page eight the tribune stoufifville ont thursday nov 18th 1943 classified advs phone 1 53q1j auction sale for sale or rent articles for sale building lot fok sale in stouff- vllle good size apply owner bert maskel 1148 queen east tor onto 8 27- house for sale 7koom brick house all conveniences garage garden church st stouftville apply to win burkholder stouff ville 28 tf to rent three rooms and bath hot water heating central loca tion phone 1002 stouffvllle wood lots for sale three miles north of claremont forsyth bush all hardwood apply nelson webster port perry telephone 199 r21 or mill valley lumber co ltd oshawa phone si farm for sale 100 acres one mile from goodwood station and school hydro rural mail tele phone bank barn steel roof frame house asphalt siding drill ed well hog pen driving shed etc 90 acres workable apply to owner on premises ernest morgason 283 live stock for sale 150 hybrid pullets light sussexbarred rocks 5 mos old well developed albert e drudge stouffville rr 1 v markham 49 hll for sale 75 pullets rock and hampshire cross ready to lay apply ross madill claremont rr 2 for sale eighteen sussexhybrid pullets ready to lay v lewis phone 4702 for sale 12 chunks 4050 pounds r s chambers phone 5609 for sale 30 yearling hens hy brid barred rock and new hamp shire laying 125 each phone claremont 1504 for sale shorthorn bull 10 mos old also red bull 2 years old 2 filly colts suckers ph 3617 claremont for sale 75 new hampshire pullets ready to lay phone stouffville 8208 for sale 8 pigs 9 weeks old j mccallum claremont phone 2005 for sale grade jersey tate phone 215 earl fup lost black and white collie half grown finder please phone 4921 stouffville notice to creditors and others in the estate of clara wideman deceased all persons having claims against the estate of clara wideman late of the township of markham in the county of york widow deceased who died on or about the 4th day of october 1943 are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned solici tors for the administrator of the said deceased on or before the seventeenth day of december 1043 full particulars of their claims im mediately after the said date the said administrator will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to claims of which he shall then have notice to the exclu sion of all others and he will not be liable to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been received for the assets so distributed or any part thereof dated at st catharines ontario this tenth day of november 1943 bursox johnston baker 194 st paul street st catharines ont sollcitois tor the administrator 2s3t notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of hezc- klnh roach sr into of the town ship of uxbrldgo in tho county of ontario municipal clerk de- censed notice is hereby given pursuant to the trustee act that all persons having claims against the estate of hezekiah roach sr late of the township of uxbrldge in the county of ontario municipal clerk deceas ed who died on the 17th day of octo ber 1943 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned solicitors for the executors full particulars of their claims duly verified on or before the 20th day of november 1943 after which date the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which the executors shall then have had notice dated this 2nd day of november1943 orval roach esq markham ont f a forsyth esq goodwood ont executors of the said estate mccuilough button stouffville ont solicitors for the said executors local hunters are gradually re turning from the north country some having met with fair luck and eome with no luck at all for sale mrs a summerfeldt ringwcod has a valuable buffalo robe for sale phone 5713 for sale an oilburning cook ing range for kitchen use pri ced reasonable richard george phone 5512 car for sale 1932 studebaker good tires a bargain for 125 cash bob mcleod claremont ph 3904 chrysler car 1927 model for sale four good tires and tubes w grove ph 5505 lost and found notice a pair of mens pants were left in our store recently owner please claim same schells butcher shop personal why suffer with eczema psoriasis erythema impetigo chaps boils pimples itch etc try kleerex a quick healing salve 50c 100 200 sold by j m storeys drug store stouffville for sale two mens bicycles both in good running condition apply mr murray taylor or ph 7602 for sale one hot water car heater also one glass defioster for windshield reasonable leu keeping stouffville for sale childs snow suit for 7 year old just like new mrs m johnson claremont ph 360s wanted wanted a man to clean sidewalk duiing winter season mrs john mckinnon east end stouffville position wanted by a girl of 16 either in a store or home in or near stouffville ph 8206 wanted a hand washing mach ine with wringer in good condi- tionphone 7602 wanted passengers between stouftville and ajax room for one man or two girls working three shifts len keepings bar ber shop public notice the public is hereby warned that i will not be responsible for any debts contracted in my name by any one whatsoever without my written consent steve thomson nov 15 1943 milking machines we can now give immediate delivery on surge and w c wood co mechanical milkers we also have a limited number of beatty bros shallow well pressure systems on hand get your antifreeze from us and save money supertest and super pyro antifreeze have proven en tirely satisfactory in cars trucks and tractors bell and son fhone 281 stouffville hay and straw wanted at 1500 per ton in trade on de laval milkers sterling double unit 17500 hp motor belt pulley 5900 solution rack 650 installed for 10 cows r 1750 total installed price 25800 v magnetic 2 single units 30500 hp motor belt pulley 5900 solution rack 650 installed for 12 cows 2100 total installed price 39150 good delivery terms in accord ance with wptb reg milk strainers disc 3 boxes 100 milk can seals per 1000 150 electropail heaters 1675 de laval oil rubbers and parts woods milk coolers and grinders j i