m we are since mrs to train for in toronto with a very forever saying we had no girls and if w had tnati well ellsherrose fovbecomeupervis iriany glasses and placed them at afford to tell that one on herself- would be their occupation the sing mirset woodstock hspitalbuttne bedside laterwiththe whole j- the next blcod donor clinic af vantingto do awake mysehv m around and collec- h k iu i cided to enter nursing and wenttojicular experience said maryf ted the empties one by one i pick- thursday may the city to live with an uncle durlwas young and wanted to bej vis i y aw toronto- goohwodd flxshes ing her training course i recalluseful it was in my apprentice ford a exchange ford v8 5950 8950 15plate heavy duty batteries exchange 9150 paris auto supply jos paris richmond him oxt for best results as to price ahdsefvice let bur true call for your cream wepayanextraiwo cents per lb of butter fat for cream delivered to thecreamefy stouff ville greaiiiry got stbuffville on ph6rie1860l to the galley the place where nur- a life canning factory growers we will be in the field to contract sweet corn for our whitby factory we would be pleased to discuss our corn contracts witltyou- drop usajihe and wewiil have a fieldman call at your farm we are installing a corn unloading- dump for un- loading corn which will- eliminate uhloadihg by haiid you will find our grower service of considerable help to you during the growing arid harvesting seasons our field men 7 arecafefully picked and trained by us they will be available to- give you- all- the help possible during v the summer food fights for freedom sb ke ly- vak5 c aik p whitby ontario phone 893 tt of canada ltcji mr and mrs arthur lee of roch ester were in toronto visiting bis parents mr and mrs george lee arthur was once an uxbridge printer mr and mrs lemon clark have taken the chas lee farm and are now moved the twins- john and judith pilkey and babies of mr and mrs e pilkey reached their first birth day on april 15 they are the cen tre of attraction on the 6th of ux- bridge miss ruby- hockley spent- some time visiting her grandmother mrs george jones property certainly is snapped up at goodwood as evidenced by the sale of the latcham place and re ported elsewhere in this issue- in view of the great house shortage why not convert the vacant store into dwelling places also the two big hotel properties would accom modate some families if remodelled into apartments everybody in the township will regret the fact that rev wm and mrs kendall are moving north to bala district the quiet and un assuming mr kendall went about doing a great work so unnoticed that it will be now when he goes that they will be missed norman wagg whose auction was on tuesday intends tb work his fathers farm where he will be wel come no doubt backon the home acres we people in toronto are being warned to get our radio license re- hewed and we pass on the tip to our friends in the country after a bhv those fellows charged- with checking up will be around so atr tend to the matter so they cant get you we live in an age when even the air isnt free any more since radio listeners must pay 250 for the privilege of owning a receiving set pickering twp attention it is with a great deal of pleas ure that i look forward to meeting the good folks of clarembnt and n pickering in the interest of the sixth victory loan 7 their splendid responses in the past are evidence of their apprecia tion of ah opportunity to make canadas army navy and air force the- equal of any in the world in training equipment and medical supplies to make victory sure and to bring the boys home as soon as posible the canadian system of financing the war by borrowing from the canadian people has placed this country in a unique position in the eyes 6f worldin tier control of that awful spectre called inflation andhas at the same time presented the canadian people with a gilt edged investment backed by all- her splendid resources developed arid yet to be developed 7 v the slogan make victory sure we wont let any thirigper- sorial- orany political cross current take our eyes off the main issue will we- yours confidently norman f goddard blr increase in farm 1 live stock s substantial increases mail class- es of live stock on canadian farms- are noted in the report of the office ial survey of december 11943 the number of cattle on farms is placed r at 9506200 showing an increase of 672500 head or76 per cent overr the 1942 figure the increase ravas- connnon to all provinces although there was little change in ontario saskatchewan had the highest in- creasewith aper cent m83 over 1942 the number of milk- cows in 7 canada increased by 120600 rela tively small increases occurring in all the provinces altogether there were3953000 milk cows on cana dian farms as at december 1 1943 following the tendency of in- creased numbers during the past years- sheep at 2j733000 head in creased by 250300 or 101 per cent on the number in 1942 in all prov inces except british columbia the increase of 1278iper centin sas katchewan was particularly mark ed the 1943 flocks include a high proportion of breeding stock an in- dication that the increase may con- tinue during 1944 the number of hogs on farms in 1943 reached 9473000 headan all- time iecord an increase of 1723000 or 22 per cent over the correspond ing date in 1942 the increase was common to all provinces except ontario and was particularly mark ed in the three prairie provinces in the number of hens and chick- ens 57512500 there was a- sharp increase of 7731200 birds this re- presents an increase of 155 per cent on the riumberin 1q42 the -in- crease in the provinces of saskatck- ewan and nova scotia exceeded 20 per cent and in all the other pro- vinces the increase was greater thahloyper cent turkeys number ed 3077300 ah increase of 36s0p- the increases occurring- only in the provinces of prince edward islaridb saskatchewan and albertar watercareinvturhips an tf cotr black rot also responds