0 dental j- as barker ldjsmds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeo of the university of toronto office in grnblns block li- phone 274 x a harknam etery tuesday office in wear block medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray j office cor obrien and mali phone 196 i coroner for york county a g kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday and friday 9 to 12 am r insurance jv k womenshosieryy jixvesshoessocks boots and mitts visasa stouffviue- v phone 4301 opposite the town clock j tfxflforth- automotive supply tom dobson 705 danforth ave toronto phone ha 0931 parts accessories and machine shop service thomaslbirkett general insurance agency stoufff hie ontario eatablfsljed 19 os insurance in reliable companies ai reasonable ratea jjprompt service phone 25902 r stouffviue hvo klinck phone- stouffviue fire auto burglary sickness ana accident fidelity bonds the standard life assurance co the pioneer of canadian lifeinsurance a mutual company with 117 years experience f strength and service unexcelled d a tbeer y c j insurance of all kinds- 16th year in business phone pickering 5r22 address- brougham ont stouffviue floral roses weddingvbouquets i funeral- designs cut flowers milt smith prop t telephone 7001 7002 risen saviour 2 cor 51417 we i the ehilivside there know that the things written of old w sidedrml a forearm spring weather redemption that is ours in christ and the responsibilities that flow therefrom rom 154 1 cor 106 11 j verse by verse gen 6 5 the wickedness of man was great- every imagina tion of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually this terrible indictment of fallen man is as true today as in the years before the flood wickedness refers to practice evil imaginations show couian t mom the following breeders had at mathado1doultw foanunber how corrupt our nature has become ed higgms neighbor came overieast one very good cow j dar- stores and dairies and iriteadof through sin this condition is- be- to borrow something he really lmgton sons todmorden lloyd collecwahe on c before yond mans power to remedy only wanted to chat then along came a turner stouffville e t stephens i the datef deliverv collmtevl them i god the god against whom we stouffviue drover in his truck he richmond hill lloyd j armstrong at tswof tteionsflwss have sinned can provide a way diant seem fussy to buy anything locust hill win j rarfmpoi of deliverance and this he has they sat down on the tongue of the arthur bovair dyarpme- arid trade board against andcreamery sutton- heardu a week ago general- ouruttle niece ifrom the iolieiaorbsm tstsv citywas having some t onan of 623 headwereteatel court in nwmarketon empty pile of grain bags with three graded in the county 72 cows being k hwbrshid toid la fine- kittens while old tabby watched classified as very good that of and cottsof s9 o r 2zfiz ss 1 out l according to the evidence jf j harm came to her family the collie ioo points 523 as good plus so to t a to t evidence of j cips s5 ptst 25i ful eye on the cat for some reason i points i couldnt fathom ton dairy and creamery and found tlthflt it itqrl ctl1 hiittai tr a niimhnt y b was contrary to the reguia kjngtd boycejtions mr burrows owner of the sut- a s farmer licensed auctioneer york county uxbridge and picker irig townships farm stock- and furniture sales a specialty c telephone stouffville 7312 address gormley po done in the work of his son- our wagon and started smoking con- arch cameron ar constable lord jesus christ i versation drifted from the elections lester an t q t i verse 6 it repented the lord to the weather that he had made man elsewhere heard higgins say it we are told that god is v a man that a good farmer that he should repent num left bcuiiiu and he v v u uiiiuman rsros wm i u j j v 2319 some have fancied they knocking the winner because he clarkson sons rankhn kellam i d delivery but stated detected a contradiction here but i didnt know him however both percy barker clarke petere wes- th about p of e butter- such isnot the case god never hiceins and the driver wondered tor- w i w ciuiwlsold was sold to customers from the repents in the sense or refusing to carry nants rom 1129 but when god send a solid block of farmers to farms edgeley g e d greens beheld the wickedness of men he ottawa or queens park either thos mcgriskin stanley b wat- changed his attitude toward them there was no argument just son agincourt walter w haines visiting judgment upon those who friendly conversation james hope newmarket roland somehow the talk veered around g keffer maple ontario hospital had spurned his goodness in this sellers atkinson f phag 201 w2 ph stouff 290 licensed auctioneer 24 years experience sales conducted anywhere special- n lzing in farm stock furniture and property sales all sales personallylistedand advertised bills prepared andposted prompt service reason- -pabee-rates- phone 29dstodjffvule sense only he could be said to re pent tohave to act thus grieved him at his heart for he has no de light in the death of the sinner but longs to have all turn to him and live ezek 3311 verse 7 i will destroy man whom i have created for it repenteth- me that i have made them so terrible had become the sin of men that gods holiness could no longer tolerate it there fore judgment must take its course so