case co farm machinery write for catalogue toronto radio sports 241 yonge st wa 4501 wanted highclass alfalfa hay reesors marmill ltd phone markham 96 uf0 notice the united farmers of ontario stouffyille branch no 63 is re-or- gamzing under the name of stouff ville cooperative association a charter to carry on business has now been granted the provincial direc- tois by the ontario government under this charter the associa tion is authorized to deal in prac tically every kind of consumers goods for the duration of the war the association will be barred fiom dealing in any commodities not heretofore handled by the club these will be added as restrictions aie lifted meanwhile the club is doing busi ness and has been doing business duiing 1943 at the rate of over one hundied thousand dollars per yeai to do a business of this magnitude it is found that certain building ac commodation to carry it on in and increased funds for the financing of such business must be piovided and this the new setup if subscribed to takes caie of it is then pioposed to laise the necessary funds by what is known as the loan unit plan the head of a family or some other member thereof is asked to pay to the asso ciation ten dollars for a membership fee and in addition to lend to the association one or more units the unit has been fixed in the charter and bylaws at 2500 on this unit or these units the holder may be paid up to 4 interest yearly it is not desirable that any one per son hold any considerable number of these units it is desirable that a great many should hold at least one unit the subscribers will own the busi ness and will conduct it on a thor oughly democratic basis there will be seven appointed by you yearly who will hire the manager and other help the business will be conducted on a thoroughly cooperative basis theie are some twentyeight hun dred faim families within a radius of ten miles from stouffville and another ten hundred to fifteen hun died other families within the same area evry one of which would benefit by having their own consum- eis cooperative why have others doing for you what you can better do for youi selves and at the same time save money no one makes or leceives a profit from a coopera tively conducted business why not get together and work together canvassers will call on you for your subsciiptions or you may call at the office of the stouffville farm- eis club a mass meeting is being arranged to be held in stouffville on thursday dec 2nd to be addressed by pro minent coopeiative speakers screen pictures will also be shown illustrat ing the work of this great move ment of houses cattle swine implements hay etc the undersigned has received instruc tions to sell by public auction at lot 16 con 10 e markham on sat nov 27th the property belonging to albert smith v cows and heifers holstein heifer 2 yrs bred may 10 prebred holstein heifer 2 yrs purebred holstein heifer 2 yrs bred april 9 holstein heifer is months old holstein heifer is months old red and white heifer 10 mouths red and white heifer 10 months hereford heifer s months old jersey heifer 3 months old jeisey cow full flow holstein heifer milking bred april 25th hereford cow bied june isth hereford cow bred june 3rd holstein cow bied july 3rd red and white cow bied april 13 durham cow due nov is jersey heifer ayrshiie cow calf by side blue heifer full flow- black heifer full flow holstein bull 10 months purebred swine and poultry young sow bred oct sth sow with 11 pigs sow with 10 pigs sow with 9 pigs hog 6 months old purebred 4 geese and 2 ganders horses bay mare 6 yeais old clyde brown mare 9 years old clyde driving mare 4 years old giey implements etc mccoi mickdeering binder 6 ft good mccormickdeermg mower good mccormickdeei ing cultivator mh seed drill 13 disc new mccormickdeering scuffler new harrows 4 sections new walking plough 21 fleury hay rake good set sleighs wagon low tiuck steel wheels new set scales 2000 lbs hay fork hay knife turnip drill 4 sling ropes good pig crate draw rope and pulleys good shovels and forks pump jack good bain wagon 5 vice like new hayvrack electric fence with battery 100 rd steel roller two drums good stock shoot new extension ladder set of team harness good 3 horse collars 2 horse blankets neckyokes and whiffletrees about 20 tons hay clover timothy and alfalfa owner giving up fnrming owing to help shortage terms cash sale at 1 pm lloyd turner clerk a s farmer auctioneer district soj mnrfchamwultchurch toronto milk producers annual meeting unionville township hall monday evening november 22nd at s pm speakers from toronto and ontario associations present chas hooper president fraser gee secretary annual reports and discussion w l clark district director well known farm home in markham changes owners the 100 acie estate of councillor albert reesor about two miles south of stouftville has just been acquired by mr leonard hoover neighboring farmer the farm has been worked this year by mr joe reesor on the homestead while councillor and mrs reesor hae continued to live on the place which has been their home for some 30 yeais we understand the change will not be effective until next fall and after that time the reesor place will be worked henceforth by ernest hoover soninlaw of leonard hoover and who is now living on the simeon hoover farm friends in the township will be very pleased to know that mr and mrs reesor and their two daughters are remaining in the township and have acquired the former peter burkholder house and land on the sth concession and so will become neighbors of mr and mrs harry spang the reesor farm adjoins the ree sor homestead and is in good state of cultivation and regarded as one of the better class properties in the township in addition to good barns it has a good house all in repair the reported sale price is 15000 but this has not been confirmed old bethesda girl passes in usa miscellaneous bell son phone 281 stouffville ont agents for beatty bros barn equipment electric and hand pow er water systems de laval