Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 12, 1945, p. 6

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fr v entraricelresults by staff correspondent ioe wi v 8 h congratulations are being extend ed to mr and mrs stickwood nee edith linton rn on the birth of a son at the newmarket hospital a- social evening was held last week and a purse of money- pre- isented to the newly married couple mr and mrs mclean nee jean morley the affair was held at the brides home mr and mrs fred morley the couple will make their home in prince edward island mr and mrs wm beaton and family have moved to oshawa since fred evans lias sold the house which they occupied to mr harry boose former claremont merchant who is now working in toronto and will travel back and forth from here on the closing afternoon of school a social gathering was held in hon our of mr douglas bacon who is retiring from his duties as principal of claremont public school on be half of the staff and his pupils he was oresented with a fountain pen as a small token cf their regard mr bacon has been a successful and popular principal for the past two years and claremorts good wishes will go with him to his new position as principal at jordon sta tion the claremont library- has pur chased 35 new books which will be on the shelves shortly the new fiction will be ready for distribu tion first among which will be found the following live dangerously axel kiel- land anorwegian the manuscript i of his novel came by plane from sweden it is the story of norways underground green dolphin street elizabeth goudge the set ting for this novel is in the chan- i nel islandsthe time is 1830 green hazard by manning coles the big spy story of the year the troubl ed midnight john gunther- the theme is played against the back ground of neutral constantinople m the climactic days of the euro- pean war worlds end upton sinclair the story begins in europe in 1913 the wide house taylor- caldwell author of the final hour young bess mar- garet irwin the story of englands virgin queen a touch of glory frank c slaughter a doctor re- turns from the front to face a new foe at home some of my best friends are soidiers margaret halseys first book since her fam- ous best seller with malice to ward some earth and high heaven gwethalyn graham a young canadian novelist who ihas won much fame because of this- her first novelthe green years a j i cronin famous for his earlier books the citadel and the keys of the kingdom burned fingers kath leen norns the murderer is a fox ellery queen wilderness trek zane gray llhstriet t jf ff local dealersrrmowders store and overlahds store xoexoxoi pickering twp tax- sale on monday the sale of three properties in pickering township for arrears of taxes was scheduled for monday afternoon of this week the three were all lakefront lands and taxes standing against them amounted to approximately 235- the last tax sale in the township was held in july of last year claremont boys within one point of first place in soccer race claremont boys who coitspiise the bulk of the ajax soccer team have four wins and one loss to their credit to bring them within one point of being on top of the heap in the senior group of the consols soccer cup schedule cge and newmarket army are tied for the top rung at present on friday night of this week ajax will play host to c gei on the claremont field with the game commencing at 7 pm record shipment oikyrswesmm n v thefoll6wuig pupils were grant- ed high school entrance standing on the teachersrecommendations those whose names are marked with a star will receive- certificates when theyhave furnished proof of the required farm service alex beaton donald beelby frances follows violet hall cath erine hornshavflorence john ston donald manion elsie miller clarence aiinaker wilfrid morley june sutherland kenneth wilson the following passed the final written examinations helen dickinson mary herbert hon hans kahn family gathering for 9th concession lady members of mrs levi grove family twentyfive in number gathered at the home of mr and mrs sam fretz last sunday to honor this lady who was marking her 70th birthday mrs grove who was born on the cth of markham is quite active and has just finished helping to harvest the big straw berry crop on the fretz farm it was here that she and her husband farmed for over twenty years and since mr groves death the place has been taken over by mr fretz inaudition to three daughters mrs w davis mrs f sellers and mrs fretz there are sixteen grandchildren mrs grove has one brother jacob meyers of stouff- ille and a sister mrs win mcnair many property es in i- the canadian red cross had as much as 6000000 worth of stock on hand in england at one time there has been a small boom in the real estate business around claremont in the past few weeks mr thos sanderson has disposed of his ksacre place just north of the village on the brock rd at the corner of the uxbridgepickering townline the new owner is bill hicks recently returned from over seas the sale price is reported at s2800mrs andrew wilson has soldlier home just north of the sanderson property which consists of a house and about four acres of landjto a toronto party mrs wil son will make her home with her daughter mrs martin gall farm property sales are also reported in the area- including the waddell farm to fred murray returned soldier the jos nokes place and elwood carruthers farm all east of the village t a transaction of major import ance in the livestock field was com pleted recently with the purchase by idaho breeders of 17 head of purebred ayrshires from hermi tage farms- pickering the cattle completed their 2500 mile trip to the united states last week hermitage