Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 6, 1944, p. 2

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the tribune stouffville ont thursday jan 6th 1944 io qijf tmtfftriu ujrthunf established 1sss member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve pages average paid circulation 2000 subscription rates per year m advance in canada 200 in usa 9250 a v xolan son publishers notes and comments that a good job will be made and that the whole slot mach ine business may be discontinued if slot machines are il legal why not stop making them if they are illegal why allow them to run for months before swooping dow n on the operator if they contaminate police as well as the public turely there is a way to forever shut them from public use the matter being before the court it is not our privilege to comment on the proceedings other than to say perhaps that the revelation are astounding to the public mind new lamb price tv aid producers a new and simplified prieo strucnnv for divwd lamb- designed to give producer uvwv confidence in planning their production program has jut been announced by the wartime prices and trade komi the uucnire involves an overall wholesale price ceihnst on nil ehico of dressed lamb for the complete year kroni january s to apt ll so this wholesale ceiling in zone- iv which include- stouffville and southwestern ontario will be so cents a pound carcass basis from may 1 to june so the ceiling price in zone 6 will be si cents a pound after july l the overall ceiling of 26 cents a pound wholesale will come into effecv for the balance of the year the new policy also established for the first time maximum retail prices for various cuts of lamb except spring lamb these prices must be posted in retail shops all across canada v fast time winter abomination with the amount of pent up feeling in the country against the daylight saving time in winter months it is a wonder there is not more vociferous protest made m public people were led to believe that it was a war measure that was helping the cause and everybody accepted the situa tion without protest but now they know that fast time has no bearing on our war effort at all and general discontent is growing rural schools find the situation so intolerable that some are opening at ten and others at ninethirty in the morning sending children off to school in the early dawn and often in the dark is unpleasant and dangerous r said one farmer the other day it was bad enough to at 530 to commence the milking but now that time is gtually 430 actually a strong conviction that more electrici- under present arrangements than when the country operated on standard time the thing to do is to a- dopt standard time for the winter months and fast time for the summer season this would not cause any confusion if it were adopted all over the country as a measure enact ed by ottawa 1 why make the machine at all the attorney generals department at queens par is moving to clean up an alleged racket in the slot machine business and the public is anxiously looking on hoping price ceiling benefits parmeis too the financial post has been giving its readers a splendid panoramic view of business conditions for 19 1 1 by contact ing outstanding heads of industrial concerns in all the var ied branches of industiy james s duncan piesidcnt of massey hauis co drops an inkling to the fanneis about what price control and ceiling has done for them when he reminds the public that faun implement prices aie froen whereas raw materials wages etc have bounded upward many fanners complain about the ceiling on their goods and too often forget the many benefits the ceiling brings them here is what mr duncan says concerning the outlook for 1944 all signs point toward great activity in the farm ma chinery industry not only throughout 1944 but at least un til the paitial rehabilitation of the liberated countries has taken place and farmers of the united states canada and of many of our larger export fields have caught up with the backlog of their requirements so far as canada is concerned and this goes for the united states also the problem will be one of production rather than of merchandising the factors which are re sponsible for this situation are mainly the following a expanding agriculture to meet the stepped up food programs of the united nations b an unprecedented shortage of manpower on the farms c the unbroken improvement in the position of agri culture in canada during the past decade in which cash in come has almost tripled while costs have risen less than 50 d the important backlog of requirements to be over taken resulting from subnormal purchases in prewar years combined with limitations in the recent supply of machin ery e requirements of farm machinery under the soldiers settlement plans on the debit side of the picture we have the fact that the cost of farm machinery has been steadily increasing under the impetus of higher wages costofliving bonuses and increases in certain raw materials whereas selling prices are frozen notwithstanding the substantial implement production for the coming year the industry owing to its expanded manufacturing facilities is continuing play an important part in the manufacture of a diversified line of war equip- metn 5v sunday school lesson lesson for january 9th jesus busy with his ministry v op love golden text i must work the fi- works for him that sent me wliileit is day the night coincth wlienino man work john 04 the lesson as a avliole