18i eatabljshed 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in ilsa 9260 a v nolan son publishers notes arid comments use- 1 now that the smoke has cleared away how many votes col drew lost on june 4 by having failed to get- rid of the secret police appointed by another government will never be known but mr jolliffe showed himself as quite the politician too in failing to bring the matter up in the legislature rather than to wait to spring the whole thing on the eve of an election as something sinister brought alout by col drew in order that our readers may understand what the setup really consists of we feel it might well be explained in the years 193941 when mr mitchell hepburn was conducting the affairs of the province of ontario there was almost certainly- a real danger of sabotage of the industrial war effort and even the military effort of the canadian nation in addition to the fact that there had been no time to rid the country of german and italian spies at the out- break of the war there was in canada a substantial political party now designated under another name and pursuing other policies which aimed to serve the supposed interests of russia by diminishing the effectiveness of the canadian war effort in every possible way the proper organization for combating this danger was obviously the national organization of the royal mounted police but it was the fashion in ontario at that time led by mr hepburn and vigorously encouraged by mr drew to maintain that the national government and its agency the rcmp could not be relied upon to do this job properly mr hepburn consequently endowed the province of ontario with various antisabotage agencies of its own which functioned with great vigor and expansiveness and often with an entire failure to discriminate between actual sabotage and the perfectly legitimate business of organizing the workers in war industries there was indeed a period when a large part of ontario appeared to think that organizing workers was itself a dangerous form of sabotage we are quite prepared to believe that one of these provincial agencies has afile of sixteen thousand dossiers on ontario citizens we are prepared to believe that the dossier on mr croii which is alleged to exist was prepared during mr hepburns premiership though the one on mr hepburn himself seems unlikely tohave been started earlier than mr conantsterm of office the rcmpwas equally busy at the same timein the same way and in view of the circumstances itis not surprising to learn that the two forces didlittle in thevay of collaboration by the end of 1941- the german spies had been pretty well rounded upthe united states was in the war and was being highly cooperative along the border the prorussian party in canada had becomeardently favourable to the war effort andit seems to us that there was anexceuent case for disbanding the ontario agency and saving the taxpayers a little money- some of the police themselves might even have been making a more direct contribution to the war effort in industry or the armed forces but it seems to be extraordinarily difficult to wind up a special force when once it has got going perhaps the disposal of the sixteen thouand dossiers presented something of a problem any how mr conant never got around to winding them up nor mr nixon nor mr drew and they are still there what they are now doing to justify their salaries wefind ithard to imagine mr jolliffe in an election broadcast stated that mrrjoliiffe suggests as having been made of the reports of this branch of the provincial police is that ttfey were handed out to mr sanderson the reliable exterminators advertiser and to mr gladstone murray the-propa- ganadist for thecapitalist system we have read practically everything thatmr murray has issued in the last three years and we can recallnothing that could by any possible chance havecome from a police dossier he deals with general principles and riotwith personalities mr sanderson is- of course another matter his allegations in the globe and mail and ttie telegram against various ccf candidates were declared libellous by the- courts so that if the police provided the information on which these allegations were doing ho good either to mr sanderson or to any of the opponents of the ccf incidentally the election in which mr sanderson intervened was not a provincial one but the tor onto municipal contest any more or less secret police system exposes the government which maintains it to the charge of using it for party purposes that charge can be and has been brought successive dominion governments for the more secret activities of the rcmp this fact is hvour opinion a very good reason why a wise government should keep down its secret police activities to the minimum and avoid having any if it can but to assume on no better evidence than mr sanderson that a police system is being used to provide political ammunition against opponents is not a proper or dignfied course for the leader of an opposition jkn stanley theatre i box opens dally atjslvthlrty pjn- shows begin 7 pm friday and saturday june 15 and 16 with gene auto one of the biggest problems facing canada and great britain today is this how can britain impoverished and devastated by the most costly war in history buy more goods from canada states the financial post which sug gests this as a partial answer at least there are at least a million canadians who would like to make a trip to great britain there are thousands of veterans from the first great war and their families who would like to make that trip there are thousands more veterans of this war who would like to go back for a peace time visit with prosperity in canada these people and others could do so and each visitor would spend from 500 to 1000 on british transportation and hotel services such visits would supply british impprters with millions of can adian dollars to purchase our wheat bacon f ruitaluminum copper lumber paper and a host of other products and the exchange would be made without the loss of a single dollars worth of business to any canadian factory monday tuesday wedries june tl8192 three days mgms thursday friday saturday june 21 22 23 three days your next motor car postwar automobiles will boast a dash light to signal tire deflation and a dash meter registering miles per gallon it is predicted which adds that trailers will bejiomier better equipped with possibly some new lowcost models- h r smhjes ahead of every musical youve ever seen unfair treatment for towns and villages in ontario we have county roads and roads owned by the toronto and york road commissions we have township roads and all of them are subsidized by the ontario dept of highways in the case of township and county roads throughout the province the subsidy is 50 per cent on either new roads or maintenance of old roads even to the oil or calcium used on them then we have roads in towns and villages which these municipalities are left to maintain without any government subsidyis this fair why should not towns ahd villages receive a subsidy the same as townships may be a fair question and one that might well engage the attention of the association of mayors and the reeve of stouffville intends to bring the matter to their attention y the most remote township roads receive 50 per cent of the cost of any work put on it by the municipality in which it is located but a town or village