Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 23, 1943, p. 5

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v 1 t the tribune stouffville ont thursday dec 23rd 1943 a merry christmas with this greeting mr glenn ratcliff rcnvr and the members of the staff express the sincere wish that the rich blessing of this season of the year may be enjoyed by the friends and customers of with moxtgomkry ix italy council pays for roosters shot in hunt compliments of j tho season to our customers boadways service station neaisightedness of hunters in the lecent annual pheasant shoot m maple distuct has automatically be come a responsibility of vaughan township council which at a regu lar meeting last week dealt with a claim submitted by a local farmer foi nine roosters the farmer claim ed his birds were mistaken for pheas ants during the shoot and therefore asked council to reimburse him at the rate of 3 a bird the claim was paid elgin hisey with the canadians in italy was a recent casualty according to word received from ottawa by his brother herb hisey at ringwood the ex tent of his injuries are not yet known he is known to have been in action with the sth army special holiday entertainment four nights during the holiday week approaching dec 27282930 the stanley theatre will present this is the aimy with an allstar east in glorious technicolour this is the topnotch naitime musical show with an allstar cast and a host of your favourite tunes by irv ing berlin a portion of the pio- ceeds fiom the showing goes to the army show and recieation fuid you wont want to miss it this friday dec 24 th the man agement of the theatre will present a special showing of mrs wiggs in the cabbage patch for all the children this is a free treat for the kiddies doors open at 145 and show starts at 2 00 sharp remember the date the day before christmas six months for stealing tire found guilty of stealing a tire be longing to bwart stiver at union- ville alex rushak was committed to jail for six months by judge par ker rushak was discovered m th act of committing the theft on the evening of oct 12th at unionville and later when he attempted to make away with the tire his effort was thwarted by constable ben gayman he fled on foot and left his car when the constable drew his own car in front of the thiefs car but was later apprehended this was his ninth conviction hence the sentence was surprisingly light it was thought compliments of tho season good tidings book nook wnr branch wishes to acknowledge the follow ing donations mrs t ratcliff 2 mr drewery furs 9th line 2 quilts clothing mrs e j davey aecy lemon ville mis gray spent saturday in toi- onto visiting her sister who is very ill mr and mrs geo hood visited with mr and mrs fred timbers on sunday glad to see so many out to the christmas service at our church on sunday mrs irwin played the chimes which added greatly to the christmas music mr and mrs haiold cook spent the weekend with mr and mrs geo cook harold has been with the armed forces for over a year and is home on furlough the sunday school christmas tree is being held in the church this wed nesday night mr irwin is showing lantern slides and the young people are putting on a play a good time is anticipated porkers tumble in price but not finished hog the hog situation is in a peculiar turmoil at present we have a steady sure maiket foi the finished hog yet suckling pigs and chunks have al most been halved in price according to some recent sales recorded one farmer who offered chunks weight 6 pounds last week in this paper re ceived a bid of only 5 each for them or the price that was being paid for pigs six weeks old two months ago another farmer re ports being offered only 250 and 300 for suckers the trouble according to some is the high price of feed while an other reason for the lack of buyers foi young pigs is the fact that too many pig stys are not warm enough and so for the very cold weather a certain number of swune raisers avoid carrying young pigs during the depth of the winter season ringwood the ringwood school concert was well attended and a silver collection taken amounting to 1760 the teacher and pupils are to be congrat ulated upon their splendid effort the sympathy of the community is extended to the relatives of the late mrs wm mitchell miss belle mitchell is expected home today from london be sure and come to the mission ary meeting next monday dec 27th at s pm in the ringwood christian church a splendid program will be given by the children and youn people consisting of choruses by the children recitations instrumental and vocal numbers come and by your presence encourage the children and young people in this good work about 175 turned out for our school concert rev g brown made an excellent chairman and santa claus was splendid too miss evelyn byer teacher and the pupils de serve great credit for a fine concert frank hoover caretaker kept up a good heat although it was cold outside the other day mr sam miller dropped into the office and renewed his subscription ito the tribune for another year mr miller has been a resident of ringwood now for over 30 years he occupies the mansion which stands opposite groes store and as a matter of making contrast we point out that this hostelry which in davs of yore often housed 50 peo ple on special occasions for the night nowvis giving