Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 26, 1943, p. 2

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page two the tribune stouffviue out thursday aug 26th 1943 uijr touffxnlle ritwtu established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association and ontario quebec newspapers association issued every thursday at stouffviue ontario eight to twelve pages average paid circulation 1850 subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments a liberal transfusion we listened to a speaker describing the recent election in ontario in the following terms he said this province has recently undergone an operation the patient developed ccfitis dr drew is watching his patient closely he may prescribe a liberal transfusion according to the belief of some physicians no increased bonus commenting on the fact that the dominion bureau of statistics has announced that the costofliving has not increased enough to make a change in the costofliving bonus the windsor star expressed the opinion that its all done by mirrors there are many canadians who will readily agree with this view and holding a front seat among them are the housewives who are being called upon to pay prices double and sometimes three times those of last year for fresh vegetables and fruit the bureau has taken some pains to explain the method of arriving at the costofliving index and to explain also the fluctuation in prices of the various commodities and items on which it is based while not in a position to know the ins and outs of it there are many who believe they are paying just as much if not more today for their food clothing and other essentials as they ever did if there have been reductions they have failed to notice them however here is the explanation we get from jim greenblat our ottawa correspondent on how the costofliving index is arrived at 2l 1- 3zu58gf -vi- the cost of living index measures the month to month change in the cost of living of the average wageearners family by the bureau of statistics it is based on a full year record made in 193738 on 1500 canadian families averag ing 46 persons with an average income of 1453 the index was in six main groups showing food to take 31 percent of the income fuel and light 6 percent housing 19 percent clothing 12 nercent home furnishings and services 9 per cent and miscellaneous 23 percent js folks may howl that living conditions have changed a lot since 193738 true the bureau knows that and it makes the necessary changes for example after sugar rationing came in the amount of sugar in the index was reduced then when cheap lines are off the market making you fork over more for more expensive articles the price of these is considered in the index the index records variations in the cost of a fixed stand ard of living in urban areas it does not measure the in creased costs of people who improve their standard of living not without logic some people ask why does the index only show a rise of 17 percent during the war when such items as stewing beef rocketed up 78 percent lard 73 per cent for example the fact of the matter is of course that all foods comprise less than a third of the whole cost of liv ing index and we have to look at it in that perspective many foods too and important ones have risen much less for instance bread sugar and such foods have remained fairly steady and milk is reduced in price in many places although it increased in the local district will punishment be handed out hang the kaiser many remember the popular cry of 191418 an outraged world expected he would hang did he certainly not instead that archcriminal lived in lux ury and comfort to a ripe old age of ninety odd years en- enjoying the solicitude of his family and a newly acquired wife no the kaiser didnt hang for some reason this is now discretely ignored he wasnt even greatly inconvenienced while millions died torturous deaths or were maimed for life at the behest of this inhuman monster were any of the german leaders in the war of 191418 punished von hindenburg who cloaked his blood lust in grandfatherly benevolence became president of germany lived to a good old age and appointed hitler chancellor of the third reich whereby he attained position and power to start this war ludendorf and that thoroughpaced scoundrel von papen went free to help form the nazi party which was instru mental in starting the present conflict while these men were the product of the social conditions which cause wars they nevertheless lent themselves to the situation hoping to profit thereby had an exemple been made of the kaiser and his henchmen the present german leaders would have hesitated to advocate another war we are told that the criminals of this war will be tried and punished that a commission has been established for this purpose that a list of the criminals is being compiled although nobody seems to know who is included from indications already apparent it looks as though the same easy escape may be possible for the war criminals of this war as for those of 191418 brigadier general j h morgan an authority on international law forsees difficul ty when the time comes to round up axis criminals in neut ral countries and from the treatment some have already re ceived it would appear that we do not intend to be very se vere we see rudolph hess the second ranking nazi far removed from harm and danger quietly spending his time reading among the comforts of a large english estate after having helped to start a war whereby millions of british people will lose dear ones we saw admiral darlan an archenemy of the allies and persecutor of the jews in france