Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 7, 1944, p. 2

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the tribune stouffville ont thursday sept 7th l944 qhj tmiffmllt rtbwtip established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve pages latest paid circulation 2100 subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 260 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments or what you will dental inspection for all school children would do something worthwhile for canadians over 80 per cent oi the children have defective teeth and not more than half of the deficient mouths are attended to in early life when the best correction could be made more money in the pockets of the kiddies may help to improve this situation somewhat but not to the extent that free inspection and dental servicewould bring them october 9th is canadas thanksgiving day where do we meet the liability of a municipality to provide a public hall where entertainment and business meetings may be held is more apparent today than ever it has been brought home to the people of stouffville in a real way too since the law has changed shifting the responsibility for the safety for such halls on the municipality those municipalities who own their own halls can readily make necessary changes that will bring their building to the standards required or recom mended by the fire marshall where the hall is owned privately such as in this town it would never pay the landlord to spend the money on his building since the revenue is so small from rentals that it would be a losing investment realizing this situation the municipal council visions a new hall for stouffville that will comply with the safety rules and provide the town with a building that may be used for public meetings and entertainment to this end the council has taken one step in purchasing a building lot and they may well proceed with getting out plans for a hall so that when the opportunity comes to buy materials and pro vide work f qr our laboring men we will be ready to go ahead that time may be nearer at hand than any of us realize in the meantime the town is without a safe public hall since the council hesitates to issue a license for the ratcliff hall under existing conditions and the owner is not seeking one and will be glad to be out of the hall renting business few municipalities the size of stouffville are with out a public hall but little can be done about it until labor and building conditions improve call it socialized toothache free medical and dental services for every child at school would be a finer thing than free dollar bills in the hands of the kids and that is why we are net holding up both hands for the baby bonus call it socialized toothache schools take on religious education religious education in all public schools in ontario com mence with the present fall term this week since the ontario cabinet has approved the regulations and details of the manual two halfhour periods a week will be devoted to this subject the periods either to be at the opening or at the close of the school day the instruction will be given by the teacher but local school boards by resolution may name clergymen of any denomination to give the instruction in place of the teacher parents or guardians are given power to withdraw their children from the instruction if they object to it any board of trustees desiring exemption may receive it by written application to the minister of education a teacher for rea son may be exempt from teaching the prescribed courses regulations provide that the present system in which clergymen give instruction be maintained and extended the course is prescribed to insure that the teaching will not be sectarian in character but that fundamental truths of religion upon which there is substantial agreement among all branches of the christian faith will be presented all public school children who participate will be given oppor tunity to become acquainted with the bible while freedom of choice in religious matters will not be curtailed through the course children may become interested in church and the sunday school where they will receive fuller and more complete exposition of religious truth a booklet containing words and music of approved hymns for school will also be provided the course will come into effect for grades i and ii on september 5 and in other grades one at a time as teachers guides are available for distribution the teachers guides selected for use are adapt ed from a graded series of guides in use in england for some time known as surrey guides in preparing the manual and guides the department has had the advice and cooperation of many religious leaders throughout the province the course will be provisional and experimental during the first year of operation at the end of the school year revision is planned based on experience gained during the teaching the instruction includes at opening reading of the scriptures and repeating the lords prayer or other prayers approved for use scripture passages shall be read daily and systematically to be chosen from any list adopted by the de partment sunday school lesson lesson for september 10 golden text man looketh on the outward appearance but the lord looketh on the heart 1 sam 167 the lesson as a whole approach to the lesson the sovereign electing grace of god is set forth in a very striking way in the calling of david the shepherd lad to succeed saul as king of israel youngest of the eight sons of jesse the bethlehe- mite he was not even considered of enough importance to be called in from the sheep pasture when samuel summoned all the family to a sacrifice preparatory to anoint ing one of jesses sons to be king but god had selected david and he alone would answer to his call it was not a question of eternal sal vation but as in the cases of isaac and jacob cited in romans 9 it was election to a place of special privilege and responsibility on earth many long and difficult years were to go by for david before he actually became king he did not come into power until the death of saul who in the meantime be came his bitter enemy and sought again and again to take his life but the lord watched over his chosen servant and preserved him through all his tribulations until the day when the royal crown adorned his brow in many respects he became like unto our lord himself in his official character he was indeed a type of christ chosen of god yet despised and rejected of many he pursued the even tenor of his way content to wait the lords time for his presentation to israel it is true that there were times when he gave way to gloom and dis couragement 1 sam 271 306 but as a rule he was characterized by serene confidence in qpd many of his choicest psalms were writ ten when he was a fugitive in the wilderness of judea hiding from saul see psas 7 18 34 52 57 and 59 hisvery sorrows were used of god to enrick his spiritual exper ience and give him a deeper under standing of the lords fatherly love and care psas 2710 085 10313 verse by voesc 1 sam 161 how long wilt thou mourn for saul seeing i have rejected him sauls failure was a great grief to samuel it was use less however to mourn over him now that the lord had declared he was to be set aside so the com mand came to go to the house of jesse in bethlehem there to anoint the one who was destined to take the throne verse 2 how can i go if saul hear it he will kill me samuels fear was very natural but the lord commanded him to go to bethlehem taking a heifer to sac rifice to jehovah this was in the nature of a peace offering and was the expression of family commun ion in the presence of god verse 3 call jess to the sac rifice and i will shew thee what thou shatt do god was ordering everything all that samuel had to do was to obey his voice at the appointed time the predestined king would be revealed to him and he was then to anoint him as gods chosen king verse 4 the elders of the town trembled at his coming it is evident that these men had uneasy consciences about something and that they dreaded a visit from samuel who had spiritual insight and who was they feared coming to call them to account for some dereliction of duty or violation of divine commands hence the anxious inquiry comest- thou peaceably verse 5 he said peaceably assuring them that his mission was not one of condemnation he explained that he had come to sacrifice to the lord and he called them and jesse and his sons to the sacrifice verse 11 are here all thy chil dren seven of jesses sons were present and one after another they had been present to samuel the lord had revealed to him that one of jesses sons was to be the next king over israel the appearance and bearing of eliab the eldest impressed samuel so that he felt sure he must be the chosen one but the lord bade him not be occupied with outward appearance since he looked not atthe stature and selfassurance of a man but on his heart as one son after another was presented the lord indicated his refusal of them all in perlexity the prophet inquired if they were all present jesse re plied there remaineth yet the youngest and behold he keepeth the sheep it seems clear that he had not yet attained to full man hood and was not considered im portant enough to be called to par ticipate in such an event but samuel said we will not sit down that is to partake of the peace offering till he come hither verse 12 he was ruddy and withal of a beautiful countenance the lord said arise anoint him for this is he as the lad fresh from his healthgiving work in the jpasture came hurrying in the lord made it known to samuel that he was the chosen one the description given implies that david was what the scots would call sandycomplexioned with red dish or auburn hair and a fair skin verse 13 samuel took the horn of oil and annointed him in the midst of his brethren how much the rest of the family under stood of this we are not told the attitude of his brother eliab to ward him later on chap 1728 would indicate either jealousy or a failure to recognize the honor god had conferred on his youngest brother but whether the men of his family realized it or not the lord marked him out in a special way and the spirit of the lord came upon david from that day forward having accomplished his mission samuel rose up and went to ramah his own home and the first of the stations on his circuit where he periodically to instruct and judge the people and where he himself was born 1 sam 211 7 1517 verse 14 the spirit of the lord departed from saul he who had fallen upon saul in a special way marking him out as gods anointed chap 10 10 now left him because he had proved un worthy of the high office committ ed to him in place of this an evil spirit from the lord troubled him that is god permitted saul to be come the prey of an evil spirit of jealousy and unbelief verses 15 and 16 sauls ser vants said command thy servants to seek out a man who is a cun ning player on a harp and thou shalt be well evidently saul manifested a disposition to be gloomy and depressed his ser vants realized this was an evidence that he was troubled by an evil spirit which they thought might be exorcised or driven from him by music so they suggested pro curing an expert harpist to give him relief verse 17 saul said provide me now a man that can play well the unhappy king responded to the suggestion of his servants and bade them find such a musician as they had proposed verse 18 a son of jesse the bethlehemite is cunning in play ing and the lord is with him the one chosen was david whose ability to play the harp attracted the attention of one of the atten dants and whose piety and prud ence were favorably reported he was therefore recommended and thus the rejected- king and the king of gods appointment were brought together the heart of the lesson men are prone to make much of brilliant gifts and magnificent carriage but god who sees not as we do looks upon the heart with him it is beauty of character and lowly subjection to his will that count far more than outward show he chose david not only because of what he knew him to be in his youth but because of what he was going to make of him in years to come we say the child is father of the man and we mean that early years give promise of future behavior it is a remarkable fact that most men whom god has used in an outstanding manner learned to know him in their youth and walked with him through the years that followed in the urgent appeal to nurses engaged in other occupations v re turn to nusing in hospitals where a serious shortage exists a certain policy has been laid down by nat ional selective service nurses will ing to return to hospitals will be entitled to reinstatement in their present employment when the emergency passes supplementary allowances in the way of tempor ary advances for living expenses and uniforms will be granted