v j ilovedelli fthe section vchiist thee jjn all its fulli approach to the lesson f iloyetdelightsto serve and in now before us we see expression of divine love r fullnessgiving himself free jvlij lyjior the blessing of those in fjjtroubleand distress it is noticeable tc7 thatmany of his most striking mir- l raciest were 4 performed injor near capernaum by being privileged to lj j witness such marvellous displays of j divine power thls city and the surr- 3 funding district in galilee were 5v blessedabove most other places no v l lord jesus christ spoke yofroapernaiimlater as exalted unto heaven r the greatmajor- fjityoffthe people living there failed to recognize the meaning of the wond- vj tous sthlngs they saw and failed to 2f instruction given isothevtlbiecame when capernaum a- wasjtjbfoughtdownmo hell and eventually the verysiteof this once v populous city was lost and only dls- j covered again in recent years it is 3jya solemn thing when gods working is recognized and his message goes fyjf unheeded j- j yll faeachx of the miracles of which 5 we jiyad in mark exemplified the v mighty power of god as seen in his t wejsee that christ has powey over demons and sicknesses vof jail kinds he domuatrates his ability tb please the leper that fell disease that speaks of the fllth- iness of sin we see him as the one who alone can forgive sins and give new llfeto palsied limbs no case ztyc was difficult for him todeal with tand hlsabiiity is the same today ithough now his great work is the iealng of sinsick souls rather than w relieving sick bodies 1 their diseases and healing s verse by verse ft chap 132 all that were dis pensed and them that were possessed with devils the last word is bet- trw- ter rendered demons there is on- r ay one devil satan but there are manydemons fallen spirits who sl0 follow- satans leading thescrlp- tureslllstlngulsb between aliments fe- it nature entirely physical and those ll v that are the result of actual demon- possession the latter is a very my sterious malady but is not simply insanity ahich is a diseased con dition of the brain it is clear from the inspired records that demons were very busy in the days when our lord was on earth and exercied a strange control over certain pej- sons causing them to act contrary to their own natural inclinations such manifestations while not so common today are nevertheless real and on ly the power of the saviour can give the deliverance verse 33 all the city was gather ed together at the door for the time being the lord jesus was what we would call today a popular prea cher wherever he went the crowds thronged to see and hear him it must have looked to the disciples at that time that he was moving on a mighty triumph but the end o his earthly ministry was the cross verse 34 suffered not the devils to speak because they knew him these unclean spirits recognized in him the one who was to pronounce sentence of judgment upon them in the unseen world no one doubts the deity of christ angeis gladly con fess it demons who have gone into the other world know his power and authority v is only on earth that any dare dispute it he silenced the demors as he did not desire testi mony from them but he delights in the recognition by men of his true nature and being verse 35 he departed into a solitary- place and there prayed nothing emphasizes the reality- of his manhood more than hisprayer- life as man he lived in communion with the father prayer was a nec essity of his holy soul early in the morning while others slept he talked with the father in the lone ly wilderness where he could hold undisturbed- communion in this he is the example for us verse 36 simon and they that were with him followed after him the eager disciples doubtless de lighted to note the enthusiasm of the multitudes followed the lord jesus christ to his trystlng place little realizing how they were in truding upon the sacred exercises of that hour of fellowship with him who sent him verse37 all meiiseek for thee this to the disciples was more im portant than prayer it presented a new opportunity for ministry and so to make good their masters mes sianic claims verse 33 letus go into the next towns therefore camei forth crowds and seeming poularity meant nothing to our lord he sought the response of honest heaits having given his testimony in one locality he would move on as directed by the spirit to preach the word to others verse 39 he preached in then synagogues thioughout galilee moving on from town to town and city to city jesus christ gave his message of the kingdom which god was offering o israel the synagogue was the gathering place of those who piofessed faith in the scriptures there he preached and when satan ic poweis opposed he cast out the demonswlth his word verse 40 if thou wilt thou canst make me clean the pitiable condition of the polluted leper made him an outcast from his family and fiiends and from the congregation of the loid this pooi leper diawn by a sense of the ability of jesus christ to heal daied to make his way to the saviours feet there he plaintively exclaimed if thou wilt thou canst he had no doubt of the power of jesus but was he wil ling to deliver one in so wretched a condition the answer came shaip and clear verse41 i willbe thou clean without fear of defilement the lord jesus laid his hand upon the vic tim of leprosy and gave assurance in unmlstable language of his readiness to heal he spoke and it was done verse 42 immediately the lep- losy departed from him the word