the tribune stouffyille ont thursday january 21 1943 7 established 1888 member of the canadian weekly newspaper association issued every thursday at stouffville ontario eight to twelve pages weekly circulation 1850 copies subscription rates per year in advance in canada 200 in usa 250 a v nolan son publishers notes and comments now is time to act on food there is just one thing more important than bullets in this war says the financial post and that is food with out an adequate supply of that vital commodity for our selves and our allies then the fight is hopeless but while ottawa has done a great deal to develop an ample supply of munitions its attitude has been disconcertingly com placent regarding food only in the last few weeks has some semblance of a coordinated production plan appeared and so far little has been done in assuring that this plan will be carried out for over a year farmers have been warning the domin ion government that they were running desperately short of help yet the drain of young men and women from the countryside to the armed forces and urban munition plants has been allowed to continue until farms are almost com pletely denuded that drain has now been officially blocked but as statements from competent farm observers indi cate the move came far too late to prevent serious injury to assure even a moderate food supply for our civilian population and our armed forces at home and to fulfill our export quotas to great britain skilled labor must be div erted back to the farms and at once bacon butter eggs cheese beef and milk do not just grow on the farm of their own accord these foods are manufactured on the farm from hay grain and other raw materials through the medium of livestock labor is re quired every clay in the year in this manufacturing if we sit around and merely talk about the farm labor shortage until seeding is ready to start next spring then it will be too late to avert a food shortage we can avoid that calamity but we must act at once unjust punishment it isshocking to learn that a young woman employed in a toronto post office as a temporary helper during the christmas rush has been sentenced to three years imprison ment on a charge of stealing letters admitting that the offense is a serious one it is hardly comparable to that of a similar criminal act on the part of a seasoned post office employee who had had a much great er opportunity to become imbued with the responsibility of his position and the seriousness of theft from his majes tys mails we wonder whether the young woman actually knew how serious the offense was regarded the same comment might be made regarding the teen- aged boy in oshawa who was found guilty of a similar offense but who fortunately for him was still a juvenile if he had been a few months older the magistrate would have had no alternative but to send him down for three years there should be some basis upon which an appeal could be launched to ameliorate the extreme sentence handed out to the young woman in toronto or if that procedure is not available then we believe the application should be made for executive clemency the application of such a severe sentence to young people who are helping out with the christmas rush of mail and who succumb to temptation perhaps on the spur of the moment is not in keeping with british justice or common sense 1 should seek a simpler method last week was the deadline for making income tax re turns for the quaiter ending january 15 the complicated forms with their still more complicated manner in comput ing taxation proved a headache for thousands of people the great majority of whom had to engage legal help to fill iri the questions and arrive at the amount of tax what isneeded is some easier manner of computation or a printed table indicating the amount an employer has to pay if his net income is so much such a table is avail- able for arriving at employees tax surely the present difficult method of figuring the tax could be simplified many an individual is more worried over how to arrive at the proper amount of taxation than how they are to save the money to meet the indebtedness sidewalk troubles elsewhere the police have evidently thrown up their hands in oshawa in their effort to enforce the snow cleaning by law so much of the beautiful has fallen on the city that sidewalks are away down under vacant lots the oshawa times declaims editorially are the worst we mention this fact for the benefit of our stouffville rate payers who have beendoing an excellent job on the local walks in view of the great amount of snow to handle this winter e a visitor from another town informed us lecently that their municipality had ceased trying to clean the side walks and folks just made a path through with their feet or used the roadway even before the snow became heavy stouffville made a good showing in providing a reasonable walk for pedes- trains for more sanding or ashing was done than ever due to a little prompting by the sidewalk inspector and more publicity it is a good thing to keep the sidewalks safe and the authorities are to be commended in their effort to keep the householders conscious of this effort sunday school lesson lesson for january 24 jksfs thk gkkat physician goldeu tevt wilt thou be made whole