Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 22, 1943, p. 7

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the tribune stouffville out thursday july 22nd 1943 notice to landlords whenever you make a new lease or renew a lease whether in writing or an oral agree ment involving a change of tenant a change in rental or a change in the services or accommodation to be supplied yoa are required at the same time by order no 108 of the wartime prices and trade board to give the tenant a signed statement using a printed form rc 40 supplied by the wartime prices and trade board this statement must show the max imum rental for the accommodation con cerned and other information prescribed you are also required within ten days to forward a signed copy of this statement to the nearest regional rentals administra tion office penalties are provided for failure to comply with this order these forms are available at all offices of the wartime prices and trade board rentals administration fauaitk to exchange 1xsuk- axce books mr p j tod manager of the local employment office today stat ed that a change in policy has been adopted by the unemployment insur ance commission in regard to the exchange of unemploymeat insurance books required by law to be made at april 1st up to this year mr tod stated in order to give employers au opportunity of becoming familiar with the act prosecutions were not entered against employers who de layed unreasonably or failed to ex change the insurance books of their employees however this year pro secutions are being gone ahead with aud already six convictions of delin quent employers are reported from various points across canada ein- loyers charged with negligence at waterford ns snediae nb tor onto and sudbury ont and chicou- timi and sherbrooke pq have all been convicted by local magistrates the magistrates levied minimum lines in some cases but in other in stances penalties were rather sev ere several magistrates issued warnings that further offences would be treated more seriously mr tod added that he is informed from ottawa that a number of addi tional cases across canada where failure to exchange insurance books is alleged are now under review and some of them at least will come before the courts the local employment office manager stated that in this district there are some employers who have not yet complied with the require- ratioxixg timktahle clip this out and keeo available coffee ok tea gmu coupons l23isg7s9 and 10 now valid coupons 11 and 12 valid july 22 valid until declared void each good for s oz coffee or 2 oz tea sugar pink coupons 12345c7s9 and 10 now valid coupons 11 and 12 valid july 22 valid until declared void each good for one pound of sugar canning sugar coupons marked june and july now valid buttek purple coupons ib 17 is and 19 now valid expire july 31 coupons 20 and 21 valid july 22 expire august 31 each good for lb of butter meat buff coupons pairs 456 and 7 now valid expire july 31 coupon pair 5 valid july 15 expire august 31 coupon pair 9 valid july 22 expire august 31 coupon pair 10 valid july 29 expire august 31 each pair good for 1 to 2v lbs meat k ments of the unemployment insur ance act in regard to the exchange of books cedar beach gardens musselmans lake dancing- wednesday and friday nights with bruce gould and his mavic modem and olde tymo dancing saturday evenings max boaj and his 10piece orchestra the best results are obtainod from tribune classified advs xorth york liberal officers are named officers of the north york liber al association chosen at the riding nomination meeting are as follows follows hon presidents hon w l mack enzie king hon harry nixon hon w p mulock and morgan baker president j e smith richmond hill secretary ii w pearson mt albert treasurer jos vale new market vicepresidents dr g d mclean woodbridge carl ess york twp r w scott vaughan t blackburn king twp wm kier- stead north york- twp h stephen son kettleby lome eyans whit church bruce mcmillan queensville n doyle roches point n burrows sutton w riddell georgina geo smith north york twp t h trench richmond hill lome c lee aurora to reserve glass containers for goods which it is essential to pack in glass the wptb has ruled that tobacco and tobacco products may no longer be packed in glass contain ers manufacturers however may use containers on hand until stocks are exhausted the wartime prices and traeesboarp seldom seen the more i think ofit the more i laugh sometimes at the different views people have on the same thing i was talking to the editor of this paper once as he told me how a cer tain article he once wrote brought condemnation while another group said it was the fairest thing they had ever read on the issue then he told me that one man confessed that he believed the editor was paid to make the charge he did all the time the editor said he never intend ed the item in question to either offensive or defensive but rather in structive so you see the editor had a different view to a lot of other people and he was the author of the thing now im going to confess some thing not long ago i went for a boat ride at musselmans one hot sunday night mrs josh doesnt like boats but we had some friends for tea and it was a doost of a hot day and she was ready for anything when evening came that promised relief it was just dusk and all you could see around that pot of water wai people twinkling lights and motor cars the breeze came leaping up over mammoth 2s red cross rally crosby memorial lunk unionville saturday nnd sunday july 24 25 program for saturday the following war films will be shown blood donors prisoners of war boxes work for torpedo victims road to tokyo paratroop training i molhemoo cow comedy dian juvenile boy fife and drum band in attendance outstanding soprano bloxdie athabaska famous blnckfnced comedians midvny providing fun and ex citement for everybody admission adults 25c children 15c the bow of the boat when we got out on the lake but somehow fell sort of out of place because it was the sabbath day and we never spent one quite like that before i shook off the idea that there was anything wrong about spending the sabbath evening in this fashion and tried to enjoy the cool relief i said to my self if the good ilord wanted me to stay from the lake on the sabbath why in thunder didnt he provide some tolerable weather for a farmer he knows better than we do that we can only stand so much anyway we finally went back home in the car still doubtful although i never raised the issue about the right or wrong of it at all mrs josh never raised the question either and she is a good soul if ever there was one the lord i feel sure told her to ob tain relief from the heat and i sort of hang under her protection but there are all those people at the lake who would laugh at the idea of being worldly because they par ade around the lake on sunday and there is another group who wouldnt be found there at all for them there is no question but that it is a wrong thing to do still another group say they would be there if they were privileged to get there so you see the picture the- whole thing finds so many people with a different idea on the matter reli gion is much like politics and many other issues you cant make every body think alike probably the su preme ruler of the universe will take this into consideration on the judgment day sunday program guest speaker major a l steele sr chaplin of district no2 toronto soloist mrs r b hn choirs of all the churches on the platform with mrenglish of browns corners at the piano local ministers will assist in the service collection in aid of the red cross fund service at 730 pm tribune classified ads are read weekly by over 5ot0 people thats why they give best results try them and see wins second award sgt george alfred hickson 2s of kitchener ont who won the distinguished conduct medal in the dieppe raid has been award ed the military medal for his services in north africa he is the first canadian soldier to win two battle decorations in this war ho is a member of the royal canadian engineers drew 22- point program backed by house records constructive proposals in public interest speaking over the cbc network friday night july 16th leslie m frost mpp for victoria and haliburton one of the outstanding progressive conservative mem bers in the ontario legislature emphasized the fact that the 22point program recently enunciated by george drew leader of the progressive conservative party was the product of extended consultation with his followers and that it was unanimously adopted at a largely attended meeting of party candidates and officials from all over ontario held at the royal york hotel on saturday july 3rd not only this said mr frost the plat form given out after that meeting was the natural sequence and outcome of construc tive proposals made in the legislature by mr drew and his associates ever since the war began the opposition led by mr drew has at each session put forward a scries of resolutions conceived in the public interest these proposals added the member for victoria and haliburton have been either voted down at the instance of the liberal government or declared out of order by a liberal speaker on february 15th 1941 the opposition submitted a resolution calling upon the government to move for a conference of representatives of the dominion and of all the provinces for the following purnoscs to adopt such measure by interprovincial coojxration as may be necessary a to assure the greatest war and post war efforts b to meet emergencies created by the war c to assure adequate prices for agricultural products d to protect the established rights of labor and to devise plans for the rehabilita tion of the members of our armed forces and for the reemployment of civilians who may be thrown out of work by postwar industrial readjust ment and to consider such other questions relating to the welfare and security of the people as may be deemed advisable voted down by the liberals including mr nixon town and country planning the advisability of planning beforehand for postwar recovery was again pressed upon the house by the opposition in a resolution which read that the proposed st lawrence development and other public under takings throughout the province in the opinion of this legislature call for the immediate creation of an ontario town and country planning commission with authority to recommend and supervise plans for the reconstruction reclamation and development of rural and urban areas this and similar opposition proposals were voted down by the liberals including mr nixon economy urged jn the same session the opposition im pressed by the need for economy in the administration of the province brought in a resolution that the estimates for the current year be referred back to the executive council with instructions to decrease the total amount of supply by 25000000 this was turned down by the liberals including mr nixon forest resources later on mr drews followers offered a resolution demanding that the administra tion and control of the provincial forest resources be placed under the direction of a public body to be known as the ontario forest resources commission after the manner of the ontario hydro electric power commission rejected by the liberals including mr nixon reconstruction plans id the late session of the legislature 1943 the opposition kept up the pressure for action by submitting this resolution this house regrets that the liberal government has introduced no legisla tion to provide for the reestablishment in civilian occupations of the members of our forces for after war reconstruc tion and for work wages and social security for our people the liberals including mr nixon voted this down still on the same drive for action the opposition proposed that the government should undertake with special reference to the constitu tional relationships between the domin ion and provincial governments a sur vey of existing social schemes here and elsewhere and with due regard to the probable course of events after the war make recommendations for a unified workable plan which will assure koper standard of work wage jth education and living standards for all our people with special refer ence to the reestablishment of the men the press endorses progressive conservative platform drew plans a dynamic ontario essex county reporter khtgsvhle ont social security full employment and economic planning are prominent topics of the day george drews approach to the discussions forms a stimulating contribution ontarios planning problem according to george drew is not a static one but is dynamic in character designed to develop to the utmost our naturegiven potentialities his view at first may sound like oldline thinking but one must admit that his ap proach is more than an echo of laurier and macdonald he adds something new our planning for the future must be dynamic drew appeals to the best in ontario ottawa journal for the progressive conservative programme offered the people of ontario by george drew one thing must be said at the outset it is that here at least is a pronouncement by a public man who reveals understanding of the gravity and the faith and hope of our times he mr drew offers us a pro gramme within the framework of freedom a programme that must appeal to ontarios tradition of individual independence and selfreliance 1 le would h ive government control and superintendence for the citizen he would not subject men to the deadening hand of bureaucracy nor plan us all into puppets under drill sergeants of the state that he leaves as it should be left