Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 26, 1944, p. 8

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lfiyjttff ge utetswuseggyroaf 26 194pp ssmssasr s r- commercial tire i- depot synthetic tires size 550x17 1550 size 600x16 1725 size 525x18 1410 size 500x19 1175 size 500x20 prewar 1085 size 30x3 prewar 685 prewar tubes group c1819 275 group- c17 245 group b19 210 group a2021 165 group c2021 310 30x3 120 seat covers for all makes of cars at special prices paris auto supply jos paris richmond hilii ont e sunday school lesson lesson for october 29 golden text seek those things which are above col 31 the lesson as a whole approach to theiicsson for the sincere conscientious christian the temperance question should bo solved readily for it simply amounts to this what is my responsibility to god in regard to the care of my body when recognize the fact that i have been bought with a price even the prec ious blood of christ 1 cor 620 and that my body rightfully be longs to god rom 121 i shall see the folly and incongruity of any indulgence which needlessly tends to weaken my physical and mental powers and so i will shun intoxicants and narcotics of every kind even as i will refuse to allow myself to be defiled by unclean habits of any description eph 5 11 12 if one has not yet received christ as saviour and confessed him as lord the problem may not seem so easy of solution but any selfrespecting young person ought to be able to see the unwisdom of taking up practices which tend to degrade and weaken him thus un fitting him for the duties of life and endangering his entire future because of the terrible power which evil habits wield over those who fall victims to them a proper regard for the sanctity of human nature should be suffic ient to keep one from these evils lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family shoe repairing womens hosiery gloves shoes socks boots and mitts stouffville phone 4301 opposite the town clock dma stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs t cut flowers milt smith prop telephone 70012 7002 but the sad fact is that the great majority of us lack the moral principle that would enable us to stand against commonly accepted standards of life and so we go with the crowd instead of resisting the pressure of godless companions and maintaining the high ideals which we know to be right this but emphasizes the need of the new birth whereby we become par takers of the divine nature 2 pet 1 4 and so are enabled to live un to god 1 pet 4 2 as those alive from the dead rom 611 verse by verso psa 45 offer the sacrifices of righteousness and put your trust in the lord it is vain to prate of trusting the lord and relying upon his grace if one is deliberately vio lating the precepts of his holy word he who does not live right eously is not of god 1 john 37 verse 6 who will shew us any good this is the sneering quest ion of the careless worldling the only rights answer is a consistent life of devotion to god and concern for our fellow men verse 7 thou hast put glad ness in my- heart more than their wine- the false exhilaration that is obtained by gratification of appetite is as rothing comparedto that lasting joy which the obedient child of god enjoys constantly verse 8 thou lord only makest me dwell in safety secure in the knowledge of the loving care of the lord one can rest peacefully even in times of danger confident thathe who watches over his own will not permit anything to cometo pass that will not work out for blessing 1 luke 44 man shall not live by bread alone but by every word of god by meditation on the scriptures the soul is fed and so becomes strong to overcome the power of temptation 1 john- 2 14b by this jesus overcame the adversary and by it we too may be victorious over every foe john 6 35 i am the bread of life again and again in this chap ter our lord so presents himself he is the bread of god v 33 come down to earth to give life to the world vr 51 to feed upon him is to receive him into the heart by faith to believe in him as the saviour of sinners in him we find perfect satisfaction and settled peace so that we no longer crave the empty follies of a godless world rom 12 1 present your bodies a living sacrifice our bodies have been purchased by christ jesus in his sacrifice on our behalf there fore the logical thing is to recog nize them as his and by a definite act of submission hand them over to him this will settle at once all questions as to how we are to be have ourselves recognizing his lordship we ho longer live to grat- thewill of god verse 2 be not conformed be ye transformed the principles that men of the world recognize as i customary and therefore to be obeyed are not to control the mind of the believer he is to be trans formed literally metamorphosed w b- arv ip i stouffville machine tool works telephone 253 rear of cnr station farm machinery machinery repairs electric and acetylene welding 1 agents for minneapolis honeywell electric janitors v s- v for best results as to price arid service let our truck call for yoiir cream we pay extra two jcents per ibl of butter fat for cream delivered to the creamery f- com storage lockers to rent s stotif f yille creamery go stouffville ont- phone 18601 by occupation withchristwhich results in the constant renewing of the mind daily conformity to the wil of god chap 1312 the night is far spent the day is at hand the night of mans day closing up his own vain efforts to find a way out of the confusion brought inbyin will soon be over- then will come the day when the lord will assert himself and when an entirely new order will he brought in through the personal return of jesus christ as king of kings and lord of lords with this in view it becomes all who own allegiance to him to re fuse all that has to do