xoexoe 30ex0i quality service- wednesday this week was ash e a grubin ro optometrist the world womens day of wednesday the first day cf len miss joyce ball nurse in train ing was home from toronto for the weekend will beat his office in stouffviue on l prayer will be held in the men- monday feb 19th beer rooms for women are a dis grace to ontario and a reflection on the governing bodies who tolerate them- the old hotel days were better wetiad no female drunks at least- claude brillinger- rcnvr arrived home last weekend from his east coast navy post to be with his wife and family for a couple of weeks leave jar and mrs morris hornsby of toronto were weekend visitors with mrs hornsbys parents mr and mrs lou slack we understand that newmarket junior oha team has dropped out of the running due principally to poor attendance at their home gaines the newmarket club had been holding down the cellar berth in the league which found them wanting in supporters w garfield case who wos the north byeselection was a formeraurora boy son of a farmer he received his education in aurora public and high school- in a newly discovered infrared tunnel process articles which have received their coat of paint are dried in some sixtieth of the time occupied by the normal method a military general purpose car can be dried 30 minutes after being spray painted wth two coats of enamel we hear that a number of auc tion sales will be held this spring but that the farmers are holding off on dates because of the road situ ation it looks as though the farm auctions will be held late in march ratlief than the fore part of the month it is anyones guess about the best time to hold a sale having in view the condition of the roads horse barns collate at mmkhani many buildings in and about town with flat roofs are in a rather precarious position with the enor- m6usweight of snow and ice ac cumulated two of the sheds at dicksons hill mill and the horse barns at the markham fair grounds have collapsed under the strain we understand that the markham fair board had been dis cussing the question of better horse accommodation but now the matter has definitely been settled many householders in stouffviue nave reported water backing up under their shingles and it looks like a busy spring for the interior decorators a new technique has been em ployed this winter at various ceme teries in the district because of the deep snow and impossibility of shovelling a roadway through cemetery grounds excepting at great expense in money and man power as a result several ceme teries keep a hand sleigh at the gate for conveying the casket over the snow through the grounds to the place- of burial so far the stouffviue cemetery has been kept open but we may have to adopt the same methods as others have found it necessary to employ un less the weatherman is a little more considerate in fact last monday it was neces sary to engage the express horse and sleigh for a funeral when the casket was taken into the grounds where snow has been allowed to accumulate to any considerable depth on the sidewalks house holders would be doing a good acl if they avoided making holes in it the snow is probably better left on the the walks until the weather moderates sufficiently asito enable one to completely clean the walks off this- will bevery soon now we hope and when that time arrives some people who have almost totally neglected their walksihave some real work ahead it hasbeen the hardest winter in a generation for keeping walks clean and be cause of these circumstances the authorities have been considerate in not trying to enforce the snow- shovelling bylaw too rigidly the constable has only issued a few warnings in cases where com plaints were received against the condition of a walk nonite church on friday feb 16th at 3 pm rastus said the preacher dont you know it is wrong and sinful for you to gamble on the sabbath caught right in the act rastus with his head down answer ed yes parson i sure does know and im paying for it right now a 17ton bulldozer has been in operation opening the county high way from ballantrae east to the uxbridge townline it is reported that the operation of a bulldozzer costs a municipality 10 per hour these machines cost 8000 to 10- 000 consequently owners demand a high rate for operating to make sure they get their money back be fore the machine is worn out a good part of the town of aurora was without water for some hours when a pipe in the mains was broken at a hydrant due to th action of frost stouffviue water system has been out of business now and then during extension and repairs but we have never had a break in the large mains at any time something for which we are duly thankful service in the ninth line baptist church was cancelled on sunday afternoon owing to the impassable roan mrnitinna road conditions house sold on church st the house and total contents be longing to the late miss annie sil- versides and located on church street south near the park entrance nas been sold to an undisclosed buyer from outside town the war branch officers wish to express their ap preciation for cash donations receiv ed from mrs edwin forsyth and mrs fred crossen 200 also goods from mrs brodie mrs middleton mrs warriner andnhe ballantrae group mrs g t lee president mrs gunn treas mdavey sec nathan hoover and his two sons shot a wolf on their farm at lot 23 concession 6 east gwillimbury last week the animal weighed 44 pounds and was a sandy grey color it was on exhibition in new market and created a good deal of interest on main street there grow healthy productive pullets yet save up 30 per cent on feed costs the flitiepway always glad to get the tribune each week writes- robert gray enclosing his renewal for another year his lives in plattsburg new york and is a former resident of stouffviue district mrs j nose- worthy of utopia near barrie is another subscriber to send her congratulations to the home paper before her marriage she was miss libbiechappel and was employed for some years on the post office staff appendicitis knocks out a perfect specimen lieut edward good has been in the military hospital kingston undergoing an operation for appen dicitis we havent seen all the troops but we venture to say there is no better model of perfect health in the canadian army than this stouffviue boy and it is only to be expected that he will make a prompt and complete recovery mrs good and the baby are still residing in their apartment in the east end of stouffviue buried at zephyr cemetery the funeral of the late sarah ann annie silversides from the 1iome of her niece mrs c arm strong last thursday afternoon was conducted by rev d davis who spoke very fittingly basing his re marks on the 23rd ps the pall bearers were walter brillingerross winterstein oscar silversides chris armstrong bruce winter stein and wm steele interment was mfide at zephyr cemetery scotch visitor passes on a scottish newspaper recently carried a report of the death of major s tarr a well known man in his scottish homeland indeed major tarr is well remembered by many around stouffviue since he visited here at some length back in 1938 at the home of mrs tarr