the flood came and only noah and his family escaped chap 8- 1 god remembered farms the drover believes that there are too many bad managers on farms and the only answeris to have big farms and a lot of present owners should be working for a good manager he calls them fac- toiy farms although ive heard them called by several names its a great argument ed believes that one hundred fifty acres is the size for a to own the drover says we should have thousand acre farms andthat the owners of the noah he remembered him before present ones should be working on the storm began and called him and a salary basis 1 must confess they to the size of farms then the main langstaff f k reid e m ward topic came up ed higgins is a law kleinburg kalman vizely great believer m the family size of clifford l winger gormley nor- barristers mfice phone residencephone 3160 j- 3514 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor pnbu 6 king street east oshawa ontario s resident partner s branch office v c pollard kc port- perry jxbridge ontario phone 25 ffiee phone elgin 7021 samuel d borins v a residence phone mo 6231 barrister solicitor etc 503 temple bldg 62 richmond street west toronto clarke prentice plioiie agincourt 52 w3 milliken licensed auctioneer for the counties of york andoij tarlo successor for corpl ker prentice of casf and of the late j h prentice former prentice j prentice farm and farm stock sales a specialty at fair and reaeve able rates l e ofneill stouffville i funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night stouffville 9801 all his household into the ark chap 71 he watched over and protected them as the waters ascended until eyery living creature was destroved from off the land chap 71724 when at last the waters were receding god remem bered noah anew and planned for a new earth under a new dispensa tion verse 4 the ark rested in the seventh month upon the moun tains of ararat after floating for so long on the crest of the waves the great ark went around on the highlands of armenia thus god had proved his faithfulness to his devoted servant who had main tained a righteous- life because of his faith m spite of the iniquity prevailing onevefy side verse 18noah went forth he is the picture of a man who has passed throughdeath and now is to live in newness of life to the glory of the one who has delivered him all his family were linked with him in blessing as they entered upon a cleansed and renovated earth verse 20 noah builded an aitar unto the lord and offered burntofferings on the altar the first recorded act of the patriarch after he stepped out of the ark onto the new earth was to erect an altar and offer sacrifice unto the god who had preserved him and his family and had shown them so many evi dences of his grace worship should ever follow close upon de liverance from peril whether tem poral or eternal that burnt offer ing spoke of christ jesus offering himself unto god a sacrifice and a sweetsmelling savor for our re demption eph 32 verse 21 the lord smelted a savor of rest literally because it spoke to him of the work of his beloved son it wss not that god found any delight m thesaenfice of a lamb out of the flock or as some have blasphemously suggested that jehovah was supposed to enjoy the fragrance of roasting meat but he man s yorke baldwin the grading was done by j d inncs woodstock chief inspector of selective registration for the holstemfriesian association of canada v had some pretty good arguments higgins suggested that fanning is a way of life and that our present farms contribute a lot of things besides food to cities cities accord ing to him would die out in a few years if it weient for the young folks who come from the country he says if farms get like factories then the people will change too and youll rum the country by making everybody feel and act just like city dwellers the drover started naming off the poor farmers in our distnct who he claimed should be working for other people taking out- the odd man who is just plain lazy or not cut out for working on a farm he says mpstjother fellows have a certain thing they want to work on one man s good with poultry and another with machinery and so on he wants the countryside ito hum along producing food at top speed under careful direction of men who know how to get production and make money the conversation went on over most of the morning they didnt convince each other a particle and higgins went away without what he wanted to borrow and the diover didnt even look at the two steers he wanted to buy it was a good morning for talking dance east side musselnjians lake every saturday also every wednesday- during jjjly and august every saturday thereafter popularand 01dtymomusic igood prizes- w l mcintosh 64 management was collected at the time of the sale he explained that for the other- 25 per cent where butter was sent to other dairies or stores for sale it was difficult for these buyers to- send coupons an advance in order thatthey might be received at the time ot the shipping ofthe butter he stated thdt these smaller dairies had to in turn collect the coupons from theircustomers before they could purchase more butter fromv the dairy mr burrows added that he felt- n that he had used jhe- maximum- care in collecting the coupons in spite of the difficulty fie had with the