thy- v v v v irfysi the tribune stbuffville ont thursday sept 21 1944 majorcm a your market place till articles for sale forsale findiay cook stove small ph claremont 8 rl2 evenings all steel electric chick brood- er for sale slightly used 500 chick capacity apply to pw sherk- obrien avenue lost and found for sale mccormick deering blower cutting hose 12b with pipes just like new one oval findiay cook stove with warm ing closet- large size near new also one team of good work horses cheap robt harbinson lot 27 3 con markham at gorm- ley lost arhynstone clip between united church and obrien ave reward finder please return to mrs- f l button for sale or rent car accommodation to rent on church street phone 820 personal angeligue grey hair restorer gives lustrous colour to grey lifeless hair 1 at storeys drug store slendor tablets are effective 2 weeks supply 1 12 weeks 5 at storeys drug store for sale number hydro poles norman lehman ph 1507 for sale chicken ton 11x9 also 10 rods chicken wire ph claremont 402 for salestouffvilie bungalow type pressed brick well built hardwood throughout a bclark albert st south 182 r of thanks mrs russelsproxton appreciat ed very much the cheerful cards and letters of her bethesda friends while in york county hospital also their understanding sympathy in the loss of her father recently miscellaneous for sale 11 inch vessot grain grinder with speed jack and new drive belt also phcorn blow er complete with pipes john petch aurora or phone aurora 8621 sale register friday sept 22 combination auction sale of reg and fully ac credited holsteins herd also two choice building lots 2 large solid brick buildings 3 large frame outbuildings farm imple- ments furniture etc at frank lin hotel yards markham the property of c prentice and con signment listings good farm machinery or equipment to sell at this sale should be listed at economist office or with c pren- tice at once sale at 1 pm pro perty and buildings offered at 230 terms cash except on real es tate ted jackson and clarke prentice auctioneers important notice the auctioneers wish to advise that owing to conditions over which they have no control the registered holstein cattle as advertised above will not be offered at this sale saturday sept 23 auction sale of house and acre of land part of lot 11 con 5 pickering about threequarters of a mile south of greenwood the property of the late chester keeler and occupied of recent years by the late lorenzo keeler the house is of frame 5 rooms in fair con dition good cellar good well woodshed stable good workable land sale at 230 terms cash a s farmer auctioneer wednesday sept 27 farm stock and implements hay and grain pigs roots atlot2 con 4 uxbridge the property of geo redshaw terms cash sale at 1 pm as farmer auctioneer wednesday sept 27 auction sale of household furniture piano utensils dishes stove goodsgarden tools etc property of dan gannon at brougham p 0 terms cash sale at 130 no reserve as property sold clarke prentice auctioneer card of thanks i wish to take this opportunity of thanking my many friends and neighbors for their kindnesses of house and lot for sale cement l tow my accident block 8 rooms hydro water cuperauon toiiowmg my accident bath about acre lot small hen resile odgen house some fruit trees surround ed by fine maples a real country home apply g w baker gorm- ley ont ph 7304 183 wood for- sale dry soft wood and hard wood cut and delivered by the cord chas alsop stouffville ph 3803 wptb license no 2822295 16 for sale russet pears 60c 11 quart basket- 175 per bus ph claremont 14rll quality youll enjoy salada quantity of red and green pep pers for sale- sid schmidt ph 100 stouffville house for sale frame six rooms bathroom sunroom elec- tricty about acre land apple trees and other fruit garage ap ply miss b raymer opposite presbyterian church 182 thank you i wish to express my sincere thanks to peaches ypu for the lovely box of fruit and candy also my kind friends who sent letters cards flowers and fruit while i was in the east general hospital many thanks nellie moore altona cider mill our customers will please be ad vised that the altona cider mill will reopen on september 20 apple butter making by appoint ment only and cider will be made each week day excepting saturday we are open to buy good cider apples phone 9021 ii 1155 for sale 100 acres grain and dairy farm good state of cultiva tion hydro installed water in house and barn phone 4712 located 1 mile south of stouff ville mrs geo lewis stouff ville rr 1 18 in memoriam in ever loving memory of a dear husband and father john a nicely who left us september 21 1913 lovingly remembered mrs nicely and family business for sale concrete block business with about acre of land and concrete block storehouse 20x50 at railway sid ing orders- now waiting to be filled possession at once ill health reason for selling g w baker gormley ph 7304 183 149 acre farm for sale good buildings plenty of