transportation to and from position without cost to tlwvnurse and pay ment forthe time lost in travelling extra compensation for suffering any loss in earnings in rejoining the profession other information can be obtained from selective ser vice offices i a weekly editor looks at ottawa written tptcialty sjr s ww ntvipopcri of cano4m by jim greenblatt government injunctions to con serve gasoline by curtailing non essential driving of motor vehicles is no idle talk as there exists a critical shortage in the light of war necessities it is well known that canadas greatest source of crude oil the alberta turner valley field is producing 4000 barrels less daily than a year ago sixty per cent of our imported crude oil has to come by ocean tanker the needs of aviation gas for example jumped from 55 million gallons in 1939 to 176 million gallons for the year end ing march 1944 our royal cana dian navy uses 2 million gallons of oil a week it takes 10000 gallons to move an armoured corps five miles and on top of this just realize the needs of industry and agriculture truly a staggering amount when totalled so plain joy ridingms not iustified to save time and movement through various channels an em ployer addressing enquiries to the armed forces for the services of men and women who are about to be discharged should know that the enquiry eventually gets to national selective service so it would be better to send it direct in the first instance at the present time nss has special officers at the discharge points to facilitate the rehabilitation of men and women being discharged from the forces heres a word to prospective par ents on obtaining a babys ration book time was when a book could not be obtained without presenting the babys baptismal or birth cer tificate to the local ratiom board now according to the latest word from the consumer branch war time prices and trade board the signature of the attending physici an or the superintendent of the hospital or maternity home on a statutory declaration is all that is needed local ration boards will issue the babys ration book when the declaration is presented- inci dentally evaporated milk coupons are not included in the new book but will be supplied on special re quest in areas where coupons are required for this product editors mail 406 metropolitan building toronto september 1944 editor s stouffville tribune stouffville ontario dear sin in yiew of the constant battle against inflation being waged by the prices board i cannot refrain from congratulating you on your excellent editorial on price control in your aug 31 issue by the comparisons you draw be tween conditions in other countries with those in canada your readers cannot fail but appreciate the fact that irritating though some of the inconveniences occasioned by apti- inflation controls may be they are definitely more desirable than the alternatives cordially yours gordon farr wartime prices and rvade board to pay 20 cents bag for milkweed pods on vacant lots on farms and along roadsides in western ontario there are available about 200000 000 milkweed pods for which the agricultural supplies board ott awa is prepared to pay school chil dren or anyone else who will col lect them 20 cents a bag for dried pods the floss from the pods of milkweed is now urgently requir ed for making life preservers and other buoyant material for the armed forces of the united nations it has been found to be an effective substitute for kapok supplies of which came from countries in the south pacific ocean until they were occupied by the japanese business directory dental e s barker ljx dda honor graduate of royal collet of dental surgeons and of th university of toronto office in grnblns block phone 274 markham every tuesday office in wear block medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and hal phone 196 coroner for york county lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family shoe repairing womens hosiery gloves shoes socks boots and mitts stouffville phone 4301 opposite the town clock stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop telephone 7001 7002 dr arthur l hore physician and surgeon general medicine and obstetrics also eyes tested glasses fitted markham ont phone 87 for appointment ph stouff 3808 a c kennedy chiropractor church street stoufimlic monday wednesday fridays 9 to 12 am w d atkinson licensed auctioneer phone 290 stouffville formerly with rivers the noted auctioneer of hastings county specializing in farm stock and property sales all sales personally listed and ad vertised bills prepared and posted prompt service reasonable rates phone 290 stouffville l e oneill stouffvjuliije funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night stouffville 9801 stouffville marble granite woiks orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor phone 4303 brierbush hospital government licensed member of the allied private v hospital association main street east stouffville maternity medical and surgical ambulance service day and night service mrs e r good phone 19 barristers office phone residence phone 3160 3514 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary public 6 king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch office w c pollard kc port perry uxbridge ontario phone 25 offiee phone residence phone elgin 7021 mo 6231 samuel d borins banister solicitor etc 503 temple btdg v 2 richmond street west toronto a s farmer licensed auctioneer york county uxbridge and picker farm stock and furniture sales a specialty telephone stouffville 7312 address gormley po clarke prentice phone aglncourt 52 w3 milukoa licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and on tario successor for corpl kes prentice of ca3f and of the lata j h prentice former prentice ft prentice farm and farm stock sales a specialty at fair and reason able rates insurance thomas birkett general insurance agency stouffville ontario established 1908 insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates prompt service phone 25902 stouffville h q klinck phone 3307 stouffvuls- fire auto burglary sickness and accident fidelity bonds the standard life assurance co the pioneer of canadian life insurance a mutual company with 117 years experience strength and service unexcelled r g clendening funeral director ambulance service markham ontario phone 9000 i4 w zi msjgiii t tjutvvu jiia v 5if

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