ii f a weekly kuitob looks at writ tptoaoy the kid from your own neighbor hood is in it the fellow from syd ney ns from alomone ont from red deer alberta also on october 6th the first official history of this war appeared in bookstores its the rcaf overseas the first four years no fiction about this book but the names and deeds of our countrys flying heroes the voung lads to whom the british isles europe and north africa were yesterday no more than color ed blotches on the map recording officers have been busy for a long time compiling the activities of rcaf units and for absorbing in teresting reading this book is a must avhen the tally was completed as at june 1 last a new high was shown in the number of cattle on farms in canada- the total of 10346000 is an increase of 7 over the previous year with ie great est gain being shown in the pro vince of saskatchewan where the figures are up 18 of these 10316- 000 cattle milk cows account for 3 930 000 horses declined by 40000 show ing a population on farms of 2735000 sheep were up 8 with 3720000 hens and chickens went up 18 with a total of 80792000 a z weekly consumer branch item with rainy weather and colder days now it is interesting to hear that the use of the new waterproof plastic sole has been extended to adults shoes at first visole was confined to manufacture of kiddies shoes with so much leather going into boots for the armed forces and with the heavy demands for every scrap of leather manufact urers have found it difficult to meet the civilian footwear demands so it is felt that visole will now help supply the needs shoes with the new plastic soles cost only a little more than those with ordinary leather soles and experiments show that they last longer materials go ing into the manufacture of visole are allcanadian limestone coal salt and water that ought to i-e- commend it this years commercial product ion of fibre flax in canada covers about 40000 acres with an estimat ed value of four million dollars most of the fibre goes to britain there spun into thread anil yarn for making parachute cords collis ion mats covering for guns and planes and other essential products even the small amount remaining in canada has its manufacture re stricted to wartime uses through the work carried on by the dominion experimental farms service the canadian producer has received guidance and help in im proving the quality of the product and increasing the yield wjien the war ends the needs of civilians will create a new demand for fibre flax however then there will be com petition from producers in other countries so to hold the market the canadian farmer will need to con tinue raising the quality of his product recent appointments to the bench change the standing some what in the house of commons the liberal membership out of a total of 245 seats in the house- is 161 the progressive conservatives 39 cooperative commonwealth federation 10 social credit 10 others 14 vacancies 11 a report issued by the depart ment of labor ottawa shows that there was a good response to the appeal for farm workers to go west to help take off the crop some 0470 east farm workers responded an increase of 75 over 1943 the earlier crop in eastern canada of course was responsible for the availability of these workers there were 5400 harvesters from ontario and 1022 from quebec of these manitoba got 1143 saskatchewan 3624 and alberta 1703 with the help of these eastern farm workers the assistance given by members of the armed forces granted special harvesting leave and the services of the 92 women from the civil service in ottawa the big crop came off in record time the 7th victory loan opened last week the symbol of this loan is a replica of the shouldersleeve in signia of the supreme headquart ers invasion staff and shows a flaming sword against a field of heraldic sable black representing justice bringing liberation over the darkness of nazi oppression at the top of the actual shield is a rainbow emblematic of a state of peace and tranquility the restor ation of which to the enslaved peoples is the objective of the united nations overseas our boys are already oversubscribing their objective that is the spirit which should be reflected here at home remember vou are lending not giving so buy to the fullest extent of your ability do you know that since the war began vegetable seed production in canada has become a relatively important industry prior to 1939 most of the field root and vege tables seeds used in canada were imported from european countries but when these countries were in vaded and occupied by germany home production became a necess ity with the assistance of the de partment 6f agriculture canadian- grown seeds are now even a higher quality than those grown previous ly in europe and are produced in sufficient quantities to meet all domestic needs ftf gjff v that old sayingso well known to farm folks to the end of the furrow- so aptly makes our duty plain and the end of the furrow is beyond the horizon our men on the fighting fronts have weary trying days ahead of them we on the home front must not waver nor falter our duty is clear we must