t 1- w siw jtj rvcsww xr- n ir j r rf v vv f vv the tribune stouffville onfctliursia tjtheb b fierhexjiek passes ix 79th- year luther edwin fierheller died it the home of his nephew mr nelson fierhelleraurora orchards mi tuesdaymay 2nd as announced last week in his 79th year t- mr fierheller was born in mark- ham in 1866 the son of the late mr and mrs wm fierhellerhe had farmed au his life and hadlived at sherwood for a number of years before locating at aurora about 10 years ago he was a member of the lutheran church at sherwood he is survived by one sisterinlaw mrs clara fierheller and several nieces arid nephews basiii players wanted all boys up to eighteen years of agewho are interested in the formation of a hardball team ix stouffville are asked to gather at tub park grounds next monday evening may 21 at 7 oclock stouffville lions club root snowball secretary milt smith boys committee shop the modern way v a f nrori beehive corn syrup- 2s 5s 25c 53c clarks tomato vegetable soup 310 oz tins 19c bonnie brae apple raspberry jam coupons 24 fl oz jar 27c fancy tomato juice 220 oz tins 17c standard peas lynn valley 220 oz tins 21c ingersoll rideau cheese u lb- pkg 21c carload groceteria we deliver phone 280 0e30e locxox jc- jjv t jr tti v home for farm mcdeeringprieumatic agitatedmilkjc6oiers mcdeering milking machines stainless steel equippfed automatic electric pressure systems fresh flow f shallowarid deep well types f new electric motors 25 and 60 cycle fractional horse pcvver v belt complete assortment for washers stokers refrigerators oil burners and small wood working machines flatandv pulleys for electric motors i st 7 i electric washing machines yacuumcup and gyrator types don morrison bfc dfm after five years intherc- af fit lieut don morrison dfc dfm is asking york east electors for a chance to a seat as a member of the house of commons an early graduate of the commonwealth training plan morrison went overseas as a sergenat pilot his career includes 150 flights over enemy territory six ger man planes downed six prob- ables and four nazi crafts dam aged he lost a leg in combat and spent a year in a nazi prison camp after his ex change morrisons organizing ability was put to use as an instructor for thvrcaf in canada he was honorably dis charged this year- and is run ning as a liberal candidate in the federal election june 11 cadet inspection on seldom seen this is certainly a strange spring- we got our warm may weather in april 4ndour april showers are coming in maje very body jnavhit- church no matter where- you hap pen to meet them seem to be talk ing about the weather and of cdurse the end of the war- strange but these are two subjects that our municipality had little or no control over next subject of live interest will be the elections and whether- or not whitchurch will have one of its farmers earl toole sitting in the house of commons represent ing us well if the folks on the home acres around here haye their way this lad toole will be our ambassador at ottawa a lot of people prophesy that this cold weather has been fatal to the fruits early strawberries that were in bloom have killed off some of the trees have come into bloom but you seldom jsee a bee and if those little fellows cannot work then it doesnt promise very well for the pollination a farmer on the south townline was telling me that timothy hay would be scarce also clover since a series of heavy frosts had cut it down noticeably however people and crops may wither and decay but the old time religion expounded by i pastor norman rowan in our little vivian church goes on for ever and thats more important probably we shall tiave late crops of other commodities and farm stuff to more than compensate for the early loss so do not worry brother mrs josh says i am for ever woirying so you see i am sort of lecturing my own short comings old josh i itvv4 f jtf 5a3tfr nominatioii- meeting an oldtime barn raising i the barn raising on the farm of mrs ediv taylor at garabaldi on the stouftville road just west of goodwood came off on monday afternoon after being postponed on saturday due to wet weather mor- ley syfnes contractor had every thing in ship shape for the frame went together like clockwork ralph davis and george todd were chosen captains for the raising with the former winning by half- a dozen rafters and when everybody rushed for the grand spread at the stouffvil e air cadet squadron house was attacked with the no 94 will have their annual -in- same deught and determination as spection of rcaf- otticers on the afternoon wolk the new struc thursday evening may 24 squad- ture is 40x86 and wlll be a sp ron leader curne of toronto along barn when c the farm is with other rc a f personnel will cnanted by elmer h head the inspection committee j the public is cordially invited to i come to memorial park on this occasion and see the boys go through their paces for the force authorities international motors vinhaley motor mechanic phone 290 i w d atkinson mcdeer agent stouffville 84 convijctipns- againstj brkakers jofselectives t seuvice r a total of 84 convicted during march 1945- of failing to comply with national selective service regulations according- to a state ment issued today by arthur mac- namara director of national selec tive service during the month 93 new prose cutions were begun in additionto 200 casesbeingcarried over from the previous month in february 79 new prosecutions were started the march judgments included 15 against employers most c of whom were founds guilty of engag ing workers