a- page eight -x- if t the tribune stouffville ontr thursday march 30j -1944- classified advs phone 15301 for sale or rent farm for sale or rent j 00 acres lot 19 con 7 scott town ship 95 acres workableever flow ing spring good loam suitable for mixed farming fall plowed 15 acres fall wheat hiproofed barn 50x70 driving shed nen house 10 roomed brick house hydro equipped water in barfi immediate possession arthur wagg rr 2 uxbridge ont live stock wanted wanted at once single man or boy for farm work phone 2808 albert king wanted 3500 on 1st mortgage business property apply box t tribune office 162 wanted married man for farm work state experience house provided apply to geo rodanz 90 lisgar st toronto 4fr2 choice bulls high grade shorthorn and hereford bulls serviceable age roy morgan claremont ph 2410 462 for sale gelding rising 6 years old thick set extra good type clydesdale and belgium cross guaranteed sound 15000 b r leech farm 2 miles east thorn hill lmile south of no 7 high- way 46tf for sale 5 hereford bulls arid shorthorn bull young high grade john scott ph 3603clare- mont 4fi2 jersey cow for sale 3 years old due april 14 jos b hoover ph 5513 for sale geese and ducks for breeding several varieties of ducks also small incubator ph stouffville 5220 for sale shorthorn bull 800 also young cattle and bob calves a quantity of well clean ed timothy also for sale at 500 bus roy wilson 7th con pick ering claremont rr 2 for sale five good quiet work horses from four to seven years old also three colts one two and three years old j barry phone 201 stouffville wanted reliable girl for light housework one adult or would take couple to make home in stouffville apply miss a silver- sides chuch st south articles for sale for sale 1931 ford coach five good tires motor overhauled telephone 8 r3 markham for sale 2 girls coats purse and hat to match robins egg blue and maroon size 7 years in good condition phone 2808 mrs albert king- for sale mcclary rangette two burner and oven in good condi tion apply mrs f harvey ph 7307 for sale brooder house 10x12 phone 8608 between 8 and 9 pm for salea kitchen cabinet a coleman iron and a coleman lamp phone 605 stouffville miscellaneous for sale quantity of timothy and alfalfa hay good quality o w zeller ph 2110 two holstein cows for sale fresh calf by side apply clare- mont 85 r2 472 good work mare for sale also 2 ewes and 3 lambs walter gray ph 9302 horses for sale five young work horses 3 to 6 years old quiet and well broken two mares in foal vihce baker ph 9708 stouffville 172 for sale 3 fresh cows 3 years old in good condition phone stouffville 5110 for saletwo holstein heifers 1 7months old phone 6602 stouff- ville for sale gray gelding heavy set horse also clyde mare both good to work 100 each ring- j ph 4813 for sale several young york shire sows good breeding earl dowswell phone 8706 for sale velvet barley wis consin no 82 kathadin potatoes 3 cement tile 2 ft in diameter a fleming phone 602 potatoes i have 400 bags katlv adin potatoes for sale rjsmuji lot 30 con 9 whitchurch ph mt albert 4203 for sale a quantity of alaska seed oats lambert stouffer ph stouffville 5613 for sale a quantity of turnips carl boyd phone stouffville 4708 carload of horses for sale carload of quiet wellbroken young horses to arrive in stouffville this thursday or friday harry p phone 267 for sale 15chunks 6070 lbs also 15 pigs 6 weeks old bert tait ph 8 we buy all kinds of live poultry highest maritet prices a phone call brings immediate service vernadene poultry farm ballantrae phone 8421 for sale tractors masseyharris 102 g tractor new masseyharris row crop tractor on rubber new masseyharris 82 tractor on rub ber used z used implements oneway disc 5 ft kid kangaroo plows masseyharris 13 disc drill masseyharris 11 disc fertilizer drill allsteel grain separator 28 rol ler bearings elevator clover mill etc also lnew 11 disc fertilizer grain drill for best satisfaction and immediate delivery order a rite way milk ing machine g w allison masseyharris dealer mount albert phone 702 r custom chopping done atyour farm our chopping mill will give you good service right on your own pre- mises we will go almost