zj the tnbunjy stouffvilhy oritf tliujry- mar 1 15 r y i a yh y cot- harold breuls was in town over sunday hiss nellie smith of uxbridge with little miss pat bradway from the same town were guests one day last week with mr and mrs harofcrspofford peter ramer of prince al bert has been visiting at the home of her brotherinlaw mr isaac barley and miss flossie barkey kisses betty williamson ana vera smith of toronto were week end visitors with the formers grandparents at the isaac barkey home and with mrs frank william son church st mis john button and daughter left stouffville on sunday evening far edmonton alta where she will join her husband dr john button irfao is stationed there with the jloaj butter rations point downward again we notice if everyone gets used to doing with the wee allow ance they are to get along on the next few months one of these times there may be a lot of un employed cows in the country there is the likelihood always the new habits forced on us may be- come permanent mrs edward walls who fell on same ice and fractured her left wnstbver a week ago was only in toronto east general hospital long enough to have the wrist set she returned home immediately and is now spending some time in the city again but of course not as a ifcpital case kd stouffville war fkasobersreported freed r- asnews of the russian advance liberating prisoners of war appears in the papers next of kin of prisoners have been receiving num bers of enquiries one of the camps stajag 2d at which bruce lintner miss norma valleau has return ed from toronto and will remain at home in charge of the house keeping for her father mr bruce valleau garageman mrs th ratcliff albert street has been spending some days in toronto as the guest of mrs jos hoover at the home of mr and mrs pesteckley claude brillinger returned to the east coast on sunday evening to hmcs cornwallis after enjoying a couple of weeks leave here with his wife and family the regular meeting of the municipal council for march will be held this thursday evening we understand that a deputation from the markham lions club will be here to impress on the council the advisability of a school nurse to be employed by stouffville markham village and township max boates who is in training with the army at camp borden was a weekend guest of fred williams of borden who was visiting his parents mr and mrs a h williams max hails from british columbia and has been stationed at borden for the past nine months welcome march because your last of all the winters stormy blasts councillors was being one of our town alderman eabutton greeted by his many friends as grandpa button last week in honor of his new granddaughter bonnie ann the latest arrival in town mrs joseph mcmullen aged resi dent on tenth street south was ad mitted to the brierbush hospital this week owing to her continued ill health she is one of the oldest re sidents mr harold moyer son of rev e moyer at the mbc parsonage declares that this canadian winter is preferable to the weather down in south bend indiana which he describes as very damp although hot nearly so cold as in ontario he returned from indiana last december because of ill health mrs j p wilson of richmond hill slipped on a mat in her bed room and suffered a broken back in the fall she was removed to the toronto general hospital mr j a leslie an unsuccessful candidate under the liberal ban ner in east york in a federal cam paign has been promoted to assis tant manager for supertest petrol- ium products for the toronto division well known farmer east of town and a former resident of the village joan davis is getting around the house again after a severe illness which accounts for his long ab sence from off main street joan is no doubt chalking up his sure recovery to good nursing and cook ing friends will be interested to lin learn that lieut herb burehell hasjbeen held has t been named as in thepath of the advance but mrs tiiirtner says that so far she has received no word regarding bruces most recent whereabouts fred castle another prisoner and son of mriaridmrs john castle taken along with bruce at dieppe like wise has not been reported brongham midgets sport a giriiin lineup the markhamunionville lions are7operating a fourteam i bantam hockey league with entries from mariliam unionville brougham and milliken brougham is sporting one girl on the lineup kay mcarthur and they say she can holdjier own quite well with the opposite sex and scored a goal one night last week against markham pee wees and mrs burehell were blessed with the arrival of a son at their home inhalifax recently 8 pounds 15 ounces lieut burehell who hails from uxbridge is well known in local sports circles having play ed in the oba baseball here in past years and for sutton inter mediate hockey club citizens should not miss every mild spell to clean the slush from the sidewalks an act that will be appreciated by all pedestrians the snow cleaning bylaw has not been rigidly enforced this year because of the heavy snow falls but no one should take advantage of this keep the good work of cleaning going and we will soon have good walk ing in all parts of the town wife of george robb buried at markham hilda margaret menzies wife of george robb of hamilton was laid to rest in standrews cemetery markham on sunday afternoon the late mrs robb had been ill for several months and passed away in a hospital at ottawa she was a native of pembroke ont her husband is a brother of messrs john and frank robb wellknown farmers of the 8th of markham and mrs g l williamson of mark ham village the funeral on ssun day was conducted by rev b e newnham from clendenings fun eral parlours mr and mrs- jos borinsky who have been holidaying in california were in toronto on monday even ing on their return journey they were among relatives in los an geles and thoroughly enjoyed the delightful climate of the south while missing the winter blasts that tied up the home district during their