of jesus christ carried healing with it in a moment the horrible filthy sores disappeared every sign of dis ease vanished and he who had been unfit to associate with his fellows was now perfectly whole and clean sed from all corruption it is a striking picture of what christ docs today for every sinstricken soul who comes to him in faith verse 43 ihe straitly charged him and sent hi ma way fifteen hundred years before god had given command through moses to do cer tain rites and ceremonies to be per formed by the priests when the lepers were cleansed so as far as we have record these had not been observed for fifteen centuries the healing of naaman ls the only case of a leper being cleansed of which we read after the case of miriam the sister of moses until the lord jesus christ came the fourteenth chapter of leviticus was practically a dead letter with no occasion for its ob servance j j verse44 offer for thy cleansing those things which moses command ed for a testimony untotkem jes us sent the healed ieperto jerusal em there to piesent himself for official priestly inspection and to comply with the presenbed levitical ordinances astonished the pnest to whom he applied must have been nothing like it had been known be fore but many similai cases were to be seen soon for god was work ing in power in isiael verse 45 he went out and be gan to publish it much it is not that he failed to obey the command as to going to the piiest but so overjoyed was he because of his de- lveiance that he could not keep it to himself he told his stoiy to so many that multitudes flocked to see the loid jesus and to hear his mes sage a new twelvesided mckle comixg out issuance of a new 12sided five cent cion made of chromium steel to replace the present 1 sided coin of copper and zinc alloy has been authorized undei an oderincouncil under the canadian cuirency act the five cent piece coined by the royal canadln mint is required to be of pue nickel but because of nickel requirements for war an order dated aug 5 1942 made provision foi the coining of the coin of mixed metal the first 12sided five cent piece which latei became known as the blackout nickel because it could easily be chosen from the usunal rounded coins in the dark had a beaver design and was made of mix ed copper and zinc the second 12sided nickel issued early in 1943 had the v for victory symbol and the victory torch by way of symbolizing the sacrifice which is being made to achieve victory the new steel coin will have on one side the kings effigy and on the other the character v and torch cojointed emblematic of saciifice and vlctoiy between two maple leaves the new issue may be made on and after jan 1 lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family shoe repairing womenvhosiery gloves shoes socks boots and mitts stouffville zn phone 4301 opposlt n clock a ft mllitftjl the magicians dilemma u i stouffville marble granite works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor phone 4303 brierbush hospital government licensed member of the allied private hospital association main street east stouffville maternity medical and surgical ambulance service day and night service mrs e r good phone 191 business directory dental e s barker lds dj honor graduate of royal coltoga of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 274 markham every tuesday office in wear block r g clendening funeral director ambulance service mt medical s s ball fhyjjtcian and surgeon xray office icor obrien and luim phone 196 coroner for york county 1 markham ontario phone 9000 stouffville floral roses wedding bouquets funeral desgns cut flowers milt smith prop telephone 7001 7002 barristers office phone residence plion 3160 3514 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary pnbllk 6 king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch offlei w c pollard k c port perry uxbrldge ontario phone ii office phone elgin 7021 residence phos mo till samuel d borins barrister solicitor etc 503 temple bldg 62 richmond street west toronto l e oneill stouffville funeral dntector and embalmer continuous telephone serrle day and night dr arthur l hork physician and surgeon general medicine and obstetric also t eye ear nose and throat byes tested glasses pitta school children tested free markham ont phone 7 a c kennedy chiropractor d church street monday wednesda 9 to 12 a stouffruic frldaya a s farmer licensed austioneer 20 years experience 20 20 years experience york county uxbridge and picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty telephone stouffville 7309 address- gormley p o clarke prentice phone agincourt 52 w3 jlllllkea licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and on tario supcesscr for corpl ken prentice of casfand of the 1st j h prentice former prentice t prentice farm and farm stoefc sales a specialty at fair and reason able rates insurance thomas bbrkett general insurance agency stouffville ontario established 1908 insurance in reliable companies st reasonable rates prompt service phone 26902 stoofftlua h o klinck phone 3307 stonffnn fire auto burglary sickness sad accident fidelity bonds the standard life assurance co the pioneer of canadian life insurance a mutual company with 117 yean experience strength and service unexcelled the best results are obtained from tribune classified advs v- a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co -also- automobile and fire n f vj 4 4 ii kj im

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