to seed- trcatmciit growers- of table stock iiisteifed tb advicc of ex- ports ax exeter sicetiiig- remand couple for- sentence mail to rein fo rc em e nt units a challenge to usrall this is a war of movement never before have troops beea moved such incredible dis tances in so many theatres of war so quickly night and day thousands of men are in motion by sea tiransportj motor truck and air edging into enemy territory shifting to keep the element- of surprise did you ever stop to think what it means under these trying conditions to find yourfriendor relative and put your letter into his hands yet in spite of the tremendous task involved tracing men who are amoving from reinforce ment uni6 in england to group depots in italy or from one location to another or through hospitalization or while on leave in the face of eyerysort pf war hazard 3 1500000 letters in addition to parcels and other itemsj reached oiirmen in1943 vi canada post office homw imiiockjtrpiikmn general stole from pickcriiigjfarmcr after being given sheiterf after placing at their disposal in the role of the good samaritan his home food arid lodging for the night williarh s carmichael of pickering arrived home to find that valuable articles hadbeeri taken leaving behind the old clothesarida note out to see thecity be right back signed your friends this was the story disclosed in whitby police court when mr and mrs clement scott appeared before mag istrate r g baxter on a charge oftheft 7 mr carmichael said jin evidence that he was returning froni tdrbn to- wkenihe noticed a young lady avatching for a ride he picked her up and slie told hiih that her- hus band was also hitchhiking along the road on their wayto kingston after picking up scott i told them they could stay at my house if they did not want to continue through tokingstoh thatjnight i told them to make theriiselves at home- arid get something to eat arid rest for the nightsaid mr 1- car michael when j- returned to my home about 3ani rfourid v were gone also personal clothing leaving behind the clothes theyi had on i immediately contacted the police clothing on exhibit in the court was identified by- mr aridmrscar- michael as being the garments-tak- en from their horiie prdyincial constable j d suther land in company withprbviricial harold w quantrill went to king ston and scott- arid his- wife were given into custody- by provincial constable truax of kirigstohf clementscottpleadrd guilty to the charge but mrs scott denied the charge- v on his own admission scott lias been in custody ten times and jhad served 1 1 years in the kingston penitentiary j the accused is27 years of age and was rcleasedfrbm the periiteritiary last december mrs scott is on suspended sentence at the present time r sc- after hearing the evidence magis trate baxter r accepted the guilty plea of the accused and remanded him for sentence until april 18 his worship told mrs scott that he did not believe her story and that he would register aconviction against- her and that he was re manding herin custody until april 38 for seriteiice t the beat tosnlu are obtained from tribune claiwlfled h adv at a meeting of turnip growers lield in the town of exeter an aud- ience of 200 farmers listeriedat- tentively to dr j d maclacklan 7 of the oac whilee told hov bbron sprays would control water- core and they were likewise vitally interested in the advice given byi j k richardson of the dominibritv plant pathology- laboratory at st catharines in regard to black 7rot in turnips for that toois becoming- a serious scourge 7 t the boron spray should be applp- edbefore watercore shows upuri 7 the crop dr- maclachlan said itis7 a preventive not7acufe5when turnips are about one arid ahalfiri- ches across is the proper time to applythefirstfsprayand another- should follow orie monthjater fairly goodcontrorisobtainedhe said with orie application butto be siireof complete- control it is advis- ableto spray a second time the materials cost about lper acre per application a fourl potato sprayer does the job very- well it is- not necessary to strike the underside of the leaves iwitt the- spray arid- apparently high7 pressure isnot so essential asv when spraying- fruit trees or potat- bes coriseqiieritly ai reconstructed or reconditioned sprayer wiulbe satisfactory for this job 7- bentonite 7clayarid other mater7 ials are iisedwith rthe borori as 7 stickers arid spreaders- arid dr 7 maclachlan- promised that sheets giving coriiplete and- detailed in- striictions would be circulated in good timer yr- a watercore condition intiirriips dr maclachlan explained is due t6- boron- either- inv 7 thesbil orin the plant itself in the maritime proviricesthetrbiiblecari be corrected by applying- boron to- the larid on which theerop is to be 7 grownrbut that method is not effec- tive iri ontario the reason prob- ably is that alaritime soils are acid in reaction rtwhereas the sbilsih ootario where the turnipsgrbwirig industryis centred are- rich in lime at any rate- soil applications of boron will ribtc6ritrolwatercore in ontariobutspraying boron on v the7 plants 7 really does thiswas7 thoroughly derhbnstrated last year orithe 2500 acrestof scattered cropsk sprayed k 7wheri- the ccellsleak watercore results dr maclachlan explained that the cellsoftheturnip contain moisture uniler pressure somev times this- moisture leaksbut into the spaces between- the cells arid that createswhat known iasa watercorecoridition sometimes the cells reabsorb the riioistiire arid the cpriditiori disappears- v -j- 5g2 711 v 7- 0m 7 7 ivi ba1rbisters pfflcephpne v- residence phon7 i 73i6677 3bi47 vtvwisfer itaisterspudtor 5 6kiiig8trceteastt 4 7 r hi 470ntari0 7 resident partner branch office i wcpliardkc 7 port perryj uxbridgef ontario phone- 26 office phone 7 elgrn7p27 i samueld residence pbca 7- mo 6231 borins bnrhster sohcitor etc 503 temple bldg v i- 74 sffi fwilfts i- fiiss jvfesjgf ri 5fcr x icil v7ft m 7 vl yysri v i a y rv m- l t7i7 vgi77 ill 0 yily t li