Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 22, 1943, p. 8

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ssmiv m jrarwwj the tribune stouffville ont thursday july 22nd 1943 these liberal policies which advance agri culture benefit every town and village on august 4th to ensure postwar progress for your community and your own prosperity 7vt6 hcxtut at t6e 706ed keep ontario prosperous over 7000000 in bonuses paid to ontario farmers to encourage the production of pork and cheese in cooperation with the federal government a bonus of 4f per pound is being paid for clean wool a subsidy of 555 per ton to sugar beet growers a subsidy on western grains fed in the province marketing legislation has enabled fruit and vegetable growers to get higher prices for their produce the liberal government in ontario reduced interest rates on farm loans from 5 to 4 provides loans on flax and other farm cooperatives including cold storage plants reopened demonstration farms at new liskeard and hearst instituted county agricultural war committees reduced interest rates on drainage loans from 5 to 3 dispensed with collection of tax on gas for tractor use doubled rural hydro lines reduced rural hydro rates by 1250000 per year and bonused rural hydro lines by 10400000 sunday school lesson elect the liberal candidate ncconnell for east york mothek op fouk is killed isy lightning a recent electrical storm at new market killed mrs john m gordon as she walked from the hen pen to the house the unfortunate woman was just under the wire clothes line when the bolt struck and she was killed instantly it was about 530 and mrs gordon was returning from feeding the hens besides the hus band four small children are left to battle along in this old world what a difference a few seconds can make violate regulations 8 haled into court alleged violation of wartime price and supply regulations landed so persons into courts throughout can ada last week eightythree peisons weie convicted and sentenced to tines ranging from 25 to 300 potatoes and fuelwood led the list of commo dities prices of which resulted in fines for vendors other commodi ties sold at excessive prices were meat milk bananas maple syrup beer cigaiettcs and paperhanging roth buyer and seller were fined when a montreal customer was con victed of purchasing meat without a coupon have your opump expertly serviced by the j duro water systems dealer like any other piece of machinery your duro pump needs attention from time to time to ensure continuous satisfactory performance working parts may wear requiring adjustment or replacement and regular lubrication is essential until the war is over it is more necessary than ever that present owners keep their pumps in good running order because the produc tion of new duro pumps is limited the duro dealer whose name appears below is fully experienced he will be glad to inspect your pump adjust it and instal new parts if needed should you be requiring fixtures or fittings for bathroom kitchen or laundry demand emco quality fixtures and fittings although its range of styles and sizes is limited due to wartime restric tions emco can still supply requirements for the average home war savings stamps and certificates should be bought regularly agnew hardware stouffville ontario empire brass mfg co limited 34s london hamilton sudbury toronto winnipeg vancouver lesson 4 july 25th i1iijlk teachings ox thk cost op drinking golden text know ye not tliat the uprlghteous hliall not inherit the kingdom of god 1 cor 0t the heart of the leson scripture abounds in warnings ot the unhappy consequences that fol low the indulgence in strong drink this hurtful habit however is but one of many sinful practices which demonstrate the corruption of the heart ot the unregenerate man even were it possible to curb these propen sities and by turning over a new leaf or reforming live decently in the future this would not in itself deliver a man from condemnation and fit him for the presence of god there must be a divine work in the soul whereby the sinners life is transformed when he bows before god in sincere repentence and re ceives the lord jesus christ by faith as his personal saviour then he be comes a part ot that new creation of which christ is the head gal 615 the outward life becomes different when a new and divinely given life has been imparted eph 42224 verso by verse dtut 2118- a stubborn and re- bellous son nothing is more pain ful ifor parents than to and their children drifting into vicious halbits and refusing to listen to the admon itions ot those who would seek to guide their feet into paths of de cency and sobritty stubbornness we are told elsewhere is as idolatry because it puts self in the place of god and rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft or sorcery because it involves turning to false guides who are opposed to the way ot truth 1 sam 1523 verse 19 then shall his father and his mother bring him out unto the elders of his city unable to restrain their wayward son the unhappy parents were commanded in the dispensation of law to turn him over to the civil authorities that he might be dealt with according to the divinely given commandment it was their confession that their son had by indulgence of wicked and sensual habits reached a place where he was beyond redemption so far as they were concerned verse 20 he is a glutton and a drunkard shakespeare was right when he put into the lips of king lear the words how sharper than a serpents tooth it is to have a thankless child- nothing is more heartbreaking than to see the son of ones love and care drift away from parental guidance and in association with others of like tendencies become the willing pan- derer to unholy appetites which eventually make him an abject slave to habits from which he cannot break away and alas in many in stances from which he has no desire to be treed verse 21 all the men of his city shall stone him with stones that he die this was pure law unmin- gled with mercy it was the way whereby others were warned of the folly of such conduct as that of which the drunken profligate had been guilty and so was designed to free the community from the evil how different the new testament story of the prodigal subdued at last by divine grace and restored to a place of honor in the home of the father against whom he had sinned- luke 15 1124 he too was a stubborn and rebellious son but grace brought him to repentance and gave him to forgiving love prov 2320 