Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 18, 1943, p. 8

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nr- li i v j the tribune- stouffvilleont thursday february 18 1943 classified advs phone 15301 for sale or rent house for sale 7roomed main street stouffville apply to john phillips on premises wanted livestock for sale yorkshire december and february bred sows three boars three months old a few late bred shropshire ewes alex gray claremont phone markham s10 for sale one sow and seven pigs 4 weeks old two sows due around the first of march also a guernsey bull 10 months old les mccullough claremont for sale 12 leister shearlings four grades balance purebred to lamb in april w g dennie lot 30 con 4 ma gormley for sale 1 general purpose team 7 and 8 years old earl doner phone 2508 help wanted experienced married man for fully equipped dairy farm free house hydro phone fuel good wages ross chapman phone 4609 stouffville or 347 j aurora lost and found biegel hound came to my premises owner may have the same by proving property and paying this adv henry miller phone 4914 bell and sox agents for beatty bros water system and barn equipment de- laval milkers and separators re pair parts and service supertest oils and greases phone 2s1 stouffville ontario sturdy deep bodied heavy set bunch of pullets well matured and laying well exceptionally good egg size only 2 cockerels from 300 still have as many as i paid for writes a big4 custom er if you want such chicks lets have your order soon as there is a big demand canadian approved hloodtested agent wesley clark rtt gormley articles for sale for sale automatic blower for any make of furnace good running order jos borinsky phone 1s603 for sale 19 38 pbntiac opera coupe nice car will seat 5 inside gearshift from wheel 375 00 terms will take small truck as part payment phone stouffville 3702 for sale 2furrow cockshutt jewel riding plow nearly new also 2 fleury singlefurrow plows jm farquharson victoria square phone 6103 for sale one set of webb traces good also a set of double lines leather earl keith main st stouffville for sale 1936 ford v8 coach in good condition completely overhauled good tires phone 6116 order your colony house now more eggs and more poultry urgently needed come and see these colony houses cottage roof new nicely painted and built on skids we can fill additional orders promptly geo w baker gormley phone 7304 de laval milkers the government has released an other small quota of de laval milk ers and we can now take orders for almost immediate delivery so if in need of a milker order now we have one 4 slightly used delayal double unit milker for sale at a worthwhile bargain in price bell son phono 281 stouffvillo ont delaval milking machines a limited number of milkers for deliveiy within 30 days instal lation made in the order they are received subject to gov permit cash or terms toronto radio sports ltd 241 yonge st wa 4601 attention farmers we now have received details of our farm machinery quota for 1943 it is not much but better than we expected so if in need of new mach inery order now- bell son the cockshutt dealers phono sol kawleigh notice i still have my rawlelgh bus- ness and x a full line of pro ducts on hand at the same old price they may be had at the house or by phoning 8004 for a mall order due to gasoline ration ing we cannot travel the roads as formerly ira d rusnel milk coolers and grinders frigidaire and wood coolers and grinders combination fuel and electric ranges moffatt electro- pai heaters cash or terms toronto radio sports ltd 241 yonge st wa 4501 in memoriam boake in loving memory of ouv dear mother alberta boake who passed away felbruary 19 1939 gone is the face we loved so dear silent is the voice we loved to hear too far away for sight or speech but not too far for thought to reach sweet to remember her who once was here and who though absent is just as dear lovingly remembered by albert margaret and girls in memoriam in loving memory of a dear husband and father ralph nighswander who passed away feb 12 1942 he suffeied on earth he will suffer no more in the loved land of the blest pain fled as he trod heavens bright shore it left him at peace and rest remembered by wife and family in memoriam nighswander in memory of our father ralph nighswander who departed this life february 12th 1942 farewell dear father thy work is oer thy willing hands will toil no more a loving father one of the best oh grant him jesus heavenly rest ever remembered by ellwood isola and family card of thanks i wish to show my appreciation and thanks for the many kind mess ages cards letters flowers etc sent to me during my long illness from my many friends many thanks for the kindness which i shall never foiget of rev d davis and sons during christmas time and to miss bertha winn for the lovely plant she sent the womens institute and mis licorish tor fruit and flow ers