v page bight the tribune stouffville ont thursday june 8th 1944 classified advs phone 15301 for sale or rent house for sale red brick house 8rooms water electric vz acre land on main street stouffville apply mrs i yake 1936 gerrard street east tor onto 53 wanted farm for sale 80 acres more or less all workable at lot 26 con 9 whitchurch clay and sandy loam soil bank barn 76x40 straw shed 24 square inside barnyard two driving sheds and hen house farm equip- ped with hydro brick house milk route passes door apply on premises to owner w w lazenby ph mt albert 5 farm for sale 72 acres town ship of pickering good bank barn 2 storey hen house driving house silo good frame dwelling some bush for further informa tion write wm hollinger pick ering rr 2 53 homes wanted protestant country homes needed for boys ten to thirteen years board paid clothing and medical care provided apply childrens aid society 32 isabella street toronto 52 teacher wanted for public school ss no 4 pick ering atha duties commence with fall term apply to fred byer secretary rr 2 claremont ph 2216 53 strong young women wanted to care for chickens and eggs on poultry farm apply at roys farm claremont ph 20 hardwood bush land 20 acres of hardwood bushland for sale estimate around 275 cords trees very tall good black clay loam level situated on lot 7 con 4 scarboro taxes for 1944 2166 priced for quick sale at 2000 geo w hoover markham nvr stock small frame barn avanted about 18x25 also childs tricycle in good condition bernard bur- nell claremont ph 4 r2 female help wanted kitchen help for girlss summer camp at stouffville apply employment selec- tive service office new market ontario teacher wanted for ss no 22 markham mongolia duties to commence with fall term state salary and experience apply to russel couperthwaite secretary stouffville rr 1 52 ten men wanted at 50c per hour no cattle no horses to attend and no plowing to do roys poultry farm claremont ph 20 52 for sale several registered and grade cows and a fresh cow with calf also available two shorthornbulls to let out for the summer s3r2 kahn ph claremont 42 wanted for farm work by the month an experienced man or a good boy apply to fred hope phone agincourt 47 w3 milhken wanted young man for farm work for summer months a fuller ph 820s 52 team of hojrses for sale per- cherons 3 and 4 years old well matched full sisters c p heise x gormley rr 2 browns corn ers 8 pigs 8 weeks old for sale les wideman phone two cows for sale ayrshires springers don mccullough claremont rr 2 for sale seven young pigs seven weeks old r j filyer ph 8803 stouffville r r 2 for sale a welsh pony 5 yrs old one purebred roan bull 16 months old and several cattle suitable for beef ringers cecil story claremont ph 3617 200 leghorn ptjllet chicks available friday june 9th take any number of them michells poultry farm phone markham 81 rll 100 black minorca laying hens for sale blood tested and branded fisher gormley ph 5 4213 150 small pigs for sale paisley ph 267 t h pullets and cockerels four months old for sale new hamp- shires and white wyandottes also a chesterfield suite cheap appl r p sau claremont horse register gaslyn general france 6776 a belgian draft horse no 4120 chestnut with some markings foal ed in 1937 a good thick type a very sure and dependable horse this is a new horse for these parts souvenir 1684 foaled in 1936 a dapple grey in color weight about 1800 height 163 hands upstanding good mover and a good depend able stalky horse usual terms 11 to insure payable feb 1945 acci dents at owners risk come and look these horses over air the pro perty of w h johnson markham ph markham 98j we can truck these horses at a small charge to your farm 56 glengary royal favorite 29773 a handsome bay clyde face off fore and hind legs white bred by h c mclaughlin gait enrolment no 4498 will stand for season at his home stable claremont terms 10 g m forsyth owner 56 jmarkland 29763 the young canadian clydesdale stallion markland 29763 en rollment no 4517 owned by s a stouffer lot 26 con 9 markham will stand for the season of 1944 at his own home stable fee 1000 payable march 1 1945 accidents at the risk of owners phone stouff ville 4706 2tf wanted small cream separator r gillett phone 614 good delivery delaval sterling double unit milker and pump t 17500 delaval magnetic 2 separate units and pump 30500 hp 25 cy motors 5500 frigidaire coolers 4 can 26000 1 woods coolers 6 can 28400 strainer disks per 300 100 milk can seals per m 150 electropail heaters 1675 trades accepted free circular toronto radio sports 241 yonge st wa4501 milking machines we can now give good delivery on delaval surge and woods milking machines we install and