several weeks absence bereavement at the rectory there passed away at the toron to general hospital on thursday feby 22nd delia oliver beloved wife of rev frank herman rector of christs church anglican stouffville following a very long illness which she bore with great patience mrs herman was greatly admired and loved by the people of the parish including markham where the rectory is located and stouffville surviving are two daughters mrs a h macdonald miss cleta herman and one son lloyd now in the army overseas divine service was held in grace church markham on monday af ternoon after which the funeral proceeded to clinton cemetery for interment 82 years- onoxe markham farm mr lbheise of victoria square was an interesting visitor at the tribune office last week and we are pleased to greet him at least once a year mr heise has an enviable record of longevity on the farm for he was born 82 years ago on the very place where he now lives immediately east of the square he recalls the old plank road that ran from elgin mills to the 8th concession and on which there were no less than three toll gates mrl heise says the planks were 4 inches thick and were pur chased for only 53 per thousand feet in the days when farmers con- sfdered it good riddance to get rid of the trees which the country is now suffering from the lack of getting back to mr heise it cer tainly is in order to congratulate this man on his splendid physique the years have dealt kindly with him n ivf rrj funeral cortege forthe late mrs thos turner of toronto and formerly of scott township passed through town on sunday afternoon enroute to the foster memorial cemetery north of uxbridge de ceased was in her 75th year ana is survived by herthree sons and one daughter her husband pre deceased her a few years the family has many connections at uxbridge and is quite well known to many of our readers- octogenarians gocd at snow removal two of the best kept sidewalks in the east end are those of messrs ascollins and william ball both men over 80 years of age the wy those fellows have shovelled all winter puts many a younger man who lacks the desire for work quite in the background having made this statement of commenda tion on behalf- of our older men perhaps we should add f to it by saying that a number of women have done a good job also for in quite a few homes there are no men but women kept better clean ed walks than many of their neigh bors it might be a good thing to provide a prize for the best kept walks dividing the town into sec tions for judging and competition but who could judge such a com petition we sold all the apples adver tised in last weeks paper said mr d nighswander when making payment a few days ago for the insertion those smalladv on the back page sold several horses froni one insertion while another farmer sold two cows instead of just the one advertised since so many buyers came along several thou sand people read the small advsi weekly and that accounts for the amazing results we are constantly being told about the demand for houses in stouff ville remains as keen as ever twentyfive new places could be rented or sold faster than they could be built its too bad that the needed houses are not forthcoming from some source since it would give the village a tremendous boost however even if investors could be found to finance such building the problem of supplying materials is so bad that real diffi culty would be encountered new books in the public library fiction the higher hill grace campbell hard facts howard spring valley vultures max brand western story omnibus william targ fire will freeze margaret millar the rio casino intrigue vanwyck mason outlaws three peter field phantom lady william irish the greek coffin mystery ellery queen captain from castile sam uel shellabarger rfthe shadow on the mesa jackson gregory fare well my lovely raymond chand ler pastoral nevil shute an hour before the dawn w sumerset maugham hasty wedding mignon g eberhart logging chance m h lasher the strange case of lucile clery joseph shearing former band leader herman j harrington herman jefferson harrington 76 retired farmer died friday at his home north scarboro after a brief illness he was onedme leader of the malvern band he played various instruments and had won several medals in harmonica contests born on the 3rd concess ion scarboro township mr har rington moved to north scarboro 32 years ago he was an adherent of zion united church cedar grove surviving are his widow ethel elliot harrington two sons allan stratford and elliot at home and two daughters mrs austin reesor cedar grove and mrs jack mclntpsh whitby mrs sid schmidt and walter reesor have given their tenth blood donation to the local red cross blood donor clinic accord ing to word from dr innis mc donald in charge of the clinic the following have completed their sixth donation lawrence betz mrs harry bridges jos cadieux carman fligg gordon fockler mrs louis grove cliff heise lc murphy miss ella slack miss luella stouffer and fred wicks jr those who have given three don ations are pearl brownsberger lloyd doner herb hisey miss gertrude slack mrs harold spof- ford and mrs m warriner the next clinic will be held in markham on march 18th from 845 until 12 noon calf startena flowers from california mrs wbsanders- reports from hollywood that the tribune does notreachthem during war days as regularly as heretofore due no doubt to the added pressure on the mails mrs sanders who has so many very intimate friends in her old home town says how we miss thedear town paper when it is late in arriving congratulations orrbeing elected reeve mr nolan i know you will make a good job of running the town 1st prize 25 cash 2nd 15 3rd prize 10 and 10 additional merchandise prizes value 15100 prizes awarded on basis of best percentage gain in weight duringfirst eour months on 400 pounds of purina calf startena forhoisteihs 300- pounds for jerseys6r guernseys and wholemilk duringthe firstfourweeks