irv8rr wsswirj t- p j x fr earl toolktwhitchubch parmer- and the v j v progressive conservative candidate north york candidates have officially em barked on their federal election campaign more than 900 men and women have been nominated to run for representation in canadas house of parliament what manner of men are these that seek your vote earl toole progressive con servative candidate for the york north seat in the house of com mons asked his fellow electors at various campaign meetings through out the constituency this week there are crackpots and idea lists there are opportunists and wouldbe dictators there are great men and small men dilettantes and workers there are stout hearted men of courage and there are snivellers filled with fears there are men of oustanding ability and men of mediocre ability there are men who want only to serve canada and men who want only to serve themselves- you the voters must decide not only the course of canadas future but also the type of men you want in ottawa to steer that courseit is your duty and your right to make such decisions and never in can adas history has that duty- been a more important one we have seen what happened to other countriesgermany italy when the wrong men were given power to forge the destinies of those countries we have seen what one man alone can do to a country therefore it behooves us not only to study the platforms as presented by the different parties but also to look closely at the men who have gafhered under the banners of those parties look at their past records it is not necessary nor advis able to discuss personalities but 1 do want to point out the calibre of candidates that has joined the pro gressive conservative ranks con- tinueii mr toole i it is interesting to note that more than half the progressive conservative candidates offering themselves forelection on june 11th have also offered their lives to the service of canada and can adians more than half the progresr sive candidates have served in this war or in the last war or both from the army navy and air force these men have come said mr toole ad this stickrp is ok herbert morrison home secretary churchill will lose these two men from british caretaker cabinet 2000 new cars monthly next fall canadian automobile it would be a pleasure to be held up if twogun diana lewis did the stickup job the actress is shown as she was garbed for a bondselling job during the annual four day helldorado celebration at las vegas in nevada v send the tribune to absent friends clement attlee deputy prime minister plants are to be given an immediate right-of- way to produce not less than 10000 to 12000 passenger cars in 1945 the cars which will come off can adian production lines in the last quarter of the year will be 1946 models they will not be very dif ferent from1942s except for some facelifting in their general ap pearance present allotment is temporary and may be enlarged at a later date this compares with a similar allot ment in united states of 200000 cars for the last quarter and an overall us allotment of 2150000 for the 12 months period starting from goday in canada details as to price and the basis on which the new cars will be distributed have not yet are now being held withwptb lwbat is thought possible is that officials ford is contemplating putting the s is under consideration for new cars on the market at a price distribution of the new cars in which will be at or close to the canada is an allocation by pro vincesbased on earlier consump tion patterns within this alloca- 1941 price i with the removal of the special manufacturers tax on automobiles tion dealers would probably be manufacturers could sell their 1946 instructed to make the first cars available to wouldbe purchasers on an essentiality basis main emphasis in canadian auto mobile plants in 1945 will be on truck- production already the re lease of capacity not now heeded by the military has made available a considerably larger number of trucks for domestic civilian needs and for the liberated areas on the basis of earlier figures released by mr howeafter ve day is-esti- mated thai civilian trucks will be turned out in the last quarter of been determined price discussionsl945 at the rate of 2000 a month models at something like 120 more than1941 base prices without viol ating the ceiling prices to consum ers what may conceivably happen is that ford will market its 1946 cars at a price which did not take advantage of this margin ifvcanada follows the present us pattern there would be about 100000 to 120000 civilian passenger cars turned out within the next 12 months from canadian plants this compares with 110000 cars produc ed in 1940 the last complete year before the imposition of wartime restrictions just have you purchased your tickets for the big lions club draw on june 27th there are 27 fine prizes be sure you get a tickt from some member of the club ii don morrison dfc dfm is your federal liberal candidate si morrisons record 150 flights against the enemy 16 nazi planes downed and damaged he lost a leg in combat and spent one year in a german prison camp following repatriation the rcaf made use of his outstanding organizing and directing ability in canada until march 1945 v morrison knows how canadian farm produce was made available to britain under king government policiesand he knows how essential that food was to supply the people of britain and the armies of the united king dom canada and the united states before dday without canadian farm produce victory could not have been achieved morrison himself an amputation case understands the rehabilitation problems of returning service men v v yote polling day june uthv v eastyork ridinj published by east york liberal association the canadian people have made a magnificent contribution to the common victory in europe the liberal administration can say with honesty and justice this is the government which has directed canadas war ef fort at home and abroad this is the government which during the war worked put a program of full employment and social reform these things are now a matter of record and of common knowledge r on the basis of its record the choice of prime minister kings party to form the next government of canada is a matter of jusr plain sense v 1 let the liberal government finish its work vote liberal pubushed by the national liberal committee federal liberal candidate ontario riding published by ontario riding liberal association vote for jkmittje federal liberal candidate jforlc north i published by the north york liberal association ij v n iiwf1saji