with a very busy street must foot all its own cost thus creating a great discrimina- tion- ww0 ftrwb sunday school k r lesson i- lesson for june 17 golden text ye shall be witnesses onto me both in jerusalem and in all judaea and in samaria and rinto uttermost part of the carthl acts 18 v the jvcsson as a whole trie church or assembly of god in the world is not an end in itself it is the divinely raised up- agency to v bear- witness to the nations that godihas exalted the once crucified jesuschrist and set him forth as a prince and a saviour acts 531 he himself before he left this scene to ascend to the father com missioned his disciples to go into all the world to teach all nations mark 1615 matt 2819separat ing those who accepted the message by baptizing them in or unto the name -of- the holy trinity the father the son and the holy spirit these separated ones in their turn- were to become wit- nessesto others and so the great program of world evangelization was to be carried on until the wit nessjhad gone to all people the book of the acts gives us the begin- ningofihis work in accordance with the instruction of the risen lord we see the word going forth to- jerusalem injudea then in samaria and after that to the utter- vmostpartsof the earth actsi8 vthe book itself readily divides into v two parts in chapters lto12 we havctrprecminently the ministry of theapostle peter who opened thedoors of thevkingdom to the jews as in chapter 2 and to the gentiles asthnchapter 10 the second part isfrom- chapter 13 to ithe end where the ministry of paul lsthesoutstandingvsubjectfrom jerusalem to t we see the testimony going forth in power in partfonefrom antfochilnisyrla to sromethe imperiacity yr see the work spreading in part two it is worthy kl note that the twelve at asarnvks it 33 when they heard that they were cut to the heart theirown consciences witnessed to the truth of the apostles words but first largely confined their witness more than human oratory it is to the jews either in palestine or eloquence touched by the divine beyond whereas pauls chief min- o istry though always to- the jews p first was among the gentiles as verse time went on however we know from early church history all had their share in the witness to the nations as well as to israel verse by verse- acts 529 we ought xo obey god rather than men while christians are to be subject to the powers that be as good citizens of the countries in which they dwell they have also a heavenly citizen ship to maintain phil 320 and are responsible first of all to god himself so that if earthly rulers demand of them that which is con trary to the word of god and a good conscience they are not to yield for a moment but are to stand unfinchingly- for that which they know to be right verse 30 the god of our fathers raised up jesus whom ye slew and hanged- on a tree this is the initial message which it- is given to the church to proclaim in no uncertain terms the once cruci fied jesus has been raised from the dead byomnipotent power verse 31 him hath god exalt ed to give repentance and forgiveness of sins repentance is produced in the soul when one realizes the truth of the gospel proclamation and understands that it was his sins that put christ on the cross faith sees him there as the substitute for sinners and recognizes him now as the risen saviour verse 32 we are his witnesses and so isalsotheholy ghost it was for- this very purpose the holy spirits came from heaven to fill the servants ofjchrist andem- pbwer themsojopreach themes- sageconcerningthe vdeath and resurrection of the lord jesus that itwould go homein seafchlngcon- victing poweto the hearts of the hearers true gospel preaching is they were determined to reject the testimony so they sought how they might silence the messengers rather than accept the christ they preached and therefore they took counsel to slay them how incor rigibly evil is the heart of unrepen tant yet religious men verse 34 then stood up gamaliel adoctor of jthe laws this man was the tutor of saul of tarsus acts 223 a rabbi of great reputation among the jews of his day and one whose memory is still revered because of his fairminded ness and great learning verse35 ye men of israel take heed to yourselves as touching these men the counsel of gamaliel was good so far as it went he warned them against hasty conclusions and unwise activity but he failed to suggest the wisdom of a careful examina tion of the testimony borne by- the apostles and a comparison of this with their own scriptures which might have resulted in their definite enlightenment as in the case ofthe jews at berea in macedonia some years afterward acts 1711 verse 38 if this counsel or this work be of men it will come o nought after reminding them of certain misguided zealots who had proved td be selfdeceived or imposters not long before gamaliel suggested that time be allowed to prove whether there was anything worth considering in the new teaching his advice failed to take into account the fact that if the teaching was evil many might be misled thereby and if it was true it demanded careful investigation 1 verse 39 if it be of god ye cannot overthrow it this was true but a merely neutral attitude was not becoming in a matter of sinners is found in him alone ithis kihd even the attempt to evade responsibility was in itself to take sides against the gospel and the god who gave it averse -lo- him tney agreed so far as putting the apostles to death was concerned the council agreed to heed the admonition of gamaliel but they treated them as dangerous culprits by beating them before they discharged them and in addition they commanded that- they should not speak in the name of jesus this of course the apostles could not agree to verse 42 they ceased not to teach and preach jesus christ so far from being deterred from con tinuing their testimony the perse cution they had endured and the shame they had suffered only added to the zeal of these spiritfilled witnesses as they continued to testi fy to the saving power of the risen christ the heart ofthe lesson there can be no compromise be- tween the church and the world unless it be at the cost of unfaith fulness to christ they are absolute ly intolerant of one another the friendship of the world is enmity against god jas 44 its the business of the witnessing church to uphold thes banner of the cross and to proclaim that the one who there died rejected by the world now sits as the risen one on gods right hand and that- salvation for peerless pete represents a drop of peerless motor oil his adventures as seen by our artist will take pete all the way from the time when ba specially selected him from their own wells through the famous 5point clarkson process up to where alloyed against wear he does a better job in your car- truck or tractor 1 watch for more adventures of peerless petel 4p6t6 osts a beauty both hlflli vacvwmdltmllahon rtmores n lphll htrt cat oil into different sac grades fmaxcuier ctirtiflf ta cold weetner lower oil consumption in fact weather 5pete gets a new suit fvrfvnil treating icrubf k wishes out carbon fractions useless for lubri cation it is chleflj in this process that ba peerless motor oil yets its un usually hlh vj viscosltj index m ek dewoxind at subzero tem peratures this remotes all the wax which in onr canadian climate may adtersely affect the pour point of lobrlcatinc oil in cold weather vii izsgr