the tribune stouffville ont thursday june 15th 1944 for eggs next winter feed me fulopep growing mash afoiv local and personal happenings memorial day service at stouff- ville cemetery next sunday after noon you are invited save up to 13 to 12 on feeding your new pullets grow big husky hens full of vi tality at lower feed costs on the fulopep plan and use this fine quality mash agbow1ng w mash jl build pullets that fay you profits when your pallet chicks reach six to eight weeks of age put them on fulopep growing mash thats the feed that helps them grow into higger and better pullets the kind that produce plenty of egg profits for you jt growing v mash fed with fulopep coarse chick feed develops pullets normally and smoothly into big rugged well- feathered birds that can stand up under heavy egg production buy fulopep feed today a s farmers auction sales at in recognition of our markham village are mounting in j success in winning the trib une on interest the most recent one turn ed over 1050 in cash with goods sold for 34 people mrs samuel goudie received word last week of the death of her bro ther edwin smith a resident of flint mich since boyhood he was s3 years of age and was a na tive of oxford county his sister also mr and mrs fletcher goudie attended the funeral at sarnia mr and mrs russel g collins of toronto were guests of mr and mrs bruce morton over sunday mrs collins is a sister of mr mor ton who is in charge of the ufo station here it is also interesting to note that mr and mrs collins are the parents of miss jean collins who is a member of the stouffville high school staff svws of all the callers received at the office of this paper we doubt if any of them have quite as unique a re cord as mr albert hoover of ring- wood can record although mr hoover has passed his 78th birth day he has never spent a day in bed in all that time because of ill health he hastens to say how i thankful he is for being spared stiver bros dropped dead in public auction rooms once a tailor in stouffville em ployed by the late james rae joseph burgess dropped dead where he was standing in an auction sales room on yonge street last friday recently he had been employed by selective service and had been working as usual he had gone for a walk from his boarding place and dropped in at a sales room when he was overcome born in england 54 years ago he came from overseas about 1908 harry burgess of this town was the first one of the family to cross the ocean back in 1906 and this appar ently induced other members of the family to migrate joseph was the youngest son and is the fourth death in the family since last win- ter when both his parents died in toronto and just a year ago a sister died m england surviving members of the family are harry of stouffville fred frank and leonard a surviving sister is emilyi mrs albert for syth all in canada and one brother charlie in england the funeral to park lawn ceme tery was held on tuesday after noon mrs sarah cook well known about town and in goodwood has been called to nurse mr john har mon of mount albert any one wishing to attend the womens institute meeting this thursday afternoon at the home of miss margery mertens should be at the post office at 2 oclock trans portation will be provided misses ella and gertrude slack of stouffville were in montreal dur- ing the weekend visiting a western cousin viola davis who is station ed there with the r ca f the congregational christian church conference opens this thurs day evening in the bloomington church with rev c w way pre- sident officiating rev guy play- fair will speak at the opening ses sion while an outstanding service on friday morning will be the or dination of mr chas montgomery pastor of stouffville and church hill churches rev clarence keen moderator of the independent bap tists and rev dr bruce of new mr j beauvaris was in town on monday looking over his property one door east of the mckinnon home on montreal street mr beau varis intends to locate in stouffville at the end of september when he gets possession of his house and will install water and bath privil eges a welcome awaits the new resident and his wife the tribune is indebted to capt neil smith for a copy of canadian press news published in italy dr smith forwarded a copy which in cluded a death notice of capt roy brown and which carried a date line stouffville ont the old town is thus mentioned in still another part of the globe canadian press news is printed in england and sent on to the boys in italy and is issued free o the canadian service personnel year book for high school is off the press a stouffville high school year book has been published cover ing the doings of the students for 194344 its a snappy twentyfour page booklet finished with a fine leatherette cover printed in the wine the new school color the book contains opening remarks from the stouffville reeve a e weldon ira aldred chairman of york will be among the convention the board of education and l c speakers sessions thursday frii murphy principal of the school day evenings at 7 30 with three special services on conference sun day june 18th there are illustrations and articles on the academic social and sports activities of the entire school year important announcement cockshuttplow co ltd presents wes erve clark memorial trophj this paper was accorded a place on the populai program of gordon sin clairs ontario panoi ama last thursday q ening over cfrb fea ture artists were th world famous donal 1 duck known in private life as clarence nash also jim hunter and j a macalee columnist judging from the scot es of people who have mentioned our broad cast we had a big audi ence and the reception was reported as perfect that footloose world famous traveler gordon sinclair and allen sav age who put us through our paces before we went on the air are great fellows to be associated with here is shown a v nolan also clarence nash famous in the walt dis ney pictures and the im personator of donald duck he doesnt pmch his nose when he quacks but just makes a slight contortion of the face clarence nash or donald duck is world famous and it was most interesting to spend two hours in his company lieut helen abell of rmgwood cabled her parents here last week to say that she is now in england bride of 50 years ago markham native married 50 years mr and mrs b f gray celebrated their golden wedding anniversary on monday june 12 at their home 319 winder mere ave toronto where they have lived since they came to the city from arthur ont 20 years ago mrs gray is a native of mark- ham the former eliza ann ward daughter of the late mr and mrs ralph ward joining with them in the celebration were their fiye children and seven of their eight grandchildren the other grand child miss berenice h bncker is at present in quayaquil ecuador three daughters mrs s g wool- ham mrs r j english and ruth and one son fred are residents of toronto another son victor re sides in detroit one of the couples grandchildren elvera bricker was an honor graduate m arts friday at the university of toronto mr sam davis of burks falls was in town last week visiting his sister mrs john mckinnon some of those shoes provide a girls toe and heel with about as much privacy as a goldfish enjoys in a bowl chief petty officer j c cunning