v rjyi w s fsrcv v i x thetribune stouffviue onl thursday june 8th 1944 d- for damaged claremont and district by staff correspondent local agent mowders store aonoaoi n o i u tomlinson visited in lon don over the weekend miss aileen tanner of madoc visited at the united church manse during the weekend rev i jb kennedyis attending the united church bay of quinte conference held in trinity church peterboro this week- the united church mission band was held on thursday- may 25th in the church in the form of a tea the meeting was held after school clos ed and the mothers accompanied the members of the wms tea was served and the proceeds from the affair amounted to 960 bill tomlinson rcaf has just returned to his post at jarvis after completing a 10day leave at his home brother ted also with the air force is now in england but little word has been received from him since his arrival mrs thos bacon has been visit ing her daughter mrs edgar kidd on yonge street robt dawson is in whitby serv ing as juryman this week mr and mrs r f cooper from waterford spent the weekend with their parents dr and mrs n f tomlinson decoration day will be observed at the erskine cemetery next sun day june 11th friends gathered at the united church on thursday evening to tender a miscellaneous shower to mr and mrs ellicott newlyweds of last week miss ilene cooper of toronto was in the village on sunday visiting her parents mr and mrs frank cooper congratulations are extended to mr and mrs craig murkar nee myrtle bacon on the birth of their daiighterin oshawa dont forget the afternoon tea and sale of aprons at the clubhouse on wednesday afternoon june 14th friends are pleased to note that reg kennedy son of rev and mrs i e kennedy who has been con fined through illness so long is able to be outside to enjoy these fine summer days miss mary brouri and friend of ajax visited on friday at the home of her sister mrs everett ham- mond the report is current in clare- montthat leslie gauslin has pur chased the albert slack farm east of the village and mr and mrs slack will make their home in thevillage miss joyce mccullough of toron to was a visitor at her home here during the weekend stewart graham local member of canadas armed forces was home a few days last week visiting with his parents mr and mrs james graham miss mcglashen visited in tor- onto last week and we understand that while there received word ithather nephew overseas is listed amongtthe missing mr wm mundell was a visitor in toronto for a couple of days last week visiting at the home of his daughter mrs ben kilpatrick mr jud ward is having his house painted mr ward recently pur chased the dwelling from mr chas derusha jas briscoe is doing the redecorating job mr and mrs wm redman of sandford called on former acquaint ances here on sunday mr and mrs bert jones of zion visited with mrs jones sister and family mr and mrs briscoe on sunday mr and mrs m j wilkerof tor- onto visited during the weekend at the home of mrs gleeson the baptist mission circle were the guests of the wms of the united church on wednesday of this week the meeting was held at the home of mrs geo scott and the visitors provided the program mrs f badgerow has returned to her home in stouffville after nursing at the graham home on the north towmline where little gladys edwards has been very ill with bronchial pneumonia and miss doris graham and the haines children with influenza mrs r p saunders has been in terra cotta near brantford visiting her mother mrs e m sanders and her sister mrs s linsted mr and mrs saunders intend to move about the middle of june up to ilfracombe near huntsville where they will make their future home it is the homo district for mr saunders who was raised in the north country friends and neighbors are look ing forward to the big barn raising on the farm of ralph wellman mile and a half southeast of hero the date is likely to be june 14 but more definite news on that will come later contractor morley symesof goodwood is working hard with his gang to rush things along for the two big structures- the main barn will- be 30x96 and the straw barn will be 34x65 prac tically the same floor space in each stan thompson is the cement con tractor so a good job is assured here also mr- wellman has been on this place 14 years and we forecast that the vast changes will be for the benefit of the next generation because his son is now taking the mam active part in the farm this raising will be one of the big events of the summer season- but who gets to the table first wont matter for therell be so much to eat that the tables will never be empty every friday- eyeningi comjiunjtyhalii piiaxiro attend june 2 barretts orchestra johnmanley master of ceremonies round jahd square dancfngj auspices claremont parfcj board case against local driver adjourned physician says accuseds speech was blurred and slow charged with drunken driving following a collision with a trans port truck on no 2 highway last april 30 the case of ross redshaw of claremont was adjourned to june 21 by magistrate fsebbs in police court at the time of the ad journment the three crown wit nesses had testified and the third witness provincial constable tw harding was being subjected to an extensive crossexamination which defence counsel awsgreer said was far from over the first witness dr r t mac- laren of whitby was called to the stand after crown attorney a f ahnis requested that all witnesses be excluded before they testified the request was granted and a score of men left the courtroom dr