the tribune stouffville ont thursday dec 2nd 1943 while the allies march to rome and victory the people march to ratcliffs and value cereals to suit every taste rolled oats per lb 5c flaked wheat5 lbs 25c cream of wheat per lb 5c brex the new wheat germ cereal per pkg 25c red river cereal per pkg 25c old york cereal per pkg 24c oranges lemons grapefruit ratcliff co town delivery phone 198 back to toronto r toronto maple leaf baseball club have announced that two of this seasons pitchers sulli van and windsor have gone to portland oregon of the pacific coast league in a deal involving earl cook local twirler who as one of the mainstays of the west toast pitching staff this year till be a welcome addition to tie toronto lineup earl was formerly with the leafs in 1932 bloomington mis i hill was a toronto visitor this week mr c davis was at the home of his parents mr and mrs e davis over the weekend miss m topper of toronto spent sunday at the home of mr a top per mr and mrs h kee and daughter of oiangeville and tpr w tranmer of newmarket were visitors at the tranmer home sunday rev h wellwood of toronto de livered a forceful temperance ser mon on sunday morning mr and mrs heise of toronto visited her parents here for a couple of days last week mr and mrs b lemon spent the weekend in toronto a number from here attended the sale of mr albert smith on satur day at green river the smiths had been residents on the forsyth farm mr and mrs m barnes enter tained mr and mrs lemon paisley on sunday it was the occasion of mrs paisleys birthday we wish to join in best wishes to mrs paisley tfctont tf0u4m in these days of farm help scarcity gas shortages and curtailment of unnecessary spending it has been predicted that there will be a revival of old time neighborliness one indication that this is taking place is shown by the amaz ing growth of community farm forums a family invites the neighbors in for monday evening- if the children come they probably go upstairs to play the men congregate in the kitchen and ladies in the parlour for a social chat at 830 all gather round the radio which is turned on arid for one half hour they become part of the largest listening group in the world their programs farm radio forum sponsored by canadian federation of agriculture canadian association for adult education and cbc following this the group is divided into smaller groups which scatter to corners of various rooms where chey pro ceed to discuss three or four prepared questions based on the program theme of the evening which is always some subject pertinent to rural life a discussion goes on for 15 or 20 minutes one member of each group jotting down the findings and then the chairman of the evening appointed weekly calls altogether to hear the conclusion further discussion usually takes place and the final concensus of opinion is recorded by the secretary of the forum who for wards this to farm forum headquarters a farm forum group is meeting in the white rose dis trict with an average attendance of 20 for the third year this is but one of nearly 400 in ontario and they are all across canada meeting regularly every monday night from november to march x the whitchurch folks say its really interesting and urge other communities to try it much helpful information is obtained farmers are becoming more aware of the causes underlying their difficulties and their united voice will have a mighty influence on postwar plans of our nation as together they are discovering better ways of solving the problem of this great basic industry whether you can have 3 or 30 in number the folks say gettogether and have a say in this fall series on planning for plenty gormley hoxored by king chief stoker john r carter tillingham england received the distinguished service medal from the king at a recent in vestiture three years after it had punaitettt alow and avoid the christmas rush high quality waves piucbd 350 up marie jack main st east phone 176 302 former uxbridge teamster deap charlie camplin well remember ed teamster tn uxbridge 30 years ago died in toronto yesterday in his s5th year he was a cousin of mr nathan forsyth and a lifelong friend of mr and mrs horace walsh t been awarded to him for gallan try during the second oattle of narvik carter aboard hms eskimo when she was torpedoed was cited for great coolness and courage fixed for slaughtering avithout permit on a chaige of slaughtering hogs without a permit fiank yorke was fined 25 or 10 days by magistrate prentice in d court toronto on tuesday evidence also disclosed the fact that accused sold hogs to charles slovak a toronto butcher at 21c a pound when the ceiling was 19 c onifl magistrate prentice i am in with the crown counsel that this hits at the whole tuuls of the rationing system and the welfare of the community must also t considered with no record of bog slaughterings we are opening the door to the