water three wells and creek in pasture about 15 acres of fall wheat as well as other fall plowing 2 miles from markham apply d a clcndening lot 18 con 9 mark ham clendale farm 182 live stock in memoriam taun in loving memory of our father john william taun who passed away september 5th 1941 also our brother william percy taun who passed away septem ber 28th 1937 those whom we love go out of sight but never out of mind they are cherished in the hearts of those they leave behind ever remembered by harvey bert nita and lois w a r n i n g to our chick customers now is the time to order your marshall chicks for delivery next spring we are already heavily booked for feb mar and apr but an order placed immediately will assure you chicks on a desirable date many regular customers were dis appointed last season because they left it too late so please do not delay book your order at once with our local sales man phone or write delbert booth phone 8207 stouffville rr 1 marshalls five star hatchery kettleby ont wanted for sal100 pullets white leghorn and minorca also 3- elm cord wood suitable for furn ace jos reesor ph 6005 reg bull calf for sale 2wks old haroldwright ph 7808 choice shorthorn bull dark for sale 6 months old also yorkshire hog 3 months old and three border collie pups alex gray claremont ph 8 r3 markham for sale domestic malard ducks lovely for rponds or parks and breeding 450 a pair ronald hamilton brougham saturday sept 30 household furniture electric refrigerator utensils dishes etc the proper ty of miss minna summerville main st unionville sale at 130 terms cash no reserve as prop erty sold clarke prentice auct ioneer- iii saturday sept 30 auction sale of the entire household effects including electric stove piano and bench vacuum cleaner electric fixtures mod em furniture garden tools etc the property of ray price on lansing highway 2 miles east of malvern watch for bills sale at 130 terms cash gordon sellers auctioneer saturday sept 30 auction j sale of farm stock implements i and household furniture at lot 4 con 5 whitchurch the property of g w lyon terms cash no reserve sale at 1 pm a s farmer auctioneer thursday 28 farm stock and implements pigs 10- 20 inter tractor and entire household furniture at lot 30 con 9 markham the property of carl w- harper no reserve as farm is sold sale at 1230 sharp lloyd turner clerk a s farm er auctioneer wednesday oct 4ifarm stock and implements including 40 head of cattle hay grain roots and household furniture at lot 15 con 6 pickering the property of david crawford and sons no reserve as proprief6rislgiving up farming terms cash sale at 12 sharp ais farmer auctio neer wednesday oct 4 auction sale of 30- head cattle horses implements the property of stewart patrick lot 85 con i whitchurch twp 1 miles north of aurora on old yorigetstl salerat130 pm terms cash f n smith auctioneer no reserve as owner is giving up farming monday oct 9 extensive pur lie auction of reg hereford grade and holstein cows tractor swine will be sold at lot 1 con 2 manvers twp5 miles west of pontypool- the property of chas cooper claremont sale at 1230 terms cash ted jackson auct ioneer 5 tuesday oct 10farm stock implements hay and grain lot 31 con 9 markham the property of chas brilllnger terms cash lloyd turner clerk sale at 1 pm a s farmer auctioneer 100 leghorn pullets 5 mos for sale laying michell strain lloyd s pugh claremont ph 3 rl3 pigs and hens11 pigs for sale 7 weeks old also 50 yearling leg horn hens walter gray lemon- ville ph 9302 20 pigs for sale 7 weeks old also 20 pigs feeders john mcgilh- vray glasgow ph 6911 card of thanks i would like to take this oppor tunity to thank all the neighbours who so kindly helped to get my stock and equipment out at the time of the fire and those who came out on saturday and gave their time and effort to remove the debris and erect a shelter for the stock this help was greatly ap preciated james barry card of thanks we wish to express our gratitude and appreciation to the friends and neighbors who assisted us in any way at the time of our recent fire and to the stouffville fire brigade for their ready response to the fire alarm and for their quick and effi cient work in subduing the fire in our mill v- mrs wm burkholder and family wanted capable christian girl for general housework by tor onto family with three school children good wages good treatment good equipment and good home apply box t stouff ville tribune 182 farm stock implements harness hay by public auction the undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction at lot 2 con 4 uxbridge twp on wednesday sept 27th 1944 the following property of george redshaw horses cattle swine bay gelding 8 years old gray gelding 15 years old bay gelding 4 years old bay gelding 4 years old black cowrdue oct 4th spotted cow bred june 15th blue cow bred- june 14th part jersey cow bred sept 1st holstein heifer bred aug 1st spotted heifer bred july 5th red bull 2 