treated royally and placed in position of authority in africa until some outraged indi vidual justly executed him we read of von thoma the hun leader whose hands drip with the blood of fleeing women and children refugees he had bombed and machine gunned on the crowded roads in france being entertained at breakfast after capture in north africa and carefully flown to england by special aeroplane the whole pack of scoundrels will undoubtedly be very repentent after the war and it is possible that hitler and his satellites may escape punishment it is said that the oppressed occupied countries will see the germans get their deserts which germans the only germans the people of these countries will be able to get at will be the lowly german soldier hitler and his friends those that dont commit suicide will be far away secure in some foreign country living comfortably on the huge bank accounts we are told they have established outside ger many ribbentrop and goering have already purchased estates in neutral switzerland when peace is restored the majority will be rejoicing at the safe return of friends and relations and therefore may be indifferent as to the punishment or otherwise of hitler but there are some to whom loved ones will never return these people are not liable to forget those who started the war and as a mother whose only son has already been killed in action to them particularly lillian m mcfarlane writer offers the following suggestion let an organization be started in canada by families who have had dear ones killed or maimed in this war to insist that no peace terms be considered which do not include severe punishment for those responsible for starting it this might be called the peoples international union for the punishment of war criminals sunday school lesson figures for neck and neck fight not to be recounted although theie was a neck and neck race between liberal and con servative candidates in muskoka and ontario riding there will be no re count it is announced mr kellys majority is ss in the town of uxbridge where it was estimated that mr kelly would have a good lead he only outstripped gibson conservative by eight votes 1g9 to 161 in the township of ux bridge where a lot was heard about the sitting member building a road from goodwood to uxbridge while neglecting to carry it on to york county a few miles away mr kelly suffered defeat the vote was 253 for gibson conservative and 232 for kelly farmers should buy feed now the directors of the york county federation of agriculture met at newmarket to discuss ways and means of impressing on farmers the seriousness of the feed grain situa tion for the coming winter due to decreased acreage and reduced yields of grain of doubtful quality w h wilmot sec of toronto milk produceis pointed out that to move the feed required for the com ing winter will require 200 to 230 cars per day from now to new years whereas there are only that many rer week coming at present lrwt year with a big crop here our heavy live stock production program in eastern canada took over one million tons of western grain and much more will be needed this year in view of shortage of help at fed j mills the directors are urglnc farm- j ers tf make up orders for car loads to help the local dealers who will co operate in placing the orders this grain is for shortage in elevators or warehouses but to be hailed to the faims for next winter use when transportation of car lots will be even more acute the governments are paying sub sides to compensate the farmers for taking delivery of the grain now eating caterpillars wont harm you if you dont know about it housewives generally have the false impression that vegetables and other foods damaged by the feeding of insects are unfit for human con sumption and must be discarded that is by no means true feeding scars made toy insects are unsightly but do not change the flavour of vegetables make them less palatable or interfere with their food value a little judicious cutting away of the damaged parts will save money and in some ways provide freh food which otherwise might be unobtain able if the corn borer has eatcn a holo in tho end of the cob simply break the damaged portion oft cut around injured spots in the heads of cab bages or cauliflowers prune away scar tissue from insectinjured rad ishes potatoes carrots or other veg etables dont be afraid to use the sound part of any vegetables which have been attacked by insects in some countries insects them- stouffviue floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers milt smith prop telephone 7001 7002 selves are used as food although this is not recommended should a caterpillar be cooked and eaten with any vegetable even that will not hurt anyone as long as he doesnt know about it lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family womens hosiery gloves shoes socks boots and mitts stouffviue phone 4301 opposite the town clock a s farmer licensed austioneer 20 years experience 20 20 years experience york county uxbridge and picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty telephone stouffviue 7309 address gormley po israels sin and restoration golden tevt the lord is longsuff- erinjj and of great mercy forgiv tag iniquity and tranivion sum 1418 the lesooii as a whole the first and second command ments as proclaimed audibly and which god later recorded on tables of stone forbade idolatry in any foim the people promised perfect obedience but before moses came down from his forty days in the mount with god they had broken down completely by making a golden image of a calf or young ox to which they attached the name