anywhere gordon jarvis 426 ph markh 43 j2 immediate delivery surge 2 unit stainless steel milk- irigmachines w c co 2 single unit mllk- ing machines w clwood co automatic manual milk coolers bell son phone281 stouffville and rseed grain and fertilizer 0 row gov reg seed barley in stock now vanguard gov reg seed- oats will soon be in feed grain feed barley oats and wheat now in- stock whole or ground clover seed alfalfa red glover alslke timothy and garden seeds v fertilizer order your fertilizer now we solicit your business for the above t farrs elevator claremont phone 38w milking machines we can now give good delivery on delaval surge and woods milking machines we install and service all our sales good supply ot all parts likely to be needed always on handj woods and gllson farm milk cool ers jbeatty bros electric pressure systems deep and shallow well pumps woods and beatty electric grinders suportest oils and greases r bell and son the cockshutt dealers phone 2sl stouffville pelham nursery agent for pelham nursery orders taken for spring delivery r cullen phone 1505 gormley rr 2 ontario good delivery delaval sterling double unit milker and pump 17500 delaval magnetic 2 separate units and pump 30500 hp 25 cy motors 5500 frigidaire coolers 4 can 26000 woods- coolers- 6 can 28400 strainer disks per 300 100 milk can sealsper m 150 electropail heaters 1675 trades accepted- free circular toronto radio sports 241 yonge st wa 4501 tenders tenders tenders for painting interior of school ssno 6 whitchurch will be received till april 4 1914 alvin stephenson 562 x sectreas gormley rr 1 farmers keep in mind that we are agents for the old reliable delaval milk ing machine call oh us for parts or new machines we also sell woods gilson milk coolers beatty- bros stable equipment and electric pumps ej stickley victoria square ph7513 stouffvill in memoriam yake in loving- memory of my dear mother mrs harmon yake who passed away march 30 1942 youre not forgotten mother dear nor ever shall you be as long as life and memory last we shall remember thee i have only your memory dear mother to remember my whole life through but the sweetness will linger for ever as i treasure the image of you ever remembered by myrtle loss card of thanks we wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for their thoughtful letters get-well- cards the fruit flowers and other gifts received at the hospital and since mr goudie came home we also greatly appreciate the many callers it is with thankfulness we report that mr goudie is doing nicely and looks forward to full recovery mr and mrs s goudie sale register friday march 31 auction sale of a 216 acre farm holstein dairy herd 16 fresh and due time of sale horses hay grain hogs implements etc- the property of george neill at lot 57 con 1 vaughan twp on yonge st 2 north of richmond hill- terms chattels cash terms and-condi- tions of farm made known on day of sale no reserve owner giving up farming sale at 12 oclock c e walkington auctioneer friday march 31 about 10 acres of standing hardwood at lot 10 con 5 uxbridge three miles north of claremont in vi acre lots the property of north shore realty co sale at 130 terms cash a s farmer auc tioneer saturday april 1 household furniture dishes coal wood electric radio garden tools the property of w m long white- vale village opposite the store terms cash no reserve sale at one clarke prentice auctioneer saturday april 1 private sale of household furniture etc at the home of miss annie dun can albert street stouffville from i to 4 pm saturday april 1 entire household furniture belonging to the estate of the late mrs b johnson will be sold at former residence in ringwood no re serve sale at 130 terms cash a s farmer auctioneer tuesday april 4th extensive farm stock auction at lot 22 con 10 markham 3 miles south of stouffville the property of r hspofford including 5 good work horses 27 cattle milking herd shorthorn bulls 35 pigs 75 sheep 50 tons hay 500 bushels grain full line of implements including fordson tractor on rubber tractor plow this is a large sale and starts at 1130 sharp booth on grounds terms cash no re serve as farm has just been rent ed lloyd