years old durham 5 2yearold cattle 7 yearling cattle veal calf 6 spring calves 2 young calves 8 pigs 3 months old implements binder mh 7ft cut reel support mower f w 5 ft cut tedder mccormick 8 forks horse rake mccormick 9ft seed drill mccormick 13 disk land roller 3 drums cultivators 2 mk disk harrow outthrow halrows 4 sections telephone subscribers take notice local telephone service will be- cliscontinued at our stouffville ex change on saturday september 23rd 1944 at 1130 pm during the transfer of our equipment to our new office long distance and local trunk line service will be immediately available to persons calling at the new office local and rural lines will be connected to the switch board as soon as possible and ready for operation as soon as connected calls between subscribers on their own party lines will not be inter rupted the bethesda stouffville telephone co limited wantedchilds cfwnauu ecuois chair in good condition po box riding piow fleury c1 tori nt single plow 61 ring ont wanted reliable girl wants housework preferably in stouff ville g harmon ph 3807 mechanic wanted to rent the parts and repair de partment of raes garage good wood large modern steam heated work shop stock room and office this is a well established business and a real opportunity for a good man for particulars apply to jw perkins unionville or j m rae goodwood for salefox hound young a good dog robt rawson main street markham for sale holstein bull calf week old his dam last years production 18291 lbs of milk 637 lbs fat his sires dam last 3 years results 63495 lbs milk 2392 lbs fat homey farm edavid hsauer 10 con mark ham ph mark 49 r2 for sale 125 rock pullets 5 weeks old also no of suffolk and hampshire rams and a few ewes all registered don white ph 16 r4 markham for sale pomeranian pup 3 months old- also quantity of potatoes and spanish and cook ing onions fred chessman stouffville pullets for sale sc leg- horns 300 rop stock 5 to 6 mos old insufficient room to house ready first week of october j anderson ph 4005 gray mare for sale 4 years old or will deal for cow or other stock also will sell an oliver riding plow w j brown ph 8410 shingles siding we have a good supply of asphalt shingles and in sulated siding also full stock of wood shingles other supplies youll be needing include a car of molasses on hand w- fencing cement choporwhole grain j t seed corn vk poultry feeds ii bugkiller farrs elevator claremont phone 38w card of thanks mrs nettle of goodwood and her son mr howard nettle of toronto wish to express their sincere thanks to mr dan wagg mr thos dows- well mr geo maye mr john s maye and son norman for their kindness in helping to build then- new cottage home thanks too to those who helped them to move into the new abode our help cometh from the lord in god we trust a bonnie little chap ronnie wilson- byname lauds bakers sweetner he says sugar tame on porridge or apple pie without bakers sweetner i might as well die bakers sweetner with pea ches an cream watch me study i get up steam teachers says hes a scream one quart bakers sweetner in apple butter 90 pounds is better than it sounds dad says bakers sweetner takes the place of- bonbons you dont need any coupons bakers swcetncr has sugar tasto we dont let anything go to waste ronny says dad dont be a sap get bakers sweetner you know it brightens your map- ronny keeps asking geobaker about putting his name in the paper ronny says alf and les dont let the garage get in a mess weve picked the pickles an cucunfc bers they dont need any sugar we eat them in numbers ronny says somemore apple sauce with bakers sweetner i dont get cross baker swccner with sugar taste no coupons no bitter taste easy to use bakers sweetner is guaran teed or money back 25 ozs 25c 40 ozs 35c 80 ozs 56e 160 ozs 125 large containers 800 ozs 500 extra kindly furnish containers as bot tles are scarce george e baker phmb manufacturing chemist notice to creditors notice is hereby given pursuant to the trustees act that all per sons having claims against the estate of elizabeth clark widow late of the village of stouffville who died july 16 1944 are notified to send their claims duly verified to the undersigned on or before oct 6th 1944 after which date the estate will be distributed alice b clark executrix stouffville ont dated at stouffville this 20th day of sept 1944 milking machines we can now- give good delivery on delaval sorgo and woods milking machines we install and service all our sales good supply of all parts likely to be needed always on hand woods and ollson farm milkcooi- ers beatty bros electric pressure systems deep and shallow well pumps woods and beatty- electric grinders snpwrteat oils and ofeases beia and son the cockshutt dealers phone 281 stonttrlhe farm machinery we can now supply delaval woods surge milking machines all machines installed and serviced also woods ghson milk coolers beatty bros equipment electric pumps hand pumps pump jacks