the tribune stouffville ont thursday july 1st 1943 farmers fishermen guides tourist outfitters take notice that on and after july 1 1943 you may buy marked gasoline free from the ontario tax at time of purchase commencing july 1 1943 the ontario gasoline tax on marked gasoline will be exempted at the time of purchase to those engaged in farming licensed commercial fishermen licensed guides licensed or bona fide tourist outfitters upon presentation to the retailer of a purchase permit and correctly filled out exemption statement if you are included in one of the above classifications you should make applica tion immediately for your purchase permit issued free by the depart ment of highways how to secure purchase permit and exemption statement book applications for purchase permits may be secured from your local retailer of marked gasoline department of highways division offices or gasoline tax branch department of highways toronto application forms now available purchase permit with a supply of exemption statements bound in book form will be forwarded by the department as soon as application has been approved to purchase marked gasoline under the hew system permit liolder must show retailer his purchase permit and both permitholder or his authorized agent and retailer or his agent must sign correctly filled out exemption statement before sale is made notice to all vendors of marked gasoline ah vendors of marked gasoline wai be required to obtain a special license to allow them to sell marked gasoline free from the ontario gasoline tax license may be secured from the gasoline tax branch department of highways toronto s instructions to retailers 1 retailer or his agent must examine purchase permit and sign exemption statement before sale is made 2 original of exemption statement must not be detached until it has been signed by both retailer or his agent and permit- holder or his authorized agent 3 periodically information contained on these exemption statements will be listed on an application for credit form supplied by the department of highways this application for credit with original exemption statements attached will be handed to distributor for credit of the amount of tax allowed to permit holders 4 secure your appllcationforcreditformsfromyourdistributor the cooperation of purchasers and vendors alike is urged so that the changeover to the new system will be as effective as possible gasoline tax branch department of highways province of ontario t b mcquesten minister of highways d e strong chief inspector of gasoline tax mm