wineblbbers and riotous eaters of flesh the revis ed version has gluttonous for riot ous once more the two evils drunkenness and gluttony are link ed to gether both speak of uttbridl- ed appetite selfish indulgence and are detrimental to both body and soul verse 21 the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty so ciologists have in some instances sought to show that it is poverty that drives men and women to drink and foster other evil habits some times this may be true but much more frequently it is these sins that deprive men of initiative and lead to penury and even criminality he who resolutely refuses to fall into such debasing halbits is far better equip ped to make the best of his circum stances and to be actuated by a laud able ambition to improve them when the love of alcohol predominates the will to achieve becomes paralyzed and all good impulses are destroyed this it is that results in the drowsi ness or lethargy which clothes a man with rags 1 cor 69 the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom ot god tho kingdom is here viewed in its spiritual aspect as righte ousness and peace and joy in the holy ghost rom 1417 none but those who have been constituted righteous through faith in christ rom 43 5 814 and who are made practically righteous through the new birth 1 john 3710 enter into and enjoy these blessings verse 10 nor thieves nor cov etous nor drunkards shall in herit the kingdom of god ithat there may be no misunderstanding as to what is included in tho term the unrighteous the spirit of god gives a list in this and the preceding verse of those whose evil behavior proves that they have no part in the the old home town by stanley kingdom of god among these we find the drunkard we are uotthere- fore to think of drunkenness simply as a misfortune or perhaps as a dis ease dipsomania for which one should not be held responsible drunkenness is a sin and a very grave sin indeed it is sin against god against society and against ones own body the next verse gives us the one infallible remedy for this unholy appetite verse 11 such were some of you but ye are washed but ye are sanctified but ye are justified some in the corinthian church had once been guilty of the wicked beha vior mentioned above but through hearing and believing the word ot god they had been washed and cleansed and by the power of the spirit of god and the allavailing name of jesus they had been sancti fied or set apart from sin to holiness and justified from all that once stood against them now cleared of every charge and washed and legenerated by the holy spirit national selective service fourth compulsory employment transfer order a direction to specified employers and employees this order applies to any young man who is 16 17 or 18 years of age and who is working at any one of the employments specified in this notice it is also dircctcil to the present employers of these young men a objective the order provides for the transfer of the young men affected to work which is of more importance to canadas war effort trans fers will be made after taking into account the health and domestic circumstances of these young men b young men who are affected every young man who is in any one of the employments specified who has reached his 16th birthday but has not reached hib 19th birthday is covered by this order c employments specified in the order this order applies to the young men described above if no cmploved in any of these occupations ci any occupation in or associated with the following a barber shops and beaut parlours b distilling alcohol for beverage c dyeing cleaning and pressing baths guide ser vice shoe shining d entertainment including but not restricted lo theatres film agencies motion picture companies clubs bowling alleys pool rooms c operation of ice cream parlours and soda fountains f manufacture of feathers plumes and artificial flowers chewing gum wine lace goods greeting cards jewelry g retail stores h factory production of statuar and art goods i retail and wholesale florists j retail sale of confectionery candy tobacco books stationery news k retail sale of motor vehicles or accessories 1 retail sale of sporting goods or musical instruments m service stations gasolinefilling stations n taverns liquor wine and beer stores 2 bus boy charman and cleaner custom furrier dancing teacher dish washer domestic servant doorman and starter elevator operator greens keeper grounds keeper hotel bell boy porter other than in railway train service private chauffeur taxi driver waiter d how the order affects young men still attending school young men in the age groups mentioned now employed will not be intcrfcrc4 w insofar as returning to school at the opening of the school scsston in the autumn fs concerned but young men in the age classes covered who arc now working during their summer vacation must comply with this compulsory order e procedure to be followed all men as defined above must report to an employment and selective service office not later than july 24th 193 men resident outside a city or town having an employment and selective service office who are too far removed to call personally at such an office may write to the nearest office in the first instance and await further directions f appeals if directed to transfer to employment subsequent to interview a man may if he objects enter appeal with a court of referees within 7 days of receiving such direction c penalties penalties arc provided for employers who retain or take into their employ after july 24th 1943 any man covered by this order except under special permit also penalties arc provided for failure of an employee covered by the order to register or follow a subsequent direction to employment n authority this order is issued under authority conferred on the minister of labour by national selective service civilian regulation pc 246 of january 19th 1943 and amending orders in council employers or employees uncertain of the application of this order in a particular case are ailrised to communicate immediately tcith the nearest employ ment and selective service office attention it directed to the fact that the third compulsory order ahich contains a list of occupa tions different form the altove also requires certain young men 16 17 and 18 years of age to report to national selective service wwsssbsssss m il1bdto humphrey mitchell mtahlar lhmr dlrtter jvaffffml swrfr srwhm a mfnamara dt4

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