woods electric grain grinders and oat rollers a good supply of parts for air machines shell oils and greases livestock spray and fly spray e j stickley gormley 10tf ph 7513 stouffville- wanted dead horses and cattle telephone for tree pick lip phone stouffville 255 markham 4326 claremont 913 we pay ph chargns gordon young ltd ph adelaide 3636 toronto 2 scufflers walking plow fleury 21 near new walking plow fleury21 turnip drill manure spreader cockshutt 2 bain wagons set sloop bob sleighs good as new cutter stock rack near new set of scales cream separator inter near new harness hay roots set breeching harness near new set of breeching harness set of single harness set breechings horse collars set of plough harness 30 tons timothy hay no 1 3 acres of turnips numerous other articles terms cash v sale at 1 pm no reserve as farmer auctioneer opening dance masonic hall chisholm danforth aves at main street toronto satsept23 and every saturday night as in previous years admission gents 50c ladies 40c prizes frank williamson succumbs to a long illness following a long hard illness john- franklin williamson died at his home on main street east at the corner of tenth street shortly after midnight on monday this week and will be buried from clendennings funeral parlors in markham on thursday afternoon interment will be at the wideman cemetery a short service at the- parlors at 2 oclock and further service in the church at 230 rev aaron grove will be in charge when mr williamson was in the- toronto hospital some months ago mr grove went down and perform ed a baptismal service for the sick man who with his wife had been members of the wideman congre gation for years born in markham township a son of the late matthew william- son the family moved tothe second of uxbridge locating near the newmarket road and here the children went to school frank married mary hoover sister of albert hoover of ringwood they farmed first at musselmans lake and due to ill health in later years they gave up the farm and located at mount joy where mrs william son died four years ago the hus band then moved to stouffville he was 77 years of age and is the last survivor of a family of three sisters and three brothers surviving are two sons albert williamson in regina and freel in ottawa the latter being able to at tend the funeral today mrs violet degeer a neighbor of wiliamsons when they lived in uxbridge and who went to school at the same time as the deceased has cared- for him here as house keeper during his long illness he was an industrious man and a good gardener when his helthper- mitted him to work lights on again oct 1st merchants will be permitted to light their windows up at night on and after october 1st according to latest order from the ontario he pc heres hoping that every mer chant takes advantage of the oppor tunity to make main street a brilli antly lighted business thorough fare its good advertising bakers high test srray keeps millions of flies away spray on the screen door they wont come back any more spray oh the horses back high test get em kersmack it knoks emdown keeps em down it paralvzes there toes ask george heknows spray the cows in the field it piles up the milk yield guaranteed as represented or money back high test spraylsc 25c 50c screen door spray 25c 50c gal imp 65c 1 gal imp 125 cans extra 5 gal imp 500 george e baker phmb manufacturing chemist soaring implement pricks used implements are still in keen demand as indicated by the opening farm auctions in this district at ellesmere on tuesday at the sale of themurray loveless estate gor don sellers and walter atkinson auctioneers realized 7000 for the stock- and implements a oneway disc soktat 325 and a w30 tractor five years old for 1065 the cutt ing box with blower pipes demand ed 552 more than the price of a new outfit which you cant buy the milking machine brought 341 there has been magnificent re sponse reported in blood donations at the canadian redfcross clinic in the year 1943- therewere 529635 j donations compared to 5325 in 1940 but inthe first six months of this year 532992 don ations were given more than for ithe whole of last year new and used farm equipment for immediate delivery 800 lb ihc cream separator excellent condition 2 woods 6can automatic milk coolers new good supply of hand and power water pumps new cockshutt no15 outthrow disk 7 ft new 4 cockshutt no30 grain grinder riew cockshutt nol fanning mill new- cockshutt no3 hammer mill new kid kangaroo gang plow new cockshutt lever spring tooth harrow new ph 281 bell son stouffville bew always stop look listen solve your pasture problems and save 90 percent of your time and money simply buy a gem electric fencer the original electric fencer note with each fencer is supplied sufficient accessories to fence pastureirequiremehts on the average farm installations made if desired international motors v mccormickdeering agency w d atkinson phone 29b stouffville iss hik xs8