according topurina calf growing programme calves to be weighedjby contestant -and- weightat birth verified by witness weight atfbur months will be taken by us usingpurina tape method close may 15th 1945 prizes awarded soon after last weighing is completed contestants are required to keep sales slips covering purchases of the necessary calf startena any one can enter as many calves as desired entry blank name address name or number of calf breed date of birth weight at birth witness for birth weight weight at 4 months percentage of weight gain salesman quality stiver bros seeotherdisplays page 4 and 5 scrrico -v- ftjm there is a campaign on for in creased salaries for members of parliament at ottawa and quite a few papers are supporting the movement by publishing articles saying how shabbily the members are paid as compared with salaries received by officials of the govern ment our own ottawa correspon dent seems to have fallen in line by making a favorable comparison on behalf of the members as against other officials paid- by govern ment no one so far has suggested reducing the salaries of other officials so that they come into line with the sessional indemnities however as another means of level ling things down insfead of up aid sought for earlyhistory the stouffville institute are col lecting information on the early history of the village and anyone holding old records or possessing information on the early happen ings or if some could supply in formation on how the streets re ceived their names as wqll as any other interesting points would confer a favor on the committee by supplying the same contact miss margery mertens convener of his tofical research note the tri bune suggests that there are quite a few former residents who are more than capable with the pen whose services might well be solicited for this undertaking game of marbles speeded up the boys are playing marbles on the streets going to and from school a fact we merely mention because it is one of the first signs of spring like everything else even the game of marbles changes form gone are the days when a brick wall was sought for dubbing the marbles against- and gone ds the wooden squirrel that we rolled the- marbles 1 through five holes with numbers over the smaller the holev the more marbles you took off the other fellow and the more you lost for your failure to make a true shot between the feet of the squirrel playing marbles has been speeded up today and the boys play a running game enroute t to school we notice they throw the marble ahead a good distance and the next player does likewise f if he is successful in being able to span it then settlement is made in the old fashioned way corporal w home after h- shearn 5 years corporap william h shearn army service corps son of mr and mrs h- shearndf unionville is home on leave after more than five years of active service part of which time was spent in france and holland enlisting in sept 1939 he trained in toronto and jan 1940 was sent overseas he was married in 19i2 to miss betty carter- of northamp ton england who predeceased him leaving a small son jeffrey who still lives in england clayton h mertens i the death occurred in toronto on wednesday february 21 of clay ton h mertens who as a lad was employed in the post office in stouffville since the family were old residents of this place he was in his 63rd year and spentmuch of his life in toronto where he mar ried mac smith who survives him together with two sons douglas and bruce the latter being in the rcaf an onlysister is mrs agsnider of vandorf while a brother who took such a keen interest in the home town was the late frank mertens of westonwho died a year ago last fall the funeral was to scarboro memorial park fo interment markham friends farewell the flemings the home of mr and mrs archie fleming 6th concession markham was packed with neighbors and friends one evening last week when the commupity surged in to tender a farewell party to the flemings on the eve of their depar ture to take up residence in union ville a delicious lunch was served and the evening spent in games and social conflab mr and mrs fleming were presented with an arm chair and a large mirror by messrs harvey houck and john timbers on behalf of the neighbors and friends it is an interesting fact and one that the district regrets that the removal of mr and mrs fleming and family is the third within a year of comparatively young farm ers the other two who will be a loss to the neighborhood are mr and mrs e nigh and family arid the bateman family your rationing timtabix march sugar red coupons 46 to 53 now valid coupons 5455 become valid march 15 each coupongood for 1 lb sugar butter purple coupon 90 to 97 now valid coupon 98 becomes valid mar 8 coupon 99 becomes valid mar 15 coupon 100 becomes valid mar 23 each coupon good for lbbutter preserves orange coupons 33 to 40 now valid coupons 41 to 44 become valid march 15 goodfor preserves sweet spreads or sugar see chart in retail stores henry ford recently boasted that the mechanics could assemble a ford car in his factory in exactly eleven minutes nothing was said about the drunk driver who could dismember one in half a minute oh a play of f s on monmar5 cit markham arena richmonbhill vs markham puck faced at 830 stouffvi lle machines tool works telephone 253 rear of cnr station electric and acetylene welding farm machinery t machinery repairs agents for minneapolis honeywell electric janitors plumbing ana heating furnaces cleanedrepaired hotjwater systems checked guaranteed rebuilt- furnacesfor sale parts for sejptic tanks piping jpulfapsj etc general repairs expert workmanship jokn irving wilson aye markham eam forbest results ship tour cream to stouff- i ivxvilcelcreameryv we pay twocents more per pound butterfat j for cream delivered to the creamery mpstafie to rent from 6to 8 dollarsperyear f v r stouff villfe greamery stouffvukvontt- a nvv phjhea860l- a f jitfu jw4 tkjrvrafi sa