and the late kgtarr and through his friendly manner and likeable dis position made many friends he was 74 years of age and died fol lowing a short illness for many years he worked in the cotton mills and became chief clerk in one for 40 years he was a sunday school i superintendent 1 results from the national egg laying contests for the past 5 years prove beyond a doubt that it pays to grow chicks on vitaminrick full-o- pep feeds the amazing re cords made by fulopep raised birds in these contests show that the fulopep feeding plan builds pullets with the ability and stamina to stand the strain of heavy laying fulopep chick starter helps raise such healthy robust chicks because it is built around wholesome nutritious oatmeal and forified with natures richest vitamin com- bination concentrated spring range- these along with other vitaminrich sources give your winterhatched chicks a vita min boost for growth livability and vigor so follow the full-o- pep rearing- plan the way that may save you as much as 30 or more on feed cost at the same time raise big husky profitable pullets the kind that fill out and stay strong and productive for several years stiver mm ioe xosaoi xoesoe ioe30i ioeao here is a scene on main street looking east from the post office corner showing the great pile of snow to be contended with this winter photo was taken by the tribune camera like most towns of our size stouffviue has no equipment for the removal of snow and has to depend on hired machinery which is doubly hard to get this winter as a result streets have been blocked for motor tra ffic in some cases since christmas old timers cannot- recall a win ter with so much snow as this one robt windsor of ballantrae well the cub meeting was held on known builder is completing a friday feb 9 in the municipal hau house for mr harrington at union ville two of our very oldest women of the town and neighbors in the east end on tenth street mrs joseph mcmullen 86 and mrs mary ann drewery also well over the 80 mark are both quite ill at present in fact mrs mcmullen has beenin bed all winter with an early promise of spring old friends will hope that these elderly people will be revived by the healing rays of the sun and once more be about their homes the sunday roast week- endsin the country the old family jalopythese things mean a pleasant way of life these are some of the things every man overseas is fighting for today they wont -be- his unless all of ns make surevwhen our fighting man comes back his doliar will be worth a dollar to protect his dollar- we must realize now the dangers of care- less unnecessary buying we must- buy only- what we need never buy two where ohe will do we must not evade rationing or price control or deatin black markets if webreakthe rules bur country rthe hys fighting for will stare on thar- nncontrohable rocketing of prices known as inflation prices will rise as pricesgo up wagestryto tag along arid neyerpcatchup the value of money- gods down soon your dollar will buy perhaps only 30c worth of goods and thercis no limit to its drop 4bok at greece today the nation is plunged- in poverryariddepression so lets all make sure our soldiers dollar when he gets baclcwilibuyraarf worth of goods we cant give back to him his lost -years- or his lost youth- but if we keep up the fight against inflation he can look forward to pleasant satisfying living the canadian way of life pmimtytuk brewing industry ontario to reveal the dingers o fl make this pledge today i i ptedge myself to do my part in fighting inflation byobsrvlng rationing and avoiding black markets in any shape or form f by rospachng prl controls and other antmnflatiom measures and re fraining fromcareless and unneces sarybjiyingi wlll not buy two where onewill do nor will i buy a new where an oldwiii do by buying victory bonds and war- savlnga stomps supporting tax- ation and abiding by all such measures which will lower the cost of living and help keep prices at a normal level council recngagcs the constable at a special meeting of trie stouff viue council on thursday evening a new agreement was arrived at between the council and constable rusnell the pay of the cop re mains much the same as heretofore excepting that there is a rearrange ment of his duties the town cop will not only attend his- police du ties but will be required- to repair all leaks in the water system and instal new water services attend and superintend the reservoirs and their cleaning he will be required to be on the job for road repairs sweep the pavement haul away fhedirt and to do a few other jobs that the scribe cannot recall at the moment if he gets time and he will he should call at the treas urers office and receive his month ly cheque which for the year will total 1060 constable rusnell sup plies his own- car gasoline and license from his own purse as the basement in the united church was being decorated we were pleased to have geo griffiths with us again after being absent from having his operation we had 19 cubs in attendance cecil an- drus cm walter pipher acm mrs g gunn presided at the w ms meeting last thursday at the home of mrs f l button when mrs davis mrs ball and miss bannerman delegates to presbytery gave good reports mrs e nigh read the scripture and mrs john son led the devotional and gave a reading supplementing for the speaker unable to be present she pointed out numerous things we may worship even ourselves but the one that strengthens is the wor ship of god mrs leonard klinck vancouver generously accompani- ed the piano with her violin as well as rendering a special number af ternoon tea was served by the host ess thus breaking arule in houor of her grandson- eric reginald button visitorsrrepresenting the society for the month of february are mrs turner and mrs- william son 52 years married fiftytwo years married on sun day mr and mrs walter briard residents on market street- observ ed the event by-having- the mem bers of- their family homefor the occasion in fact the happy couple held jlopen house for their rela tives and friends among those presentweremrand mrs winston briard and mrs hilda gee and mrs irene bleach montreal mrs ernest woodcock and daughter shirley ann- detroit- alsojthe following from toronto mrs sylviavc6cor ian arid two sons russel martin mrs cora blanch mcbride vmiss elsie cliedove- a lovely annlver sary cake was servedat a midnigkt lunch jand many gifts v were re ceived h defeat league leaders 11 in a riotous junior hockey game at markham on friday night that clubdefeated richmond hill by the scored of 118 not to be outdone by fprgie a teammate who chalked up a recordi of six goals in one game last week bowcott came through with another- double hat- truck on friday in addition he had two assists i ghadwick drew a match miscon duct penalty and two minors and was the bad man of the game hewes and mundrell were given major penalties and rose a match misconduct all for their part in fougshouse tacticsttheydlsplayed sullivan- counted three for the hill to betfierbestmanon the ice f6rgie goals formark hamjwhlle pagehuglies andchad- wicknettedtheothers1for the win ners- ivs a- aii jh t ml 1 aawatij is2 vyjifo