may god bless you every one mrs g h saunders card of thanks we wish to express our sincere appreciation and thanks to our many friends and relatives also the members of dixon hill wms for their kindnesses messages of sym pathy and beautiful floral tributes extended to us during our present bereavement mrs j davis and family card of thanks mrs asling and the daughters of the late wllmot asling wish to express their thanks and apprecia tion to all the friends and neighbors for their many kindnesses during mr aslings long illness and recent passing the best results are obtained from trlbine classified advs this year- start ywctiicks its good business this year to start your chicks earlier than ever for good bray chicks see stiver bros stonfftille ontario card of thanks mr walter symes and family wish to express their deep gratitude to all the kind neighbors and friends also relatives who assisted during their recent bereavement in the loss of a beloved wife and mother the beautiful floral tributes were also greatly appreciated additional locals send the tribune to absent friends it is just like a letter from home mrs george menzies toronto visited her mother mrs henry van- zant and her sister mrs kldd at the old home here over sunday miss jean westlake who makes her home here with mr and mrs l c murphy has taken a position with the g w gage co ltd tor onto one wcodchuck apparently thinks spring isnt far away when he look ed out of his den as he stayed around a little too long and was picked up by robert spoffords sale register wednesday feb 24 guernsey dispersal sale of 50 pure bred guernsey females 2 highclass bulls age 1 and 2 years 18 top grade guernsey females to be sold at the farm of a lome cousins aurora 2 miles west of aurora on schomberg highway all cattle under accreclted herd plan terms of sale cash no reserve sale at 1230 sharp in case of bad wea ther sale under cover catalogues on request gordon rutledge manager lome e franklin auc tioneer tuesday february 23 25 head of registered jerseys fully accredited and bloodtested at lot 35 con 5 pickering half mile east of locust hill on the townllne the property of wm miller no reserve owner giving up mrlk business sale at 2 oclock a s farmer auctioneer wednesday mar 3 ex tensive auction sale of modern farm equipment including im plements power machines trac tor threshing machines milkers etc also household furniture reg jersey and farm stock at lot 9 con 5 markham 1 miles west of unionville and a quarter mile south of no 7 highway the pioperty of jack fraser river- dale farm for further parti- culais see list next week in this paper also bills terms cash sale at 12 noon sharp clarke prentice auctioneer thursday february 25th extensive auction sale at lot 1 con 14 reach victoria corn ers the property of wilbert st john 25 holstein cows herd bull and heifers 10 brood cows and 70 young hogs 10 good woik hoises 60 leghorn pullets hay seed grain farm sold sale at 12 oclock shaip terms cash fred johnston cleik w f marquis auctioneer uxbridge thursday feby 25 exten sive auction sale of choice 66 acre dairy farm also farm stock implements new case tractor hay grain furnituie etc at lot 5 rear con 9 markham just east of box grove the estate of the late john p beckett terms cash sale at 1230 see bills for details clarke prentice auctioneers saturday feby 27 high class household furniture including piano electnc washer electric range etc the property of d j howe kingston road one mile east of rouge hill terms cash sale at 1230 clarke prentice auctioneer wednesday march 3 choice dairy cattle farm stock and implements including milking machines and new case manure spreader at lot 28 con 1 pick ering quaiter mile west of dun- barton just north of the king ston road the property of russel connor sale at one terms cash no reserve owner giving up farming a s farmer auctioneer thursday march 4 entire farm stock and implements be longing to abram stouffer 10th concession of whitchurch adjoin ing stouffvlle terms cash owner giving up general farm ing sale at one terms cash a s farmer auctioneer thursday march 4 horses cattle implements grain and miscellaneous articles on the farm of a s stouffer adjoining stouff ville at lot 2 rear 9 th con cession whitchurch no reserve terms cash start at one a s farmer auctioneer saturday march 6th auction sale of milk cows farm stock and implements hay grain also uni versal milking machine two units nearly new sale to be held at same farm as the big guernsey sale two miles west of aurora on schomberg highway terms of sale cash no reserve sale at one oclock a lome cousins owner cameron walklngton auctioneer saturday march 6 140 acre farm high class with good build ings city conveniences part lot is con 6 plckering the proper ty of george zimmers limited for details apply to owners or the undersigned sale at 3 pm clarke prentice auctioneer tuesday march 16 entire farm stock