farms operated by e l ruddy and son are the largest breeders of ayrshire cattle in can ada and were premier winners at shows in- ontario and quebec last year on the 800acre farm are 275 head of registered ayrshires of which 120 are milking approxi mately two toils of milk a day are shipped a total of- 122 head were sold last year of which 76 went to the united states prior to the making of the ship ment to the state of idaho which was the largest shipment on record of purebred cattle to that state there were only two herds of regis tered ayrshires in the state com prising a total of 20 head the pur chasers were represented by her bert l glindeman bsa of bonny ayre acres pocatello idaho who spent seven days in pickering mak ing a careful selection the owners of hermitage farms are justly proud that idaho interests should come such a long distance and to this farm to make- their purchases exoi ioe xoexoe aoboe 30em township of markhls destroy all noxious jfv hawkweed wild lettuce docks wild mustard stinkweed white cockle poison ivy spurges clause 23 brougham ioe ioe kl en efc w your bigiest buy loaf bf thatgvarid bread from 57 stoversbakerythere s a lot of gobd- nessbaked into our bread because y -our- bakers knovyjusf what people- really iikeitrjeirids will like it and the grown folks r serve bread regularly yburjrnearsand that means serve stovers t phone 180 re stonfivillc out high prices for live poultry until further notice we ar paving the followingprices for i poultry delivered toour plant in whitby eheavyfocic 25mcp6undr runder4 lbs- leghorns 7 22c lb mr and mrs wm ellicott spent a couple of jays last week with friends at peterboro miss shaughnessy of toronto spent a few days with her friend mrs geo philip mr and mrs browes and little son of oshawa spent the- weekend with- her parents mr and mrs carl devitt mrs grass and mrs fraser of brooklincalled on mrs l matt hews one day last week mrs gordon of toronto is spendj ing a few days with her sister mrs wm ellicott mr and mrs h philip and family of toronto also mr maybon of brantford were recent guests of mr and mrsm hamilton miss dorothy harlockis attend ing a summer course at the toron to normal school mr and mrs e crocker and little granddaughter of toronto visited with mr and mrs a b matthews on saturday mr frank hamilton spent a few days last week with friends atwest hill j mr and mrs dingman of whitby mr and mrs kenneth madill and little daughter fay and mr and mrs ross madill spent sunday fred and mrs madill the happy circle mission band will hold a picnic at greenwood park on saturday afternoon july 14th please meet at corner at 230 pm and bring a lunch mr david dawson jr called on the d mairs family on sunday mrs a b matthews who has been indisposed for a few days is better again mrs wm stoneman of mitchel spent the weekend with mrs gan non the reunion of the carter hood families was held on sunday at the home of mr and mrs russel car ter onscugog island there was an attendance of ninety mr and mrs albert gray and family mr and mrs fank carter and family mrs walter hamilton and daughterand mrs lemmon were in attendance fro nithis locality friends were also- present from green river markham newmarket toronto ajax and oshawa ajax- home scene of prettv wedding the home of r mr and mrs ross boden glynn avenue ajax was the scene of a pretty wedding on tuesday june 28 when their eldest daughter olive became the bride of wesley dean eldest son of mr and mrs dean of locust hill rev g s simpson performed the cere mony before a bank of white orange blossoms and peonies the brides sister gowned in delphinium blue crepe with flower hat of the same color- played the wedding music- given in marriage by her father the bride wore a white crepe dress matching- white crepe hat with shoulder length veil she carried johanna hill roses her sister-in- law mrs austin boden of st johns nb was her only attendant and she wore a dusky rose dress and hat and a corsage of american beauty roses mr milton dean was his brothers jroomsman at the reception mrs boden rej ceived wearina mauve crepe dress slstel water ih by tn jupp gladioli blie was assisted oj 1 fy whfn actual rot dean gowned in a blue jersey w ovnen actual cost blue accessories and a corsage of bladder campion tumbling weed 7 common milkweed common burdock pepper grass common ragweed russian thistle cinquefoils j tf sow thistle bindweed canada thistle wild carrot dodder chicory oxeye daisy blue weed the weed control act says clause 5 every occupant of land or if the land is unoccupied the owner shall destroy all weeds designed noxious by the regulations as often in every year as is sufficient to prevent the ripening of their seeds any person who contravenes any of the provisions of this act or refuses to obey any lawful order of an inspector given under authorityof this act shallincur a penalty of not less than 1000 nor more than 5000 for every such offence weeds have ho place in a progressive township do your share to prevent their spread t w j warriver weed inspector irrvfmi township of markham w i i j oeio blue and pink carnations mr and mrs dean left later on a wedding trip to north bay the bride wearing a brown plaid suit brown and white accessories and a corsage of red roses on their re turn they will reside in oshawa fifth line school report ss no 5 held their closing exer cises on friday afternoon june 29 a few visitors were present to the childrens work on display and listen to the programme consisting of choruses readings choral read ings recitations and exercises the school gardens created much com ment prizes and awards were also presented promotions for the year are as follows names are in order of merit j grade 7 to 8 u ruby