service all our sales good supply of all parts likely to be needed always on hand woods and gilson farm milk cool ers beatty bros electric pressure systems deep and shallow well pumps woods and beatty electric grinders supertest oils and greases beia and son the cockshutt dealers ptone 281 stoufltllie ayrshire bull wanted about year old p banks ph stouff ville 6203 sale register friday june 9 at victoria square household furniture be longing to mrs lena meek sale at 1 oclock terms cash a 55 farmer auctioneer saturday june 10 household furniture the property of miss margaret neal mill street stouff ville who is giving up housekeep ing sale at 130 pm terms cash a s farmer auctioneer friday june 16 household furniture etc the property of the latp selena forsyth main street stouffville sale at 130 terms cash there will also be offered for sale at same time and place the 6roomed brick house barn hen pen and garden lot for particulars apply to stanley lewis ph 9713 or mrs delbert holden ph 1841 executors miscellaneous labd home rendered lard 15c lb bring your containers schells butcher shop 5f pasture available for about 20or 25 head of cattle lots of water good shade george bur rows phone 8305 aurora lot 15 con 3 whitchurch 400 cedar rails for sale also a heifer and a cow both holsteins and fresh alger may lemon- ville ph 3724 shed for sale at stouffville christian church good timbers and roof size 20x28 feet phone 8609 and make an offer frigidare and woods milk coolers 25 and 60 cycle 260 and up immediate delivery from our toronto warehouse toronto radio sports 1tf 241 yonge st toronto lost and found lost a handknit beige sweater between church st and townhne mrs s shankel stouffville lost pair of chocolate brown gloves phone 174 articles for sale delaval milkers double unit complete with motor 225 and up write for catalogue trades ac cepted toronto radio sports 1tf 241 yonge st toronto for sale delaval separator no 12 also a treasure cook stove j k cowan mongolia phone 210s stouffville for sale electric light fixture kitchen unit also a kitchen cab inet with enamel top and a library table mrs doner gormley ph 2512 for sale a mans bicycle good tires d empringham stouffville phone 1504 silo for sale size 13x28 com plete with roof good condition apply marcus jarvis ph stouff- ville 3610 or markham 15 r23 about 50000 cabbage plants for sale danish baldhead merlyn baker ph 202 stouffville special oilcake meal book your order now for june de livery at less than usual prices dicksons hill mills phone 263 pasture to kent good graz ing land running stream new fencing lot 16 con 3 whit church yearling 1 head older cattle 125 horses 2 payable when taken out apply a mc- kinney 152 fulton ave toronto ph ha 9822 5tf card of thanks i wish to take this opportunity to thank all the kind friends and neighbors who made inquiries or sent cards and gifts during my stay in st michaels hospital mrs gertrude maskel and family tenders tenders for garbage mussulman wilcox lakes sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to 12 oclock noon on saturday june 10 1914 for the collection and disposal of garbage in the vicinity of mussel- mans and wilcox lakes separate tenders for each lake lowest or any tender not necess arily accepted john crawford clerk vandorf reward offered in a determined effort to stamp out the too common habit of persons dumping refuse and rubbish on the roadsides in the township of markhamthe coun cil hereby offers a reward of 15 to any person who gives in formation leading to the arrest or conviction of persons guilty of this offence it is contrary to law to dump any rubbish or discarded mater ials or brush on any roadside whatsoever and persons who are caught will be summarily dealt with by order of the council chas hoover clerk 54 markham township 15000 wouldnt buy even a half interest in famous gormley horse somebody is trying to induce mr schelke to part with hit famous horse shepperton according to newspaper reports but if mrs schelke and her daughter mary out on the home acres at gormley have anything to say about it the sale is as good as off and no money can buy the son of sim craig and chat- water mrs schelke made this quite clear to a reporter last week she recalled how an offer of 15- 000 for a half interest in shepperton was turned down by the schelke family last year the offer was made by a canadian another offer of 21000 she said was also turned down last year from a detroit rac ing stable from the tone of mrs schelkes interview it would be like pulling teeth to get shepperton and to quote her no money can buy the horse her daughter mary she said has spent sleepless nights worrying over the possibility of