Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 18, 1943, p. 2

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the tribune stouffviue ont thursday february 18 1943 uilp tauffmlie ribunr established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffviue ontario eight to twelve pages weekly circulation 1850 copies subscription kates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa s250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments gives advice to horticultural societies mr john clark of the department of agriculture gave the mount albert horticultural society some thoughts at their annual meeting chiefly of which was the idea to carry on the boys in britain he said have seen the beauty of the old land and when they return things should look good to them here over there the horticultural societies are carrying on so why should we giveup here the beauti- fication that has been accomplished should not be lost and that is a thought that might be taken into the heart of every society in ontario now as never before the good work should be maintained we should not allow these splendid societies to fall apart the diversion from the hard task of the war is worth a great deal to all of us diversion that the work of these societies provide blood donors urgently wanted from uxbridge came a call last week for fifty more blood donors they are asked to leave their names at fred mowders store in claremont or at charles watsons store goodwood if that is more convenient than to apply in the town of uxbridge dont wait to be asked says the appeal if you are between 18 and 55 you can render a great service the blood is taken by a physician by a simple and pain less process requiring about 15 minutes and it does not incapacitate anyone your donation may save a life so call up one of these stores today or phone h spofford in ux bridge town the campaign is under the sponshorship of the uxbridge red cross and is worthy of anyones support over 100 years of service the green family at greenwood has conducted the mill ing business there for 110 years at one time it was a more pretentious business than in this day when the country mill is not so highly prized but it stands as a great land mark in pickering township the country mill often saved the farmer walking 25 miles with a bag of grain on his back or horseback to get it turned into flour carrick mills in markham operated by the braces was probably estab lished much the same time as the green family started where is there another business more essential to the wel fare of the farmer that has carried onjn the same location with so little change in their business as the country mill editor tells the merchants of a new idea the newmarket era came out with an editorial last week saying that the merchants of that town might well consid er closing their places of business on saturday nights at six oclock until spring time arrives probably the editor wanted to startle the business men of the town or frighten the farmers or probably business is so poor in newmarket on a saturday evening that the merchants are not getting enough return for their effort of night work whatever the era editor had in mind he suggested that the merchants ought to consider this dras tic step one thing about the suggestion is that no other person will ever have thought of it and therefore it will make the era readers sit up and ponder the idea some day we are going to ask the merchants of stoufifville if they would consider six oclock closing on saturdays for the winter season tax forms must be simplified one of the most timely editorials appearing in the fin ancial post for some time gave reference last week to the complicated income tax forms being issued by the govern ment it is safe to say that not one in a dozen persons liable for taxation knows how to figure out the tax and scores of people are evading the tax because they do not understand it at all here is the reference made in the post is there any good reason why our income tax forms should be so complicated true the authorities face a tremendous task in making the tax as equitable as possible so that citizens with special and private obligations will not be compelled to carry an unjust burden but the tax form has become so complicat- ed that the average person is completely baffled local officers of the department of national revenue are besieged by all sorts of people utterly bewildered as to what information is required and the total of taxes expect ed indeed this bewilderment is not confined to the aver age taxpayer either some officials of the local income tax offices have been known to give two entirely different answers to identical questions in far too many cases discouraged taxpayers have al ready turned the job of estimating their income taxes over to a lawyer or accountant in other and more numerous cases the job has been left to employers who already have manifold extra tasks- where this is done the taxpayer likely has only the vaguest idea of how much he is paying and the vital feature of bringing the cost of war home to every indiv idual is lost with the income tax now taking such a substantial part of all our gross personal earnings and involving such a large new group of canadians sweeping simplification is urgently necessary to be effective the income tax form should be made simple enough so that at least a high school boy could understand it and readily fill in all the answers sunday school lesson february 21 jesus the good shepherd golden text i am the good shep herd the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep john 1011 the lesson as a whole when our blessed lord spoke of himself as the good shepherd he was using a term that