ham and his wife also little son paul were in town for a few days visiting with mr and mrs chas ward mrs cunningham and mrs ward are sisters and of course are former georgetown girls miss anderson of chatham sister of mrs e a button has been in stouffville for a few days visiting at the button home she will later accompany the family to their sum mer home at halls lake no tennis this year it would appear that there is no tennis m store for local enthusiasts this summer so far no action has been taken to put the park courts in condition and as each week pass es still more work will be necess ary if anyone chooses to take on the task the stouffville tennis club which has operated in past years has found it almost impossible to carry on since the more adult mem bers have absented themselves due to jhe war it would appear that the courts will become anything but a beauty spot unless that parks commission decide to take a hand mr george biden ofwolseley sask is visiting at the home of her niece mrs george leary paper well read the tribune is delighted to re ceive the following letter from ted calder old agincourt lad now ser ving in the rca mc in england which tells a good story about the way his copy of the tribune is remember the womens instit ute at marjone mertens this thurs day afternoon a technicolor film of real interest show ing our factories at work on various war munitions also farmequipment and actual farm work from coast to coast also comic strips and travelogues all talking and sound films farmers are cordially invited to come and bring the family there will be two show ings 700 pm and 6o pm ratclifps hall stouffville saturday evening june 17th 1944 compliments of c bell son cockshutt dealers passed around to interested readers it reads dear sir probably you wont know me by name however i receive the stouffville tribune over here every week and always consider it as a big letter from home my home is in agincourt but as i have spent considerable time around stouffville and district the local news is as welcome as the flowers in may my copy of the tribune is quite dogeared before it is finished with because as soon as i have read it i give it to margaret ball who is a physiotherapist at the hospital here after margaret has read it i send it on to the 13th canadian general hospital to carson tindall for him to read and after he is finished with it he gives itto harold boake who is also at that hospital the reason that i am writing this letter is to try and find out the ad dress of scotty hogg i am pretty sure he is over here somewhere but i dont know how to locate him i thought that the best thing to do would be to write to you and see if you have his address twould ap preciate it very much if you could send it on to me thanking you and hoping to see you all again shortly i remain sincerely yours ted calder anyone having the address of scotty hogg please let this paper know bert johnson son of mr and mrs robt johnson of stouffville has enlisted with canadas army and is in basic training camp with an infantry unit bert has been em ployed in a hamilton war plant for some time his wife the former doris foote and child will return to stouffville for the duration kenneth fellers of guelph and his wife barber in that city for 14 years were visiting in town and with his brother oliver at mongolia mr zellers was born in this town a son of the late christopher zellers the auction sale on saturday to dispose of the household effects of miss margaret neal drew a gosd crowd at the home on mill street while there were no large items of furniture prices were brisk for the smallwares and the whole totalled over 200 the home has been sold to mr frank baker and will be occupied by his daughter mrs lena raymer miss neal and her brea ther allen will make their home with a brother norman on the 9th con of pickering graduated friday irvin raxlin son of mr and mrs ben raxlin of stouffville was among the graduates at the univer sity of toronto on friday he re ceived his bachelor of arts degree mr and mrs raxlin and mrs jos borinsky were in attendance for the ceremony irvin is in military camp at present undergoing train ing in connection with his univer sity work mrs boadway writes interesting note mrs rebecca boadway better known to many of our readers as mrs isaac boadway is now in seattle visiting at the home of her son it was a long trip but mrs boadway is a good traveller and proved equal to the journey let her tell in her own words how she took in the surroundings and what she looks forward to she says in a letter to the tribune i left stouffville on april 19 bound for seattle to the home of my son earl i came via flint mich and chicago at flint i visited a few days with mr and mrs oscar blakemore par ents of mrs earl boadway then continuing the journey to chicago i boarded the empire builder of the great northern rr for a two days and three nights trip to seattle my journey through illinois minnes ota north dakota montana and washington took me over the rocky mountains and the cascade mountains coming home i intend to travel via vancouver and vic toria in late july making the trip from seattle to vancouver by boat the home at which i am staying here is located on capital hill and the mountains from our doorway are wonderful i am thoroughly enjoying the scenery and the clim ate each week the mail brings the tribune which gives me that touch with home that i enjoy to 01iverzellars south of town goes the credit for marketing the first homegrown strawberries of this season he brought in a few boxes on tuesday afternoon and sold them privately mr zellars looks forward to his patch doing well for him the next two weeks from the toe of the italian boot lc corp murray nendick writes a note of appreciation to the tribune for gifts received from home in these words i would like to thank all my relatives i and friends also united church people for parcels which i have received in italy they sure are appreciated native of bloomington barney walker dead a rural mail courier for 30 years at newmarket byron barney walker died in toronto last week he had been ill for three months mr walker was born at bloom ington onjan 1 1880 and married annie ramer in 1902 he worked among the farmers of the locality before going to newmarket where for years he was employed at a livery barn surviving are his widow two sons bruce walker newmarket and walter walker toronto and two daughters mrs evangeline eva monkman andkmrs elsie dillman toronto j rev henry cotton conducted the funeral service at the chapel of roadhouse and rose on friday afternoon last intermemt was made in newmarket cemetery the cub news after the opening of the regular weekly meeting friday june 16 the cubs will proceed to the town park for a ball game weather per mitting a member of the group committee lions club will em pire the game the cubs meet every friday evening at 715 sharp in the sunday school room of the united church boys from 8 to 12 years are welcome to join c andrews cub master known to be in england piiot officer ted cadieuxson of mr and mrs c cadieux of stouffville has joined the great mass of invasion airmen in the british isles it is revealed ted was stationed on the west coast for a short time last spring prior to going overseas vmk iis2