Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 15, 1945, p. 4

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shp jr j j rfr fsr the tribune stouffville qnt thursday march 15 1945 annual meeting york county federation of agriculture masonic hall richmond hill c a 130 pm tuesday march 20th speakers mr kenneth betzner waterloo president ont federation of agriculture miss mary clark toronto superintendent womens institutes of ontario every rural resident should be on hand special invitation extended to ladies and junior farmers wj buchanan pres eframsay sec downsview sharon- green river j miss gloria windsor spent sun day with her father morris wind sor v mrs wm gray and henry visited on sunday with mr and mrs a gray claremont we hope for a speedy recovery of miss christena milne who is very ill young peoples will meet at the home of reg nighswanderon tues day evening next sunday morning temper ance day will be observed in our sunday school mr charles lehman has received his christmas parcel and sends his many thanks to war workers a st patricks social will be held in the united church goodwood on friday evening march 16th silver collection bethesda congratulations to mr and mrs john empringham who celebrated their 46th wedding anniversary march 15th mr and mrs w empringham had saturday evening tea with mr and mrs a b shaffer the yps meeting will take the form of a st patricks social on friday evening at the home of miss velma gibson mrs addison wright and family were sunday visitors with mr and mrs bert taiin mr and mrs roy smith and fam ily visited mr and mrs jim smith sunday evening mr and mrs oran fretz enjoyed a couple days off- last week when they journeyed to the selkirk dis trict to visit his mother mrs mary ann fretz at the home of his sis ter and brotherinlaw mr ancf mrs vern hoover mr fretz found that they were just tapping for maple syrup on his brotherinlaws place using some 365 trees the bush area is electrically lighted by gas since natural- gas is very cheap in that section of the province it was very nice after night to go around in the artificial light and gather sap selkirk is close to dunnville and the climate is about two weeks earlier than here in this part of ontario bingo and euchre under auspices of theservicemens wives and mothers club will be held in the oddfellows hall stouffville on almira mr and mrschas conner spent last wednesday with mr and mrs ivan leadley of betliesda mr and mrs allan wideman and family had supper last wednesday with mr and mrs lome wideman mr and mrs- win timbers had supper last wednesday with mr and mrs john timbers it was their wedding anniversary mrs jim valliere spent wednes day with her mother mrs willis lehman mr and mrs jake cober of tor onto had supper sunday with mr and mrs chas conner mr and mrs peter stickley also mr and mrs norman jarvis had dinner sunday with mr and mrs henry heise of stouffville bees bees and more bees mrs well wideman and mrs archie flemjng are the lucky- ladies this time mrs peter stickley accompanied by mrs edgar stickley and mrs ellis klinck of victoria square spent tuesday in toronto mr and mrs willis lehman mr -and- mrs jpetef stickley and mrs norman jarvis called on mrs allan wideman last- thursday evening as a complete surprize on her birthday stouffville war branch the branch gratefully acknow- ledge the following gifts mrs t baxter 2 and clothing from mrs e a wilson 0th line workers mrs j oboyle and mrs- f mar shal mrs gurln treas- mrsdavey secretary friday march 23 1045 at 8 pm bingo 15 games 23c euchre 25c good prizes proceeds for soldiers comfort fund uxbridge finances in healthy shape the uxbridge township council held us regular monthly meeting on the afternoon of march 12th at one oclock all members being pre sent the road supt reported that he had two bulldozers and a snow plow in operation running night and day and that he would have an open road to every farm in the township in a few days and that while the cost would be heavy the work of snew removal was proceed ing satisfactorily the township auditor presented his report to the council which showed that the finances of the municipality were in a healthy con dition the current surplus being nearly 13000 at the end of- 1014 the council gave some considera tion to the question of road main tenance for the coming season and the problem of securing gravel crushed and placed on the roads but