Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 2, 1943, p. 2

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v vs- j5 the tribune stouffville ont thursday dec 2nd 1943 established 1888 v member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve pages average paid circulation 1900 subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in ujsa 260 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments please pass the butter you would like to have more butter no doubt but do not get down hearted about the report that butter produc tion is down in western ontario as compared with a year ago for on the other hand central and eastern ontario have done slightly better than last year the increasing demand for fluid milk from the towns and cities has had a material effect on the butter production in spite of the overall increase in rhe production of butter fat it is quite evident that it will be a long time before we will be able to ask for more butter on the table than we are now getting since the coupons are not likely to be in creased scarcity of feed will make it hard for the farmers to maintain the butter stocks now in the country so just withhold your request of please pass the butter colleagues banquet while host in bed last week york county councillors held their annual wardens banquet which is an occasion to honor the first citizen of the county since the war started these banquets which were held annually in the king edward hotel to accommodate several hundred guests have been cut down and only a few friends outside the county councillors are invited it is now held in the county chambers the banquet this year was the strangest on record in that the host of the evening warden stanley osborne was not present due to illness did you ever go out to tea when your host was ill in bed well thats about what the boys of the county council had to do you see even though the affair was smalled down it was not easy to cancel the function the councillors wanted to say a lot of nice things about the sitting warden and this was positively the last chance since he will not be the warden when the councillors meet in body again consequently the banquet went on and the warden lay in bed dreaming about all the things that would be taking place down in the famous hall or seat of the york county council hack to ankara farm cooperative forges ahead those who are opposed to the farmers cooperative companies in ontario will not see any comfort in the fig ures recently put out by the united farmers cooperative company for the past year which shows a turnover of more than 17000000 its patronage dividends exceeding 70000 and more than 37000 to be paid to the govern ment for income and excess profit taxes the thirtieth annual shareholders meeting will be held in toronto this week and one can imagine their gloom when told that the turnover in the past year was 2 million dollars above any year in the companys history and that out of net earnings a total of 17515 will be paid in interest to those who own shares is your churchmen fire not long ago it was a privilege to hear a great ameri can preacher he had the gift of humour and the art of illustrating his argument by some simple story such as this the village church was in danger of being burned to the ground the volunteer fire brigade was working bravely to save as much as possible one of the firefighters who was putting his last ounce of energy and determination into the effort was a man who had treated the church with the most casual indifference the minister happening along said to him george this is the first time i have seen you- at church and george said this isthe first time ithas been on fire i wonder if there are not men arid women in great numbers who have no antagonism to the church but who are standing outside its doors just because it isnot on fire 1 the early church of the first century was on fire to such a degree under the leadership of the great apostle paul the first and greatest of all missionaries that it spread across the thenknown world but there were times and places in which the fire died down and the church languished in complacency and ease what city executive learns riding with rural mailman a fine service was recently rendered to national ad vertisers governments countrytown merchants the pub lic generally and to advertising agencies in particular when an executive of a large manufacturing firm in toron to took a holiday in the country and reported his findings on how country people get their news and where they read their news is precisely where they look at the ad vertisements both national and local our information in the matter comes from market ing a weekly newspaper for canadian advertisers and sales executives weekly editors will be particularly in terested in the report the ad man pitched in stooking grain and after getting a bunch of aching muscles he toured the rural routes with the mail man and got an eyeopener on what rural people in ontario actually read here are some ex tracts of his report judging by this section of the rural community i would say that any advertiser who wished to reach the greatest number of farm readers must use the local paper and he goes on to tell how they come down to the mail boxes to meet the mail man on the day the weekly paper is delivered then he quotes figures on circulations actually obtained on his two weeks visit here they are 67 per cent of boxes received the local weekly 51 per cent received a leading farm paper 20 per cent received a second farm paper 13 per cent received a small city paper 5 per cent received big city dailies w 3 per cent received one national magazine he found too that many farm homes are not served by radio and many who have them use battery sets through which they get farm and market reports and then shut them off to save batteries other pertinent and interesting observations on farm life were contained in his illuminat ing survey but the above is sufficient for the purpose of our editorial on the question which appears in this issue a weekly editob looks at otta wa saffet arikan turkish ambassa dor to germany returned to ankara recently to report on conditions in the reich tur keys entry into the war in the near future is predicted in some quarters sunday school lesson the six op covetousness ciolden text thou slialt not covet anything that is thy neighbours exod2017 the lcsson ns a whole in this the tenth andlast com mandment all unlawful desire is forbidden this goes to the very roots of sin for every sin comes selfwill the wish to be or have ther than what god has designed in reference to this commandment in the authorized vgision of the new testament three different words are used covetness