to the socialists of the ccf no ontario leader in years has advanced a more progressive a more humane or a more hopeful programme drews great social document toronto globe and mail progressive conservative leader george drew has raised the present campaign far above the picayune things of the little poli tician by it all the carping all the sneers the inuendo and the petty slander of hts critics were swept aside in that address george drew has given the people of on tario a great document the finest social document in ontarios history one which should be read studied and thought upon by every citizen point by point it is a massive thing even in the skeletonized form it is a dynamic and constructive programme almost every point offers a practical approach to fundamental problems it is essentially a programme of work a series of well in tegrated steps calling for the creative use of all our resources and all our skill george drew is publicly pledged to these 22 points what is more he is pledged to implement them with the guidance and assistance of the chosen representatives of each group directly concerned if some concrete evidence of the genuineness of the party were needed there is the record many of the records of the points mr drew itemized in his address are not new he has offered them to the legislature of the province and as opposition leader offered to assist the government in carrying them out to the rescue of real estate windsor star mr drew proposes that the ontario govern ment if he is called upon to form it will assume at least fifty percent of the school taxes now charged against real estate that would prove a relief to all taxpayers and women in our fighting forces and the war industries the liberals including mr nixon killed this resolution help for agriculture x the opposition renewed the attack with this further resolution the members of this legislature express their rcaret that the governmeit has failed to meet the critical needs of our agricultural producers and they insist that the government immediately take whatever steps are necessary to assure stability of prices nnd nn adequnte supply of manpower and machinery for the rapidly increasing demands of war production this was a move on behalf of the farmers of ontario which the liberals were afraid to eto directly the liberal government members including mr nixon got around this difficulty by adopting a resolution praising the government for the admirable work done by the province in assuring manpower prices and machinery for the agricultural industry uniform rate for hydro the next resolution submitted by the opposition asserted that the hydro electric resources of the province belonged to all the people and that it is therefore desirable that the hydro electric power commission act be amended immediately to equalize rates for electric energy nnd remove the present service charge in rural areas i to meet fuel shortage an opposition resolution dealing with the current fuel shortage rend in the opinion of this house a fuel com mittee should be appointed to inquire into the fuel situation and to recom mend to the government measures to assure the greatest possible supply of fuel for the coming winter despite the sufferings of last winter and the prospective sufferings of the coming winter on the part of the people the liberal government of the day including mr nixon unanimously voted down this resolution financial protection for soldiers the next resolution introduced by the opposition at the recent session of the house proposed that all members of the canadian armed forces from ontario mould be given effective legal protection against the normal economic consequences of their service and that all those whose ability to meet their financial obligations has been materially reduced by such service should be sheltered against the forfeiture of instalment contracts cancellation of life insurance policies up to 1000000 and judgments or other legal proceedings for debts incurred before entering military service the resolution stated that this protection should be extended on the express condition that those able to pay should not be encouraged to evade their obligations the deferment rather than the cancellation of obligations was suggested so that justice might be assured instead of voting down this resolution the liberal attorneygeneral stated that this proposal had been taken up with the federal government but up to the present time no action has ensued old age pensions a further resolution introduced by the opposition read resolved that in the opinion of this house the government should take immediate steps to adjust the oldage pension payment in accordance with the present cost of living in supporting this resolution mr drew and others contended that old age pension payments should be raised immediately by at least s500 a month and that the practice should be abandoned of compelling old people with little homes to give up these homes before they can collect their scanty pensions this reasonable proposal of the opposition was ruled out of order by the speaker mr james clarke who now favors union of canada with the united states on another occasion in the late session the speaker ruled out of order a proposal for the celebration of empire day mr nixon is not on record as protesting against the liberal speakers rulings labour and teamplay as far back as 1941 george drew placed before the legislature a proposal calling upon the minister of labour to arrange o conference to be known as the ontario industrial production conference to be attended by representatives of labour unions employers and the public the purpose of the conference was to be the assurance of maximum industrial produc tion with effective protection for the workers the liberal government including mr nixon have taken no action up to the present time in regard to this proposal in keeping with its record in the legis lature on the public platform and in the press ever since 1939 the progressive conservative party as already indicated is pledged to carry out the program outlined in the 22points of its platform the only means of making sure that these forward looking committments will be put into forthright practice is to vote georgo drew and the progressive conservative party into office on august 4th the issue is in the hands of the elector who ore under a patriotic and moral obliga tion to do three things 1 see that your name it on tho valors iht 2 get out and work for the progrottrva coniervarlvo party and hi platform and a greater and mora proiporous ontario 3 talk to your friend and acquaintance and goj ihom to the poll on the right tide make ontario strong work and vote for the progressive conservative candidate vote august 4 for the

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