turner clerk a s farmer auctioneer wednesday april 5 farm stock implements hay at lot 13 con 4 whitchurch the pro perty of george preston no re serve farm rented sale at one terms cash a s farmer auc tioneer thursday april 6 farm- stock implements etc the pro perty of ed williams mill st stouffville sale at one terms cash no reserve clarke pren tice auctioneer friday april 720 head of re gistered shorthorns other farm stock entire implements etc be longing to malcolm forsyth well known cattle breeder at clare- mont who is givingup farming watch for bills and breeding lists terms of sale cash ted jackson auctioneer saturday april 8 farm im plements house furniture dish es all kinds carpentery and other tools etc the property of jack miller on no 2 highway at sun set inn mile east of rouge hill sale at one clarke prentice auctioneer tuesday april 11 entire household furniture antique pieces china glassware etc the property of alex grubin sale at one sharp no reserve lloyd turner clerk a s farmer auc tioneer saturday april 15 household furniture piano dishes electric appliances garden tools etc belonging to a ham at cpr station cherrywood sale at one terms cash list later clarke prentice auctioneer northumberland member is nephew of local lady mr wa goodfell6wmjp for northumberland who replied to the speech from the throne in he ontario legislature recently is a nephew of mrs evans of stouff ville mother of mr bruce valleau garageman mr goodfellow is a farmer and at 41 years of age is the youngest member at queens park he has just been made chairman of the agricultural committee in memoriam j ake in loving memory of our dear wife and mother mrs har mon yake who passed away mar- 30 1942 if all the world were ours to give wed give it v yes and more to clasp the hands of mother and hear her speak once more soif you have a mother- treasure her with care for you will never know the heartache till you see her vacant chair but you are not forgotten mother nor will you be as long as life and memory last we will remem ber thee sadly missed by her husband ray vern go irene in memoriam 1 sutton in deep and warm and true sincere and loving memory of my dearwife mrs geo sutton ballantrae ont who departed this life march 29 1943 we miss that light and ever will her vacant place theres none can fill my prayers go on but not in vain for up in heaven well meet again missed but not forgotten and lov- ingly remembered by husband george sutton and father job jordan in memoriam hill in loving memory of wes ley hill who passed away on april 4 1943 t youre not forgotten father dear nor ever shall you be as long as life and memory last we all remember thee missed by arvilla wcs lehman claremont ida lloyd hill trenton mich card of thanks j the stouffville euchre club here by express their thanks to the-odd- fellows for use of hall to those who made donations andtoevery- body who patronized the euchre last week it was all appreciated mrs jake hoover on behalf of club auction sale of household furniture dishes implements tools lumber c will be sold by public auction on saturday april 8th at the premises sunset inn kingston rd pickering twp just east rouge hills the property of jack miller set 3 section drag harrows with new evener verity no 3 walking plow wilkinson no 7 walking plow fleury no 21 walking plow fleury no 12 walking plow mh hay tedder 2wheel trailer steel wheelbarrow buggy set light delivery sleighs sulky cart fanning mill deep well steel pump wooden wheelbarrow bucksaw 2f urrow gang plow sulky riding plow prplow handles cockshutt beaver riding plow- large castiron feed boiler farm wagon gear with rack sweedsaw new brooder stove 2 steel farm gates good 2 lawn mowers good number bells and chimes number cultivator and other farm wheels chicken crate quantity of lumber 4x4 and 2x4 boxes of pipe fittings large quan tity tools of all kinds also forks shovels hoes trees yokes cle vises etc 2 steel oil drums galvanized water tank box stove pair new screen doors new copper screening small quebec stove royal oak quebec stove organ small oak cabinet butter churn ice refrigerator ice cap 50 lbs large number kitchen chairs 2 washstands dropleaf table 