cairns mary byam jack symes grade 5 to c irene duda ruby hockley leslie home 7 grndc 4 to 5 tommy smithy recommended grade 3 to 4 arthur tribble honours grade 2 to3 joan burgin hon kenneth hockley hon freda duda ella smith shirley cairns rec- arno weihhold tec grade 1 to 2 ross byam- frank weirihold murray hockley- gradeatb 1 chester weinhold teacher marys bsheehey figures are known a petition will be circulated among the citizens do farmers want army trucks v the ontario federation has re quested the war assets corporation to make available to agriculture used military trucksthis has been done and with the cooperation of the wa corporation trucks are soon to be available for ontario farmers it will be up to the county federation to ascertain thejiumber of trucks required to facilitate this the wa corporation is pre paring a pamphlet showing the type of trucks available with specifications included in the pamphlet is a blank form upon which the farmer can indicate- the type of truck he requires and ret turn the blank to the county secre tory in this way itwill be possible to determine the number required in each part of the province these pamphlets will soonbe available these are preliminary plans to secure trucks prices and plans to simplify distribution of the trucks will be announced later -councillor- dalton rumney v victoria square is york county president of the federation hardware disease common in cattle besides the clanger of poisoning of cattle through old bones being left around pastures and live stock lots there is another disease which occurs almost entirely in cattle as a result of untidy surroundings this t known as hardware dis ease and is occasioned by the com mon habit of cattle eating nails staples pieces of wire and other sharp metal objects which they find- in pastures and elsewhere around the farm this assorted hardware often penetrates vital organs sometimes with fatal effect though not contagious in the usual sense of the word hardware disease is transmitted through carelessness according- to many veterinarians they state also that in i dairy catte the losses from hardware disease- exceed those from any one contagious disease prevention consists in keeping pas tures feedlots fence corners and all other- parts of- the premises free from small- pieces of sharp metal promotions at gooclwbod school entrance harold brown hon donald sheehey v farm service verna chapelle bernice thomp son james staddon grade 7 to 8mildred rae hon herbert latremouille dean wat son virginia chapelle rec i grade 6 to 7 kathleen brown j bernice todd david staddon wanda morris delbert stewart rec grade 5 to 6 kathleen storry robert alexander ivan bell rec lome alexander tom manley v grade 4 to 5 joan rae hon doris woodland hon john barns- dale billie brown grace thomp son maurice garrett joariedwards grade 3 to 4 roma jean shep herd faye bunker grade 2 to 3lorna woodland hon jackie bunker honlnaricy haight hon grace hall neil tindall buster alexander kenneth storry rec- grade 1 to 2 jimmy harper hon jackie r rae harold bellrecv rl 1 josephine wagg teacher we please the customer not ourselves twentyfour hour service confectionery- and gas yours to please j e brignall i c j ms ctt ilfi inducted into pastorate rev martin jenkinson formerly of pickering ont was inducted into the pastorate of king and las- kay united churchon friday eve ning rev roy hicks of aurora was the guest preacher and rev c e fockler of maple represented the presbytery and officially gave mr jenkinsonhis charge s government gives green light to brougham water works government permission has been received by brougham to proceed with- plans forgiying water service to the village atemporary holdup was caused while a permit was ob tained to lay a pipeline along the no 7 highway road allowance brougham business men will now seek an estimate on the job- of k0ex0e30ex0e ao builders supplies l we have a good supply of asphalt arid cedarshlngles- v4 i rt a 7ll chop- andj whole grahg i pouidrik feeds molasses fencing iron fence posts 1 trill tfflhfefiwn titstfiit1 vvr l surge tmrlking machines claremont phone 38w sand and gravel w- choicest sand and gravel for your cement workrdelivered to your job- v nortons igbxvelpita4 49tf phone 700 or 9 rll tost public announcement madam clares bakery owingto circumstances over whichi have no control i am forced to take my truck off the roads for the time being as soon- as circumstances permit i hope to once again resume de liveries s in the meantime on and after july 16th- 1945 our products will be obtainable at our store in claremont on the following basis v 1 avhitc or brown bread 7c madam clares bakery ed lewis projf ps please note by buying at the store you save delivery charges v teetve more pickles but dont risk wasting precious food and sugar by spoilage through the use of inferior vinegar use canada vinegarr the vinegar your mother used always uniform high quality and strength jt has been the leader in ontario for over 80 years on sale at all grocers send forfree pickling recipe booklet to cana- vinegars limited 112 duke street toronto canada vinegars v paiteuiized il isii at jyizsnuo jui iuvu ji i- j- uj jr shop the modern way new jam 24 flor xlar coupons x 33c old dutch cleanser 2 tins 19c aylmer dehydrated beans5oz 5c cgtelhs ckeesarpni 8ozxpjfg we apple juice 220 oz tins tf 25c crown brand corn syrup 2 ibtin i i carload 23c 53c ave deliver phone 280 tjv have enjoyed it teafflavour that how oltkrea generations adalytoa ha fdondmutt be extra ordinarily good tt ftryvlttatkryoof f grocer for daiytea jmmmammimammmmmmmmmmmmimmmmiimmim claremont- phose 38w cbfeesksiozaotaeaei w tttrf y-

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