without permits of 42 employees convicted a majority were charged with leaving employ- nient without giving notice of separation quitting designated high priority work without selecj tive service permission or failing mr and mrs a t gooding of gorm- good news for o i as pte 3jr 01 vjoslf it vernon d gooding son of progressiveconservative vandorf hall xvnji on wed may 23 i come and here major alex mckenzie ft i v northyorks progressiveconservative candidate for vthe ontariolegislaturevolingjune 4th progressiveconservative candidatefor north york is the federal campaign voting junejlltli- rvj s- rev- geo dix guest -speaker- and other talent national issues of vital interest jlo all will be thoroughly discussed- 1 rr god savethekingj wentyscven conscientious ob- j mans since last september vernon jectors were convicted of failing to was confined to staleg a after be- follow a direction to report to an made a prisoner on the italian alternative service work camp front 1 r a ladies and gentlemen at a held in richmond hill and at- tended iy over eight hundred electors fromau parts of the riding lfreceiv the unani mous nomination asfederal liberal candidate fof- this historic constituency this nomination vyas tendered to meafter definite word had been received that my good friend billmulock who has rendered such outstanding service to north york and to canada must bow to the uv evitable and retire owing to illness i join all the people of north york irrespective of political affiliation in the hope that col mulock may 1 quickly be restored to a full awes j ffmimcu of health and strength and that he may again take an active part in the public life of this country i accepted the nomination with a deep sense of humil ity and a keen appreciation of the responsibility of the trust 1 accepted with afull appreciation of my limitations and shortcomings but with a sincere desire torender-my- self more extensively serviceable to my fellowelectors 1 feel that my close association with north york peopleas a weekly newspaper editor for the past twenty years has given me ah understanding of your problems an apprecia tion of your airnsand ambitions a picture of your dreams and hopes for a better canada which shouldenablemeto serve you well as a representative in parliament i promise as far as i am concerned the coming cam paign will be clean and aboveboard f and free from- mud- throwing andabuse ikhowlmy opponents as real gentle men andfinefellows whowillhaveasimilar desire in niyheartjis nothing of hatred orprejudiceeither political racial- or religious and if elected willserveall thvpeople with sincerity- and honesty of purpose aricv with- out f ear or f ayor o l i have no aladdins lamp i have no magic formulaby which i can convert base metals into gold- arid i entertain no delusion with respect to converting this world into a utopia by merely sitting back and dreaming that it canbe doneby an act of parliament i do believe however that with every 6ne pulling together in a spjritofriational unity such as we havedisplayedinwar we carfmeet the problems of the postwar era and be able to enjoylongyears of pros perity- uninterrupted by periods of- slack and depression the present government has provided a program of post warlegislation so thoroughly socialized that it will be help- ful to everyone and it iwillbe the dusinessnd duty of the new parliament to supplement this program with progres sive and reform legislation designed to contribute more fully to the social securityand happiness of all our people if elected as your member my door will be open always to every citizen f wishes to consult with me about any matter pertaining to their welfare or thewelfareof their familiesandfriendst r i pledge myself to the task of providingfor our return ing heroes the better world for which they fought and for s which their co died our heritage of freedom has been dearly bought vandmust not betsquanderedjonthe altar of careless experiment or selfish interest i believe that f rpmrfhe horror and hardship heart- aches and reparations ofjwar can be snatched a flame that wiiriignt the pattfleadingto abetter world to giyeafe sband leadership along this- path at the present time7 the liberal party under rt hon w l mackenzie king stands out as the one party equipped by experience and policy to 1 do the job v i wish to express appreciation for the many kind r as surances of support i have received during the past week and ask you mytfriendcfofyourlgood will arid active as- sistance during the coming campaign thank you in anticipation of your support jesmith ef5s 0 ojno s i sc v si if federal liberap candidate e or the riding of north voting day- monday june 11th 1 ut aoibmkki otu ioi dstnrnnt yiiniw- elect george drew drew has given good government ff slie itts george bhmjf iijilh 11 jj y v v t j t 1 1 a f i v v xl r a 1 i i t 1 l j- 4 s t r f 1 n t a 1 t 1 1 1 l f 4 1 e- jyw t- 5 ivl j 1 a on june 4th voe f v -tl- mckenzie f vi 1 w for north york j 1 r the north v york progressive conservative association published by monday may 21st at 830 pm over aspecial network of ontariostattons including j ckoc over a special network of ontario- stations including 1 wed may 23rd at930 pm cfrb toronto saturday may 2c at 100 pm 1 over the ontario regional network of the canadian broadcasting cor- v poration and affiliated stations in- eluding i- xftl toronto published by the progressive con- s servative partyof ontario s j p j v t progressive conservative of- jaih -ok- j v t- r vttjo i i- svii i i i ill iiiiibrntfrlfflminilvm hi tmri