with satans kingdom of darkness and to array himself in thearmour of light as an acknowledged soldier of the cross verse 13 let us walk honest ly or decently av margin as becomes one who belongs to the day not giving oneself to sensual ity in any form nor in strife and envying for what have the men of the world that will be of value in that coming hour of manifesta tion it ill becomes a joint heir with christ to permit himself to sink down to the depths of im morality and earthly mindedness that mark those who know nothing of the regenerating power of god verse 14 make not provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof he who puts on the lord jesus christ in the sense of ac knowledging his union with him indeath and in the power of resur rection life is to reckon himself dead unto sin in the flesh rom 6 11 and through the control of the indwelling spirit of god to morti fy that is to put in the place of death the deeds of the body rom 811 which if allowed to have their way would lead to selfindul gence and lasciviousness of the vilest nature col 35 the heart of the lesson god created man for his glory as originally made he was design ed to have authority over all the lower creation but sin has brought man down to the low level of the beasts that perish psa 4912 so that ho readily becomes the slave of all kinds of fleshly lusts and passions which tend to degradat- captured this gun spr f w brown of rexton nb lies in the huge barrel of a 16inch gun captured by canadian forces at calais dont delay picking milkweed pods unlessthe remainingmillions of milkweed pods are picked in october they will break open and go to waste the floss from these pods is urgently needed to make life preservers for- the armed forces the agricultural supplies is paying 20 cents for a bag of dried pods about a bushel ion and dishonor but when borri from above and indwelt by the holy spirit man is renewed in le image of him that created him col 3 10 thus enabling him to triumph over perverted appetites and keep the body in the place of subjection 1 cor 927 in this way the body glorifies god 1 cor 6 20 and is delivered from the power of carnal lusts so fulfilling the righteousness of the law rom 8 4 l sellers atkinson ph- ag 201 w2 phst3uff290 ijcenselvvctioneers sales conducted anywherei special izing in farm stock furniture and property sales4 all sales personally listed and advertised bills prepared and posted- prompt- serviced reason- i viable rates j phone 290 stonfttllle- a i farmer ucensedaufii6neer york county uxbridge and picker farm stock and furniture sales a specialty telephone stouffville 7312 address oormley po clarke prentice phone aglncourt 52 w3 millike licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and on tarlo successor for corpl ken prentice of oasf and of the lab j h prentice former prentice i prentice farm and farm stort sales a specialty at fair and reason able rates brierbush hospital government licensed member of the allied private hospital association main street east stouffville matornlty medical and surgical ambulance service day arid night service mrs er good phone 19 l e oneill stodffvilize funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night stouffville 9801 m canadas veterans thetrfltwm pportumte the third in a erics of advertisements to inform the people of canada of plan to reestablish men and women of inc armed forces to get full details save and read every advertisement for couplet inform tion booklet back to life business diretory sja e s baltker tlxs d ja honorqraduate otroiraibostii of den tal surgeons and ortfc university of toronto office fa grubuis block phone s74 harkham every tuesday office in wear block- medical dr arthur ii hork physician and surgeon general medicine and obstetric also eyes testedgiasses fitted markham oht- phdnea for appointment pli stoui 390s dri s ball physician and surgeon xray office con obrien and luim- pnoiie 196 coroner for yorkoourity a c kennedy chiropractor cnurch street- btoufftiilv monday wednesday 9 to 12 am insurance- the civil nrial security mersbrk social tvwi to establishment program w oneprinc andthataesurestaytogct ronms re-estaousniu- r was that the forit wi is byhe skill necessary vdcftf ionw trftlklmg every exservice inw or won trying is eligibk woman may and in addition the exse grants up to 60 monthly if single ww rtsstgssss 2zzj mi mo monthly for a man and his maximum s is more than one year of discharge and as in vocation tomnce allowances up to wnthly for a single man her with allowances for smonthworamanand his wife tog pendent children f nth basis of the time tf months of discharge fr jf single and7p t f those esfc to wuii is tree treai iirity me after l insurance credit as employment uters insurable employ ment is entitled a whole penod in the semces twned w v assist ex- canada is should bb s thomas birkett general insurance agency storitfvliiev onfarlo b3labilsnlb insurance jn jreuadiecompaniea reasonable rates prompt service phone 25902 i stoiiffvlile ti h o klinck phone 3307 stouffviu flreiautoyburglary slcknesij md aiciaentfldellty bonds rth cynlaa tife insurance r r a mutual compahywitti experience strength arid service unexceumf barristers office phone residerice phone 3 3514 arthur si greer barrrfter licitor noinblic eiing street basi oswapntxrjp resident partner brancnoffloi w pollardkc port perry uxbridge ontario- i phone 25 ofheetphone elgin 7021 v residence phone mo ift samuel dborins birksver rioilitorvkfc j 2 rlcnmond- street west toronto r stoupfjolte marble granite worka orders promptly execated p tarriproprietosfi phone- 4308 ljinl iuou jli i wt i tlll fil x tf ijdiiuj ijwj ni r g clendering funeral director arrfbuldnce itt rv servic markhairh phone ontario- xr w- f

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