and implements at lot 16 con 3 uxbridge the property of horace johnston sale at ono terms cash a s farmer auctioneer wednesday march 17 choice dairy herd including farm stock implements at lot 7 con 6 whitchurch the property of charles atkinson no reserve owner retiring sale at one sharp terms cash a s fanner auction eer protests 2 regular meetings monthlyburied here monday without a reeve or deputy reeve to guide their deliberations mark ham township council on monday afternoon passed the annual road appropriation bylaw calling for an expenditure of 26000 and on which the department should pay half last year this amount was called for in the bylaw but the department cut it by several thous and dollars councillor albert reesor declar- j ed his disapproval of a resolution passed at the last meeting when he was one of the absentees setting two regular meetings per month in stead of the regular first monday gathering the protest was noted by the clerk and further discussion of the issue may be heard it is a rare occasion when mark ham council convened without either a reeve or deputy at the meeting councillor w l claik was voted to act in lieu of the reeve farewell party many members of the mbc congregation and a few other friends gathered at the home of mr and mrs ambrose stover on tuesday evening to bid farewell to their son bruce who is leaving for vulcan alberta a nice gift accompanied the well wishes of so many friends mrsphilip macklem red cross notes we acknowledge with thanks a quilt top from mrs david snider more workers are needed at the sewing rooms and knitters are urged to remember that turtleneck and sleeveless sweaters are required in large numbers mrs roy grove send the tribune to absent friends it is jnst like a letter from fcrffc a m t n m auction sale of registered jerseys herd fully acckeditted and blood tested with a dairy test of 5 to 54 the piopert of wm e miller lot 35 con 5 pickering on pickering townlinc 3 94 miles east of markham just south of no 7 on tues febj23 reg cow fieshcalf by side golden constance bennett no 7476s reg cow fresh calf by side nellie blight sunbeam no 110028 reg cow fiesh calf by side clara sunbeam no 110027 reg cow fiesh calf by side view point thelma no 118238 reg cow fiesh calf by side broad view standard bella 2ndnol09248 grade cow fiesh calf by side 5 years old reg cow bred oct 27 full flow lucinda carnation no 87396 reg cow bred oct 25 full flow view point amy no 112947 reg cow bred jan 7 full flow view point prlmiose no 118237 reg cow bred sept 20 milking marina white star no 114776 reg cow bred sept 9 full flow view point pauline no 112948 reg cow bred dec 27 full flow view point madeline no 118236 reg cow bred oct 2s full flow view point fanny no 118506 reg cow bied aug 1 milking view point annabelle no 11876s two reg yearling heifers two reg heifers 5 months old reg bull designs standard volun teer no 104055 terms cash no reserve sale at 130 pm owner going ont of milk business all cattle suibject to iretest of blood at purchasers expense before leaving the premises a sfarmer auctioneer gormley phone 7309 checkers restful after a hard days work at a milling machine is a canadian war plant florence parmci tcr finds relaxtlon at the checker board checkers is just one of the many games and facilities provided for recreation tor one of the very early members of the christian church of blooming- ton and stouffville sarah jane dougherty widow of the late philip w macklem died at her home in toronto on saturday in her 89th year the late mrs macklem was the eldest daughter of the late ellen carleton and john dougherty pioneer couple who farmed just north of bloomlngton on the 9th concession of whltchureh- she united in marriage with philip macklem young carpenter and the couple settled at ringwood then they moved to stouffville where mr macklem died 40 years ago of a family of nine there sur vives the aged mother tour sons and two daughters they are lillie mrs sam daley and lauia mrs dodley who has been living with her mother since the death of her hubband two years ago the sur viving sons are clifford ross fred and stewart the funeral in charge of morley bedfords funeral home proceeded to stouffville cemetery for inter ment on monday afternoon accom panied by members of the family and many relatives the pall bear- els were all grandsons recovering prom wound when an assassin shot down- admiral dnrhiu in the door way of his headquarters a bal let that missed hint hit com modore hourcadc his aide he is now in a hospital recover ing county seed fair at aurora mar 12 in spite of the stormy weather which prevailed a good attendance turned out for the annual meeting of the york county crop improve ment association which was held in the office of the agricultural repre- horses bay gelding gp 5 years dark clyde mare registered cattle black cow due time of sale roan cow due roan cow due before sale black cow