2 squaretop tables kitchen table open bookcase with shelves wooden bed springs and mattress glass top cupboard chest drawers upholstered armchair electric 2burner stove childs rocking horse medicine cabinet sideboard with combina tion china compartment piece of good linoleum etc terms cash sale at 1230 pm all articles must be settled for on sale day before being- removed j r smith clerk clarke prentice auctioneer milliken ph agincourt 52 w3 hese toys when tea must yield the utmost in flavour quality is of supreme importance ask for auction sale of household furniture dishes implements colony house etc will be sold by public auction- on saturday april 1st at whitevale opposite the gqneral store the property of william long silvermarshall electric cabinet radio kitchen table kitchen range with warming closet reservoir and 24 lengths of pipe chest drawers glass top cupboard daybed or couch dropleaf tawe oil lamp number kitchen chairs small table love seat 2 3piece antique parlor suites leather upholstered settee electric table lamp linoleum 12x9 8 lb floor polisher new upholstered easychair washtub coal oil stove 2 iron kettles size simmons steel bed springs and mattress large brass bed with springs and mattress small copper kettle large flattop table odd dishes set small beam scales utensils glassware knives forks preserved fruit quart sealers and gallon jars pots and pans handsaw 2 axes wheelbarrow quantity hard coal stove and nut size no carpenter tools oneman crosscut sawnew large quantity mixed stovewood and rails rawhide whip 3 sections drag harrows 2 good lawn mowers straight lad- der foottreadle grindstone hardware and baskets quantity 1 lumber colony house 10x14 with heavy roofing paper sheeting on skids used only one season brooder stove hover and all attach ments 30rods roll fencing 6 or 8 rod roll chicken wire 5 high about 22 leghorn yearlings hens garden tools forks shovels etc terms cash sale at 100 pm no reserve property has been sold clarke prentice- auctioneer milliken ph agincourt 52 w3 out of parliament highlights for the first time this yearwarwidows of servicemen will be clear of in come tax on pensions a special committee reporting would elimin ate divorce bilis from parliament as soon as conveniently possible and proposes an amendment which would compel every member in the house to vote on a division and there was discussion on cutting down length of speeches in a re view of the rcaf generally ac cepted as a highlight speech of the session air minister power told the house among other things that our air force made 38544 sorties flew 129461 operational hours dropped 21900 tons of bombs on the enemy extensive auction sale of farm stock and implements threshing machine tractor hay grain etc the undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction at lot 22 con 10 markham 3 miles south of stouffville on tuesday april 4th the following property of robt spofford horses 1 bay geldingrising 4 years old 1 bay mare aged 1 gray mare 8 years old 1 chestnut horse aged 1 gelding bay rising 4 years old cattle 1 white faced bull 1 fat heifer 1 shorthorn cow bred march 7 1 jersey cow fresh 5 weeks calf by side 1 shorthorn cow bred aug 5 1 shorthorn cow bred 5 months 1 roan cow bred july 20 1 roan cow due may 10 1 red cow fresh calf by side 1 white face steer beef 1 black heifer fat- 2 red steersfat 1 white steer fat red and white heifer fat 5 ayrshire heifers ready to breed 1 heifer bred january 20 2 white face heifers 3 yearling heifers shorthorn bull 9 months old 1 shorthorn bull year old 1 shorthorn bull 1 years old 1 shorthorn bull 11 months old pigs 10 pigs about 150 lbs 9 pigs about 125 lbs 7 chunks some mineral for hogs sheep 21 ewes and ram 4 spring lambs shropshire 40 pullets hay and grain 35 tons mixed hay 20 loads in hay stack 200 bushels mixed grain 100 bushels fall wheat 100 bushels barley 100 bushels buckwheat 20 bushels barleyfor seed 5 bushels red clover seed harness 2 sets double harness r- 1 set single harness number of collars 4 horse blankets implements etc new favorite threshing 2436 good as new fordson tractor on rubber1530new tractor plow fleury 3furrow oneway disc cockshutt near