as the bills for snow removal are not available as yet no definite plans could be made council authorized the payment of road account for february amounting to 67247 and also gen eral accounts of 40260 the next regular meeting will be held on monday april 9at 1 oclock thursday march 15 entire extra copies of the tribune can be purchased every week at wat sons store goodwood overlands and mowders in claremont a kv itv busi usiness change having leased the stanley theatre after running 21 years we desire to express oui appreciation for the support and cooperation we have received from the publicduring that time in enabling us to build up a centre for entertainment in the cqmmun- ity mr barnes the lessor is a man of-outstand- ingshbwnianship whowill endeavor at all times to cater to the public and give you the best we be- speak for your continued support for him arid thank you one and all t- v v signed v sydg schmidt roby- e schmidt j v 2nd line uxbridge one more bright spot on our line is the forsyth home which has been recently wired for hydro mr and mrs albert taylor and glenda also mrs ed taylor and robert spent sunday in oshawa- miss alice tyndal also miss lillian bacon of toronto spent the weekend at their homes mr- leslie- morgason and ger trude were in hamilton recently visiting grace sorry to hear mrs robert hope is not enjoying the best of health also walter has been confined to his bed we sincerely hope they will all soon be better mr and mrs b taylor and mr albert taylor and murray were in toronto on monday and visited pte ralph cooper at chorley park hospital they report ralph look ing fine although still in a cast for sometime yet he feels he is a lucky guy despite his present handicap we the people on the second line are glad to welcome old man sunshine to our midst he is doing a wonderful job in removing the snow banks thus opening up our roads which have been so badly needed- we have had no mail man for weeks which certainly has been an inconvenience to many 6th line whitchurch after a long vigil of waiting some of our 6th liners are at last enjoy ing the use of buttons and plugs in the place of lamps and lanterns not to mention the bright lights which at this season re minds us that housecleaning is the order of the days with the passing of mr h tal bot this community mourns the loss of- a valued- citizen and friend his funeral last friday was largely at tended a former resident mr d gray was laid to rest the previous day both mr talbot and mr gray farmed close at hand for many years miss grace talbot has returned to toronto after spending several days with- her mother a most enjoyableeveningwas spent at the home of mr andmrs elmore barkey last friday when the institute gathered inthe form of a croquinoleparty we are glad to report that mrs harry pughis improving we hope to see her out again soon cpl mackay with his three children george alice and faith visited with hope and charity on sunday mr and mrs walter foote and son jamie spent the weekend at the home of his parents- victoria square sgt and mrs alfred kaiser and daughter- nancy of camp borden spent sunday with mr and mrs harry foster and family mr and mrs gerald lyons and family of toronto spent sunday with mr and mrs- alvin caseley arid family mr and mrs louis nichols mr and mrs donald pickering and family had dinner saturday even ing with mr and mrs douglas geo and family twentytwo ypu members spent a very enjoyable time with the richmond hill presbyterian young people on sunday evening and provided the program a de lightful reading was given by mrs frank collins a piano instrumen tal by miss carol perkins and a duet by mrs l mortson and miss dorothy oliver the topic was taken by mr gerald lyons of tor onto who chose as his subject the things we leave behind which proved very helpful and in spiring a fellowship hour follow ed the program and a dainty lunch was served by the richmond hill young people miss bertie forster and mr john buchanan had tea sunday evening with mr and mrs alvin caseley and- family pte andy forson and misses vera boynton and dorothy oliver had tea sunday evening with mrs e avison and family kindly keep the date thursday march 20 open as it is the day of the sunday school convention which was postponed from janw ary and will be held in victoria square united church there will be morning afternoon and evening sessions with special meeting for the children