maclaren recalled that about one oclock in the morning of april 30 constable harding brought red shaw to his office redshaw stag gered and was very talkative the doctor related he repeated himself many times the doctor continued he kept on talking and rubbing himself dr maclaren said his eyes were blurred his speech was low he had liquor on his breath and he told us he secured some beer in the afternoon redshaw had sustained only superficial bruises the doctor stated crossexamined by defense coun sel greer dr maclaren said the defendant was not asked to perform any physical tests mr greer re called that redshaw had been thrown from his car and sustained a head injury as a result of the ac cident and asked the doctor- if- a head injury couldcause a concus sion dr maclaren replied in the affirmative and- mr greer added that he had been told that his client was unconscious after the accident in response to another question dr marlaren said that redshaw had told him that he bought some beer in whitby and took it to his home in claremont did you see any evidence of con cussion in your examination of the defendant asked crown attorney annis no the doctor replied in response to a question by magis trate ebbs dr maclaren explained that a concussion could entail a temporary loss of memory john leysack of toronto who was driving a johnston transport of toronto involved in the collis ion testified that the collision had taken place about threeor four feet west of the pickering bridge op posite a service station about 1230 am the redshaw car was going west and the collision took place slightly west of the western ex tremity of a curve the witness tes tified the visibility was good and it was really a good night at the time of the accident leysack testi fied redshaws car was turned ight around and was facingeast on the north shoulder of the road as a result of the collision the truck driver continued while redshaw staggered out of the car his com panion seemed to be all right the witness added we tried to figure out what was the matter leysack related the accused was quite angry with me and i dont know why the truck driver continued he seemed to imply that his car was on the right side of the road it was on the right side of the road after it had been knocked around redshaw was slightly intoxicat ed the driver added the other fellow was shaken up and jittery crossexamined by defence counsel greer leysack recalled that con stable harding arrived on the scene about 10 or 15 minutes after the collision constable harding look ed redshaw over to determine his injuries and walked him 20 or 30 ft away to question him redshaws speech was thidk did you ever hear him talk be fore asked mr greer no the witness replied victor sguigna 345 wilson aven ue toronto who rode in the front seat of the truck corroborated ley- sacks testimony redshaw was on the- verge of being badly intoxicat ed he testified both leysack and his helper- tes- tifiedthat the collision did not take place until the car had passed the cab of the truckand they were thus unable to see the actual collision provincial constable twihard- ing testified that the weather was fair and the road was dry when the collision- tookjplaceapproxlmately oneeighth of a mile- west ofpick- eringredshawhadbeer orilquor smell jpn hlsbreath uieofflcertes- llf fed wounded in italy during tank attack word has been received here by mrs flewell that her husband tprj jack flewell of the ontario tank regiment has received shrapnell wounds in the left arm hand and neck during a recent tank attack in the rome campaign tpr fle- wells tank was hit one member of the crew was killed another badly burned while he managed to scram ble out with the above mentioned wounds jack enlisted in uxbridge and went overseas three years ago en tering the italian campaign some twelve months ago later word re ceived states that he is progressing favorably scarcely had word arrived of this misfortune than a second cable an nounced that airs flewells brother pte emmerson vance son of mrs vance of claremont had been slightly wounded in the same cam paign pte vance was a member of the infantry forces storming the gustav and hitler lines and only arrived on the front in april from this country his wife makes her home in uxbridge dogs ravage pjckfcririgh township sheep flocks mark anniversaries mr and mrs george todd todd- view jersey farms cherrywood were visitors at the william holtn- ger home 4th concession on sun day it being the occasion of their 20th wedding anniversary the todds have occupied the present home for forty-eight- years mr todd coming there with his father from whitevaft at an early age mrs todd was the former muriel judd of scarboro also at the hol- linger home wefe mr and mr w duffy- of bolton who were mark- ing their 10th anniversary fo j atkins of montreal pilot and sergt t f barley bride- port ont rear gunner look through a gaping hole in the starboard wing of their halifax bomber u for uncle pickering famiia to retire with sale op farm an interesting real estate deal in pickering township has just been completed where mr benj reesor has sold his fine farm of 90 acres located just below no 7 highway near the zion- church to william hollinger the sale price has not been disclosed but it is understood to be substantial the place has been in the reesor family name for 40 years but now the retiring own er will move to markham village mr hollinger is offering for sale his present farm on the 4th conces sion where he has been for four years it contains 72 acres