of jehovah and in whose honour they instituted an idolatrous festival it was a start ling disclosure of the incurable evil of the heart of man and the utter impossibility of standing before god on the ground of human righteous ness moses lealizing what had tak en place broke the tablets of stone on the mountainside before he re entered the camp what was the use of bringing a perfect law to so im perfect a people judgment followed their dereliction but in a magnifi cent spirit of selfabnegation the prophet pleaded for the people re questing that rather than destroy them god would blot his own name out of the book of the living it was a sti iking manifestation of the spirit of christ working in and through moses god however acted in ac cordance with his own sovereignty and declared i will have mercy on whom i will have mercy and so after destroying the lingleaders in the lebellion against his law declar ed he would send his angel to lead j the people into the land of promise and gave to them the institution of the levitical sacrificial order which was designed to tjjplfy the redemp tive work of the piomised saviour thiough whom their sins should eventually be completely put away moses then was commanded to make two tablets similar to the first and go up again to god in the mount to receive the law a second time this second giving of the law was dis tinguished from the first by the pro visions made to foigive the penitent violators of it verse by verse exod327 thy people have coirupted themselves the people had shown that their faith was in moses rather than in god himself so the lord in addressing his servant spoke of them as thy people which thou broughtest out of the land of egypt thus taking them on their own giound their ready failure had demonstrated the corruption of their hearts veise s they have turned aside quickly out of the way which i com manded the law was given to dem onstrate the incairigible evil of the heait of man it gave to sin the specific character of transgression when israel made the calf of gold it was a direct violation of a definite command of god this was inexcus able and under law called for judg ment it proved the thoroughly evil nature of the people whom god had separated to himself verse 9 behold it is a stiff- necked people the figure is that of a refactory ox refusing the yoke israel by turning to idolatry mani fested her insubjection to the divine will verse 10 let me alone that my wrath may wax hot against them it was the justice of god calling for satisfoction broken law demands the execution of the penalty so the sword of judgment seemed about to fall on isiael and would have done so had it not been for the mediation of moses chap 34 moses rose up early in the morning and went up onto mount sinai in response to the lords command his servant obeyed with alacrity and with two newly hewn tablets in his hand ascended the mount once more to appear be fore god on behalf of the people who had failed him verse 5 the lord descended and proclaimed the name of the lord his name speaks of what he is jehovah the everliving one verse 6 the lord god merci ful and gracious longsuffering and abundant in goodness and truth such a god was unknown to the heathen world only a divine revela continued on page six business directory dental e s barker lds dd honor graduate of royal colleg of dental surgeons and of toe university of toronto office in grubins block phone 274 markham every tuesday office in wear block medical dr s s ball physician and surgeoe xray office cor obrien and 1uj phone 196 coroner for york county dr arthur l hore physician and surgeon general medicine and obsutrlco also eye ear nose and throat byes tested glasses fitted school children tested free markham ont phono insurance thomas birkett general insurance agency stouffviue ontario established 1908 insurance in reliable companies reasonable rates promt service phone 25902 stouollie clarke prentice rhonc agincourt 152 ws millikcn licensed auctioneer for the counties of 4ork and on tario successor tor corpl ken prentice of casf and of the late j h prentice former prentice prentice farm and farm stock sales a specialty at fair and reason able rates h o klinck phone 3307 stonffifflle fire auto burglary sickness tut accident fidelity bonds the standard life assurance co the pioneer of canadian life insurance a mutual company with 117 yesrt experience strength and service unexcelle a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co -also- automobile and fire barristers office phone residence phoa 3160 3514 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary pantile g king street east oshawa ontario resident partner branch ofse wcpolalrdkc pert perry uxbridge ontario phono li office phone elgin 7021 residence pnons mo use samuel d borens barrister solicitor etc 503 temple bldg 62 richmond street west toronto l e oneill 8touffville funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night 30exoz aox 30e30e 30x playfair company members toronto stock exchange if l trapp member stocks and bonds orders executed on all exchanges inquiries solicited o d o toronto ok king st west phone a i j00i jesoi ioc ioc 301 z5 r g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouflwn monday wednesday frldsjs 9 to 12 am stouffville marble granite works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor phone 4303 brierbush hospital government licensed member of the allied private hospital association main street east stoiiftvuie maternity medical and surgical ambulance service day and night service mrs e r good pnone 191

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