in the afternoon in the community hall there will be a special offering in the sunday school sunday march 18 to help defray the ex penses of the new hymn books re cently received onfriday evening march 16 the wa ladies are holding a special meeting in the sunday school room mrs houston of gormley will give the address with illustra tions in her scenofell there will le a male quartette soloist from toronto and readings come one come all this meetlngls for the ladies butdverya1yjfcj word was received this week that jerry tobias had been killed overseas he is a grandson of mr harmon yake oneof the oldest men in the district i herd of high grade holstein milch cows fresh and near due springers also near new delaval magnetic milker other imple ments belonging to jos thomp son lot 22con 2 pickeringjust off brock road near the village there terms cash sale at two see list later issue clarke pren tice auctioneer friday march 16 high class dairy herd farm stock tractor and implements the property of evan murrell lot 11 con 3 east gwillimbury just north of sharon temple this herd of holsteins passed in 1945 thetb test at 100 per cent- no reserve as owner is giving up farming fred smith auctioneer saturday march 17 exten sive cattle saleof high grade milch cows fresh and near due at lot 3 con 5 markham 1 miles south no 7 highway- the property of john gibson owner forced out because of ill health terms cash sale at two clarke prentice auctioneer saturday march 17 auction sale of furniture heintzman piano garden tools etc pro perty of s a middleton lot 18f con d scarboro vulage on mark- ham road terms cash no re serve sellers and atkinson auc tioneers saturday marqh 17 entire household furniture belonging to george rodanz at ringwood on the 8th con of whitchurch the former stouffer farm terms cash sale at one a s farmer auctioneer monday march- 19 horses cat tle swine implements the pro perty of oscar tindall at lot 34 con 5 uxbridge 1st farm south of quaker hill church no re serve as farm sold sale at 1 terms cash- fred johnsonclerk stanley miller zephyr aiict tuesday march 20 farm stock and implements intcrnat- ional farmall tractor no 8 on rubber at lot 19 con 4 mark- bam the property of rolph per kins sale at 1 pm terms cash a s- farmer auctioneer wednesday march 21 at lot 15 con 8 markham ml joy side- 1 road east the property of roy mears horse implements poul- try equipment and household sfurniture- no reserve asthe place v is sold terms cash sale at one a s farmer auctioneer wednesday march 21 ford- ferguson- tractor on rubber tractor equipment farm mach- h inery 28 head shorthorn dual- purpose cattle horses swine i hay and feed and house furhi- ture the property of erastus i smalley at w lot 37 con 1 uxbridge- sale at 12 sharp terms cash stanley miller zephyr auctioneer wednesday march 21 auc tion sale of farm stock -imple- ments hay grain household i furniture etc lot 23- con 1- north york at newtonbrook the 1 property belonging to the estate of the late t c street sale at i 1 pm terms cash no reserve 1 clarke prentice auctioneer thursday march 22 auction 1 sale of late model farmall trac- tor with attachments milkcows farm implements and ardeners equipment lot- 33 broken front pickering twp just north of rouge hills the property of john l usaty terms cash sale- at i 130 pm clarke prentice auct- ioneer thursday march 22 farm stock implements hay grain etc the property of stan slack at lot 3 con 4 uxbridge no reserve sale at one terms cash a s farmerf auctioneer friday march23rd auction sale of farm stock implements hay grain household furniture etc property of a petch lot 31 con 8 markham 2 miles south of markham village terms cash no reserve as farm sold sale at i 1 pm clarke prentice auct ioneer saturday march 24 giving up farming sale of farm stock implements hay and grain the property of jos grose ringwood sale at one terms cash a s farmer auctioneer saturday march 24 com- plete dispersal of registered and high grade holsteins fresh or springers also delaval magnetic v- milker new pigs seed grain etc the property of ross mcguckin lot 2 con 2 scott twp will be sold by public auction at 1 30 pm no reserve owner giving up the milk business terms cash sel- 1 lers atkinson auctioneer j- tuesday- march 27th exten sive auction of- springers fat cattle young cattle horses hay grain and implements the pro- perty of austin pearce lot 31 1 con 7 pickering