lust and concupis cence they are all synonymous for unlawful desire paul tells us that so far as his outwaid life was con- cerned before his conversion he walked in obedience to the require ments of the law so that he was astouching therghteousness which is in the law blameless the one commandment which made him rea lize the sinfulness of his own heart j was tie tenth and no one could know by observing his behaviour that he was guilty of violating it he was alive in the sense that he did not realize he was under sen tence of death as a law violator but when awakened to see how this com mandment applied he knew that be was so far as the law was concern ed a dead man surely every hon est person must make such an ac knowledgment which of us has not know lust in some form or another verse by verse eod 2017 thou shalt not covet the commandment is one though the romanists have endea vored to divide it by making one part to refer to things in general and the other to looking lustfully upon the wife of another but the prohibition of evil desire refers to anything or person to which one is not legally entitled to covet aught that belongs to another is to vio late this part of the sacred code who can face such an ordinance as this and claim to be guiltless it is the ministry of condemnation to the entire human race for to offend in the old home town ftchu4 u 1 ctm by stanley one point is to be guilty of all luke 1213 master speak to my brother that he divide the in heritance with me the request of this man seemed innocent enough he felt he was being cheated out of that to which he was rightfully entitled but his very concern in dicated how his covetous heart was set upon the accumulation of things which after all could never satisfy verse 14 who made me a judge or a divider over you jesus did not come to adjudicate in family quar rels or neighborhood feuds he came not to judge the world but to save it he therefore refused to have to do with petty quarrels over tempor al issues when eternal issues hung in the balance verse 15 beware of covetous ness he looked into the heart of man and saw what was lurking ing there back of the request was covetousness the desire to possess more than had been meted out to to him this gave to men a false view of life they needed to learn that true living does not consist in the accumulation of goods things are powerless to give lasting peace verse 16 the ground of a cer tain rich man in order to enforce the truth he taught jesus related his story it was doubtless an actual fact of which he told them not simp ly an imaginary tale the rich are often more covetous than the poor verse 17 what shall i do be cause i have no room where to be stow my fruits it did not even occur to this man that he might share his bountiful harvest with those in poverty of whom there were many all about him his only concern was for himself so he would hoard up for himself for his own future enjoyment verse is i will build great er and there bestow my goods actuated by selfishness ho was prepared to take any trouble so that he might keep his own plea sure the bounty that providence had bestowed upon him verse 19 i will say to my soul take thine ease eat drink and be merry apparently there was not one thought of his indebtedness to goel for all these good things nor one particle of concern for those who were bereft of that which he might have shared with them verse 20 thou fool this night thy sou shall be lequired of thee thus spoke the voice of the god he had ignored nd forgotten in the stillness of the night calling him away from a world in which he lived only for a selfgratification out into adark eternity here he could never again enjoy the fruits he had hoarded verse 21 so is he that layeth up treasure for himself and is not rich toward god the lord had pictured most graphically in a man ner none could misunderstand the present folly and the eternal future of those who follow the dictates of their covetous hearts and spend their lives adding to itheir own pos sessions determined to be wealthy but who pay no attention to what is of far greater importance the laying up of treasure in heaven verse 22 take no thought for your life neither for the body it is really anxious thought concern ing which we are admonished our lord did not call upon us to be improvident and careless in the handling of that which is committed to us but we are not to worry or or be unduly concerned about these temporal things since he knows all our needs and can be depended on to meet them as they arise it is wrong to be covetous and selfish it is right to be thrifty and saving it is light to make proper piovision for our old age and for those depen dent upon us it is wrong to seek to be rich and to accumulate vast sums which we can never hope to use and which we can never use and which will only witness against us in the day of judgment verse 23 the life is more than meat and the body is more than raiment we are to put fiist things first if our lives are yielded to god and our bodies devoted to his ser vice he will take care of the rest all necessary things will be provided if we trust in him implicity and seek to do his will he knows what we need and he is never neglectful of his children nor forgetful of his promises rationi info typical questions consumers have asked the wartime prices and trade board this week are answered by the central ontario consumer branch committee q i purchased a two pound carton of honey and had to surrender three coupons i complained to the manager of the store but was told i was wrong would you please advise me correctly a you were correct when pur chasing a two pound carton of honey two d coupons should be surrendered as you gave us the name and address of your dealer we are investigating q i usually pay 25c to have lea ther lifts put on my shoes a ifew weeks ago i was charged 35c and more recently 45c for the same thing at the same deal er can this repair shop raise prices m this manner a they certainly cannot if 25c is the price he cannot raise ii the price for such service is based on the price charged by this shop during the basic per iod sept 15 to oct 11 1941 thank you for reporting this in fraction to us we will pass i along for investigation by jim greenblat patriotic canadians everywhere are visiting blood clinics regularly in this connection it is now that canadian blood serum is being used in italy helping to save the lives of wounded canadian british and american soldiers the navy has done it again per years a discovery for seasickness has been sought quietly but with war science speeding it navy medial researchers went at the problem from stem to stern finally came p with the answer then in toronto one day susceptibles fed