blackmarket however in this case i am not imposing a heavy fine believing that this conviction will be a fair warn ing to others melville en art s orr of toronto univer sity pte kenneth orr r ca mc of camp borden and miss beatrice orr of kettleby spent the weekend at their home here a good many people are confined to their homes these days with a dose of the flu but we hope they will all soon be around again the melville school is busy prac tising for their christmas entertain ment and a fine programme is in store for all who come on wednes day dec 22nd watch for further announcement the united church womans asso ciation held its regular meeting at the manse on wednesday evening last a large number of ladies were present to enjoy the excellent pro gramme presented by the ladies of victoria square who were the guests of the evening we hope our visitors may soon come again with another of their helpful and cheery programmes at the close of the meeting a social hour was spent and dainty refreshments were served by the hostesses mrs a bruce mrs g reld and mrs w brodle dickson hill mr simeon and miss martha hoover spent a day with mrs noah stouffer of stouffville last week mrs lott and miss gene hallman who are now in toronto spent sun day at home- announcing the anniversary ser vice m the dicksonshill church on sunday morning dec 5 the gorm- ley male quartette will sing a hearty invitation is extended to all the news of the passing of mr elgin brubacker missionary to ni geria west africa was received with deep regret he was the son of rev and mrs isaac brubacker well known in this locality a number fiom here enjoyed the open night at stouffville high school last thursday also the mark- hain commencement on friday even ing we consider this a very privil eged community being in reach of two such very fine high schools quite a number from dicksons hill attended the anniversary services of the mount joy church last sunday and enjoyed the hymns sung by the ambassador male quartette and the messages by pastor s s shantz some of the neighbors have wrap ped their young fiuit trees with tar papei to fortify them against possi ble damage done by rabbits and mice the annual reorganization of our sunday school was held last week with the following results superintendent wesley wideman assistant maurice eby sectreas lloyd wideman assistant lillian moyer teachers for beginners class mrs w timbers and mrs k walker primary class dorothy timbers and mrs m eby junior class margaret moyer and mrs r gibbons inter girls mrs a stouffer and irene timbers inter boys elmore barkey and reg gibbons young p class barley wideman and a c barkey womens bible class mrs ward hallman mrs roy moyer miss mar tha hoover mens bible class winfred tim bers and a jones choristers elmore barkey wm barkey church organist lillian and mrs r gibbons s s organist mrs elmore barkey missionary supt mrs r gibbons mrs wm barkey mrs fred tim bers ushers ross and lloyd wideman reg gibbons carl hoover we hope everyone will work toge ther to makethe coming year a suc cess the church services christ church anglican rev f herman rector miss elizabeth foote organist sunday december 5th sunday schoolat 2 pm 230 pm worship visitors cordially welcome st james presbyterian church stouffville rev t decourcy rayner minister sunday december 5 th please note the hours of services 130 pm sabbath school and bible class 230 pm divine worship st james has a welcome for you gulls raid farm kill 25 chickens want an electric range or an electric radio twice duung the past week gull3 have raided the poultry flocks at marshalls hatchery at kettleby more than 25 chickens were killed before the gulls couldbe driven oft they were grey gulls said mar shall and they came at two differ ent periods they attack in groups of about six gulls they rip open the fowl with their strong sharp beaks with a flock of 2000 chickens in the open the marauders had plenty of scope for action we have the fowl penned up now he stated but that is a good example of closing the stable door after the horse has gone we lost some of our poultry by gulls said mr henry johnson of clarempnt rr 2 to the tribune this week when discussing the case he said they saw a nuniber of gulls light when a more bold one advan ced toward the chickens and tackled a hen they had found hens before picked bone clean and are satisfied the gulls got them stouffville united church kev douglas- davis minister mrs chas nolan organist sunday december 5 th 1000 am sunday school 1100 a m divine worship 730 pm evening worship thuisday 245 pm wms at the church special mite box and birthday tea guest speaker rev dr thos mitchell thursday 8 30 p m choir practice friday dec 17 sunday school christmas party owing to the flu epidemic the regu lar meeting of the cgit is can celled for this week bloomington ringwood christian churches rev g w brown pastor sunday december 5 th 