heri dad selling the horse mary schelke has been galloping the horse on the farm at gormley since he was bro ken as a yearling and backed by her mother arhous for flavour since 1892 the salada name assures you of a uniform blend of quality teas ttm a m a v ail tea stouffville machine tool works telephone 253 rear of cnr station machinery repairs including farm implements electric and acetylene welding agents for minneapolis honeywell electric janitors constipation biliousness indiges tion quickly relieved with kipps herb tablets the effective tonic laxative 25c and 75c sizes at storeys drug store public health notice village of stouffville notice is hereby given that all residents of stouffville are required to forthwith clean their cellars drains yards pig styes water clo sets outbuildings and remove there from all dirt manure and any other substance which may endanger the public health and have the same completed by the 3rd day of june next on which day the sanitaryin- spector will commence a general inspection and furthermore take notice that the section of the public health act prohibiting the keeping of hogs be tween the 15th day of may and the 15th day of november except in pens at least 79 feet away from any dwelling house and lane and street with floors kept clean fro m standing water and regularly clean sed will be strictly enforced all citizens are requested to keep their property constantly clean and thoroughly disinfected h b freel 32 medical health officer court of revision municipality of the township of whitchurch county of york public notice is hereby given that a court of revision of the assess ment roll for uhe township of whitchurch will be held in the township hall vandorf on saturday june 10th at 200 pm to hear and adjudicate upon all complaints against the assessment roll of the township of whitchurch for the said year 1944 all parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves ac cordingly john crawford clerk of the said township dated may 26 1944 court of revision municipality of the township of uxbridge connty of ontario public notice is hereby given that a court of revision of the assess ment roll for the township of ux bridge will be held in the township hall goodwood on saturday june 101944 at 200 pm to hear and adjudicate upon all complaints against the assessment roll of the township of uxbridge for the said year 1944 all parties interested are requested to take no tice and govern themselves accord ingly m john ashenhurst clerk of the township of uxbridge dated may 22nd 1944 the best results are obtained from tribane classified advs public auction sale of furniture and- real estate the property of the late selena forsyth main st stouffville will be sold at the late residence friday june 16th electric rangette tuphope chesterfield suite lawn mower royal vacuum cleaner with attach ments studio couch fada electric radio hall seat and hall mirror walnut bedroom suite spring mat tress and springs walnut single bed spring mattress and springs roll top desk secretary water power washer dining room table and 6 chairs kitchen table and 6 chairs standard sewing machine sewing table rocker round oak table radio table laundry stove occasional chair brighter day cook stove hot water front and tank z sultan cook stove hot water and tank oak bedroom chair 2 leather rocking chairs axminster rug 9x9 linoleum rug 14xl6 linoleum rug 10xl2 linoleum rug 12xl6 large 5 drawer bureau kitchen rocker bathroom chair toilet set 4 pr lace curtains 12 goose feather pillows several strips of carpet bedroom table several cushions clock z radio lamp ideal wax polisher large and small meat grinders 2 verandah rockers copper boiler large fur driving robe meat saw bathtub seat bake board washboard and tub iron pots and frying pan laundry table and bench 10 gal crock and 3 gal crock bread tray bread box hand emery stone small vice coal skuttle wooden barrels dustless ash sifter picture frames large no dishes glassware tools and other articles terms on chattels cash real estate at the same time and place there will be offered for sale the brick residence containing 6 rooms and bathroom known as lot no part of lot 5 and 6 on the south side of main st according to plan no 51 stouffville this residence is equip ped with all modern conveniences residence to be offered at 3 pm terms 10 day of sale balance payable in 30 days without interest when possession will be given the property will be offered subject to a reserve bid for further terms and conditions of the sale apply to stanley lewis or mrs d holden executors for the estate lloyd turner clerk sale at 130 no reserve on chattels clarke prentice d holden auctioneers friends