shelter to mr miller alone no one ever dreamed 50 yeais ago that the occupants would dwindle to one of course the place is a lot quieter now it is intei eat ing to learn that this veteran resi dent of ringwood was born within 5 miles of where he now lives mr millei never lived further than five miles from wheie he was born on the sixth of markham at any time he fiist saw the light of day in the house opposite the edw nigh farm gate you dont even need ration points for the kind of poultry that will make your christmas dinner a huge success an event that will remain in your memory as a high spot of entertainment young tender birds all birds that recognize no super iority in taste or tenderness order yours to day to make sure that youll have one for your christmas dinner westend meat market wm pitman prop phone 279 drove trucks too far fine poultry dealers a drive aimed at stamping out illegal use of essential trucking equipment has resulted in the con viction of thiee toronto poultry dealers on separate charges of viola tion of the wptb order piohibit- mg the operation of a commercial vehicle beyond 35 miles from its re gistered address without a permit all three dealers admitted driving their trucks- be ond the limit to pick up poultry and ship it to toronto for sale two of them were fined 50 and the other 25 enforcement administration of the board indicat ed other chaiges are pending christmas jrotos christ church anglican rev f herman rector miss elizabeth foote organist sunday december 26 sunday school at 2 pm 230 p m holy communion and christmas seivice everybody welcome victoria square seldom seen put in enough provisions to carry over from friday night until tues day since the stores in town will be closed for a long weekend hs every time you see a light at this season be reminded that we wish all of you a merry christmas l e oneill funeral director furniture im glad it snowed the other day in fact it brought a great relief to our place when late in the afternoon great big flakes of snow started tumbling down oue of the sky for days a little gin with golden yellow hair has been woirying ardently overtime in fact she was worrying about the fact that there was no snow each morning you could hear her tiptoe across the bedroom and stand at the window we almost fancied that we heard her groan of disgust because the snow was still dis- guestingly absent at breakfast noon and night meals our little granddaughter patricia ann mono polized the talking her questions ran something like this when do you think it will snow daddy mommy how can santa claus come in his sleigh with the reindeer if theres no snow do you think it will snow tonight daddy can san ta claus drive a car like ours mum my and so on i watched a dull cloud roll up out of the western sky and felt the air getting cold the sight of it made me wonder about snow and sort of smile at how patricia ann would react to it i went on back into the horse stable to do some work on a horsecollar and a half hour later when i came out the snow was coming down in big fat flakes i could see a little face glued to the window an i was going up the lane she wasnt missing a single thing about the snowstorm the worried look was gone and as the kitchen door opened i caught a wisp of words and santa can bring his reindeer and sleigh now the snow was melting almost as quickly as it dropped but patricia ann was quite happy as long as the snow- flakes came down there was sat isfaction reflected in her face when she went to bed there was a slight creaming of the ground with snow she went off with the hope that in the morning she would be able to start right in slelgh-rld- ing on the big hill her hopes were dashed to pieces the next morning however because the snow was all gone breakfast was a complete failure dinner was little better but the miracle happened it star ted snowing and she insisted on try ing to sleigh ride on the fraction of snow covering tho ground meny christmas everyone messrs barry collard gordon clu- bine and jimmy boynton have se cured positions in the post office in toronto during the christmas rush the observance of the lords sup per will be held sunday afternoon dec 26th at 3 p m miss helen boynton had tea sun day evening with misses lillian and marion nichols a large number of gifts were re ceived sunday at the white gift service sympathy of the community is extended to mr herb kaiser and son alfred of woodbridge in the death of mrs kaiser the kaiser family occupied the corner store a few years ago where mr willows is now the teacher mrs styrmo and pupils of s s no 7 are to be congrat ulated on such a fine christmas pro gramme they had monday evening the sunday school christmas en tertainment will be held thursday evening dec 23rd in the community hall at 8 p m a special programme has been planned by the committe in charge everybody welcome whe ther you come to our sunday school or not the yp u sunday evening was in charge of miss rubyavison the lesson was read by mr harold klinck reading by marion boynton two piano insti umentals by miss c perkins the topic was delivered by mrs elmer leek of headford mr and mrs j p ash of toronto will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary on monday december 27th at the home of their daughter mrs h d mccague there will be a family gathering of thirtyfive guests at noon they