gglhsgggjj6jp9t a weekly editor looks at wa it is now a month since the united nations relief and reha bilitation administration known as unrra met in montreal during the 10day conference plans were clarified for extending aid to the war victims of europe and the far east from now on youll be hearing more about unrra for the keynote of that conference was action unrra is international mem- hers of 44 allied and associated nations met less than a year ago at atlantic city nj to establish this humanitarian project it is designed only to operate in the postwar period but the scope of its emergency functions are great to provide food clothing and shelter for the starving and home less to furnish welfare services for children nursing and expec- tant mothers to prevent the spread of epidemics v restore to their homelands displaced persons people who through race religion or activities on behalf of the allies have been moved from their own countries to help the liberated nations reestablish their own voluntary and governmental ser- vices these are but some of the tasks unrra has assumed sounds fine but hows it financed well each uninvaded member nation has pledged r itself to contribute one per cent of- its gross national income to unrra canadas contribution is77000- 000 of this amount 10 is paid in cash for administrative- expenses and the other 90 in supplies and services already unrra has placed large orders for- canadian woollen garments soap fish farm machinery wheat and now as the practical work of relief is at hand further orders will be receiv- edjfootwear food medical sup plies timber motorcycles truck tools the wheels of our canadian industry will be kept busy where it is possible the liberated countries will pay in part or in whole -for- the help they recelver but whether country t pay or t not whether it has its pwnre- sources arid skilled people- unrr- as assistance will do much to hasten rehabilitation financial support and supplies are not theonly demand that unrra makes on the canadian people- men and women of- out standing organizing ability and high qualifications are required for the administration staff in washington and for service over seas recruiting of canadian personnel for unrra is done through the offices of the civil service com mission with the one exception of appointments to 5 medical person- riel wriicliare made the- head office lri washington working througfimthe medical associations if you live in the eastor west and would liluto become associated with the unrra organization you can send an application to your districtclvil service commission office -i- at the moment unrra is look ing for100to 125 canadians main ly for the overseas service they want meriahd woirieri with uni versity or professional training ranging in age from 30 to 45 years people with professional experi ence in welfare work in the ad ministration of j camps transport ation andwafehousing officers re habilitation specialists in- industry and- agriculture arida few in fact a very very few competent secre taries there isnocall for clerical stafty the staff now being organiz ed wlll form the skeleton of the organization forsjunrra com mences operating in the liberated terhtoriesupplenientarystaff will be obtained from the nationals of tthe country theref ore lang- uages while an jasset are not- a necessity since language require ments will largely be taken care of by those nationals whowill swell the ranks of the unrra staff since unrra will operate only inthe transitory period it is not expectecpthat the term of employ- ment will be longer than one to two yearsthe salaries offered are considered quite adequate for the typeof service desired and while on field service overseas the em- ployee will be paid a living and quarters allowance designed to coverjy the cost- ofextraj living abroad provision isaisoriiadefor medical cafe andfdr illness and accident insurance there is a re tirement fund arid the individual maypurchase group insurance at low raterjq w- ik yjc vi canadavhas already- discharged her- financial obligation to unrra the supplies asked for are being provided but there is still need of the services eof these specially qualified v men and women on them arid their associates will fall v u3 v monty the name strikes a chord of admiration in the heart of every man arid woman in the british empire in all united nations it- spells defeat and disaster s the german people for monty knows how to win rif he has enough good men enough good planes guns and tanks and shells today monty has said a battle must be tvon before it is fought and in the pages of history the term monty barrage will be used to describe his essential preliminary to attack thousands of guns pouring destruction on the enemy and if our allied commanders are to keep mounting a succession of offensives supplies of planes tanks guns and shells must never slacken canadas victory loans are essential to provide the money to build these -weapons- the 7th victory loan will soon commence to make it a success every canadian must play a part on the home front worthy of the heroic efforts of the and women bearing the brunt ofbattlei i- 1 buy one more bond than before j by doing this you will create a nestegg of sayings men field atiirshalf sb bernard jaw montgomery t cbd5off the idol of his troops is this keen- y eyed man ia me black beretwkdm j all thetworld knowsasmority talgood general must never lose lie says that is why he never launches a campaign until he is cer- attackiaitacil reformaiadattack stage canadas overall borrowing must increase ja ritdon warns by some 320 million dollars plan now to buy monty in characteristic- language at least one more bond than before s asi for the future and remember now that compul sory savings have been relinquished an additional 70 million dollars must beraisedin canada through voluntary savings in victory bonds sincethe war is now in its most intensive r j fore v v come jrp this announcement sponsored by markham township council the responsibility for the success of this the greatest venture in mutual aid and service to mankind the world has yet seen- l 9 aftertthe war travelbyairwill certainly increase in sfpopularity anticipating this nearly 100 civil aviation representatives- from the united kingdom canada austra lia arid new zealand willtgather in montreal onoctober j23 for a comhionwealtlv conference on post warkiriternational alr- transport the delegates will discuss postwar air routes between the- nieriiber natiorisnof tthe british common weal th arid twill generallyltpu f- the british commonwealth alr policy hbuseinofdelfv priorxtoitheluriited m nations air conference which will follow immediately in washington beginning november 1 the tuberculosis rate in the cariadiari army is- lower by a con siderable margin than in any other army anywhere according to a re port from national defence head quarters vthearmy tuberculosis incidence is less than 20 that of ofrthe prevailing civilian- rate there i are currently twice as many deaths- frorii tuberculosis among canadian civilians as there are tuberculosis cases among the canadian soldiers thats a chal lenge to civilians to fight tuber- culosisanaremovethls menace to the health of our soldiers as they 1 v l i r r a in come in contact with civilian car riers of the disease good old maple syrup and maple sugar a nostalgic thought- for easterners who liveinother climes nowadays the maple- crop is big business the 1944 crop totalled 3090400 gallons vhlch was 343 greater than last year and 189 higher than the tenyear average from 193342 even at that there was not sufficient to meet the heavy demand and it sold quickly at ceiling prices thegross farm value of the crop was 9055300 here is an interesting sidelight on the first canadian naval officer to receive the- order of patriotic war first class one of the soviets highest awards for valour this medal originally presented to russian guerillas for bravery in the field was conferred orilieut cra bob senior rnayr ottawa gunnery control officer in hms obdurate v royal navy destroyer lieut seniors part in an action which beat off an attack on a murmansk convoy by a nazi striking force- won him this award a pension of ll 447 per month for life a grant which will continue throughout his wifes and his sons lives and the v privilege of travel ling without- chargeonall transpor tation systems intkeiussr come to lieut senior with this decor ation maximum cbbfjing prices forappmes 4- tvii in the revisions in the maximum pricesrforapplesmadey the war s te prices and board effec tive dctoserfi no- drastic changeshayesbeenffectediri pro- ducers prices ceilings i for apples grown in the threelmaritime prc 5 vinces are unchanged ifrom 1943- therfe isalso nocpnge inprlces for britishcolumhiacvapples sold inthe province oriitf area west of and including fbrtrwilllam rblit- when anyof jmcintbsh and m fameusesnowjvarieties j for delivery jeast of fortwilliam ajr shippers prices have been slightly- v cc mr dwmiiiijic