and is regarded as an attractive buy seventeen is toll taken on 9th concession farm sheep claims to the amount of 54 were ordered paid at the regu lar council meeting of pickering township on monday while the valuator g m forsyth revealed that the slaughter of over thirty sheep in two flocks had occurred in the past few days and would be placed before council for pay ment at their july session orville burton at lot 16 con 6 pickering claimed 14 for one lamb while- edw pugh at lot 18 con 7 wets paid 40 for one sheep killed one lamb killed two sheel and two lambs injured the two flocks beset last weekend were those of mr john miller and mr don mccullough seven sheep were destroyed in the miller flock and seventeen in the mccullough lot a police dog chased from the miller place was shot new municipal quarters a deputation comprised of mrs hamilton and mrs shepherd of brougham waited on council with regard proposed renovating of the township council quarters the ladies stated that they were there representing the hamlet- of broug ham and were the result of a meet ing of the fire brigade and instit ute a plan was tabled involving the raising of the present township hall building a basement to house the council board room clerks office kitchens serving counter heating plant etc leaving the upper floor free for entertainment the council gave the deputation a sympathic hearing and stated that the matter certainly would be dealt with as soon as plans and estimates could be secured from a contractor while the members were in full agreement that repairs must be made to the hall the opin ion seemed general that the council would be better advised to seek permanent quarters of their own which would involve the erection of new building to house then offices etc a communication was ordered sent to the department of game and fisheries requesting that term of operation for the pickering game preserve be extended for another five years and stating that the council would appoint six mem bers to the board council agreed that the cpr should be requested to erect then- own warning signs at the crossing lots 1617 brock rd where a re cent fatality had occurred road accounts passed for pay ment amounted to 261209 which included an account for 906 for dust layer thirtythree tons have been purchased and some will be available to the ratepayers at the usual half price rate of 70c a bag copies of the newly proposed building bylaws for pickering town ship have been sent to every rate payer in the municipality and a meeting will be held on june 13th at which time it will be the privil ege of township residents to place any grievances or suggested chan ges before the council and members of the municipal board who will be present it was agreed that assessor adam spears should attend the annual convention of municipal assessors tobe held in toronto june 212223 ontario county is facing the knotty problem of equalized assess ment at their june sessions and it was believed that some valuable in formation might be gained by mr spears at the forthcoming conven tion there is talk in some quar ters of the appointment of a coun ty assessor as the appointment of county valuators is now prohibited under a recent amendment to the municipal act expected home word has reached here that pte chas saunders who was reported as seriously wounded in italy will be coming back to canada and his home just as soon as he is able to travel his wound was in the neck and left arm respecting further restrictions in the sale of spirituous liquors in the province of ontario it has become necessary to reduce again the amount of spirits which can ibe purchased by individual permit holders in the province of ontario this is something over which the liquor control board of ontario has no discretionary authority under pc 11374 the dominion govern ment limited the amount of spirits which could be obtained for sale in the province of ontario to 70 percent of the amount obtained from november 1st 1941 to october 31st 1942 that means that by the order of the dominion government there became available in ontario for annual sale 1153594 gallons of proof spirits it is a problem in simple arithmetic all that the board can do is to adjust the quantity available to holders of permits so that the total amount procurable for sale under the dominion government order pc 1 1374 can be distributed throughout the whole year due to the increase in the number of permits and the extent to which the permit holders are purchasing spirits each month it now becomes necessary to reduce the amount which can be purchased by individual permit holders or there will be no spirits available for sale during the closing months of the present year the following table shows in simple form exactly what hastjeen taking place numberof permits outstanding month end monthlyralion aggregate foflil monthly ration january 1943 january 1944 march 1944 155295- 160oz- 108702 proof gals 1227459 26 oz 139623 proof gals 1282938 26 oz 145934 proof gals a recent survey of the sales for the present year and the amount still available under the limits imposed by the dominion government make it necessary to limit purchases on the following basis as of the first of june from the first of june untilthe end of theipresent operating yeareach permit holder will be permitted to purchase one bottle 25 or 26 6unceof spirits every two months or two halfbottlesfwhenavailable liquor control board of ontario 1 v v yictort goggmy chief commissioner r june 1 im vi 1 v is j- v j ti -f- mriij iljyi