john 5tt the lesson as a whole in the gospel according to john we have eight miracles recorded they are called signs and are de signed to emphasize the divinity and deity of our adorable lord each of them illustrates some great spiritual reality the first sign is the changing of water into wine chap 2711 setting forth the creatorial power of christ the healing of the noblemans son chap 44654 presents him as the saviour of the children in the pre sent instance the healing of the i paralytic we see him as the one in whom is fullness of power to de liver from the utter helplessness in to which sin plunges its victims for man is not only a lost and guilty sinner but he is utterly without ability to retrieve his condition or to walk before god in the way of righteousness all help must come from another who is stronger than he and in whom all virtue and heal ing are found the poor helpless man at bethesda was afflicted in measure at least because of some sin in his past life his palsied con dition had been brought about apparently through some evil be havior or excess otherwise one can scarcely think of the lord warning him in the way he did when he fife old home lo f by stanley business directory dental said thing definite action verse 9 immediately the man was made whole the same day was the sabbath as he acted upon the words of jesus new life enter ed his withered limbs and he who had been helpless for so long sprang to his feet a well man one would have supposed everyone who saw what had taken place would have rejoiced because of so great a manifestation of divine power but the narrow bigoted legalists who were looking on remembered it was sin no more lest a worse the holy sabbath day and so en- come unto thee theie grossed were they with the letter result of sin but it would he a traditions added to it they could great mistake to suppose that this is not imagine god thus cripple on x always the case sickness may be mercy to the poor the effect of overstrain as in the sacred day case of epaphroditus phil 22530 i verse 10 the jews or as a means o preventing possible it is the sabbath day it is not failure as in the instance of pauls i for thee to carry thy bed physical ailment 2 cor 127 the law forbade labor on the sab- these bodies of ours aie subject to bath and as nehemiah had for- all the ills that flesh is heir to bidden the tyrean merchants and eccles s14 911 hut when their customeis to bear burdens on sickness conies the christian should that day xeh 1319 there had seek to leain from it whatever les- those who found fault with him for carrying his bed he perhaps hoped that they would turn to him also verse 16 the jews sought to slay him because he had done these things on the sabbath day with terrible malignancy these men who made their boast in the law would have destroyed him who came to fulfill the law and the prophets had they been permitted to do so verse 17 my father worketh hitherto and i work gods rest after the work of creation was fin ished had soon been broken be cause of mans sin and he had never kept a sabbath of perfect freedom from service to mankind i since as the father thus wrought said so the son was constantly occupied in repairing sins ravages for him there could be no true sabbath rest fiom toil and labor until the work of redemption was accomplished showing his e s barker l-ds- djxs honor graduate of royal colle of dental surgeons and of tie university of toronto office in grubinx block phone 274 markham every tuesday office ic wear block medical dr s s ball physician and surgeon xray office cor obrien and ham phone 196 coroner for york county son god has for him accepting it as part of the divine discipline or chastening heb 12511 the lord jesus is the gieat physician and we are entitled to come to him for physical healing in accordance with his holy will verse v verse john 52 a pool which is call ed in the hebrew tongue bethesda this we are told was located near to the sheep gate rather than market and the name means house of mercy veise 3 a great multitude of impotent folk in the five porches of bethesda there were gathered a great group of distressed invalids each hoping his turn would come to avail himself of the relief when the waters were troubled veise 4 whosoever then first stepped in was made whole it was deliverance for those who needed it least the strongest could press to the pool while the weaker ones were thrust back verse 5- a certain man which had an infirmity thirty and eight years long before the saviour came to earth this mans illness began at last the set time had come for his relief verse g wilt thou be made whole the question was direct and simple and the same question comes to every needy soul the great healer iswalting to manifest his power on behalf of those who are ready to be healed verse 7 sir i have no man not realizing who it was that had so definitely inquired concerning his desire to be made whole the palsied man thought only of being helped into the pool and as he had no friend interested enough to assist him he felt hiscase was hopeless verse srrise take up thy bed and walk the command of the lord produced faith in the sick ones grown up a great body of rules and regulations regarding the size and weight of articles that might law fully be