the tribune stouffville orit- thursday mar 1-1945- s oh lt hockey finals at- uxbrlbce ox thursmar 1 brougham vs oshawa auction sale of cattle horses pigs implements- feed- and grain furniture the undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auc tion at lot 1 5 rear of 3rd con uxbridge twp 94 mile east of goodwood on wednesday march 7th the property of ae staley xcut saw with power hay rack cant hook cattle 1 holstein cow 6 years old fresh calf at side 1 hereford cow 5 years old fresh calf at side 1 red cow 6 years old fresh calf at side i jersey cow 9 years old fresh calf at side red white cow 6 yrs old due april 2nd 1 holstein cow 7 years old due july 15th 1 holstein cow 5 years old bred october 21st 1 roan steer 2 years old fat 1 white steer rising 2 yrs fat 4 red heifers rising 2 yrs fat 1 roan heifer 18 months fat 1 holstein heifer 18 months 1 black heifer 15 months fat 1 redwhite heifer 1 yr fat 4 red calves rising 1 year 1 black heifer calf 5 months 1 holstein bull calf 3 months old well bred horses 1 bay gelding rising 6 years old 1 bay filly rising 4 years old the above pair are well matched 1 bayfilly 7 yers old gp 1 browrrgelding 12 yearsold this pair is well matched pigs 4 pigs 10 weeks old 1 sow with 9 pigs6 weeks old 1 brood sow carrying 4th litter 1 yorkshire hog 18 months old implements etc binderl7 footcut hewimh manure spreader mh like new seed drill 11 discihc springtooth cultivator mh 13 tooth bissell- steel roller 3 drum disk harrow inthrow mower mh 5 foot cut t 2furrow walking plow cockshutt kid- near new n621 cockshutt singlefurrow plow no 21fleury singlefurrow plow hay rake mh walking scuffler mh manure boat cutting- box 9 in mh pulley fanning mill 3 logging chains 2 chain tightness 2 steel crow bars block and tackle extension ladder 36 ft 1 3horse evcner upright small chickenhouse root pulper fleury stock rack f cutter set scales 2000 lbs cap weighing platform loading shoot 4 sections harrows pig crate 3 feed boxes 2 5gal gas cans cream separator mh 750 lb cap set sloop sleighs tudhope steel truck wagon trocar set saw tools 3 turnip knives feed boxes forks shovels hoes and numerous other articles harness set double harness 2 in leather traces near new set double harness web traces a number of horse collars doubletrees single trees neck- yokes and numerous other yokes and many other articles feed and grain approximately 250 bushels early alaska oats and barley approximately 150 bushels erban oats and barley this grain would make good seed about 5 tons red clover and tim othy hay about 5 tons alfalfa and timothy hay a quantity of ensilage i furniture 2 extension tables 1 oak desk 1 dresser 2 hanging lamps 1 old fashioned glass cupboard 3 oil lamps a number of fruit sealers- 2 large leather rocking chairs a number of kitchen chairs 1 linoleum 12x18 feet 2 linoleums 8xl0 feet 1 organ dominion a number of pails etc- dogs within olk towns and cities down ui los angeles a mother and grandfather fought vainly for the life of a little girl suddenly seized by the neck by the family bull dog a young ontario lad is still in a toronto hospital though well on the way to recovery the result of an attack by two large dogs had it not beei for ihe inter vention of two ladies he would have been killed as it was ke was terribly injured has undergone great physical and mental suffering and will in all probability feel the results for the rest of his life these are two recent antl more glaring cases of attacks by dogs all of which leads to the question in the minds of even keen dog lovers as to- whether it is worth the risk to allow dogs to bekept in towns and cities in all probability the bull dog was a real pet perhaps it had growled at the child before but nothing really serious the two dogs that attackcld the boy were likely not really savage at least it is unlikely they had ever really damaged anybody before but apparently all through their lives they were a menace to life perhaps even in what they thought was play so is any of the larger breeds of dogs- despite their owners ridi culing any such idea dog lovers are quick to come to the defense of their favorite breed but the life of one child even if she lived hun dreds of miles away presents a pretty weighty counterargument against their claims dogs are and have been one of mans greatest friends they can be a great companion for a boy or girl- but it is most inconsiderate of any person to keepwithin a city or town a dog which shows signs of viciousness against those who are keen fordogs are any number of people who frankly declare them to be pests to say the least unless kept well under control t- you must rkkegistek your pistol ok revolver commissioner s t wood of the royal canadian mounted police said in a statement last week that lie wished to remind residents of canada that thoymust reregister their pistols and revolvers for the 194550 period but not shot guns or rifles the reregistration must be com pleted between march 1 and july 1 owners of firearms can obtain reg istration cards by applying- to any police station the statement added owners should surrender for cancellation the present registra tion certificate which automatically expires on july 1st of this year all details on the registratioivcertifi- cate should be checked against the fire arm to determine that the cor rect serial number calibre and make have been quoted and at tention is also drawn to the-necess- ity of exercising extreme care to see that such firearms are kept in a place of security especially out of reach of juveniles and young chil dren all persons who acquire such firearms as gifts or any person who brings into canada such wea pons from overseas duty must comply with the law by having them registered with the nearest police department- without delay owners are again reminded to report immediately to their local chief constable any case where a registered firearm has been