new 14double disc good m h manure spreader new otaco tractor cultivator 10 tooth ihc 13disc drill m il good binder 7 ft ihc good roller 2 drum hay tedder ihc hay rake ihc 10 ft horse cultivator spring tooth mower mccormick 5 ft 2 scufflers 2row corn scuffler fanning mill set harrows 6 section 2 fleury walking plows light wagon cut ter buggy set 2000 lbs scales 2 sets sleighs set platform scales root pulper fleury chopper and bagger 9 in plate electric fence speed jack complete wheelbarrow threshing belt 100 ft threshing belt 50 ft steel truck wagon milk cans handy wagon 2 hay racks and wagon box fleury cut ting box number of steel drums 32 foot extension ladder ropes separator primrose cooking stove forks chains many other articles too numerous to mention quantity of household furniture terms cash altona womens institute will con duct n booth on the farm no reserve as farm is rented lloyd turner ross ralcliff clerks a s farmer auctioneer auction sale of farm stock implements etc etc will be sold by public auction at- stouffville on thursday april 6th the property of ed williams mill street north 1 gray mare 4 years old gp 1 brown mare 4 years old gp 1 clyde mare 12 years old 1 clyde colt rising 1 year old 1 percheron colt rising 1 year old 1 jersey cow bred dec 4th 1 jersey heifer due in april 1 blue heifer due in april 1 sow and 6 pigs two weeks old 1 sow and 9 pigs two weeks old 5 pigs 7 weeks old 9 pigs 6 weeks old 10 pigs 6 weeks old f cockshutt horse rake nearly new- seed drill deering 11 disc good set harrows five section set low truck wagon nearly new- set light sleighs cutter horse collar 21 inch new set doubletrees other articles too numerous to mention sale at one no reserve terms cash clarke prentice auctioneer wanted v dead horses and cattlo telephone for free pick up phone stouffville 255 markham 4326 claromont913 wepay ph charges gordon young ltd ph adelaide 3636 toronto auction sale of horses cattle hogs mmplkmentts etc will be sold by public auction on wednesday april 5 on lot 13 concession 4 whitchurch township the property of george preston horses brown horse 8 years old 1 iron grey horse 7 years old cattle 1 holstein cow calf by side 1 black jersey cow fresh 1 durham cow bred march 3rd 1 holstein heifer bred oct 6th 1 jersey heifer bred sept 20th 1- holstein heifer 1 red white heifer 14 months 1 holstein cow due april 27th 1 holstein cow due july 1st 1 pure bred holstein bull 10 most 1 ayrshire cow due april 15th hogs 1 yorkshire sow due april 15 1 brood sow due may 1st 1 brood sow bred feb 6th 1 yorkshire sow due may 10th 1 sow 9 pigs weighing about 190 lbs 9 pigs weighing about 60 lbs 10 pigs weighing about 70 lbs 10 pigs weighing about 80 lbs 3 pigs weighing about 140 lbs implements etc 1 7 foot deering binder horse or tractor hitch 1 spring 17 cultivator team or tractor hitch stifftooth cultivator frost wood 2 or 3 horse hitch mccormick 14 disc 3 horse or trao- tor hitch masseyharris manure spreader mccormick 13 disc drill mccormick sulky rake set harrows 4 section 2 single horse scufflers 1 disc oliver corn cultivator set wooden harrows 4 section set iron harrows 4 section fordson tractor in good repair 2furrow oliver tractor plow cockshutt plow 2furrow fleury single plow no 13 set boulsters plow no 21 trailer with iron box and rack democrat wagon with tongue bain wagon fanning mill set bain sleighs grindstone farm truck with 4 in tires hay rack 16 ft long melotte cream separator newly re paired hay knife set fairbanks scales 2000 lbs cap 40gal gas drum galvanized 80gal gas drum 40gal oil- barrel with pump light iron sleigh with tongue and shafts emery stone and frame set team harness new halter heavy single harness heavy dutch collar harness parts nuriiber horse collars 3 chop boxes heavy iron gate pig troughs large chicken fattening crate 3 one bushel hampers numerous other articles terms cash sale at 1 pm john crawford clerk a s farmer auctioneer ph stouffville 7312 repair service washing machines al makes including wringcrs electric motors v- cream separator parts on hand special oil for separators washing machines international motors mccormickdeering agency phone 290 i stouffville tecjt