carried by the faithful at that time to these jewish legalists an punctilious observance of tre rules and traditions of the elders was far more impoitant than the relief of human suffering verse 11 he that made me whole said take up thy bed and walk the mans answer to their faultfinding was definite and based on logical leasoning if jesus had power to heal his body he had the authority to command his obedience verso 12 what man is that whether actually ignor ant or not of the name of the great healer they challenged the man who was canying his bed to give his deliverers name that they might accuse him verse 13 he that was healed wist not who it was actually jes us had not made himself known by name to the one he had benefited and he had mingled with the crowd so that his presence was not readily discerned verse 14 afterwards jesus findeth him in the temple who can doubt but that a sense of gratitude to god for his renewed strength had drawn the man to the house of the lord where jesus found him again and gave a word of warning saying sin no more lest a worse thing come unto thee this makes it evident that the mans long illness had some connection with sin previously committed he was warned to be careful in the future and not to turn the grace of god into lasciviousness jude4 when god deals with us in grace we are not to abuse his loving kind ness nor to presume upon its con tinuance if we walk after the flesh gal 513 verse 15 the man told dr arthur l hore surgeon v general medicine and obstetrics also eye ear nose and throat eyes tested glasses fitted and repaired markham ont phone 61 insurance thomas birkett son general insurance agency stouffville ontario established 1908 insurance in reliable companies at reasonable rates promt service phone 25902 stouffville- cpl c av shaddock ingersoll ontario one of the rugged lighting moil selected to form the nucleus of the first can adian paratroops unit the men who liave recently com pleted their course at the big us army school at fort ben- ning ga ill serve as in structors for canadian para troops lehmans shoe store footwear for all the family womens hosiery gloves shoes socks boots and mitts stouflville phone 4301 opposite the town clock h o klinck stouffville ont fhone mot for your insurance needs in fire life automobile burglar and all casualty lines a c burkholder insurance canada life assurance co -also- automobile and fire barristers office phone residence phone 3160 3514 arthur w s greer barrister solicitor notary pubuic 0 king street bast oshawa ontario resident partner branch offlco wcpolalrdkc port perry uxbridge ontario phone 25 office phone elgin 7021 residence phono mo s23b v d borins barrister solicitor etc 503 temple bldg 6 2 richmond street west toronto heart there was that about the the jews that it was jesus reveal- words of jesus that led the hearer to ing the name of his benefactor to stouffville marble granite works reeve contendere for high office reeve a e weldon of stouffville is a candidate for the office of york county road commissioner which will be decided as this paper is being put through the press this wednesday afternoon next to the warden there are two top ranking officials in the county and they are the two county commissioners if reeve weldon is successful in being elected to one of these offices he is to be con gratulated v in all its 76 years of existence the village we believe was never accorded such a commissionership hence the honor is to be more appreciated because it is so hard to get in the smaller places- county commissioners who act with the warden are elected by ballot unless they happen to be accorded an acclamation the news spreads the tales that are told of the rural telephone are many and amusing but this one from a recent issue of the chesley enterprise is a fair indication of how news travels via the party line next to the enterprise the best place to advertise is on the rural telephone says a local merchant he tells us that raisins have been a scarce commodity but he got in a shipment one day a farm woman in placing her order for groceries inquired if he had any raisins he said he had so she told him to include a pound in her order within five minutes after she had hung up half a dozen other women on the same line called up and ordered raisins orders promptly executed p tarr proprietor phone 4303 a c kennedy chiropractor church street stouffville monday wednesday fridayb 9 to 2 am brierbush hospital government licensed slain street east stouftville maternity medical and surgical cases taken ambulance service registerde nurses and 24 hour service mrs e r good phone 191 l e oneill stotjffviiilie funeral director and embalmer continuous telephone service day and night r g clendening funeral direclor ambulance service phone markham 9000 a s farmer licensed austioneer 20 years experience 28 20 years experience york county uxbridge and picker- ing townships farm stock and furniture sates a specialty telephone stouffville 730s address gormley po clarke prentice phone agincoiirt r2 wt milliben licensed auctioneer for the counties of york and on tario successor for corpl ken prentice of casf and of the late j h prentice former prentice prentice farm and farm stock sales a specialty at fair and reason able rates