a certain pink capsule failed to get seasick a contract has been let for mass production it is said to be 75 effective also in cases of airsicknean they are taken by mouth one to two hours before sailing or in rough weather will be effective for eight hours and can be repeated now the overall efficiency of ships wiu be kept at a maximum come stone come calm a committee from government foe production branches is now closeted and busy drafting canadas lane program for 1944 to be placed be fore a joint meeting of dominiom and piovincial agricultural author ities which will meet in the capital early in december while there majr be changes in the quantities of some types of food little change is cont emplated in the overall picture maximum pioduction on the essent ial will be needed of course tee meat board points out canadas total supply of meats is enough to fill requirements under our ration ing system our lord drew his illustrations from the common things of life that were well known to his hearers every where in palestine the ravens could be seen feeding upon that which god through nature so abundantly pro vided he who thus caied for them could be depended upon to provide for those who put their trust in him theiefore the folly of woiry and an xiety verse 25 which of you with tak ing thought as before it is not careful planning that our lord for bids but rather anxious thought no matter how one may worryho can not add to his stature why then allow himself to be agitated in re gard to his future better far to trust and wait the heart of the lesion the covetous man is an idolater who whatever his profession other wise is a worshiper of the great god self he thinks of himself first last and all the time he is never satisfied he always craves more q i have not used my tea ration coupons all summer in order to include tea in my christmas parcel to relatives in england 1 am now told i cannot do this a you have been incorrectly in formed it is permissible to send gifts of rationed commodi ties such as tea to your rela tives if purchased with coupons from the senders own ration book j q on november 4th i bought 3 tins of strained apple sauce for the baby and did not surrender any coupons this week i bought 2 tins df the same brand and had to give onecoupon which is right a the merchant who collected your d coupons is entirely correct you should receive two tins of this baby food for one d coupon the other grocer will be notified immediately that he must collect coupons for this product q last saturday i paid 10c per pound for parsnips was i charged too much a yes you certainly were the maximum retail price for par snips is 7c per pound thank you for giving us the name of your dealer everyone who reports such infractions of the price ceiling does their part in the battle against inflation this and that a little sign on both sides of a truck can save a driver lots of trouble what is needed as you know is his name and place where verse 24 consider the ravens iives chick hatchings in 1943 have been about 34 per cent above 1942 this normally would bring an increase of egg production in 1944 of 13 per cent over 1943 but feed dif ficulties are expected to reduce this figure to about 10 per cent estim ates of late fruit crops with excep tion of grapes somewhat improved since september with apples now es timated at 4255100 barrels up 45 per cent due to heavier pack in nova scotfa and ontarta 13934 estab lishments reporting to bureau of sta tistics at sept 1 were employing 1s70s36 men and women estim ated consumption of fluid milk for all canada in 1943 is more than 9 per cent higher than the previous year addition to his store will give thrt peace and satisfaction which he has never yet gotten true satisfaction is the portion only of those who have learned like paul to be con tent with such things as it lias pleas- than he possesses hoping that ech od god to entrust them with the bureau of statistics gives as some figuies on farm living costs the index number rising from 1213 for april to 1219 for august foe prices increased 18 points fuel 13 household equipment 03 and miscell aneous 07 clothing prices were- down 03 health maintenance reav ained unchanged while the eastern regional farm living cost index- rose- 05 per cent out west it went to 0f war has enlivened the meat ap petites of canadians judging by the official estimates of the 1942 con- sumption of all meats in the domin ion as 1352 lbs per head of popu lation compared to 1166 in 1939 our domestic consumption is a stag gering figure for 1942 including 734823000 lbs of beef 571992- 000 lbs of pork 60961000 lbs el ihutton and lamb and over a hun dred million lbs of lard there were 80075000 lbs of tongue liver an heart plenty of vitamins previously set at a maximum of 45 years a new national defence- order for those who volunteer for actite service with the canadian army will be restricted to those who have obtained their 18th birthday but not their 38th birthday providing they measuie up to physical standards considered fit for fighting services there are some excepted circum stances only when a shortage exists in the type of men having special tiade or technical qualifications the postmaster geneial has is sued an explanation in connection with mail service to canadians fight ing in sicily and italy there were delays on mail going by surface due to three reasons security reasons in england waiting for convoy length of journey one steamer carrying s00 bags of mail for canadians was damaged by enemy action delayed three weeks the average elapsed time surface mails posted in canada for delivery in the u k is 28 days and between there and the mediter ranean theatre 21 days the present situation is better all surface let ters are sent direct from new york to north africa by u s ships it is expected after the united states christmas rush has subsided parcels will also go that way instead of be ing transferred from england nj convoy blue air letters however since the middle of july have beea promptly delivered to italian bases national sos from department of labour men who are not needed as farm workers this winter are urgently needed in other essential in dustries and can be placed heres the lowdown men will return to the farm again when they are required there they will be paid regular wages for whatever job they acceft and transportation will be paid if a distance has to be travelled workers from the farm postponed under mil itary callup as farmers will continue thus if they leave the farm for es- sential employment for the winter answer the home front call see your nearest national selective service office v send friends the tribune to absent

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