will be at home to their friends that evening the wa met at the home of mrs gordon mortson last wednesday ev ening the programme was in charge of mis collard and her group tne lesson was read by miss dorothy oliver reading by mrs elmer hug- gins and miss mabel sanderson the christmas message was taken by mrs walter craig of buttonvllls the election of officers in charge of rev h j mackay were as follows president miss mabel sanderson 1st vicepres mrs r klinck 2nd vicepres mrs e caseley secretary mrs r nichols asst secy mrs r brumwell treasurer mrs h collard flower and visiting com mrs s boynton mrs h mackay church decorating com mrs e caseley mrs e hugglns pianist mrs mccague asst pianist sirs snider grounds com mr knapp league of nations mrs mccagus temperance airs r klinck auditors mrs herman mortson mrs buchanan group leaders mrs mccague mrs collard mrs r brumwell mrs willows st james presbyterian church stouffville rev t decourcy rayner minister sunday december 26 1 30 pm sabbath school and bible class 230 p m divine worship the minister will preach what is the babys name next in importance to finding the babe of bethlehem is to discover the bahys name his name shall be called what this is your last chance to come to gods house this year come t bloomington ringwood christian churches rev g w brown pastor sunday december 26 11 am bloomington 7 00 p m ringwood what is the significance of the christ mas season hear more about the christ of christmas at these services childrens meeting in the ringwood church 7pm at 8 pm senior c e special programme by the children friday night meetings cancelled enjoy christian fellowship at these services t we shall welcome you a christmas meditation wherever one repenting soul prays in its agonies of pain by gods sweet grace to be made whole there christ is born today stouffville united church kev douglas davis minister mrs chas nolan organist sunday december 26 1000 am sunday school 1100 am divine worship infant baptism 730 p m a christmas service of choral speaking and choral sing ing we wish you a very happy christ mas and gods richest gift of peace for 1944 christmas is still with you in mind and heart gratefully acknowledge the gifts of gods love in worship this last sunday of the year finish the year well it is the end that counts stouffville christian church charles montgomery pastor miss nora stapleton organist sunday december 26 1000 am bible school 1100 am morning worship 730 pm gospel service the christian endeavor will con duct a christmas candlelight wor ship service at the close of the even ing service church hill sunday december 26 200 pm bible school 300 pm divine worship everybody welcome stouffville baptist church rev d macgregor pastor christmas sunday sunday december 26 1000 a m bible school classes for all ages 1100 am morning worship 730 pm evening worship christmas hymns and messages at both services stouffville mennonitb church rev e mover pastor i sunday december 26 1000 am special program in the sunday school 1100 am christmas message 230 pm mongolia s s 730 p m evangelistic thursday 730 p m stouffville prayer meeting friday 830 pm mongolia meeting next week monday 800 pm yong peoples at stouffville s v v wednesday evening altona prayer meeting you are welcome 1 was a real success since then the snow has stayed with us im hoping that it will stay it solves the whole problem of try ing to make up reasons as to how santa claus might be able to come without the help of snow i tried to explain it by saying that they were magical reindeer that flew through the sky landing on housetops i was pinned down on that one how could the sleigh land on a rooftop if there was no snow for it to land on the explanation that he might use a plane may be alright for a little boy but it definitely doesnt fit into the mind of one young lady so yon see i hope the snow stays supper with us second markham baptist church rev norman rowan pastor sunday december 26 955 am sunday school mrs huson will give a special christ mas message to the sunday school using the beautiful sceneofelt pictures 1100 am morning worship subject christmas and aiter mr t boadway will bring us yule- tide messages in song sentence sermon the one who walks with god al ways gets to gods destination prayer meeting tuesday 8 pm wishing you all a merry christmas melville bethesda and peachs churches minister rev a j orr sunday december 26 peachs ilo am melville 1115 am bethesda 3 pm tuesday dec 28 melville sunday school supper and christmas con cert thursday dec 30 peachs ypu at the home of mr and mrs h miller mennonfte brethren in christ church gormley and bethesda rev f huson pastor gormley j sunday december 26 200 pm sunday school missionary day miss anna steokley of the brethren in christ church will be the speaker 300 pm mrs rev f g huson will bring the message 700 pm the pastor will bring tho message subject the mission of the son of god plan on attending tho community watch night service dec 81st at 10 pm gormloy mennonite church bethesda sunday december 26 1030 am preaching mennonite churches dickson hill and mt joy rev s s shantz minister sunday december 26 motfnt joy 1000 am sunday school 11 am morning worship 730 pm worship dickson hill sunday december 26 10 am morning worship 11 am sunday school 4 730 pm worship

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