keep faith with our fighters on canadian farms we must maintain our efforts to produce the foods our fighters and our allies need that work will reward us with increased incomes and we must save to have money to lend to our country to pay the increased costs that this war continues to pile up money invested in victory bonds will help to buy the tools of war they dont last long in action they must be replaced its our job the home front job to see to it that our fighting men have everything they need victory bonds yield a double harvest they pro vide our country withmoney to carry on the war later they will provide money to buy things we will want and need and which we have done without during the war victory bonds will proi vide cash to pay for improvements for farm and home new buildings new machinery 1 f better stock new caxlti furnishings and conveniences for the home buy victory bonds with money in the bank buy more on convenient deferred payments victory bonds pay double bank interest 3 buy victory bonds with your savings you can also buy victory bonds on convenient deferred payments pay 10 when you order tbe bonds and the balance any time over a period oj six months national war finance commlheei ft vr f-f453- prr vt cklau ti r facts for canadians according to the september issue of canada at war canadas war expenditures since 1939 including the estimates for the fiscal year 19431944 and the budget forecast for 194445 total more than 15000000000 an aver age of more than 1300 for every canadian the total war expendi tures for the five fiscal years ended march 31 1944 were 10550000000 and the ratio of revenues to these war expenditures was all income taxes 382 all tax revenues 695 total revenue 767 in the last five years while the nations funded debt has increased slightly more than three times the share of the debt payable outside canada has fallen from 26 to scarcely more than 3 the war time borrowing has been distribut ed so widely that the interest on the public debt is paid to probably not less than 60 of the income- earners of the country business directory dental hit by us bombs e s barker ld43 dj honor graduate ofi royal college of dental surgeons arid of the dniversityot toronto office fircsubs block phono- 27 markham every tuesday office in weav block medical dr arthur lahore physician and surgeon general medicine andobstetric3 also eyes testedglasses fitted markham ont phone 67 for appointment ph stduff 3808 dr s s bale physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville his arm in a sling ma j gen rfl keller cbe comman der of the canadian 3rd div which landed in france jon d- day is pictured in his room aboard the hospital ship lady nelson which docked at hali- fax he was wounded in the arm and body by us bombs his wife resides in victoriabc since the commencement- of pack ing in 1940 the plants of the cana dian red cross have packed 12183202 food parcels for british and allied prisoners of war in enemy hands lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family shoe repairing womens hosiery gloves shoes socks boots and mitts stouffville phone 4301 opposite the town clock sellers atkinson ph ag 201 w2 ph stoiiff 290 ijicensed auctioneers sales conducted anywhere special izing in farm stock furniture and property sales all sales personally listed and advertised bills prepared and posted prompt- service reason able rates phone 290 stouffville monday wednesday fridays 9 tvl2 am insurance thomas birkett general insurance agency stouffville ontario eatabllbhed 19w insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rateb prompt service phone 25902 stouffville el o klinck phone 3307 stouffville- fire auto burglary sickness and accident fidelity bond the standard lite assurance oo the pioneer of canadian life insurance a mutual company with 117 yean experience r strength and service unexcelled barristers a s farmer licensed auctioneer york county uxbridge and picker farm stock arid furniture sales a specialty telephone stouffville 7312 address gormleypo clarke prentice phone agincourt 52 w3 milliken licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and on tarlo successor for corpl ken prentice of casf and of the late j h prentice former prentice prentice farm and farm stock sales a specialty at fair and reason able rates brierbush hospital government licensed member ctiie hospital association main street- bast- stouffville v maternity medical and surgical office phone residence phone 3160 3514 arthur w s greer v barrister solicitor notary public o king street bast oshawa ontario resident partner branch office w c pollard kc port perry uxbridge ontario phone 25 offiee phone elgin 7021 residence phone mo 6231 f samuel d borens barrlster solicitor etc 503 temple bidg 3 62 richmond street west toronto stouffvelee marble agraniworka orders promptly executed p tarrprpsefor ambulance service- day and night service mrs e r good phone 191 l e oneill stouffville funeral dbjector and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night stouffviller980r r g clendening funeral director ambulance service markham onfttrfti phdhe- 9000 m 1 1