment in a future day when all things written will have come to pass luke 2444 acts 31921 verse 3 abram fell on his face and god talked with him prostra ting himself before the lord in the attitude of worship abram was given a fuller revelation of the divine plans for the worlds bless ing which were to be carried out through his seed it is a most bless ed thing to be in that condition of soul where one can- hear and re spond to the voice of god a voice which is not necessarily audible to the outward ear but is heard and recognized by the ears of the heart verse 4 thoushalt be the father of a multitude of nations rv when we consider the many nations- whose progenitors were descended from abram we begin to understand how marvelous and far- reaching was this prophecy not israel only but the arabian and edomite peoples and many others traced their- descent to this vener able manof faith verse thy nameshalt be abrahamitwas at this time the name abram j- meaning 7 high father was superseded by abra ham thefather of a multitude as the perpetual reminder that he should become father of many nations whengddgives a person a new name it is always indicative of his purpose regarding that one verse 6 i will make thee ex ceeding fruitful kings shall come out of thee arid of this- has been fulfilled literally throughout manycenturiesand when at last the lord jesus shall reign as king over all the earth it will be a son of abraham mattel 1 accord to the flesh- 1 verse 7 i will establish my covenant between me and thee this isintensely personal god had singled this man out fromall others and he confirmed his covenant with him butiiealso pledged his word to care for his seed after him in their generations for an ever lasting- covenant no -failure- on theii part could nullify his word it is a covenant of pure grace and it must stand and even though the legal covenant came in some four centuries later it could nou cancel or alter t terms of uie promise so solemnlymade to abraham by hiimwhbdeclared iwiir be a godiurito ftheeiarid thy seed aftertheei yvv- yeree8iwhlgiveiuritb and tothy seed after tbcethe land wherewthourart astraiigerall the landpfcaiiaanforaheverastirig possession- pilsisthe divine title which has been glvento israelthe tdrcanawvdoesnot refer to land- r jf v r heaven we are not to spiritualize this pledge made in regard to the land it is the land of palestine it self which god gave irrevocably to the seed of abraham he has said of it the land shall not be sold for ever for the land is mine lev 2523 he disposes of it as it pleases him and it is his will that israel abrahams literal seed shall possess it and dwell in it therefore though scattered as they have been throughout the past centuries he will see to it that they return as a nation to that land m due time when they return m heart to him self isa 111016 verse 9 god said thou shalt keep my covenant therefore thou and they seed after thee in their generations to keep that covenant means for them to remem ber gods promise counting upon him to fulfill his wordin due time verse 10 this is my covenant every man child among you shall be circumcised the seal or memorial of the covenant the per petual reminder of gods promise was to be for- israel the rite of cir cumcision which tells of the un profitableness of the flesh and speaks of the putting away of all that is unclean jmd unholy- the mere outward sign however is of no avail if there be not the separa tion of the heart from all that is offensive to godi rom2 29f y the heart of the lesson- vj gods covenants are of two kinds some are conditional upori mans response to his- commandments others are unconditional because he makes a promise in sovereign grace which hedeterriiinesto carry out whatever the nature of the r sponse on mans part may be his promise to give the land of pales tine to abraham was of this latter character also the promise to make of him a great nation there can be no possibility of failure in regard to both of these parts of thecove nant therefore it is called an ever lasting covenant it is sovereign grace- acting for the blessing of those who have done nothing to earn such wondrous favor in this respect it is like gods salvation which is altogether by grace and made good to all who believe t e burrows pies in his 54th year feature of our free shell service that means time and dollars saved stop in regularly boadways service station v fv phone265 permits required by work men seeking employment on tobacco farms this year and this reminds us that the government has over- looked something how about a permit for smokers it is true that tobacco carries a heavy tax but therithe smoker could be licensed its as reasonable a 1 proposition as asking a license for your radio- capit axi correspondent continued from front page hinted mn ottawa t by changes in top personnel of the joint defence projects in the canadian northwest where this country joined with the united states in important enter prises the extent of the move ment of canadian servicemen from abroad to their homes is stressed in the report in ottawa that present prominent hardware businessman i plans call for 126000 servicemen to for over 37 years with padget and hay aglncourt je burrows died in his 54th year last week at his home there j mr burrows was active in com munity life throughout the mark- ham for over 40 years and dida good deal of plum ing r and- tinsmithing throughout markham township j he is survlv- edbyhiswidowthe forriier mabel isabeliegreenand four chlldrenl two daughters mrsje forrester and dorothy and twosons grant and tteiir i f sf v- v ri be brought- back in the last six months of 1945 including the return of about 26000 men in each of the monthsof july august and septem ber- the world economic problems are terrlffic particularly for great exportingcountrieslike the united states arid canada if nothing- is ddnenow we wilthave economic chaos and a world depression worse than the bnethatfollowed the last war athese words were said in ottawa by a top ranking 1 british commonwealth statesman passing ifitjhrough this 4 vi- sis5ii ic theatre y box office opens dally at sixthirty pjml shows begin 7 pjnl now playing friday and saturday- july 27 and 28 bihhy 600mah and his iand uhda mubij lvhnbarl jack 0 akie 2qh caoturr pittvf ft wuttt ttttnff wnowt nam song fic thesaodlti matinee sarurday afternoon 2pm children 5c news reel monday and tuesday july 30 and 31 wednesday and thursday august 1 and 2 fjanib joyce reynolds walter huttoh aonoc aot aoiaob aocao robertson malone co members the toronto stock exchange 300 bay street toronto waverley 3011 earl m robertson lester- e stavenow frank t malone ioe30i xocm ttrtstone eamdippebkkf yes smooth tires slip and spin fob you of traction and power and waste ga better v have them recapped now before thef fabric shows through then itstoo late tosave themwithmodern methods aind materials we can put6h tread that lobksand wears like new drive in and let usvshojr your no permits needed iix 1 c 1- raes service station goodwood is vi kj m- stouffville motors stouffviue offering partial reason why- there supplied canadian seed companies was need of calling ariimmediate with the remark that before world warrllrboth the united statesand canada usedto buy about eighteen million pounds of soring i flowering wllu visit canada- shortly and it is5bulbsfromthe netherlands re- conference i of nations jto studyworld economic problems a delegation of dutch bulb growers w- mmmmmm