due before sale holstein cow due about mar 6 holstein cow full flow bred no 17 red cow full flow bred dec 13 b w cow full flow bred dec 23 blue cow full flow just freshd part guernsey heifer full flow bred dec 24 black white cow full flow freshened january 23 good black and white calf durham bull 2 years old swine and fowl 6 good fat white hogs 8 good feeder hogs about 100 or more pullets rocks and leghorns harness set good farm work harness odd pieces harness and bridles set of bells hay grain roots quant red clover alfalfa mixed about 100 bush wheat abount 500 bush mixed grain sold by cwt quantity potatoes quantities of timothy alfalfa and red clover hay oat straw turnips mangels implements 1 case model s tractor mounted kitchen range diana banner wl in firestone tires perfect condition warming closet reservoir enamel of truck crosscut saw pile scrap iron number good cedar posts mostly anchors good set platform sscales cap 1200 lbs roll farm fencing rural mail box broader house 12x9 on skids gd zlnk-hnr- ed chop box steel vise feed box work bench aid set scales uurgo number of forks bags bars doubletrees yokes and other articles too numerous to mention furniture webei upright piano extension table 3 leaves oak den table walnut table dresser settee suite armchair and rocker woodend bed and springs washstand kitchen cabinet kitchen cabinet glasstop cupboard large kitchen table small kitchen tables tudio couch sink 36 yards of linoleum and oilcloth odd chairs kitchen chairs rockers verandah chairs kitchen dishes and crocks fruit jars coal oil stove lawn seats camp cot peninsular kitchen range warming clset enamel back number of pictures fernery bought new late fall of 1941 1427 horse power mh mower 5 ft cut 1 deerlng ideal binder 6 ft sheaf carrier horse or tractor hitch mh sulky rake 10 ft mh hay tedder 12- tooth mh 12hoe drill spring cultivator 12tooth with stub pole outthrow disk harrow with stub pole steel roller 2drum bain wagon gear adams low farm truck wagon gear with 3in tires near new portable hand sprayer flat rack 14x6 with standards 1 scuffler set grain binder lifters number of buggy wheels upright gas engine 2 hp chicken wire coal burner brooder stove with hover 2 chicken water fountains work bench grain and grass box for cultivator set new wheel back blue and white sausage grfa- der 2 butter bowjs 2 bird cages milk pails strainer the property the farm is composed of 6 ac res more or less with neverffhac spring in the pasture there h good frame dwelling with 8 rooms sunroom summer kitchen wrtt woodshed attached there is a good bank barn 40x50 also a second barn attached used as pig pe lofts above good roofs and lightning rods on both there is a hen hobs 15x20 also newly built implement shed with steel roof the house and outbuildings are in good state of a sentaltive at newmarket president j ii kellam of nashville was to the chair and most of the affiliated organizations were represented the presidents and secretarys re ports indicated a successful year had been experienced in the matter of crop tests conducted and the dur ances in a healthy condition of the 24 exhibitors at last years seedtalr it was encouraging to note that 10 were showing grain or seeds for the- first time and most of them in th money the 1943 county seed fair wht be held in the mechanics hall at auroia on friday march 12tb auction sale 66acre farm stock implements cattle new tractor hay furniture etc there will be sold by public auction on thursday february 25 tho property belonging to the estate of the late john t beckett lot 5 rear concession 9 mar kham mile east of box grove repair with plentiful water supply the land is of good producing day loam in good state of cultivation a lane runs straight through the farm barrow frame handles set baln with hard maple and sprue sloop sleighs good wooden vise i trees the property is situated in set gravel or manure plank box a first class locality hydro is install- 40gal steel drum full of marked ed house and barn gasoline 40gal steel lrum 13 1 terms on farm 10 per cent full of marked gasoline post hole of sale balance in 30 days or auger sot of drag harrows 4sec the purchaser desires the vendor no 21 fleury walking plow pig w accept a mortgage as part crate 1 chatham fanning mill payment the farm will be offered and bagger good number ladders i at 3 pm subject to reserve bid chains of different lengths full fuller particulars day of sale or on set good shngs tree pruner hay application to i fork about 160 feet good draw a cnttnnnch solicitor for thtsjt rope set of stewart clippers esnle or to mrs 3 v ilcckctt ex- number of pulleys sharpless cream ecntrix to kstatc or to clarke separator old draw rope bag iventlcc auctioneer terms on chattels cash sale at 12 noon sharp j a cattanach mrs 3 t beckett solicitor for tho estate executrix clarke prentce andoneer mulikcn m

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