township 1 miles north of green river no reserve sale at 1 pmr sharp sellers atkinson- auctioneers wednesday- march 28 com bination auction sale of fajrm tractors tractor- and horse dickson hill- friends from toronto were guests with mrs redshaw and family on sunday mr- fleming newly appointed assessor called along this line on monday floyd wright is employed on the farm of mr albert king cpl june grove and pte charles were home on sunday a fey snowbound members and five viftlng friends joined the wm s workers at an allday meeting drawn implements other farm held at the moyer home tuesday march 27 auction saieofxdairyherd farm stock implements tractor- milking machinevseed grain etc the property of max stiles lot 7 con 6 north v gwilumbury52 miles north of- ravensfioe itermvcash sale at 1230 sharp f n smith rsuctioreart-s-s- and barn equipment etc all con signment listings at lot 1 con6 markham milliken sale at 1 pm sharp terms cash clarke pren tice auctioneer wednesday march 28 house hold furniture etc in claremont the property of william mundell sale at 130 terms cash a s farmer auctioneer thursday march 29 auction sale of tractor farm stock grain separator implements grain fur niture etc the property of em- merson bateman lot 19 con 2 king township 1 miles x of aurora and v mile south terms cash sale at 1 oclock no reserve as the farm has- been leased f n smith auctioneer thursday march 29th auc tion sale of 50 head of high grade holstein milch cows including some choice herd bulls also threshing machine and other im plements con 8 pickering near townlineproperty of hakirton sale at 1 pm terms cash clarke prentice auctioneer see bills for full particulars friday march 30 farm stock and implements percheron horses holstein cattle at lot 11 con 5 scarboro on markham townline the property of j w reesor sale at one terms cash no reserve a s- farmer auc tioneer saturday march 31 at lot 3 con 3 uxbridge entire house hold furniture belonging to cecil latcham sale at one terms cash a s farmer auctioneer tuesday april 3 farm stock and n implements hay and grain at lot 36 con 7 uxbridge the property of william linton sale at one a s farmer auctioneer wednesday april 4 farm stock ton truck implements hay grain hogs gardening tools house furniture etc at lot 28 con d scarboro half mile north eglinton ave on ken nedy road the property of john lee terms cash sale at one no reserve clarke prentice auctioneer wednesday april v com- plete sale of 50 headofregistered and grade guernsey cattle the property of jos- farr claremont also john deere tractor n rub ber goodison threshing machine 6 foot oneway disc new 3furrow tractor plow international new 7 foot massey binder hew man- ure spreader surge milking machine woods electric milk cooler new and full line of other implements sale at 1030 lunch asfarmer auctioneer thursday april 5 extensive sale 150 acre farm stock and implements 1020 tractor de 1 laval magnetic milker cooler threshing machine hay grain etc at lot 80 con 1 whitchurch mile east aurora on the sideroad the property of john monynihan sale 1230 terms contentscash farm offered at 3 pm subject to reserve bid for further particu lars apply on premises or see bills clarke prentice auctioneer friday april 6 horses hay grain implements etc belonging to fred baston lot 19 con 3 uxbridgejustnorth of goodwood no reserve owner quitting farm a s farmer auctioneer friday april 6 extensive sale of grade dairy cattle- horses near new tractor- milking maclv ine implements hay grain hogs lumber stove wood fur niture the property of thos l white lot 31 con 6- markham 4 miles north unionville sale 1230 terms cash no reserve farm sold clarke prentice auc tioneer saturday april 7 at lot 13 con 8 pickering the lloydbrook farm extensive auction of 15 federally blood tested registered and grade holstein cows 20 pigs 75 hens a full line of farm machinery on rubber for tractor use also horse drawn implements case d tractor on rubber good ison threshing machine with seed cleaner horses and hay and oats the farm of 205 acres will also be oftered running water electric ity throughout modern bath in house arid one of the finest barns in ontario county with stabling for 50 herd farm offer ed at 3 pm sale starts at 12 noon a s farmer auctioneer wednesday aprili 11 auction sale of 36 head of dairy cattle horses implements hay seed grain alsornearly new delaval magnetic milking machine