the jews understood ao belonging to god himself in the wellknown twenty- third psalm david sang the lord jehovah is my shepherd and in psalm s01 we read give ear o shepherd of israel thou that leadeth joseph like a flock jacob in the blessing of the tribes spoke of messiah as the shepherd the stone of israel gen 49 24 isaiah prophesied saying behold the lord god will come with strong- hand he shall feed his flock like a shepherd he shall gather the lambs with his arm and carry them in his bosom and shall gently lead those that are with young isa 4010 11 many other old testament passages picture jehovah as the shepherd seeking the lost and caring for his flock so when the lord jesus christ announced himself as the good shepherd who had come to seek his sheep and to die for the flock he was really de claring his deity and his messiah- ship the word rendered good literally means beautiful it re fers here to beauty of character his was the beauty of holiness in tenderest love he came to find his sheep and to redeem them from destruction to lead themout of the fold of judaism with its narrow legal restrictions into the liberty of grace where they would feed in contentment gathered about him self and protected by his mighty hand every king in israel was looked upon as the shepherd of his people and as jehovahs undershep- herd who was responsible to feed and tend his flock ezek 34 in measure at least all of these had failed so jesus christ came to ful fill gods ideal and to gather to gether the sheep both of israel and the nations that all might be one flock ezek 3423 verse by verse john 101 he that entereth not by the door into the sheepfold is a thief and a robber the sheepfold does not refer to heaven it is not of mans vain effort to obtain entrance to that blessed abode by his own works that the lord here speaks the fold was judaism those who tried to enter other than by the door of gods apofntment were the false shep herds the pseudomessiahs of whom there had been many and several of which are mentioned in scripture see acts 536 37 barabas him self was one of these who hoped to overthrow the roman power and so deliver israel luke 231819 mark 157 these men did not enter by the door they broke in like thieves and rdbbers and proved that they had no divine authority verse 2 he that entereth in by the door is the shepherd of the sheep this was the lord jesus christ himself who came in exact accord with the prophetic word and in perfect obedience to the fathers will verse 3 to him the portei openeth john the baptist was the porter he recognized christ as the expected one and presented him to israel as the promised messiah john 12934 verso 4 the sheep follow him for they know his voice he came seeking the lost sheep of the house of israel matt 10 5 6 1524 these were those who were waiting for the saviour to appear and who received him in faith he led them out of the jewish fold with its legal restrictions into christian freedom where they could enjoy the liberty of grace verse 5 they know not the voice of strangers these israelites like nathanael recognized jesus christ as messiah john 14749 they were a bit carried away by the pretensions of others they knew the shepherds voice and obeyed it verse 111 i am the good shep herd in contrast to the selfseek ing pretenders who had so often deceived the people and raised false hopes jesus presented himself as the good shepherd who had come to lay down his life in order to redeem the sheep verse 12 an hireling icavoth the sheep and fleeth these false ones fled in the hour of danger and left their poor deluded followers exposed to their cruel enemies he came to stand between the flock and the foe to die that the sheep might live vevrso 13 the hireling careth not for tho sheep actuated by selfinterest the hireling thinks only of his own comort and safety it was far otherwise with our lord to whom the sheep of the flock were dearer than his own life verse 14 i know my sheep and am known of mine to this good shepherd every individual sheep is precious ho knows each one intimately and they learn to know him and so to depend upon his loving care verse 15 i lay down my life for the sheep in no other way could ho redeem his flock from the death that hung over them because of no 1 naval problem the editors mail cars are not allowed for pleasure the exception is for use in carrying people to church there is no cocoa in this city coffee and postum are hard to get tea is a ibit more plentl- the editors mall on page two pro- ful we cant get butter but there vldes two highly interesting letters is a substitute for it called nutley this week while they were not nee- 1 which looks like butter tastes like essarily written for publication we it and is said to he very nutrious it considered them so full of interesting sells for about 20c per pound no news from such well known person- j bacon is in sight ages as dr thos mitchell and inj the preachers here have no trouble spector archie stouffer that we know getting people to church it is not our readers are going to enjoy them because the heralds of the gospel are mr stouffer of course is a son of better than ours at home indeed i mr abram stouffer of this place and think that on the average they are a former principal of the local school hotel bates st petersburg florida dear mr nolan this is monday morning yester day and today we are having quite a cold spell at such a time most of the houses here are colder than at home we have an oil stove in our cottage and we afe quite comfortable i think the winter wear for the year around here would be light wool evenings and mornings are always cool and the usual thing is for the not as good it is because the folks i who come here