shortage of help increased bookkeeping due to unemployment insurance and income tax deduc tions selective service regulations- and rationingregulations r there is no question my mind but that you did violate the regiilauonscomrriented magistrate mcllveen these laws were made for a purpose according to the newspaper we aie going to have more severe rationing you will have to- watch yourself in this case i must- impose a fine 1 1 am fining you s50 and costs f this isi practically half as much -as- is usually imposed in these cases but there are certain things to be said in your favor and i am takingthem into consideration i i v vt fall is fatal to huron farmer roderick mccharles young huron i township farmer died on june 14th 1 in kincardine general hospital v from injuries received when he fell from thc barn at the family home on concession two where he was repairing the roof is sunday school lesson golden text- aviiilctlio earlli re mninctli seedtime and harvest and jooked forwardtvitif giad aprecia- cold and heat and summer and tl0n t0 what hls son was t0 accom winter and day and night shall not p on calvary in view of this a he made a convenant with noah declaring that he would not again cease gen 822 the lesson as a whole r g clendening funeral director rvv ambulance service v marknam phone ontario 9000 v- r stowffville vmavbie granite works orders yw i y- tarr proprietor idh mans tragic failure and sin form curse tne ground for manvsake the dark background upon which he kn2w man is unimprovable s god displays the pearl of his rich grace 1 redemption was not with himj an afterthought before sin ever came in provision had been planned foremans salvation how longour firsj parents main tained their innocencyweare not told- but when temptation came they and so sin entered to blight gods fair creation one sin drove adam and eve put of para dise but its consequences go on still- t the history of the antediluvian world is told in four chapters what began inoneact of selfwill closed with corruption and violence filling j wonderful outpourings of divine the earth save for one righteous grace in contrast to mans sin and man and his- householdtowhom iniquity the love of god goes out god extendedmercy when hesent all and only the definite deter- the flood to destroy the entire mination of the sinner to persist in so far as his natural heart is concern edlt is- only eyil and that contin ually but in the work of the cross all this was to bedealt with rom 83 4 2- cor 521 1 verse 22 while the earth re- maineth seedtime and harvest summer and winter shall not cease so long as time goes on the seasons will run their appointed course as god maintains his covenant and preserves man upon the earth the heart of the jlcsson nothing is more precious to the hearts of exercised souls than the human i race the condition of that world for centuries before the de luge is depicted graphically in a his evil way can thwart that love for after all god has given to men the power of choice he who refuses fewsentencesby eliphaz in the grace chooses judgment ye will book of job chap22 1518 bless ed bw god with all that heart could wish so far as temporal things are concerned they abused hisgifts and turned away from thegivar therefore judgment had to take its course as predicted by enoch whose words are preserved for us bythe holy spirltintheepistlo of jude verses 14 and 15 r noah a3commandedibycod built an ark orithesaving of his house wheb ll17thatarktfbe- came a type christhimself over whom all the storms of judgment rolledbuttin whom all are secure becauselikenoahtheyavecome not come to me that ye might have life said the lord jesus to those who spurned his grace when here on earth and the same has ever been true of all upon whom gods judgment fell eventually rtc 01 wanted dead rorses and cattle i telephone for free pick up phons stouffville 255 markham4326 i clarembht 913- 9 rl4t- we pay phone charges oorbon young im decause ukeinoanuiey navecome s- zjl r to klrh in faith 1 pet 3 2022 en- adelaide toronto ohfewd farming for profit a striking example of the effectiveness weeds and leaves tne land in a condition of a rhachihv in helping farmers operate 5 to resist soil drifting ineffect tfre one- successfully tinder difficult conditions is way disc offers the usefulness of two found in the one- way disc introduced machines at little more cost than the durihgthe drought spell and period of price of one low prices for farm products it helped in desighand construction the t farmers cut down their production costs masseyharris one- wajr disc offers thereby leaving them more margin special advaritagesthat appeal to users for profit m i the sturdy frame construction long litis littie wonder then that the one- wearfeplaceable bearings patented- way disc seeder speedily became one stone jumper easily adjusted direct draft of the most popular machines on the hitch and quick action power lift are market preparing the soil and sowing features that contribute to the popur tiieseedin one operation- theonjeway l laritypf the masveyharris your disc seeder saves time and expense localdealer will be glad to give yori used as a tillage machine it destroys full particulars jnwd- a tl jii vi- jitt fckiijj i i j mi ti iy massey-harris- company limited the s e r v i c e a r m of the can o i a n farm s 1