11 am bloomington subject the mighty deliverer 230 pm ringwood subject redemption 730 pm altona gospel service sunday school at 1000 am in altona church at 1030 am childrens meeting in the ringwood church monday 7 pm you will enjoy christian fellowship at these services plan to come god commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sin ners christ died for us romans 58 we can supply you with one of those popular moffat electric ranges four burner with oven and broiler these stoves are hard to get so act quickly if you are interested two electric radios are now offered thateannot be obtained today since they are not being made first come first served is the order in which we will sell these machines are in good running order we also have to offer two dining room suites several beds and springs mattresses tables chairs dressers and a high ghair for baby we can supply you with a good singer sewing machine b raxlin phone 102 stouffville 8th line markham mr and mrs william meek of sandford called on friends on this line on saturday miss white of the 9th line has been in training for some time at a point in western canada and has been on leave at her home here she has now been transferred to ottawa mr and mrs floyd mcreynolds of toronto were visitors last sunday with the reesor family mr j l byer the veteran bee keeper of this district attended the meeting of the association recently held in toronto he reports a large attendance and many questions were brought up dealing with the keeping of bees mrs tilman reesor celebrated her 84th birthday last saturday she is enjoying good health and we extend- congratulations to her dont forget the evangelistic meet ings at the wideman church begin ning dec 1st next week there will be a bible conference dec 7 sth and sth morning and evening ser vices bishop s f coffman of vine- land will be the guest speaker mr delbert bontrager from the us surprised his wife who is on hn extended visit to her home here paying a visit to them for a few days stouffville christian church charles montgomery pastor miss nora stapleton organist sunday december 5th 1000 am bible school 11 00 am morning worship 730 pm gospel service rev ce falconbridge of toronto will preach monday 730 pm teen age girls meeting friday 7 pm childrens meeting friday 8 pm christian endeavor be sure to keep thursday evening dec 23rd open for the christian church concert church hill sunday december sth 200 pm bible school 300 pm divine worship rev c e falconbridge will preach friday 400 pm childrens meet ing at mrs forfars house the christian church christmas concert will be held tuesday dec 21st everybody welcome stouffville baptist church rev d macgregor pastor sunday december 5 th 1000 am sunday school classes for all ages 1100 am morning worship the ordinance of baptism will be administered 730 pm public worship wednesday 8 pm prayer meeting come and receive a blessing stouffville mennonitb church rev e moyer pastor sunday december 5th 1000 am sunday school 1100 am special service com memorating 60th anniversary rev s goudie speaker 230 pm mongolia ss 730 pm evangelistic thursday s30 pm stouffville pray er meeting friday 830 pm mongolia meeting next week wednesday evening altona prayer meeting you are welcome mennonite churches dickson hill and mt joy rev s s shantz minister sunday december 5 th mount jot 1000 atn sunday school 1100 oclock service lifted provision being made for all to attend anni versary service at dixons hill at 1100 am 730 pm evangelistic service dixon hilij sunday december sth 1000 am sunday school 1100 am anniversary service 730 pm service held at mt joy the gormley male quartette will sing at both services note the special services at mt joy will continue each evening excepting saturday special sing ing melville bethesda and peachs churches minister rev a j orr sunday december sth peachs 10 am melville 1115 am bethesda 3 pm friday dec 3 peachs ypu the home of mrs kirk mennonite brethren in christ church gormley arid bethesda rev f huson pastor gormley sunday december sth 200 pm sunday school 300 pm the diamond jubilee service rev s goudie of stouffville will be the speaker 730 pm young peoples servic mrs allen hoover speaker special singing at these services bethesda sunday december sth 730 pm evangelistic service next tuesday dec 7th interdenom inational prayer service at gorm ley church at 8 pm we wo aid like all churches to cooperate the speaker rev s s shantz markham second markham baptist church rev norman rowan pastor sunday december sth 955 am sunday school 1100 am morning worship 730 pm evangelistic service guest minister at both services rev d garner of willowdale this is our special missionary sun day so arrange to come and hear thrilling missionary stories special music and hearty welcome to all our sentence sermon if the outlook is dark try the uplook tuesday 8 pm prayer meeting we welcome yon