surprise miss neal friends and neighbors gathered at the home of miss margaret neal mill street on tuesday evening to bid her farewell as a resident of town since miss neal is moving to the country to live with her bro ther she was presented with a sum of money and the evening was enjoyed by all an auction sale of her household goods will be held next saturday barber shop notice please take notice that len keepings barber shop will be open every night excepting monday and wednesday each week we buy all kinds of live poultry highest market prices a phone call brings immediate service vernadene poultry farm ballantrae phone 8421 wanted dead horses and cattle telephone for free pjck up phone stouffville 255 markham 4326 claremont 913 we pay ph charges gordon young ltd ph adelaide 3636 toronto notice to carrot growers grow tlic red core chantery variety for nil soup purposes phone or see r e brown for particulars avc still want morcf carrots grown better prices r e brown stonftviuc phone 176 household furniture by auction the undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction at the residence mill st stouffville on saturday june 10 1944 the following property belong ing to miss margaret neal sideboard glass cupboard upright cupboard baking table extension table oak centre table antique 6 kitchen chairs arm chair wicker chair lounge chair windsor chair lounge extension lounge bedding bed springs log cabin quilt top single bed 3 wash stands 2 dressers with mirrors 3 toilet sets linoleum rug 6x3 congoleum rug 4x2 yds new large fibre rug large tin container for bedding hot plate two burners electric iron glass ware heater coal or wood 30 piece breakfast set step ladder copper boiler kitchen utensils pictures terms cash sale at 130 oclock asfarmcr auctioner gormley ont phone stonffville 7312 additional locals j get sure relief with lloyds corn and callus salve 50c at storeys drug store wednesday was moving day for mr and mrs jack pennock former ly of stouffville jack operates a barber shop in aurora and the cou ple have secured an apartment there over the municipal office farmer injured whew straw hook slips engaged in loading baled straw on his farm on the 10th of mark ham mr daclendening fell some distance to the ground when the hook in some manner slipped off the bale several stitches were re quired to close the wound in his head but the worst is now over and the family feel very thankful for any help rendered by neighbors and kind friends springers wanted highest prices paid for grade and registered holstein springers l kahn ph claremont 85 2 claremont concrete products cement blocks tile cistern blocks etc order at once many were unable to secure their requirements last year gormley concrete products 498 ph g w baker 7304 pioneer unionville lady dies at age of 88 mrs agnes pingle hood widow of thomas hood late of milliken who died at the home of her son arthur in toronto was interred in st philips cemetery unionville on monday june 5th after funeral service in toronto mrs hood who was the daughter of george pingle was born at col- ties corners 88 years ago and spent her girlhood at unionville after her marriage to thos hood they resided on the markham-scar- boro townline west of milliken until mr hoods death which oc curred in 1906 since that time mrs hood has resided at her sons home until the time of her death mr thomas hood was the young est son of william hood who came to canada from scotland early in the last century while agnes pin gle hood was granddaughter of geo pingle who came with the uejjs to canada in 1794 there were a number of people of the same name all related who settled north of unionville and started the angli can church there their decend- ants are numerous throughout the province surviving mrs hood are one son arthur and a granddaughter doro thy hood bradley of toronto shingles siding we have a good supply of asphalt shingles and in sulated siding also full stock of wood shingles other supplies youll be needing include fencingscement chop or whole grain seed corn poultry feeds bug killer farrs elevator claremont phone 38w woods cowboy electric fencer complete with battery and flasher 50 line knobs jjf 6 corner knobs 50 leather washers 50 handy clips 50 double headed nails regular price 1725 special 1650 bell son stouffville ph281 no waiting r immediate delivery protect your milk supply with an electric milk cooler 1 complete 19700 up hydrolene cork 3 thick for tank insulation cut in full size sections to fit- your tank no permit required visit our show room and see display of other c electrical equipment international motors mccormickdeering agency w d atkinson phone 290 stouffville smtt vi