the property of the late david gray lot 8 con 10 whitchurch on paved highway 1 miles north of stouffville note if the 100 acre farm is not sold before sale day will be offered by public auction subject to reserve bid positively- no reserve terms cash sale atl pmsellers and atkinson auctioneer v dr greer of toronto gave a very helpful talk on personal evangel ism at the meeting of the young peoples society on tuesday even ing mrs herb wideman entertained a few friends at a quilting this week since the sicteroads and lanes have been opened travel habeen resumed in a normal manner mrs walker and robert were in attendance at the musical festival sponsored by the kiwanas club of toronto and u4k program broad cast last saturdaybya number of the contestants and prizejwinners was greatly enjoyed by those who listened i greenwood mr harold clarke of toronto spent the weekend at his home mr and mrs hugh miller and family also mrs gee spent sun day with mrs f gibson our sympathy goes out to mrs mcvey who received word this last week of a nephew missing in this horrible war mr and mrs percy clarke spent sunday with elmo and mrs disney farm forum met on monday night at the hayward home the euchre party at the home of mr and mrs maclcan for the over- seas tobacco fund was well at tended last friday night the pro- ceeds amounted to over 10 mr george middleton of stouff ville spent last tuesday evening with stanley byers mr and mrs k beelby and mr and mrs j middleton were visitors of john and mrs beelby claremont on sunday last remember the potluck supper this friday night mar 16 sponsor ed by the three groups of our wa a good program of local talent and slides will follow the supper come everypne mrs e perkins returned to her home here last week after spend ing the winter in the city with her son v the red cross is doing a quilt this week at mrs gibsons home the same having been sold already i atha news bill byck received word that his- brother- john was reported killed in action overseas he was known to be in holland sympathy is extended from atha to the dyck family miss vera white of torontospent the weekend at her home here mrs featherstbne and son jim anddaughter dorothv from picker ing had dinner on thursday with her son mr and mrs fcatherstone here miss nelda dunkeld spent the weekend in stouffville with her granddparents mr and mrs frank wagg mrs carruthers and ernie spent friday in oshawa visiting mrs f langmaid also called on her sister mrs john forgiein dunbarton mr and mrs r davidson from cherrywood were supper guests with mr and mrs dunkeldion sun- da yevening mr- geo tran who snent the win ter in markham with his daughter mrs thompson also mr and mrs d- tran visited his sister mrs thompson and his father on sun day- in markham- mrs james of stouffville spent sunday with her daughter mrs n lehman mr and mrs w kennedy from agincourtwere guests on sunday with mr and mrs joe tran miss verria zellars from mongolia visited on sunday with mr- and mrs- a draper bloomingtpn mrs w hopper and the pupils of our school are holding a st pat ricks party on the afternoon of march 16 also there will be an in teresting display of the childrens work a cordial invitation is ex tended to all mr ahdmrs memon and child ren of toronto4wereweekend visi tors with mrandmrs e lemon birthday greetings are in order to mr malcolm ramer mr and mrs m ramer were guests of mr x and mrs e smith at churchill one day recently mr and mrs a topper were in toronto on tuesday we are glad to report that mr e davis is recovering from an attack of pleurisy mr and mrs noel storrywere visitors in uxbridge last week i- melville the newi furnace at the school has been giving good service the discarded furnace was twentyfive years old the melville school skating party was held last wednesday- some members of the church were working theredri monday in preparation for- the decoration which will begin so6h mr and- mrs a brown mrs allen bakery mr- and mrs r j duffield of uni6nvillef and- rev arid mrs leatkirisonof uxbridge were guests at-the-manses- friends will be glad to hear that q mrs arthur johnson daughter of w dawgh- mr arid mrs lloyd brown- is corii terv- barbara of windsor visited ing along fineafter her- operation sewral days last-week- with mr mc- in the east general hospital tor- kayv parents mrand mrs wm onto4 j lrfis wibi vvc-livt-i- i

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