stolen lost or found any person desiring to dispose of a firearm can arrange for thjs through the medium of his local police department hot coffee and sandwiches will be served by the goodwood womens institute terms-cash- no reserve f salestarts at 1 pm i i geo- todd john ashenhurst clerks miss macphail objects drew wrapped up jn union jack some comic relief was provided irr the legislature friday when miss agnes macphail ccf mem ber for east york exchanged edged pleasantries with premier george a drew during a discussion on family allowances after referring to the premier as a perfectionist who can do no wrong miss macphail said the premier gets so wrapped up in the flag that one can hardly see him dont you like the union jack inquired provincial secretary george dunbar not with the prime minister in it retorted miss macphail and the premier joined in the general laughter i assure the honorable member that she will never have me in or out of it remarked mr drew and the house rocked once more thats a great personal relief rejoined miss macphail a little later g h mitchell ccf north york referred to the tendency of members to in dulge in an orgy of wisecracking he deplored this tendency which he said had become more pro nounced in recent days hector mills a 50yearold mill mechanic of littleborough roch dale worked in a back room in his spare time and invented a new type of screw which held together 500 vital sections of prefabricated har bor in operation mulberry on d- day mills screw helped to pro duce a rock anchor for securing piers to the sea bed this was secretly tested off- the coast of france and was put into product ion by the war office as a -hush- hush job over 300 mills anchors a s parmer auctioneer were used successfully ondday receives production certificate etition in at the annual meeting of the iiolsteinfriesian association in toronto mrs e l brown stouffville received a certificate of superior production honor ing the yearly record of 31935 lbs of milk containing 110s lbs butterfat recently completed by doncrest peg burke at the brown farm on the 5th conces sion of whitchurch at ijothes- da the world champion animal en twice a clay milking has been sold and is now in its new home in western canada another similarly honored at the banquet was john fuller of eaton hall farm with a certi ficate of long life production by susie korndyke above is the best photo taken of doncrest peg top burk or bethesda with the herdsman samadams announcement is- made by j a carroll director of the ontario de partment of agriculture of a new school forestry competition in which the ontario horticultural associations working in- cooper ation with the ontario conservat ion and reforestation association the department of lands and forests the school authorities and mr j e carter of guelph in this competition the schools entering must plant and care for a forest plantation under the following rules 1 entries must reach the zone forester on or before april 1115 1 the school plantation must include an area of not less than half an acre plantedin 1915 in ac cordance with recommendations of the ontario department of lands and forests 3 to qualify for a donation to ward prizes there must be a min imum of five schools entered in the zone 4- the plantation should be pre ferably near the school on a travelled road and may be the property of the school section or under lease or by other agreement on private property 5 the plantation must be pro tected from live stock 6 actual planting must be by pupils but assistance may be given by others on heavy work such as fencing and land preparation 7 judging will be done as soon as possible after october 1 1945 8- awards will be based on the following scores school plantation co points collection of leaves 15 points forestry quiz team of five pupils 25 points total 100 points three 25eash prizes and 15 and 10 prizes will be given food drive in england no fewer than 31 army units in the military subarea comprising poona dhond ahmednagai and belgaum are now taking part in the army food drive this is only the beginning andjmore units are joining in the campaign yrrv yn truckers chains weed 34x750 34x7 32x6 16x650 single 16x600 car 17x550 21x450 3235 2935 2795 1395 1255 1035 595 batteries i viilard monarch goodrich 17 plate hd 1575 2 years adj 15 plate hd 1245 18 months adj 13 plate standard 995 12 months adj 17 pjate hd ford 1295 18 monthsadj car owners n dominion royal tires 34x75020 10 ply 6800 32x6 8 ply 455 32x6 6 ply 3785 16x600 6 ply 2895 16x650 6 ply 3560 17x550 6 ply 2420- 16x600 4 ply 2155- j 17x550 4 ply i 19x475 4 ply 1470 4 dly 1390 accessories repairs driving spot lights seal beam each 695 1500 pr installed tractor gasoline rl extra i f 4 tire pump only 345 seal ream unit headlights 1250 up kit most any- car back to 1932 windshield fans 450 ve have all sizes of truck and car tire and tubes in stock so if you have a permit or wish to have a form filled infor a- new tire call in you have no waiting here- for- a tire or tube once you have your permit in i we also carry a large stock of mufflers tail pipes fan belts oil filter replacement cartridges frams truck clearance lights reflectors hot shot batteriesv radio b- batteries dry cells car batteries truck and car chains many other accessories and a good stock of car parts aso greasing tire repairing satisfaction or money back guarantee on all motor repairs farmers for your convenience we have discontinued no 2 grade car gas and are now stocking no 1 grade tractor gas in our pumps so you may drive up and get any amount in your can or drum at the ringwood garage s special discount supertest gas ve have an enormous i stock of batteries also truck and carchaixs all to go at a spe cial discount of 10 per cent during march soft drinks cigarettes chocolate bars ken laush way prop garage k phone 5706 stonffville- jf- l m vjt vov 7 is j- i v i id s v