milkers and cream separators woods and gilson milk coolers supertest oil and gi eases cockshutt farm machinery nomination for the village council in stouffville will be received on friday evening nov 26 from 730 to s30 pm in memoriam roberts day by day our thoughts do wonder to a grave not far away where they laid our dear son just three years ago today ever remembered by dad mother brothers and sisters send the tribune to absent f l iends mr c moynihan of north whit church has purchased a home in scarboio and with his wife will move there shortly newest advanced military trail ing centre for the canadian army is camp ipperwash- locat ed near sarnla ont adjacent to lake huron the camp a29 canadian infantry training cen tre has been in operation for about a year and hag already established a fine reputation for the efficiency of its training me thods over its rough and vari ed acres the infantryman in training finds almost every type of country over which be may expect to manoeuvre on active service this picture shows one phase of the training through i the smoke of simulated battle troops are charging up a sandy bank after making a river cross ing under fire ipperwash is turning ont crack soldiers photo by barney closter for canadian army bethesda people will regret to learn of the passing on tuesday nov 9th in bemidji minnesota of mrs george campbell formerly harriet allin mrs campbell was a mem ber of the late john allins family and is survived by two sisteis and a brother namely mrs david snider of stouffville mrsmargaret andrews and mr percy allin both of aurora mrs campbell spent her girlhood in bethesda attending public school there and the newmarket high school later upon graduation as a teacher she immediately took schools in the states of michigan and minnesota for the past 34 years she has lived in bemidji min nesota where she has been closely associated with sunday school and educational work indeed as late as this past spring teim was on the staff of the bemidji business col lege in her 72nd year mrs campbell passed away as the result of a cere bral hemorrhage suffered a month ago leaving to mourn her loss her husband attorney george campbell and two daughters lois and kath- erine the reeve dines ox rabbit reeve a e weldon is certain to enjoy a rabbit stew some time this week on tuesday evening while driving over to goodwood his car struck a rabbit in the head and it was brought home and prepared for cooking since it was in such excel lent shape some people tramp all day and carry a gun to knock over a bunny or two more help wanted moie blood doners are required for the coming clinic at markham on nov 25th only 80 responded last time whereas there should have been 120 if yon can add your help this time it will be appreciated eight who offered themselves could not be accepted because they failed to observe the food diet no fats must tie taken for breakfast that morning no eggs cream or fried food if you have not obtained a food card apply w m e watts stouffville or dr innis macdonald markham send the tribune to absent friends auto accessories we have the following goods for immediate sale small cabinet radio electric auto radio vacuum defroster fans electric defrosters fog lamps ringwood garage ken laushway prop phone 25703 all service charges oft farm hydro a uniform power rate for all rural consumeis in ontario elimination oc service charges to all farmers who are primarily pioducers and a reduc tion of the service charge to all re maining rural consumers was an nounced last week by premier geo drew changes in the rate structure will mean that vural power consumers will save 527500 a year it was stated the new rates are to become effec- tive january 1st next and are made in simplifying the whole hydro rata structure reducing cost of power to about 129000 out of 133000 rural consumers cut hydro bills under the cnange a rural con sumers average hydro billin high rate districts will be 274 as com pared with 431 previouslyand com pared with the monthly bill in low rate districts of 292 the change does not affect urban consumers i under the plan 120 rural power distriots are amalgama ted into one provincial rural power district and it reclassifies service- customers classifications mr drew said as a result of hy dros growth ami use in rural dis tricts the rural rate structure has be come complicated and confusing specimen rates the new rates on monthly bills of farmers to a standard form customer who uses 100 kilowatthours per month show the following present monthly bill in highrate districts 431 present monthly bill in low- rate districts 292 new proposed rate in highrate districts 274 a hamlet consumer using 50 kilo watthour per month would have tho following bills present monthly bill highrate district 316 present monthly bill in low rate district 221 under new proposed rate in highrate district 223 animal breaks from scene of sale although weather conditions were ideal and a fair crowd assembled at the farm of mr e w evans north of claremont on tuesday for tho registered stock saleof shorthorns prices were not high the top rea ched was 175 for mayflower maid 61st being lot no 1 in the catalo gue when the next animal appear ed buyers turned over the page but the bossie threw up her tail and struck for parts unknown she never returned in time to be sold registered sheep wentat market prices from 10 to 16 each the sale was sold by wf marquis of uxbrldge since ted jackson ad vertised to be on the block was ill in bed do you want work this winter toronto manufacturer of asphalt shingles and roofing products needs men for factory and warehouse work from now until farm work resumes next spring no experience necessary full pay while you learn the job good wages and working conditions room and board near factory this is essential civilian work in a governmentdesign ated industry important to canadas war effort those employed in war work need not apply apply to your nearest employment selective service office ask for file c r 293