are for the most part 1 church going people and in addition they are ailing in some degree and are therefore in need of the rein forcement a live church can give two blocks from where we live is a church that has two services in succession every sunday morning in order to accommodate worshippers when one service ends ten or twelve hundred people are at the door wait ing to get in for the next all over the city the churches are full the other evening i went to a ser- sun to break through about 10 am colored church the sermon the sunshine is really glorious vlce ln a colotea church ilie sermon business directory dental e barker lds djks honor graduate of royal coeeg of dental surgeons and of te university of toronto office in grublus block phone 274 markham every tuesdar office in wear block medical dr s s ball physician and surgeoa xray office cor obrien and mtfn phone 196 coroner for york countr dr arthur l hore physician and surgeon general medicine and obstetrics also eye ear nose and throat eyes tested glasses fitted and repaired markham ont phone 7 v insurance the folks here are being quite heavily rationed sightseeing vehi cles are all off the roads private the violation of gods holy law it was his life or ours he died that we might live verse 16 other sheep i have which are not of this fold he meant those from among the gen tiles who would turn to him he died not for the jews alone but for all men john 114951 1 tim 2- 5 gwhen saved these both are united in one flock with one shepherd this was spolcen looking forward to gods present work among the nations verse 27 my sheep hear my voice and i know them and they follow me no one belongs to his flock who does not hear his voice and seek to follow where he leads all such he knows by name ana confesses as his own verse 28 i give unto them eternal life eternal life is non forfeitable otherwise it would no be eternal those who possess this life shall never perish for he who began the work of grace in the- will bring it to completion phil 16 he says neither shall any pluck them out of my hand note that in the bible the word man is in italics there is nothing to represent it in the original none can take a sheep of chrst away from the good shepherd angels would not desire to demons and men can not if they would all are secme who belong to his flock verse 29 my father is greater than all he speaks as the dependent man who came to do the fathers will the father ratifies the work of his son and guarantees the safety of all who trust him verse 30 i and my father are one in chapter 8 16 we found a similar expression i and the father if jesus were not conscious of his own deity it would be the height of conceited egoism it not actual blashphemy so to speak but the persons of the godhead are co equal though tho son had stooped in grace to become man he did not cease to be god he ever spoke and acted as one with the father was not strong at all but the spon taneity enthusiasm and the dignity of the other parts of the service cer- i tainly did surprise me the singing was by all odds the best i have heard for many a day what wonderful voices these negroes have and how well they can use them well we expect to stay here a couple of weeks more and then we hope to meander about the state to see other parts before we leave for home if you find yourself unable continued to page 6 horace walsh electrician for the stouffvlllo hydro system trouble of any kind over the village system cheerfully attended to private work at moderate rates telephone 2704 lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family womens hosiery gloves shoes socks boots and mitts stoultvllle phone 4301 opposite the town clock thomas birkett son general insurance ageiy stouffville ontario established 1908 insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates promt service phone 25902 stontrtue hcklinck phone 3307 stoncvnia fire auto burglary sickness and accident fidelity bonds the- standard life assurance co the pioneer of canadian life insurance a mutual company with 117 years experience strength and service unexcelled a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance ca -also- automobile and ifire barristers office phone residence pkoao 3160 35k arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary pbiuc 6 king street east oshawa oktario resident partner wcpolalrdkc uxbridge ontario branch office port perry phone 2g office phone elgin 7021 residence phono mo 03m samuel d borins barrister solicitor etc 503 temple bldg 62 richmond street west toronto stouffviue floral roses wedding bouquets funeral designs cut flowers miit smith prop telephone 7001 7002 stouffville marble granite works orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor phone 4303 a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffviue monday wednesday fridays 9 to 12 am brierbush hospital government licensed slain street east stonsrjhe maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service registerde nurses and 24 hour service mrs e r good phone 191 r g clendening funeral director ambulance service phone markham 9000 l e oneill stouffviiiiie funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night a s farmer licensed ausiioneer 20 years experience 2 20 years experience york county uxbridge and picker ing townships farm stock and furniture sales a specialty telephone stoultvllle 730s address gormley po clarke prentice phone agincourt s2 v3 mmikea licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and on tario successor for corpl ken prentice of casf and of the lata j h prentice former prentice prentice farm and farm stock sales a specialty at fair and able rates

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